
    About this Episode

    Business can follow a purpose and make a profit.  They can do both and grow and thrive.  In this episode we explore 2 elements of purpose which help businesses to do that:
    Its purpose for being and working with purpose.  
    In this episode you will discover

    • How purpose led businesses are growing faster than those which are not.
    • The impact of being purpose led on employees and on customers
    • How you can weave purpose into your business
    • What helps businesses to grow purposefully 
    • The importance of looking at your business as a business



    1.42 Purpose led economy and growth of purpose led businesses

    3.31 What helps purpose led business grow

    5.36 Clif Bars and purpose

    7.34 What helps you to grow purposefully

    10.06 Looking at your business as a business


    Mentioned in this episode:



    Cone| Porter Novelli

    Clif bar

    Cheeky Panda

    Recent Episodes from Every Business Counts

    022 How to Build Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

    022 How to Build Emotional Intelligence and Resilience

    Building Emotional Intelligence and Resilience helps us to optimise our performance and health.  In times of constant connection, uncertainty and change having the tools and awareness to help us do that will support us in delivering our own vision.  In this episode Daksha Patel shares her insights and tips on the benefit of increasing both your emotional intelligence and resilience and how to do so.

    During the conversation we talk about:

    ·        What led Daksha to realise the importance of emotional intelligence and personal resilience.

    ·        The cost of stress to an organisation and driver of stress.

    ·        How to know if you are stressed and types of stress.

    ·        The importance of topping up your resilience battery.

    ·        How to use the acronym SMART and breathing to dissipate stress.

    ·        Why focus on building your own and your team’s resilience.

    ·        The experiences that influenced how Daksha looked at money and how emotional intelligence can help understand how these affect her life.



    Daksha Patel is Founder of Your Mind At Work, a Coaching, Consultancy and Training company which helps clients to optimise performance by transforming stress, building resilience and driving changes in behaviour in line with their goals through using science, practical tools and technology that can bring about changes within days and weeks.




    Mentioned in this episode:

    Daniel Goldman



    Time Stamps

    1:49   What led Daksha to realise the importance of emotional intelligence and personal resilience.

    8:27   The cost of stress to an organisation and driver of stress.

    14:22 How to know if you are stressed and types of stress.

    25:57 The importance of topping up your resilience battery.

    32:42 How to use the acronym SMART and breathing to dissipate stress.

    36:34 Why focus on building your own and your team’s resilience.

    45:12 The experiences that influenced how Daksha looked at money and how emotional intelligence can help understand how these affect her life.



    021 Transforming Leadership in Challenging Times

    021 Transforming Leadership in Challenging Times

    Challenging times require different leaders and Mark Henderson believes businesses now need regenerative leaders to help them adapt to the changing times and regenerate the society and planet we live in.  During our conversation Mark and I talked about:

    ·        What Mark wished he had known when he founded Ecoliving – as well as what he was glad he did not know.

     ·        The changes do needed in business leaders of the future.

    ·        What make a sustainable and a regenerative leader.

    ·        How organisations benefit from being led by regenerative leaders.

    ·        How coaching support leaders and their teams.

    ·        How the messages received about money growing up still influence how he looks at it today.


    Mark is a Transformational Coach, trainer and Mentor of Sustainable Leaders.  He is passionate about supporting purpose led leaders and change makers to support the challenges our world if facing.  Mark has many years experience as an entrepreneur and Business leader and draws on these along with his deep connection with nature.




    Mentioned in this episode

    Alisa Barcan (Every Business Counts episode 012)


    Time Stamps:

    2:09   What Mark wished he had known when he founded Ecoliving – as well as what he was glad he did not know.

    8:03   The changes do needed in business leaders of the future.

    18:34 What make a sustainable and a regenerative leader.

    24:48 How organisations benefit from being led by regenerative leaders.

    29.16How coaching support leaders and their teams.

    36:25 How the messages received about money growing up still influence how he looks at it today.

    020 The Benefit of Having Difficult Conversations

    020 The Benefit of Having Difficult Conversations

    Do you avoid difficult conversations hoping they resolve themselves?  This week I explore the cost of avoiding difficult conversations, the benefit from having them and how to prepare for them with my guest Nicole Posner.  During the conversation we look at:

    ·        What is classed as a difficult conversation & why we avoid them.

    ·        Where we, as business owners, encounter difficult conversations.

    ·        The cost to the business of not having difficult conversations.

    ·        The benefits from having these conversations.

    ·        How we can prepare ourselves for difficult conversations.

    ·        How difficult conversations impact our relationships around money.



    Nicole Posner is a Workplace Mediator, Communication and Conflict Consultant and Coach, specialising in the Psychology of Conflict. She works with Leaders, Teams, Managers and individuals to prevent, manage and address conflict and to foster better communication in the workplace and beyond through coaching, mediation, workshops and webinars.


    She writes articles for publications such as Thrive Global, HR Magazine, SME Magazine and COACH MAGAZINE.  Nicole was a shortlisted finalist as Workplace Mediator of the Year in The National Mediation Awards 2020. www.np-mediation.london


    Time Stamps

    2:26   What is classed as a difficult conversation & why we avoid them.

    11:37 Where we, as business owners, encounter difficult conversations.

    23:11 The cost to the business of not having difficult conversations.

    27:50 The benefits from having these conversations.

    29:58 How we can prepare ourselves for difficult conversations.

    40:08 How difficult conversations impact our relationships around money.


    019 The hidden cost of how we work

    019 The hidden cost of how we work

    Is how you work a hidden cost to your business?  A cost for which there is no monetary exchange, but there is a cost after all due to low productivity, motivation, poor health etc?  In this episode I share my experience of overworking and how I came to realise the importance of creating a sustainable business that works for you, your team and the business.


    ·        What I see as a hidden cost to business – how we work

    ·        My personal journey in work and how it led to the realisation of the cost of overwork.

    ·        What overwork, poor health and stress cost UK businesses

    ·        What we can do to change this


    Time stamps

    0:48       What I see as a hidden cost to business – how we work

    1:56       My personal journey in work and how it led to the realisation of the cost of overwork.

    10:49     What overwork, poor health and stress cost UK businesses

    13:12     What we can do to change this


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Henry Ford


    Microsoft Japan

    018 Go Beyond the Financials to Move Beyond Green

    018 Go Beyond the Financials to Move Beyond Green

    How do you move beyond green?  As we face a changing environment and look to move towards net Zero businesses are facing challenges. Today my guest Paul Adderley talks about how businesses can create a resilient business by looking beyond the financials.  

    During the conversation we look at:

    ·        The inspiration behind Beyond Green.

    ·        How optimising resources supports businesses business.

    ·        Key ways businesses can optimise resources.

    ·        Risks that arise from not looking at the resources you are using and how you use them.

    ·        The importance of being aware of, and building on, your business values.

    ·        Two influences on how Paul looks at money.



    Paul Adderley is the founder and Managing Director of Beyond Green, a sustainability consultancy which helps small and medium businesses to future proof their company, protect their profit margins and build a business around their values.

    Paul has a background in Accountancy and Environmental Studies.



    Time Stamps

    1:17   The inspiration behind Beyond Green.

    3:42   How optimising resources supports businesses business.

    9:39   Key ways businesses can optimise resources.

    14:36 Risks that arise from not looking at the resources you are using and how you use them.

    24:26 The importance of being aware of, and building on, your business values.

    31:42 Two influences on how Paul looks at money.

    Mentioned in this Episode
    Sustainable Development Goals

    017 Getting your Resources to Work for you

    017 Getting your Resources to Work for you

    Are you optimising your resources and are they moving you towards your purpose?

    These are 2 things this episode asks you to think about. In doing this it looks at:

    • What are the resources of your business?
    • What is the risk and potential impact of not managing these resources?
    • The opportunities that exists from managing resources and looking at waste - both yours and other businesses.
    • The opportunities of the circular economy.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    Jo Salter and Where does it come from?
    The Body Shop
    Thread International
    Jaw Brew
    The Ellen MacArthur Foundation
    The Circular Economy
    Ken Webster

    016 Know Where it Comes From

    016 Know Where it Comes From

    Do you know where everything that makes up your product or service comes from?  Are you aware of the societal and environmental impact?  This is something I got to explore with this weeks guest Jo Salter.  During the conversation we look at:

    ·       What inspired Jo to become involved in founding and consulting for ethical businesses.

    ·       How running a business ethically gives customers peace of mind and why transparency and the story being told is an important part of this.

    ·       Some of the issues resulting from non transparent supply chains.

    ·       How businesses can ensure their supply chain is ethical and traceable and the importance of developing relationships.

    ·       How Jo’s experiences with money as a child have influenced her in her life and what she does.


    Jo Salter is the founder and CEO of ‘Where does it come from?’ an ethical fashion brand.  She is also a consultant, writer and speaker on ethical business and transparent supply chains, and co-founder of ‘Be the Change’ awards.

    During the pandemic Jo has collaborated with Khadi London to make organic cotton facemasks using native rain fed cotton from India.  These are available on  www.wheredoesitcomefrom.co.uk


    Time Stamps

    1:40   What inspired Jo to become involved in founding and consulting for ethical businesses.

    10:13 How running a business ethically gives customers peace of mind and why transparency and the story being told is an important part of this.

    21:11 Some of the issues resulting from non transparent supply chains.

    28.55 How businesses can ensure their supply chain is ethical and traceable and the importance of developing relationships.

    39.55 How Jo’s experiences with money as a child have influenced her in her life and what she does.

    Mentioned in this episode

    Khadi London

    The Sustainable Development Goals





    Triple Bottom Line

    015 Mobilising your Money for Good

    015 Mobilising your Money for Good

    Are you giving your money purpose?  In this episode I am speaking with Louise Wilson, co-founder and Managing Director of Abundance Investment.  During the conversation we look at:

    ·       What inspired Louise to create an alternative solution to traditional investment.

    ·       How the system of finance supports and protects itself rather what is important to society as a whole, and we need to make fundamental changes to how it works.

    ·       What Abundance does to democratise finance; through the ease of access to investing, transparency and making it simple.

    ·       The impact of democratic investing on the investors.

    ·       How investing ethically can support projects which move us closer to the green economy; whether run by local authorities or businesses, and the potential of this economy.

    ·       How early thoughts about waste and experiences with money have led Louise to where she is now.



    Louise Wilson is co-founder and Managing Director of Abundance Investment, an ethical investment company which was founded on the principle of democratic finance; helping everyone to mobilise their money for good by investing directly in businesses and councils who are looking to make a real positive impact on the world.


    You can find out more about Abundance Investment and what they do at www.abundanceinvestment.com


    Time stamps

    1:37   What inspired Louise to create an alternative solution to traditional investment.

    6:30   How the system of finance supports and protects itself rather what is important to society as a whole, and we need to make fundamental changes to how it works.

    16:54 What Abundance does to democratise finance; through the ease of access to investing, transparency and making it simple.

    21:43 The impact of democratic investing on the investors.

    29:29 How investing ethically can support projects which move us closer to the green economy; whether run by local authorities or businesses, and the potential of this economy.

    42:00 How early thoughts about waste and experiences with money have led Louise to where she is now.


    Mentioned in this episode

    Richard Curtis and the ‘Make your Money Matter’ Campaign

    014 Cash Flow Challenges

    014 Cash Flow Challenges

    There is no one challenge that every business faces as regards cash flow.  In this episode Katie Hurst and Sue Jackson share what they see as some cash flow challenges businesses face and provide insights as to how to overcome these.  In this episode we look at:

    ·        The importance of a strategic plan and building reserves in the business

    ·        The difference between profit and cash 

    ·        The importance of the balance sheet in understanding your businesses financial strength

    ·        How too large a cash balance can be detrimental to the business

    ·        What to avoid holding too large a cash balance


    Time stamps

    3.28       The importance of a strategic plan and building reserves in the business

    7.54       The difference between profit and cash 

    9.04       The importance of the balance sheet in understanding your businesses financial strength

    12.47     How too large a cash balance can be detrimental to the business

    16.33     What to avoid holding too large a cash balance

    013 Knowing your Cash

    013 Knowing your Cash

    Do you know your cash?  Cash is an important resource in both our business and personal lives.  It is cash which allows us to buy and sell goods and services. So, knowing the amount of cash we have helps us in making decisions and managing it as a resource.  In this episode we look at:

    ·        What knowing your cash means

    ·        Why we should know our cash

    ·        How the knowledge of our cash helps us

    ·        What stops you looking at cash

    ·        Calculating cash flow and what impacts it


    Time stamps


    0.44       What knowing your cash means

    3.33       Why we should know our cash

    5.08       How the knowledge of our cash helps us

    7.58       What stops you looking at cash

    8.53       Calculating cash flow and what impacts it