

    enApril 12, 2016
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    About this Episode

    Tim takes on a recent initiative of Amnesty International to "Legalize" prostitution. His issue with their policy lies in the difference between "legalization" and "decriminalization". He argues that what they are proposing would endanger more children and ultimately undermine the efforts of many people to save kids from sex trafficking.   Tim: Hi! Thank you for joining us! This is a very special bonus edition of the Slave Stealer podcast. If you have been listening to us for a while, you know that there are a lot of aspects to human trafficking. So many drivers, so many factors. Sometimes we don’t always get the chance to elaborate within the context or whatever it is that we are talking about, but one big issue that deserves more treatment is this current push by Amnesty International to legalize all prostitution. What they are trying to do now is go out to all the countries and influence them to legalize this work. Now, there is some merit to parts of their argument, but I contend, and I contend passionately, that this legislation, if it got that far, would absolutely devastate millions of children who would be caught up in the wake of prostitution. They would be caught up in the wake... They would be caught up as victims, they would be rapedthemselves. So after we spoke with President Vicente Fox of Mexico, we got on the topic of Amnesty International’s plan, and I think I got a little fired up, so I want you to go ahead and hear what I had to say. So, let’s go and roll that.

      Tim: And, people don’t believe us sometimes - "Oh bull crap, we don’t believe that"- or they will see a trafficking case, we will show footage and they see what looks like a victim going willingly into this place: "Well, they walked in. They weren’t dragged in by chains." And, I get it, but it is also very offensive because I know that these kids are slaves. I see them before and during and after. We could have Elizabeth Smart come in sometime and talk about that. Don’t say anything like that in her presence because she received that criticism: "When you were in captivity, why didn’t you just run away? Why didn’t you tell the policeman who you were when he confronted you with your captors in the library that day?" And she will tell you that a child’s mind doesn’t think like an adult’s mind, and it can be very easily manipulated and really brainwashed and rewired to the point that when Elizabeth was rescued, she didn’t even admit who she was. She was still denying who she was as she was even put into the police car and taken to her father, ok. And that’s the thing people don’t understand about human trafficking, and so they misidentify the victims. Police departments have been doing it for decades. I think...in the last decade or so, I think they are trying to get out of this where they treat all prostitutes as criminals. They didn’t even stop to ask the question, 'How did she get here?' Maybe she is 19 years old, but did you know that she was kidnapped at 12 and forced into this life? And yeah, now she is acting out, and she is yelling and cussing at you, and she "doesn’t want to be rescued." But she is a victim, and she needs to be treated as a victim until you figure out what is going on. And a lot more needs to be done there, but progress has been made where these women and children are not being seen as criminals anymore but as victims, but much more needs to be done in that area. Mark: That is a legislative issue, obviously. Are those national statutes that need to be passed or are they local? Explain prosecution of prostitutes. Explain that whole dilemma to me, I don’t get it. Tim: There is some legislative there, but there is also a lot of just how you administer or how the law enforcement administers or what questions they ask, right. Because to be prosecuted for say prostitution, requirements within that statutes have to be met. And part of that is willingly, and it was your intent to do these things. And it is easy just to make the assumption, 'that was your intent, you wanted to do this, and so you’re guilty.' So sometimes, it is not just the laws. The laws can be clarified, sure - you can always, you should add a requirement and say even if this prostitute, this person you have brought in...even if they are an adult, you have to prove that they meant to do this, that they wanted to do this, that this was the life that they chose. Mark: They weren’t coerced. Tim: They weren’t coerced into it. Mark: Ok. Tim: And so the questions, but the questions... The problem is, even when you have decent legislation and decent statutes, you don’t have law enforcement asking the questions, digging deeper: "Who are you? Where did you come from? How did you get into this? How old were you when you got into this?" And if they would ask that, then they would see that there is coercion here. They are not going to bust out their pimps.   Mark: No, they are scared to death. Tim: They are scared to death. Their pimps have been beating them for ten years, since they were ten years old. So, you have got to stop and ask the question. You need experts in the field - social workers, psychologists in the field - to be able to be there and take this victim aside and talk to them. Frankly, in my mind, every country, every jurisdiction - whether it is federal, state, whatever - they all need to have legislation that decriminalize prostitutes altogether, absolutely. Every prostitute, in my mind, should be treated like a victim. Mark: So, you are saying legalize prostitution? Tim: I am not saying... No, you don’t legalize prostitution at all. You legalize prostitution and that means that the pimps and the johns get away. Mark: Ah. Tim: You criminalize 100% for pimps, for johns. Mark: But you can’t criminalize the prostitutes... Tim: You don’t criminalize the prostitutes. Mark: I like that. Tim: Yeah, I mean, there is Norway and Sweden who have both adopted that, and it is very effective. What happens there, when you do that, is those countries and those cities stop becoming havens for sex, for paid sex. Because you are criminalizing the johns and the pimps, johns and pimps don’t want to work there. Mark: So what you’ll have are a few entrepreneurial women who are kind of like 'Ma and Pa' stores, but you wipe out the industry? Tim: Yeah. You would wipe out the industry because the pimps and johns can’t... They are scared to go there. Mark: Yeah. Tim: And this is a huge debate right now going on with the Amnesty International’s new policy this summer they came out with in August, I believe. They came out with the sex worker shield where they are basically wanting to decriminalize prostitution for everybody - pimps, johns, and what they call sex workers - and make it legal. The idea is bring it all out into the light, and then you can take care of the sex workers and treat them like legitimate workers. You know, it is all focused on helping the sex worker. That’s their choice - they want to be a prostitute, support them, help them. And to do that, you can’t criminalize the pimps who, in Amnesty International’s words... This is very controversial. I mean, this is Amnesty International who is supposed to be looking out for the victims. And they feel like sex workers - who they call sex workers, others might call prostitutes - have been victimized and demonized and not supported in their occupational endeavors. And the problem is, is by decriminalizing this - and I see this in my work - by decriminalizing the whole process so that the sex workers can be seen as legitimate workers, like any other professional in the world and be given all the benefits... Mark: I think the middle management and HR and marketing...they get all the departments wrapped around them: "Hey, go see the marketing guy!" Tim: That is right! Mark: "Make a brochure on this chick." Tim: That is the idea! That is the idea, like you are not letting them live their dream. Mark: Wow. Tim: And then the argument is this - let’s play with it a little bit because there is a strain of logic to it, right. So, the idea is you get them structured that way and then the government...because then my question is, "Ok, what about the kids?" Two million kids or more are being trafficked, sold. How do you protect them in this? Amnesty International says, "It is very easy!" All you do is you tell these jurisdictions and the police officers... These pimps get licensed; they are a licensed business. You go to them and they have to show that they are not selling minors: "We don’t sell minors. Here, look - it's all willing adults." Mark: "Look at our brochure!" Tim: "Look at our brochure! It is very clear." Mark: "No kids!" Tim: And I am thinking to myself, "Ok, you are talking about these underdeveloped countries that, at Operation Underground Railroad, we are filling up their gas tanks so they can drive from point A to point B. You are telling me that your police force is going to have enough resources, time, manpower, so forth, to go and regulate these legitimate brothels to make sure that there are no minors?!" Do you know how easy it is going to be if you are Fuego, right? Fuego, who is the guy… Mark: I remember Fuego. Tim: We met Fuego on the beaches of Colombia and... Mark: And you took his hat! Tim: I still have his hat. I still have his hat. Mark: That guy is such a douchebag. Tim: Can you imagine… Can you say douchebag on this show? Mark: Hey, if I put a little E next to the...we are now explicit. Tim: Ok. Mark: No, douchebag is not explicit. Tim: Is "Slave Stealer Radio" an R-rated show? Let’s just talk about this and figure that out. Mark: I think we are PG-13ish. Tim: I just want to know what I can get away with. Mark: In context, we’re probably considered like an X-rated show just given the general theme, but we don’t really get explicit yet until we get you on the wrong moment. Hopefully we edit that out. Tim: Ok! Mark: Yeah. Tim: So, Fuego... You imagine Fuego, right. How hard is it going to be for Fuego? This is Amnesty International’s plan - Fuego should be a legal vendor as long as they are adults. The kids will be safe because they are safe with Fuego, aren’t they? You spent time with Fuego. Would you trust a 12-year-old girl to Fuego? I mean... Mark: Friendly guy. Tim: Here is what is going to happen: he will line up his 18-year-olds and 20- year-olds, and he’ll say, "Here’s all I got!" And those cops are not going to go the two miles down the road into the little storage facility, right, or the tractor trailer with the ten 12-year-olds and the three or four 9-year-olds. Mark: And they are not going to check his phone to see... Tim: No! Mark: ...you know, all the 10-year-olds with pagers. Tim: Right! He will have those, he will sell those. They are premium! You are going to sell those for $1000; these 18-year-olds you are going to sell for $300. He is going to have those. The infrastructure to sell those little kids is now supported by the state. And he will be able to make money, he will be able to invest whatever he makes legitimately, he will pay his taxes and everything else. He will be a businessman! He is going to sell the premium because it is too easy and now you have just supported his infrastructure. How are you going to protect those kids? Amnesty International decided to ignore those kids. Those twelve kids in the back of the tractor trailer down the road - they have ignored them. And now, guess what? You have created an absolute sex haven. And let's say that they decriminalized it like this everywhere in Cartagena. Every gross tourist from America, Canada, and Germany, and everywhere else - they are going to go to Cartagena, they are going to enjoy the adult sex, and then they are going to make a deal with Fuego on the side and say, "Hey, where do I get the 11-year-olds?" "Well, you come to this other place down the road." And it is a booming business. I am absolutely just astonished and sickened that Amnesty International could be so incredibly short-sighted and idiotic that they don’t see that they are completely neglecting the children. They are creating safe havens. They are making it so easy for the johns and pimps to rape children. Mark: That is pretty inflammatory. Tim: It is inflammatory! Mark: You just called them idiotic. Tim: They are idiots! Mark: What if we need their help? Tim: Well, we won't need their help. Mark: Ok. Tim: But do you know who does need their help? Fuego needs their help, and apparently he is going to get it. Mark: So, an entire industry... You might shut down an entire industry. There might be jobless Fuegos all over Colombia, all over Mexico. Tim: How sad. Mark: Have you ever ordered the 'Sin City'? Tim: No. Mark: Smashburger. You go down, and it is kind of like In-N-Out burger. You can show up and there is the menu, right, there is a Smashburger menu (and they are not a sponsor of this show), but you can order the ‘Sin City’ which is not on the menu. And it is kind of a niche thing for people to go in and they give you the wink and they say, "I’ll take the Sin City." Tim: It is like In-N-Out burger, it is the same thing. They have their Animal Fries, Animal Burgers. Mark: Yeah, the Animal Style. Now, I see prostitution becoming like that. Tim: That is exactly right! Mark: Under the Amnesty plan. Tim: Absolutely! It is exactly what it is. Mark: I’ll take Sin City (wink, wink). Tim: It is exactly what it is. Mark: She is in the back alley. Tim: It is exactly what is going to happen. Mark: It is a brand extension. Tim: It is exactly what is going to happen. And we know this! I know this! I know these guys! I have negotiated with them undercover, I sit across the table from them. And if it was legal to sell, for him to sell adults - which it is not in Cartagena frankly, ok. But if it were, if we all follow Amnesty International, and if they make it legal, and I am sitting across from him... Think about this, just play it out in your head - I’ve been there a hundred times. "Hey Tim, come to my office with the sign that says, 'Beautiful women for sale,'" right, because this is a legal business. I walk in there... I mean, we have set him up, he is totally legitimate. And you don't think we are going to have that little 'Sin City menu' talk? Absolutely we are going to! Because he is going to make double or triple off this sick, horny American who is sitting across from him. Mark: Yeah. Tim: Right? It is so unbelievable! When I saw Amnesty International’s policy, I thought there is no way, there is no way they are going to vote. Sane minds will prevail here. And they didn't. Mark: Who voted for it? Tim: It is the board of Amnesty International. This is a powerful organization that has done good in the world - they are all about human rights. They have done good in the world to protect innocence. Mark: Well, traffickers are humans. They have the right to traffick. Tim: Traffickers have rights too, I guess. Mark: Apparently. So now... Tim: It is unbelievable.   Mark: So now, Amnesty International, for the uninitiated like me, Amnesty International now goes and lobbies the UN, they lobby Washington, they lobby... Tim: They lobby countries all over the earth. They will be going and saying, "You need to decriminalize prostitution!" And don’t get me wrong, I totally believe in decriminalizing prostitutes. They should all be treated as victims, absolutely, even if they are saying, "I’m here because I want to be - arrest me!" No, we are going to treat you like... We don’t know your story. I agree with that, that’s right. But what they do is, because the sex worker can’t provide her service if johns are scared to come buy them. So, who they are really protecting are the johns and the pimps. And they say that in their legislation, or in their proposed legislation. They say that... They don’t call them pimps, they are very careful with all the wording, but they call them 'security': 'security for the prostitutes'. Mark: They call them security? Tim: They need to have their infrastructure, they need to have their security, which means that there could be other people helping and facilitating in their business. So, it is unbelievable. Now, will there be a prostitute that would benefit from this? Will there will be a prostitute that would say, "I truly do want to be here"? Absolutely! I believe there are prostitutes who want to be there. And might they say, "We need this policy so that we can sell ourselves freely and be sex workers by choice," and all this, and this would help them. Yes, that would help them, but you have to weigh that against the twelve 12-year-olds who are sitting in the tractor trailer down the road from the legitimate brothel. Mark: Whom you have seen. Tim: I have seen them! They are everywhere! There are 2 million of them. And you have completely thrown them under the bus because you are so worried about the few prostitutes who want to be there, who love their job, and whatever. Mark: The company guys. Tim: I can’t say I am completely unsympathetic to that - maybe that is what their choice is and I am a libertarian in that way. I want people to be able to choose. But it is a balancing act and when you are choosing that over the children who will now be raped because you have provided the infrastructure for them to be raped, you are in the wrong. I mean, it is so clear that you are in the wrong. I know from our perspective, you know, we spend a lot time in the trenches and we see this. Perhaps the folks from the Amnesty haven’t. I have to assume they haven’t seen this, and see how easy they are making it now for children to be raped.

    Recent Episodes from Slave Stealer

    The Sound of Freedom

    The Sound of Freedom

    A few years ago Alejandro Monteverde started writing a fictional story about child trafficking. Around that time he met Tim Ballard and it caused him to scrap the script... since then he has been finishing "The Sound of Freedom" based on the true story of Tim's journey to where he is now. 

    Tim and Mark had a sneak preview of a director's cut. Immediately after the film, Mark sat with Alejandro(director and co-writer), Rod Barr (writer), and Brian Scofield (editor) to understand their philosophical and practical approach to telling a rough story so delicately and artfully. 

    The Sound of Freedom will likely hit screens this coming Spring (2020). 


    Slave Stealer
    enAugust 21, 2019

    Light in the Darkness with Lindsey Stirling

    Light in the Darkness with Lindsey Stirling

    You may know Lindsey Stirling as "the dancing violinist" with over 2 BILLION youtube hits. But after this episode you may know her as a warrior for freedom and collaborator on the score for the upcoming feature film, "The Sound of Freedom". Tim and Mark sat with Lindsey in Hollywood moments after they previewed a directors cut of the upcoming film. In this episode you'll get Tim's initial reaction to the film as well as Lindsey's thoughts on how she might approach music for it. We were touched by her thoughts on freedom and captivity. We love you Lindsey. Thanks for your commitment to making the human race freer. 

    Slave Stealer
    enJuly 30, 2019

    Special on School Shootings

    Special on School Shootings

    Special guest, Dave Acosta, is an expert in active shooter scenarios. His approach to stopping shooters is empowering and effective. What is it? Simply put, it's to fight back. In this special episode, Dave outlines a tactical approach to fighting back. He has now instructed over 6000 educators in the USA and internationally. 

    While we realize that this is a break from the regular trafficking conversations, we also realize that our audience, YOU, are actively searching for ways to protect your children and the children of the world. 

    Thank you for your continued support. 

    Tim and Mark 


    Slave Stealer
    enJuly 18, 2019

    Tim's visit with the President

    Tim's visit with the President

    We've all heard soundbites of White House meetings, but how much behind the scenes have you heard? Well, today that's what we're delivering. Last month Tim Ballard was asked (with not much notice) to meet with President Trump, Ivanka Trump, and leaders of several security agencies to discuss trafficking at the border.

    We'll also discuss southern border policies that are effecting the well being of children today. 

    And finally, Tim showed up with a box of surprises, including an unexpected bronze statue... and he's not telling who it is until the end. 



    Slave Stealer
    enMay 16, 2019

    Glenn Beck on Fighting ISIS, trafficking, and genocide in Iraq and Syria

    Glenn Beck on Fighting ISIS, trafficking, and genocide in Iraq and Syria

    There's an attempted genocide underway that has largely gone unmentioned in the American press. ISIS is systematically killing the Yazidi people and Christian groups in Iraq and Syria. Those that are not killed are being trafficked for sex, labor, and organ harvesting.

    Our guest today, Glenn Beck, has founded an organization that has saved over 11,000 Yazidis and Christians, by funding and executing escape, rescue, and relocation. 

    Glenn is an American political commentator, radio host and television producer. He is the CEO, founder, and owner of Mercury Radio Arts, as well a founder of The Nazarene Fund. Last year, Glenn named Tim Ballard as CEO of The Nazarene Fund. 

    You'll note the friendship between Glenn, Tim, and Mark. A few years ago, Glenn hired Mark as Creative Director of Mercury Radio Arts. During that period, Glenn and Mark got involved with Tim in his organization Operation Underground Railroad. 

    Show notes


    • Tim talks about having his blueprints ready but not being able to get through the authorities to help rescue the children. [2:52]
    • Tim talks about his email to Glenn and making first contact. [4:39]
    • Glenn and Ryan talk about their first meeting with his attorney present. [6:00]
    • Glenn and Tim discuss the project and Glenn agrees to help Tim. [8:30]
    • Tim lets Glenn read his special note that he has kept and framed in his office [10:57]
    • Glenn speaks about feeling guilty sitting in his office while others are out there making a difference in children's lives. [12:35]
    • Mark speaks about Tim asking him to join him in Haiti. [13:25]
    • Discussing the Nazarene Fund and how it started. [17:57]
    • A special nun in Iraq and testifying about what is going on, and raising funds. [20:24]
    • The Yazidian people. [24:51]
    • Isis, the sex slave market and the rescues. [26:24]
    • Refugee camps. [27:51]
    • Mark speaks about Rome. [29:49]
    • Glenn talks about Australia being the greatest friend to Christians. [30:39]
    • Glenn talks about the Nazi’s and the ‘werewolves’. [31:21]
    • Tim speaks about a child and mother separated in Iraq, and organ trafficking. [33:18]
    • Tim discussing how the government approached him for help [38:45]
    • Tim talks about making a documentary about Glenn and OUR. [39:42]
    • Mission statement. [41:46]
    • Mark speaks about Moses and the poor. [43:14]
    • Tim speaks about how he came to the name for Operation Underground Railroad. [44:20]
    • Glenn talks about the Old Testament and the Ten Commandments. [45:50]

    The Underground Railroad Today

    The Underground Railroad Today

    Have you ever thought about what you would have done in the early 1800's to help end slavery? If you're thinking, "I would have fought to end it." Great News! Here's your chance. Slavery (aka Human Trafficking) is more pervasive today than even back during the Transatlantic Slave trade. 

    So what are you going to do about it? 

    Today, Tim and Mark sit with Burgess Owens, whose ancestors came out of the slavery of the American South. He discusses the parallels of then and now and challenges us to take action. 

    Throughout this episode you'll hear music that was used for comfort and strength by the African American slaves during slavery. There are also some songs from the American Civil Rights Era. They were produced especially for the show. So enjoy! 



    The Wall

    The Wall

    As an HSI Agent, Timothy Ballard worked in Calexico. His office looked into Mexico and he gets wall politics. Tim is pro wall, BUT not for the purposes that are being touted. He's also pro DACA. Please listen to this completely new take on the hottest issue in American politics right now. 

    Slave Stealer
    enJanuary 23, 2019

    Emmy Award Winning Director Nick Nanton

    Emmy Award Winning Director Nick Nanton

    If you haven't seen the newest documentary about Operation Underground's efforts to end child sex trafficking, then drop everything and sprint to your Amazon Prime account to stream Operation Toussiant. Then listen to Nick Nanton talk about making it in less than 3 months! Nick is the Emmy Award winning director of Operation Toussaint. Like most of us, anti-trafficking  called when he wasn't really looking for a fight, but once it did, Nick answered. In this episode, Tim and Mark travel to Orlando to get Nicks impressions after the big dig through thousands of hours worth of operational footage. What shocked him? What did he have to leave on the cutting room floor? What will he do next to help eradicate child sex trafficking. 

    Hear the behind the scenes stories that changed Nick forever. 

    Slave Stealer
    enJanuary 10, 2019

    023 ROSE

    023 ROSE

    If you have listened much at all to the Slave Stealer Podcast you know what a support Glenn Beck has been to the anti trafficking cause over the last few years. A while ago Glenn agreed to narrate a few of these stories for us. 

    Please help us show the world the light at the end of the tunnel that still shines. 

    We appreciate the original arrangements of Slave Songs and Civil Rights anthems arranged by Rashida Jordan Call and Kyson Kidd in collaboration with Yahosh Bonner. 

    Slave Stealer
    enOctober 30, 2017

    022 PEDRO

    022 PEDRO

    If you have listened much at all to the Slave Stealer Podcast you know what a support Glenn Beck has been to the anti trafficking cause over the last few years. A while ago Glenn agreed to narrate a few of these stories for us. 

    Please help us show the world the light at the end of the tunnel that still shines. 

    We appreciate the original arrangements of Slave Songs and Civil Rights anthems arranged by Rashida Jordan Call and Kyson Kidd in collaboration with Yahosh Bonner. 

    Slave Stealer
    enOctober 23, 2017

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