
    About this Episode

    As busy, driven and ambitious women, we often don’t slow down enough to figure out what we want in life, so when the “What do you REALLY want?” question inevitably comes up, we often have not done the deep inner-thinking to clearly articulate the answer to this question.

    In this episode, we look beyond the material things, and  I’ll share a client’s journey along with the questions that helped her gain deeper insight into discovering what was next for her.

    Recent Episodes from Smart Women on Fire Podcast

    040 - The circle of life & Season 1 finale

    040 - The circle of life & Season 1 finale

    I am dedicating this episode to my father who recently passed.      

    In between the waterworks, I think about the happy memories we created together. I know deep in my belly that he lived a full life and indeed it is the circle of life.

    As hard as losing a loved one is…the end of one chapter brings birth to something new.

    So, as I pay homage to my father it is also the perfect time to wrap up Season 1 of the podcast.

    Season 2 will be coming soon.

    039 – Permission to press pause – Part II

    039 – Permission to press pause – Part II

    If you missed the last podcast episode (#38 – Permission to press pause – Part I), be sure to check it out.

    We talked about the importance of giving yourself permission to pause so you can enjoy the “in-between” moments of life.

    Today’s episode is recorded live from a private villa in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico where I am co-hosting the Recharge leadership retreat with Katerine Johnson.

    Our personal development sessions have been curated to remind our attendees that tension is a teacher and that we must not ignore the warning messages that continue to show up.

    In today’s episode, we’ll review how quickly tension can consume the mind, body and spirit if we let it get out of control.

    It’s time to get going…so, dive in and enjoy the episode!

    038 – Permission to press pause – Part I

    038 – Permission to press pause – Part I

    I have been talking about it for months – now the time is finally here.

    Yes, I am hours away from facilitating the Recharge Leadership Retreat, in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

    I will be joined by the amazing Katherine N Johnson (who is an amazing mentor and coach and I’m honored to call my friend) – and together, we will let the experience we have been curating for the last 18 months unfold beautifully.

    What’s interesting is, one of the most respected careers is leadership - but we are all so busy chasing success that we forget to pause long enough to recharge. I have decided to take action and lead the way and so I hope you take the opportunity to do the same.

    If you are joining me in Puerto Vallarta this week, I look forward to serving you - it’s going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    If you are unable to join us this time, then check out this episode for the three keys (Awareness, Appreciation and Action) of giving yourself permission to pause.

    Now, take a breath, breathe and if you are joining us then I can’t wait to see you in Mexico!

    037 – Let's go...from survivor to conqueror

    037 – Let's go...from survivor to conqueror

    I don't know about you, but sometimes I need a little kick in the pants to get me going again.  

    You, too?

    It is sooooo easy to fall off “the wagon” right? – and, if we don’t have the right support, before long, moments will turn into months and we will be down and out for much longer than is necessary and that is definitely not a good thing!

    Today, I’m supplying you with a little rocket fuel, that I hope will be the first step to getting you all “juiced-up” and going again.

    Relax, kick off your heels and tune into today’s episode.


    BTW: Here is the link to the Real Women Atlanta Magazine I mentioned at the beginning of the show. It is currently published in digital format so check it out at your leisure.

    036 – Putting wisdom into action

    036 – Putting wisdom into action

    As leaders chasing success, we (unknowingly) often take on one of the following three leadership personas:

    • The planner – focuses on the big picture creating roadmaps of what to expect ahead
    • The thinker – loves investigating, researching and getting caught up in the weeds
    • The go-getter – focuses on moving forward and is unphased by obstacles and roadblocks

    This episode provides insight into the importance of putting wisdom into action if we are going to achieve fundamental success.

    As part of the discussion, the episode takes a bird's-eye-look at eight leadership archetypes originally discussed in a Harvard Business School (HBR) Article.



    035 – Other currencies of success – measuring more than money

    035 – Other currencies of success – measuring more than money

    When working with ambitious, high-potential leaders who are actively chasing success, often the key measure at the core of that success is money.

    In today’s episode, we unpack other currencies of success that may be worth considering.

    Besides money, we take a look at the currency of time, love, energy, happiness, status and independence.

    Enjoy the episode.

    034 – Special Announcement – A new book is in the works

    034 – Special Announcement – A new book is in the works

    Have you ever set yourself a massive goal but had no idea how you are going to achieve it?

    Well, you are not alone and I hear you loud and clear!

    In episode #33 (Waiting for the magic to happen) we talked about getting out of our comfort zone by moving through the fear and learning zones to get to the zones where we grow and stretch.

    Like it or not, overcoming inertia is a necessary evil if we want to lean into our edge.

    So today I’m taking a dose of my own medicine (gulp) and announcing the title of my new book that is in the works. It’s called Fired Up! How Smart Leaders show up “turned on” bringing the magic every time.

    This is a book for all those amazing leaders who have lost that fire in the belly feeling – you know that energy that's at the core of who we are and the work we do.  The goal of the book is to help you reignite your passion, purpose and drive so you continue to excel personally and professionally.  

    This will be my first solo effort as an author and although I am super excited, I am also full of anxiety and anticipation about the journey ahead.

    As you listen to the episode, I hope it inspires you to declare something “impossible” that you want to work on over the coming months, too.

    Dive in and enjoy the episode – and don’t worry about making it happen, I’ve got your back because we’re in this together!

    033 – Are you still waiting for the magic to happen?

    033 – Are you still waiting for the magic to happen?

    Sometimes we get super comfortable with life. Deep down we know we want more but we wait on the side-lines of life waiting for the magic to happen.

    We stay stagnated in a job, relationship or situation for longer than necessary often making excuses that stop us from growing and evolving.

    The truth is, without any momentum to get over the inertia, it could be a very long wait!

    This episode is a nudge forward to help you get out of your comfort zone and into your growth zone.

    Stop waiting for the music to happen; instead, go after what you really want!

    032 – Recalibrating when you’ve have lost your rhythm

    032 – Recalibrating when you’ve have lost your rhythm

    There is something beautiful about the rhythm of life that I really enjoy.

    It’s like the details are in the flow, the patterns and the tempo that make up our day-to-day world and help us live a happy and fulfilling life.

    From the rise of the sun to the annoying alarm signaling it’s time to get up and start the day.

    From the food choices we make to the timing of when we eat; from the way we move about the day to the thousands of thoughts we process every minute, hour and day.

    When we are thriving, there is something simply magical about the ebb and flow of the rhythm of life.

    And…every once in a while, for one reason or another, life kicks in and we lose our flow. Instead of thriving – we find ourselves surviving or perhaps even struggling – and we both know this is such a yucky place to be, right?

    If you find yourself starting to feel out of synch in one way or another, it may be the perfect time to recalibrate.

    Check out the episode on three things you can do to get your juices flowing again.

    BTW: here is the link to the song I mention in the episode:
    Artist: Club des Belugas
    Track: Hip Hip Chin Chin on Spotify or Youtube

    031 – Preparing to win takes more than a determined mindset

    031 – Preparing to win takes more than a determined mindset

    With the 2021 Summer Olympic Games currently underway in Tokyo, the best athletes gather from all around the world to play, compete and win.

    We all know that every athlete hopes to take home a medal (or two) but only a small handful actually do.

    In this episode, we look at how world-class athletes train from week to week and then chat about what we can learn from their dedicated regime.

    Enjoy the episode.