
    About this Episode

    I remember when Remy was first diagnosed with autism. The first concern I had was that she wasn't able to communicate. If she couldn't communicate, she would never function in a way that could get her through life.

    But what I didn't realize is that communication and speaking weren't exactly the same thing. There are plenty of people who can speak but they aren't using words to form thoughts and communicate them to another person. I never knew what a complicated task that was for our brains.

    In this episode, I talk about how to get your child to communicate. It's not what you think, it's much easier.

    We are going through a series based on the book ESDM An Early Start For Your Child With Autism.

    I was lucky enough to have a parent training when Remy was first diagnosed with autism. A training taught with the principals in this book to teach parents how to work with their children.

    One thing I thought of while doing this training, was that I was shocked that this wasn't available to every single family when they got a diagnosis. I still think it should be. 

    But the amazing part, any one of us can learn because there is a book that teaches us.

    So today's topic is taught from chapter 5 and its a good one. Go get the book.


    I have a huge ask for you. If you like this podcast, would you leave a review on iTunes? It would mean the world to me and give me an idea of what you think of it but it also really helps other people find this show.

    I have a mission to share everything I have learned with everyone who is going through this type of journey and the more people that find the show, the more opportunity that parents won't feel so alone.

    Thanks so much. Enjoy the show. 


    Recent Episodes from Accepting The Unacceptable, Parenting Autism, Epilepsy, Special Needs

    065| Suffering Consciously

    065| Suffering Consciously

    Are you suffering right now? I want to talk about this because it's been top of mind as I look out into the world. Civil unrest, racial divide, a pandemic that's costing hundreds of thousands of deaths. Jobs lost, families fearing eviction, schools out, kids home, loved one's dying or being sick, and there's not much we can do about it. I've struggled the last few months and many times have felt lost. Not knowing where I'm going or what I'm doing. In this episode, I am talking about what it is that we can learn from this situation and how we can do what is called Suffering Consciously. 

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    064 | (Q&A) How Do You Feel About People Using The R Word?

    064 | (Q&A) How Do You Feel About People Using The R Word?

    On this Q&A episode of the podcast, I am responding to a question I got on Instagram that was really really good! It's all about how offended we are when we hear the R word. In the special needs arena, that is very hurtful. I have a lot of thoughts about this because it's something I’ve struggled with over the last few years, and I’ve finally come to a certain peace with it. I want to share that because we need to talk about things like this and how the world views our kids or how they throw around hurtful or offensive words. We have to process through all the feelings that come with that because it's inevitable. It's all around us. So, I hope you will get a lot out of this and I would love to hear your thoughts on this as well. DM me or email me because I feel like this is a topic that we have to come together and talk about! 

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    063 |(Q&A) How Do You Balance Work, Family, and Self-Care as a Special Needs Mom?

    063 |(Q&A) How Do You Balance Work, Family, and Self-Care as a Special Needs Mom?

    In this episode, it's going to be a little different. I have had the idea of adding a second episode a week. I get a lot of questions from people, a lot of questions that are really good and important to me and to the special needs community, so I really want to discuss them with all of you. In this episode, and for future Q&A's, I am just going to answer questions. YOUR questions. Please let me know if this is something you enjoy and if you have anything you'd like to ask me, DM me on Instagram or Email me! 

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    062 | How to Get to a Place of Acceptance - with Jody Warshawsky

    062 | How to Get to a Place of Acceptance - with Jody Warshawsky

    Today we are talking about acceptance. It is my biggest dream for every parent that has a child with special needs because what you can do with acceptance can change the world. You cannot be the best, most effective, and most loving parent until you get to this phase. The journey is you discovering what that purpose is. And I believe that your child was put here to transform the world and bring a new consciousness to our planet. But it starts with you. It starts with the mama.  And that is what I am here to talk about. 

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    061 | Depression and Feeling Hopeless - with Jody Warshawsky

    061 | Depression and Feeling Hopeless - with Jody Warshawsky

    When my daughter Remy was diagnosed with autism, I had ALL the feels. I struggled and I felt alone. I didn’t know how I was going to be the kind of mother that Remy needed, and I didn't understand why she had special needs. How could God do this to a child? Why did God choose me? What did I do to deserve this? But I had SUCH a radical transformation when I was able to go through truly grieving the child I thought I was going to have. It was such a hard thing to do, but I'm really happy and proud because I am in such a better place now. Yet, it wasn't always like that. In this episode, I am re-sharing about my experience with the stage of depression, how I was able to process my emotions and fears, and ultimately accept my daughter. 

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    060 | I'll Do Anything to Change My Child's Diagnosis - with Jody Warshawsky

    060 | I'll Do Anything to Change My Child's Diagnosis - with Jody Warshawsky

    Today’s topic is ALL about bargaining. The word bargaining is confusing for a lot of people, and whenever we talk about the stages of grief, we don't even know what it really is and want to move on to the “better” stages, because who needs bargaining? But it's one that will actually keep us stuck the longest. I don't think we even realize we are doing it. So, in today’s podcast, you'll learn all about what bargaining is and what it isn't, and why it's the foundation for getting to that place of acceptance. 

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    059 | How Anger Shows Up In Special Needs Parenting - With Jody Warshawsky

    059 | How Anger Shows Up In Special Needs Parenting - With Jody Warshawsky

    This episode is a heavy topic, but I am really excited about it. It is about anger and grieving what your old ideas or thoughts were for your child. It is a previously recorded episode and it's one of the first one I've ever done. I wanted to play it because the discussion of the stages of grief still rings true for any mom or any parent who is processing through a diagnosis for their child. If we don't process through it, the whole journey is nothing but pain, struggle, and agony. My biggest goal is to help you get to a place of acceptance. And I mean acceptance of all of it. Because that is when your soul is free, and you can dig in and parent the way you want, and learn from your child the way that you want to learn.

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    058 | Denial and How It Plays a Role in Special Needs Parenting - with Jody Warshawsky

    058 | Denial and How It Plays a Role in Special Needs Parenting - with Jody Warshawsky

    This episode is about denial and it is one of THE most important episodes of this entire podcast. What I know now is that when you are raising a child with special needs, there is a part of you that has to die. And I know that sounds a little crazy, but raising a child with special needs requires you to change. It requires you to become a better version of yourself. Through change comes grieving and processing through the feelings that you are having. I am replaying these episodes because they still ring true. This episode is all about denial and grieving the child you thought you were going to have. If you are someone who is processing through some sort of diagnosis, listen to this episode and to the next four upcoming episodes and let me know what you think!

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    057 | Depression and Why You Aren't Alone - with Jody Warshawsky

    057 | Depression and Why You Aren't Alone - with Jody Warshawsky

    Currently, I am going through a season of depression in my life. This is not a comfortable topic for me to talk about, but I realize how important and crucial this discussion is right now. I also know that one of the BEST ways to overcome it is to talk about it. So, that's what I am doing in this episode. This is just coming from my own experience and my own journey with depression, what I’ve found helpful, and advice I have for you if you are in a season of depression yourself. I hope that this can resonate with you and help you in some way. 

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    056 | How Hope Can Help You Process an Autism Diagnosis - with Sherilyn Toro

    056 | How Hope Can Help You Process an Autism Diagnosis - with Sherilyn Toro

    On this episode, I am talking with Sherilyn Toro who is an amazing mama of two kids. Her daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when she was ten years old, and her son, Gabe, was recently diagnosed with Autism. She is so incredible and openly shares about her hopes and fears surrounding her son’s diagnosis, how important Early Intervention was to his growth, her grieving process, how everything has affected her marriage, and what having two children with very different diagnoses is like. Sher has come such a long way on her journey and the wisdom and hope that she gives are things that I wish every mom could know at the beginning. 

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