
    003 - A Cop's Shrink and a Cop's Crisis Line with Stephanie Samuels

    en-usMarch 06, 2023

    About this Episode


    Stephanie Samuels is a Police Psychotherapist and has been in Private Practice for over 35 years with Law Enforcement Officers.  She is also the CopLine Founder and Director.  She founded CopLine.org 18 years ago as a Pay It Forward.

     The CopLine heartbeat continues with the volunteers that share a Servant’s Heart


    • Addressing Symptoms 
    • Educating spouses and significant others 
    • Leaving the situation

    Website: CopLine.org

    Phone: 1-800-CopLine

    E-Mail: Director@copline.org

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    Recent Episodes from De-Escalation Conversations

    038 - Your Calendar is a Reflection of Your True Values

    038 - Your Calendar is a Reflection of Your True Values

    On this episode of De-Escalation Conversations, host Kerry Mensior delves into the powerful concept that your calendar is a reflection of your true values.

    He reflects on the challenges individuals face when focusing on what they lack instead of acknowledging their achievements, and how this mindset can affect mental health.

    Kerry shares practical steps on using a calendar to live a fulfilling life by aligning it with your values and responsibilities, while also improving relationships and reducing procrastination.

    Tune in for valuable insights and actionable tips to start living your life by design.

    Get your FREE BANKcode here ($99.00 value):

    The Power of Gratitude:
    "When you're in gratitude, your brain cannot also be in survival state."

    — [00:00:44 → 00:00:48]

    The Importance of Your Calendar: 
    "Your calendar is a reflection of your true values."

    — [00:01:48 → 00:01:52]

    The Gap and The Gain: 
    "I want you to think about that for just a moment because anytime you've been depressed, anytime you've been down, any anytime that you've just been Feeling like you're slogging through mud every day. Most of the time, you're looking at the gap, not at the gain. You're looking at what you don't have versus what you do have."

    — [00:04:02 → 00:04:49]

    Time Management and Procrastination: 
    "But if your family is not on your calendar, then you're not living your values."

    — [00:06:16 → 00:06:21]

    Prioritizing Time with Loved Ones:
    "When are they gonna have a little bit of time? When are they gonna have a 15 minute time block? And right now, what I want you to do is I want you to put it on your calendar."

    — [00:08:26 → 00:08:33]

    BANKCode Assessment: 
    "It's what we use in one of our de escalation tools because it allows you to know the language that the other person can best hear, Not the language that you natively speak."

    — [00:08:51 → 00:09:03]

    gratitude, success, achievement, depression, values, calendar, time management, relationships, experiences, family, goal setting, planning, procrastination, emotional state, survival state, executive state, neuroscience, mindset, priorities, reflection, accountability, personality assessment, teamwork, joy, fulfillment, training, scheduling, career, goals, priorities, lifestyle

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usDecember 05, 2023

    037 - Deep Dive into Routines: Leveraging Evening and Morning Rituals for Success

    037 - Deep Dive into Routines: Leveraging Evening and Morning Rituals for Success

    In this episode of De-Escalation Conversations, Kerry Mensior delves into the powerful impact of evening and morning routines, with a focus on the practice of journaling.

    Kerry emphasizes the importance of reflection and introspection through journaling, detailing the "WLAG's" approach to capturing Wins, Losses, Aha's, and Goals.

    He explores the significance of journaling in personal growth and trauma healing, providing insights into the neuroscience behind its effectiveness.

    With practical tips and techniques, Kerry guides listeners through establishing their own journaling routine and integrating it with mindfulness and meditation practices.

    Furthermore, he shares his personal morning routine, highlighting the pivotal role of consistency and exercise in his healing journey.

    Tune in for valuable insights on using routines and journaling as transformative tools for personal growth and healing.

    The Power of Gratitude: 
    "Your brain does not allow you to be in gratitude and in survival state at the same time, what will happen is if you go into gratitude, your brain will go, oh, I'm safe, and you'll shift into executive state."

    — [00:07:13 → 00:07:25]

    The Power of Journaling:
    "When we write, especially by hand, we engage multiple areas of our brain, including those are involved in thinking language and working memory."

    — [00:11:07 → 00:11:15]

    Goal-setting and Journaling:
    "A journal can be your road map and a companion in this journey."

    — [00:11:52 → 00:11:55]

    The Importance of Introspection: 
    "At the end of each day or sometimes maybe even a week, you can write about what you learned, what you struggled with, and how you can improve."

    — [00:12:48 → 00:12:55]

    The Power of Journaling for Trauma Healing: 
    "It definitely increases your positivity, and it opens your mind up to more opportunities for success."

    — [00:13:39 → 00:13:46]

    journaling, introspection, personal growth, trauma healing, morning routine, evening routine, goal setting, reverse engineering, sleep, rest, gratitude journaling, mindfulness, meditation, self reflection, emotional healing, accountability, resilience, success, consistency, prompts, meditation practice, exercise, workout, 75 hard, sunlight, vitamin D, lifestyle design, self-discovery, healing journey, conflict resolution, communication techniques

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usNovember 28, 2023

    036 - The Science of Goal Achievement: How to Use Neuroscience to Succeed

    036 - The Science of Goal Achievement: How to Use Neuroscience to Succeed

    In this episode of De-Escalation Conversations, we delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience and its powerful connection to goal setting. 

    Kerry explores how setting clear, actionable goals not only directs our efforts effectively but also triggers changes in the way our brains operate.

    By breaking down the science behind goal achievement and the role of dopamine in reinforcing positive behavior, Kerry will provide practical tips for aligning our goals with our brain's natural processes.

    Drawing from real-world examples, Kerry will show you how to combat procrastination and achieve success by leveraging our brain's capabilities.

    Tune in to discover how setting and achieving goals is a conversation with our brains, empowering us to reach new heights.

    Setting Specific Goals:
    "Vague goals aren't helpful. Being specific as possible with what you want to achieve allows your brain to really set the parameters for what you're going to do. This clarity helps your brain focus on exactly what needs to be done."

    — [00:06:10 → 00:06:26]

    The Power of the Brain's Filter System:
    "When you activate the Raz, which is what you're doing with everything that we just talked about, your brain begins to focus on that and it begins to look for that information because you've just told your brain that that's important information before that it was not important to your survival."

    — [00:13:49 → 00:14:04]

    Understanding the Impact of Fear on Decision Making:
    "When we are in Survival State, what happens is our PFC, our Pre-Frontal Cortex, shuts off electrically. It powers down and we operate from our Hind Brain, our Reptilian Brain, our Lizard Brain, and we don't make good decisions during that time."

    — [00:17:12 → 00:17:27]

    neuroscience, dopamine, feel good neurotransmitter, pleasure, reward, goal setting, motivation, positive reinforcement, progress, achievements, neuroscience and goal achievement, neural pathways, myelination, goal specificity, visualization, feedback, procrastination, survival state, executive state, prefrontal cortex, creativity, problem solving, fear center, dopamine boost, clear and specific goals, manageable tasks, regular feedback, celebrating milestones, setting goals, brain's power

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usNovember 21, 2023

    035 - Authenticating Identity and Mitigating Risk - with Matt Lorenc

    035 - Authenticating Identity and Mitigating Risk - with Matt Lorenc

    Welcome back to another episode of De-Escalation Conversations, where we dive into the world of conflict resolution and finding peaceful solutions. 

    In today's episode, we have a special guest joining us: Matt Lorenc, the Director of Sales and Marketing at Fraud Fighter. 

    With over 20 years of experience in Sales, Team Building and Business Expansion, Matt Lorenc brings a wealth of knowledge in the field of ID and document authentication. 

    We explore the importance of verification and authentication in preventing fraud, as well as the prevalence of synthetic ID fraud and the potential risks it poses. 

    Matt also introduces us to Fraud Fighter's innovative solution, Paladin, which offers quick and efficient ways to verify suspect identity and mitigate risk. 

    We discuss its applications in various industries, from car dealerships to law enforcement, and the impact it can have on preventing financial crimes. 

    So grab your favorite beverage, sit back, and join us as we delve into the fascinating world of fraud prevention and how vital De-Escalation techniques when dealing with Financial and Economic Crimes Investigations. 

    Matt Lorenc has joined Fraud Fighter as the company’s new Director of Sales and Marketing. 

    Matt has been building and leading teams that consistently meet and beat growth records for the last 15 years. 

    Designing innovative systems and creating new business opportunities in fintech, logistics, HR compliance, and investments with a focus on SaaS companies in a hyper-growth phase. 

    Matt is excited to bring his passion for team building, data-driven management, diversification, and scalable business expansion to Fraud Fighter. 

    Although an east coast native, after finishing his degree at Fordham University in New York, he and his wife of 13 years moved to Los Angeles, CA. 

    Matt is a keen multi-instrumentalist musician and enjoys writing and playing music, traveling, kayaking, and wrestling for couch space with his 2-year-old American Bully, Charli.

    de-escalation training, shift brain, calm down, statements, prosecution, interviews, suspects, victims, witnesses, salespeople, survival state, good statement, Fraud Fighter, 20 years, synthetic ID fraud, scammers, stolen information, fake IDs, UV light, scanned, TSA, visual inspection, UV flashlight, authentication solutions, dealership websites, mobile apps, web apps, desktop solutions, patrol officers, law enforcement, suspect identity mitigation, risk

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usNovember 14, 2023

    034 - Hunters and Howlers - Threat Assessment and Management with Dr. Steve Albrecht

    034 - Hunters and Howlers - Threat Assessment and Management with Dr. Steve Albrecht

    In 1994, Dr. Steve Albrecht co-wrote one of the first business books on workplace violence. He interviewed a double murderer in prison for the book. 

    Since then, he has trained thousands of government, healthcare, library, and private-sector employees in workplace violence awareness, prevention, and response. 

    He helps K-12 schools and colleges and universities to create Threat Assessment Teams to address school violence threats. He has written 26 books on HR, security, leadership, and criminal justice topics.

    🎙️ Exciting News! We just recorded an amazing episode for the De-Escalation Conversations Podcast with the incredible Dr. Steve Albrecht! 

     🎙️ We delved into the fascinating world of road rage, workplace violence prevention, and much more! Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

     1️⃣    Anger Mastery: Dr. Albrecht emphasized the importance of mastering our anger, rather than just managing it. Understanding the triggers and stressors that lead to road rage, workplace violence, or confrontational situations is crucial for effective de-escalation. 

    2️⃣    The Power of Empathy: Recognizing subtle signals in body language, empathizing with individuals going through struggles, and seeing them as human beings can make a significant difference in diffusing tense situations. Empathy is a powerful tool for creating a safer and more inclusive environment. 

    3️⃣    See Something – Say Something: We discussed the vital role that bystanders play in identifying potential threats. Whether it's reporting suspicious behavior, leaks of information, or instances of sexual harassment, speaking up and reporting can help prevent tragic incidents. Trust your instincts and ensure a secure environment. 

     Stay tuned for the release of this enlightening episode! 

     And don't forget to check out our website for valuable resources on communication, conflict resolution, and De-Escalation training. Let's make our world a safer place together! 

     💪🌍 #DeEscalationConversations #Podcast #WorkplaceViolencePrevention #RoadRage #Empathy #SafeEnvironments #CommunicationSkills #ConflictResolution #StaySafe

    [00:02:48] Blessed to learn from experienced mentors in PD.

    [00:05:30] School shootings by perpetrators have shifted dramatically. Previous incidents were mostly gang-related or retaliatory, but now it's students, ex-students, parents, and others targeting schools. This shift happened after Columbine, where perpetrators gained momentum and were revered online. It's disheartening to see this becoming an acceptable solution for disaffected, revenge-seeking individuals.

    [00:09:12] Library staff trained in de-escalating conflicts, safety.

    [00:11:08] Library visit ruined by showering transient, relocating.

    [00:15:27] Threats often do not precede lethal actions.

    [00:18:59] Guns from homes contribute to gun violence.

    [00:20:46] Speak up, fill gaps, protect others.

    [00:25:33] I'm known as the anti bomb threat guy

    [00:28:54] Risks and consequences of escalating road rag

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usNovember 07, 2023

    033 - What the Heck is Behavioral Health? - With Dr. Ann Hawkins

    033 - What the Heck is Behavioral Health? - With Dr. Ann Hawkins
    Welcome to the De-Escalation Conversations Podcast! Today, we have a special guest, the Chief Innovation Officer at 1st MOMENT™. 

    With a focus on transforming workplace culture through a prevention-oriented approach, 1st Moment bridges the gap between physical and behavioral health, and work comp incidents. 

    Providing comprehensive care, 1st MOMENT™ aims to prevent incidents and foster well-being within and beyond the workplace. 

    Let's prioritize prevention and create an environment where employees and their families thrive. Join us as we delve into their insights and expertise in reshaping workplace culture. 

    Please join me in welcoming the Chief Innovation Officer from 1st MOMENT™.

    [00:01:46] Podcast features Chief Innovation Officer of First Moment.

    [00:04:18] First Moment is critical to managing incidents, reducing costs.

    [00:10:00] Limited psychological services hinder First Responders being able to  help.

    [00:11:21] Officer involved shootings led to PTSD.

    [00:15:26] Tragic incidents, and 1st Moment service responds.

    [00:20:50] People impacted lack tools; children confused. Government must act swiftly.

    [00:21:57] Physician burnout, high suicide rate, lack of support.

    [00:26:22] The impact of not prioritizing employee well-being.

    [00:31:40] 24/7/365 availability for trusted, reliable help.

    [00:35:14] Maintaining privacy while providing support and education.

    [00:38:18] Visit https://www.theidea.world

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usOctober 30, 2023

    032 - The Impact of Legacy: Craft Your Legacy and Lead a Meaningful Life - With Gagan Gupta

    032 - The Impact of Legacy: Craft Your Legacy and Lead a Meaningful Life - With Gagan Gupta

    🎙️ Exciting News! 🎉 

     I had the honor of hosting Gagan Gupta, a powerhouse of personal development and leadership, on this episode of De-Escalation Conversations. We dove deep into empowering senior executives, conscious business leaders, and professionals to unlock their full potential in a rapidly transforming world. 🌍 

     Here are 3 key takeaways from my conversation with Gagan Gupta: 

     1️⃣ Disconnect from your roles and find inner peace: Gagan highlighted the importance of detaching ourselves from our titles, jobs, and material possessions. By identifying ourselves with our surroundings, we limit our ability to experience true joy, peace, and love. Remember, the ultimate desire of every person is to have more joy, peace, and love in their lives. 🌟 

     2️⃣ Harness the power of intentional dreaming: Both Gagan and I believe in the power of intentional dreaming to manifest positive outcomes in our lives. By requesting specific solutions and outcomes from the universe, we can shape our dreams to avoid unwanted topics and work towards our goals. Understanding and applying this concept for 21 days can bring a sense of power and effectiveness. 💭 

     3️⃣ Crafting your legacy:We discussed an intriguing perspective on obituaries. We want you to know the importance of writing your own obituary to guide your life and leave behind a meaningful legacy. Don't let others define your story, decide on your desired impact and legacy. After all, if you don't write your obituary, someone else will. 📜 

     I was truly inspired by Gagan's wisdom and the tools he provided to elevate our personal and professional lives. Don't miss out on this insightful episode, available now on De-Escalation Conversations. Tune in to gain valuable insights and unleash your potential! 🔊

    Keep in touch with Gagan Gupta at:  Fast Track Your Career.com.au

     #Podcast #LeadershipDevelopment #PersonalDevelopment #LegacyBuilding #IntentionalDreaming #DeEscalationConversations 

     [00:00:56] Deescalation Conversations podcast: meet Gagan Gupta. 

     [00:09:42] Safety net crucial in unexpected career changes. 

     [00:14:10] Legacy matters; ask yourself who you are. 

     [00:18:21] Group grew, friend brought staff, universe aligned. 

     [00:26:31] Tractor beam, tools, list, gratitude, dark thoughts. 

     [00:27:47] Gratitude, giving, and counterintuitive perspectives, explained. 

     [00:36:02] Trying to do too much leads to frustration. 

     [00:42:49] Disconnect from roles, find joy, sleep better. 

     [00:44:29] Requesting universe solutions, intentional dreaming for success. 

     [00:52:09] Coaching for impact: 10,000 business leaders. 

     [00:56:43] Obituary: Humility, listener, calmness, legacy in control. 

     [01:00:38] Check out The Idea World for valuable content. 

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usOctober 24, 2023

    031 - Meditate With Your Eyes Open - Say WHAT?! Brandon Mehrgut Shares His Wisdom

    031 - Meditate With Your Eyes Open - Say WHAT?! Brandon Mehrgut Shares His Wisdom

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usOctober 17, 2023

    030 - Suicide by Cop - I Interview the Suspect Shot 3x by Oxnard CA PD

    030 - Suicide by Cop - I Interview the Suspect Shot 3x by Oxnard CA PD

    Welcome to the DEC podcast.  I want to warn you that the subject matter in this podcast is for Mature Audiences and there may be some parts that are disturbing and Viewer Discretion is advised.  

     I’m going to be sharing a story with you today that is incredibly compelling.  It’s about a 17-year-old girl and an Oxnard Police Officer – and I’m blessed to know both of them.  In this episode, you’re going to have the privilege of listening to the conversation I had while speaking with one of them.

     On May 3rd, 2019, while in a dirt field behind a business in an commercial district, Oxnard CA Police Officer Timothy Roberts shot a 17-year-old girl three times.  He did that because, even though he was attempting De-Escalation, she had her mind made up that she wanted to die.  Not long after he arrived on scene, she charged at him with a knife forcing him to use deadly force.

    Roberts, then a 4-year veteran of the Oxnard Police Department, was the first officer on scene and found the teen standing in the parking lot. After the girl brandished a six-inch kitchen knife, Roberts commanded her to drop it while he backed away.

     A second officer arrived and was in the process of retrieving a less-lethal "beanbag" shotgun from his vehicle when the teen charged at Roberts. Officer Roberts fired three rounds, striking the girl all 3 times. The girl fell to the ground and the two officers immediately began providing first aid until paramedics arrived.

    The incident was captured in full by Officer Roberts' body-worn camera.  In the body-camera footage, the teen can be heard apologizing after she was shot, a guilt that would continue to grow during her stay at the hospital.

    Doctors initially weren't sure she would survive due to bleeding in her liver. They later warned she would not be able to walk again from a second bullet wound in her leg.

    The teen recalled the guilt that haunted her in the hospital, even affecting her dreams. She decided to make amends when she was discharged in June that year.

    The teen and the officer met in person for the first time on Jan. 23, 2020, and have remained in contact ever since. 

     This young lady said she wants to share the lessons she learned to promote mental health awareness.  She said, "In many of these situations, the person in my situation does not live.  I feel like it's my duty, as someone who lived, to promote mental health awareness."

    She went on to say, "Always be willing to reach out to someone who might be struggling.  Sure, you may be frustrated with them for feeling that way, but if you give them even the least bit of understanding and support, it's a gamechanger."

    If you're feeling despondent, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, for both English and Spanish speakers, can be reached at 988 or suicide prevention lifeline.org

    Keep listening, there’s a lot to unpack in today’s show!

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usOctober 10, 2023

    029 - Leadership Skills: From Reactivity to Clarity in Conversations - with Kirsten Asher

    029 - Leadership Skills: From Reactivity to Clarity in Conversations - with Kirsten Asher

    Meet Kirsten Asher, creator of Feminine Embodiment Method, who teaches women to embody and flow instead of hustle and grind through the way they move, breathe and think.

     Creator of Feminine Embodiment Method, who teaches women to embody and flow instead of hustle and grind through the way they move, breathe and think. Have you ever felt disconnected from your body or emotions? Do you ever find yourself being afraid to show up as a leader in your full feminine power or do you feel pressured to lead from a more masculine place? Give yourself permission to be feminine as you learn to reconnect with your senses and emotions using the tips she shares. If you find yourself feeling a little disconnected, frustrated or stressed then grab a cuppa something wonderful and listen in to this powerful episode!

    Keywords: reacting, understanding, listening, communication, body language, miscommunication, missed signals, collaboration, input, information, analysis paralysis, law enforcement, second-guessing, creativity, left brain, right brain, nurturing, leadership, manager, respect, loyalty, progression, distress call, logical, decisive, aggressive, domineering, balanced leadership, feminine qualities, perspective, emotions, training.

    00:02:52 Feminine leadership balances logic and empathy.
    00:06:48 Miscommunication and emotional intelligence are important.
    00:09:29 Compartmentalize, manage emotions to be a leader.
    00:13:39 Collaboration brings better results; avoid overthinking.
    00:14:35 Trusting gut instinct is crucial for first responders.
    00:17:42 Analytical, assertive, decisive leader balances creativity and collaboration.
    00:23:53 Listening to React hinders effective communication.
    00:27:32 Understanding others leads to compassion and empathy.
    00:29:49 Understanding personality types improves communication skills.
    00:32:00 Empower team, listen, share ideas, make decisions.
    00:36:59 Putting ego aside, ask why with clarity.
    00:38:56 Suppressing emotions, communicating with self-control.
    00:43:27 Deep breaths can change your body state.
    00:47:07 Balance brain, harmony, dance, left, right, practice, listen.
    00:51:29 Training can save your life, relationships, career.

    IDEA - the International De-Escalation Association, is dedicated to Saving Lives, Reputations, & Relationships through Conflict De-Escalation & Communication Training for Teachers, Parents, and Public Safety Providers.

    Find more about
    How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
    Come visit us at the IDEA website (International De-Escalation Association):

    Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news and blogs about Schools, Police, Fire, Medical Services and Flight Attendants.

    Do you or your organization need Communication Skills and De-Escalation Training? You can reach us directly at: Team@TheIdea.World or by filling out a contact form at https://www.TheIdea.World/contact

    De-Escalation Conversations
    en-usOctober 02, 2023