
    011 Do Good and Do Awful: Neurodiversity, Mental Health and a Memoir for Our Uncertain Times, with Rebecca Schiller

    enFebruary 09, 2021

    About this Episode

    In this episode I talk about self-belief, it's importance within the changemaking space and what you might do to build it.

    I also talk to the brilliant Rebecca Schiller, author, journalist and campaigner. Rebecca is a Trustee, former CEO and co-founder of Birthrights - the human rights in childbirth charity. She is a regular contributor to the Guardian and Observer and her forthcoming memoir, Earthed, will be published in May 2021. Rebecca and I chat about:

    • Rebecca's sense of unfairness and injustice and how it drives her and her work
    • Rebecca's recent diagnosis of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and the part it has to play in her life
    • Giving permission to ask for what we need so we can the best job
    • Lessons from the awfulness
    • And Rebecca's new memoir, Earthed.

    Rebecca's link

    Pre-order Earthed: A Memoir: https://harbourbooks.org/shop/p/earthed-rebeccaschiller

    Rebecca's website: https://www.rebeccaschiller.co.uk/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rebecca.schiller/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/schillerrrrr

    Join the Do Good and Do Well community:

    Edited by Ryan Nile for Pure Creation Media


    Recent Episodes from Do good and Do Well

    061 Learning about ourselves, with Gemma Woffinden

    061 Learning about ourselves, with Gemma Woffinden

    This week's Do Good & Do Well guest is the fantastic Gemma Woffinden.


    Gemma is a passionate theatre maker, producer and facilitator with over 20 years of experience in working with children and young people in a variety of contexts. Gemma is also currently the Speak Up producer at Theatre Royal Wakefield leading work with the National Theatre and the Drama Coach at Opera North.


    Her mission is to support young people, early career artists and facilitators by signposting them to range of creative pathways to help demystify the theatre industry and open it up to underrepresented future artists.


    Such a pleasure to talk to Gemma. We had a really open and honest conversation that I think will resonate with many of you. We talked about:


    • Why Gemma loves drama, theatre and working with young people

    • The power of having a teacher who sees you

    • Asking for help and not having all the answers

    • Remembering the joy in our work

    • Looking for approval

    • Celebrating the good stuff


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Testament - https://www.testamenthomecut.com/about-1

    Kirstie Taylor - https://instagram.com/kirstybratfud

    Speak UP - https://www.theatreroyalwakefield.co.uk/take-part/schools-and-colleges/speak-up



    Contact Gemma:





    Contact me:

    Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/

    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/

    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/

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    060 Co-leadership with Dr Claire Antrobus and Sandeep Mahal

    060 Co-leadership with Dr Claire Antrobus and Sandeep Mahal

    On this week's episode of Do Good & Do Well, I've got not one, but two guests: Dr Claire Antrobus and Sandeep Mahal!


    It was an absolute delight to welcome Claire and Sandeep onto the podcast to talk all about co-leadership. And we covered a lot in our chat! We talked about:

    • what is co-leadership and why is it important?

    • how co-leadership can respond to systemic inequalities in the arts and cultural sector

    • what it's like to be part of a co-leadership model

    • the benefits of co-leadership including wellbeing, equity and inclusion

    • why equity is at the heart of what we do thing

    • how co-leadership can improve profit, resilience and stability

    • what co-leadership has to do with freelancing

    • what are the risks and how to overcome them

    • what to include if you're suggesting shared leadership with the board or in an interview process

    • next steps



    The co-leadership library https://coleadership.info

    Millimetres 2 Mountains https://www.millimetres2mountains.org

    RSC https://www.rsc.org.uk

    Rising Arts, Bristol https://rising.org.uk

    Keri Jarvis https://kerijarvis.com

    Western Jerwood creative bursary https://jerwoodarts.org/programme/weston-jerwood-creative-bursaries-2020-22/

    Birmingham Museum Trust https://www.birminghammuseums.org.uk

    Hear Matt Peacock talk about Arts and Homelessness International - podcast episode https://pod.fo/e/ac65c

    Creative Black Countries


    Contact Sandeep on Twitter https://twitter.com/readwithsandy or email mailto:sandykmahal@gmail.com


    Contact Claire on Twitter https://twitter.com/claireant or www.claireantrobus.com



    Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/


    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter


    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach


    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/


    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/

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    059 Generosity, art and finding commonality, with Victoria Powell

    059 Generosity, art and finding commonality, with Victoria Powell

    My guest on the podcast this week is the wonderful Dr Victoria Powell. Victoria is a writer and lecturer in modern and contemporary art. In 2021 she set up The Gallery Companion, a Substack publication which explores the ideas about life, culture, history and politics that you find in art. She aims to break down the perception that contemporary art is hard to understand by avoiding confusing art speak and talking about it in language that makes sense.


    In today's episode:

    • Why Victoria's teaching, writing and podcast matters in engaging discussion and debate in a respectful way

    • Finding the things we have in common to bring people together and increase understanding

    • Personal experiences of rejection and how that impacts the work

    • What you can get from art if you allow yourself to be unsure

    • How the Gallery Companion got started

    • Building your voice from starting small and imagining you're writing or speaking to one person

    • Not chasing the money and finding the value in other ways

    • Joys and opportunities of podcasting

    • Investment in each other and generosity of spirit.

    • Being okay with uncertainty



    Mentioned in the episode: The Witch Trials of JK Rowling, Megan Phelps Roper https://www.thefp.com/witchtrials

    Substack - https://substack.com

    William Kentridge https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/exhibition/william-kentridge


    Victoria's links:







    Sarah's links:

    Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/

    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/

    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/


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    058 Purpose, the how and starting with self, with Tom Andrews

    058 Purpose, the how and starting with self, with Tom Andrews

    This week, on Do Good & Do Well, I'm chatting with Tom Andrews.

    Tom is Head of Member Support at ACEVO supporting Chief Executives of charities and social enterprises. He is the founder and ex-CEO of two pioneering charities: Music for Change and People United. Tom is a qualified coach and counsellor and enjoys inventing games, ambient music, silent retreats and football.


    Things we talk about:

    • The thread through Tom's working life that hasn't been planned but that come from purpose

    • How do you go from idea to action and keep going in the early days of setting up

    • What lessons Tom learned from setting up an organisation that he wants to remember

    • How to 'stay in your own lane' when you have loads of ideas

    • Why the question 'how' is so important when the drive is for outputs, outcomes, targets etc.

    • What the challenges are for charity leaders right now?

    • Remembering the joy and what is going well is important

    • Starting with self first to enable things to really happen

    • Is it possible to put yourself first when you're tackling social justice?

    • The ASP theory - created during the recording!

    • Remembering the light with the dark

    • What's the biggest gift we might give ourselves



    Links mentioned in the episode

    Marketing without the ick workshop https://misty-thunder-738.myflodesk.com/

    How To Stop Brooding DGDW episode https://pod.fo/e/152a4f

    To Be List DGDW episode https://pod.fo/e/d4a1e


    Acevo - www.acevo.org.uk

    Tom website -www.tomandrews.org.uk - go to contact form to get in touch

    Music for Change https://www.musicforchange.org

    People United https://peopleunited.org.uk


    Sarah links - Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/

    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/

    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/


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    057 Curiosity, conversation and having someone on your side with Fleur Emery

    057 Curiosity, conversation and having someone on your side with Fleur Emery

    This week's episode of Do Good and Do Well is a chat with the wonderful Fleur Emery!


    Fleur Emery is a fearless and informed start-up expert and the founder of REALWORK, the inclusive online membership, created to inspire and equip women to work, earn and live on their own terms.


    Fleur founded REALWORK in June 2020 to deliver her own brand of practical, no-nonsense advice to other female founders and freelancers. So far the project has supported over 500 REALWORKers to make positive change in their businesses.


    Some of the things we talk about:

    • What Fleur would like you to know to help you

    • The importance of curiosity, conversation and having someone on your side

    • Why Fleur thinks the podcast should be called something else

    • How following your curiosity and what you find easy might be the key

    • Setting examples in our homes to not pass on helplessness and be known

    • Can we stop abandoning ourselves?

    • What kind of fearless is that fearless?

    • What would happen if all women felt no shame or judgement?


    Christina Clarke from Workculturati https://www.workculturati.com/

    You Make It: You Change It 👉 anti-racism allyship programme https://you-make-it.org/you-change-it

    June Jordon - Many Rivers to Cross https://www.theguardian.com/news/2002/jun/20/guardianobituaries.booksobituaries

    The To-Be List and Nice Vs Kind https://pod.fo/e/fe3ff


    Get in touch with Fleur: REALWORK currently has space for new members, and you can join here: www.doreal.work



    Get in touch with me: Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/

    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/

    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/


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    056 Can I Pick Your Brains?

    056 Can I Pick Your Brains?

    What do you do when people contact you to 'just pick your brains'? Do you say yes, do you say no? 

    We often give so much away and this can make you feel resentful, not least because it often doesn't feel like a fair exchange. It feels tricky when bigger organisations ask and when it's a friend, it's hard to say no.

    So, what can you do about it and how can you do it in a way that feels aligned to your values? Let's chat about it.


    Read the blog post: https://sarahfox.co.uk/blog-1/can-i-pick-your-brains


    Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/


    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter


    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach


    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/


    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/


    Grab the direct link to this episode and share with a friend


    Edited by Eve Horne https://www.instagram.com/eve_horne/

    055 Marketing Without the Ick

    055 Marketing Without the Ick

    It's a new season of the podcast! And for today's solo episode, I'm talking about how we can begin to market ourselves without the ick.





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    Edited by Eve Horne https://www.instagram.com/eve_horne/

    054 Marketing without social media with Viv Guy

    054 Marketing without social media with Viv Guy

    In this episode, I talk to marketing mentor Viv Guy about running a business without using social media. In this conversation:


    • Viv shares her story of running businesses and how she came off social media

    • We also talk ways to connect and grow your community off of social media particularly through collaboration

    • The challenges of social media and it's impact on small businesses

    • Using social media intentionally

    • Marketing Archetypes

    • Slowing down and connecting with people

    • Viv shares some tips if you're thinking about saying goodbye to social media


    Links and things we mention:


    Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach/

    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/

    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/



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    Edited by Eve Horne https://www.instagram.com/eve_horne/

    053 Positive Emotions

    053 Positive Emotions

    In this solo episode I share a way of encouraging and increase happiness and ability to flourish. I learnt this from the work of positive psychologists such as Barbara Frederickson. The 5 key emotions are:


    1. Feeling Hopeful

    2. Feeling Joy

    3. Feeling Peaceful

    4. Feeling Thankful

    5. Feeling Playful


    Let me know what you do to increase these emotions by emailing andsarah@sarahfox.co.uk or pop on Twitter/Instagram.


    Links and things:

    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter

    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach

    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/

    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/


    Grab the direct link to this episode and share with a friend


    Edited by Eve Horne https://www.instagram.com/eve_horne/

    052 Self-Efficacy

    052 Self-Efficacy

    In today's solo episode, I share my thoughts on confidence and how thinking about self-efficacy can be more useful when working towards goals.


    Links and things:

    Reach out to me on my Linked In page: www.linkedin.com/in/sarahfoxcoach


    Sign up to my newsletter: https://sarah-fox-coaching.mykajabi.com/newsletter


    Find me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahFoxCoach


    Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CksnPQ2IMr1/


    My website: https://sarahfox.co.uk/


    Grab the direct link to this episode and share with a friend


    Edited by Eve Horne https://www.instagram.com/eve_horne/