
    About this Episode

    This week we are joined by the masked crusader, Glaucus, who runs the town and city planning blog 'Planning Down'. Glaucus, city planner by day, and anonymous planning theorist by night, introduces us to the ideas behind his cross-disciplinary approach to planning the towns and cities of the future. We talk of cities as metabolic organisms, the industrial revolution, Jevon's paradox, feedback loops, consumerism, and Obama’s national defense authorisation act and indefinite detention without trial.

    You can check out Glacus's highly engaging blog here:


    If you are interested in reading more about any of the topics in today's show, you can check out the blog's bibliography here:


    I love it when a plan comes together....

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    You can download the text from libcom.org here:

    The self-publishing friendly version of the pdf:

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