
    About this Episode

    What if, before you got out of bed in the morning and began your day, you really took the time to ask yourself one simple question? “What is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today? What if I were to consciously create my day?"

    Your MINDFUL observation of reality REALLY matters.... You know how much we emphasize Conscious Creation!

    If you were patient enough to wait for an answer, you would almost certainly start to think differently than if you simply woke up and unconsciously thought of yourself as the same person as the day before and the day before that ~ and went through your same mechanical daily actions based on your habitual thoughts like an automaton.

    We are not the thoughts we think any more than we are their victims... WE ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE!

    You really DO always have the choice to pick uplifting thoughts or downer thoughts; choosing love based thoughts will trigger positive based feelings and actions and fear based thoughts will trigger negative feelings and results.....

    Every person is a divine creator, and independent of our race, gender, culture, social status, education, religious beliefs, or even past thinking, there is a power within each of us that is common to every human being — and we are all connected to it.

    This podcast continues the theme from our calls about The Law of Attraction and also the one about Abraham - Hicks where we talk about Source energy and "infinite intelligence" and how we are all connected to it vibrationally.

    You know, if you repeatedly think and act in identical ways on a daily basis, your brain will become moulded into a specific hardwired pattern that will support the same level of thoughts and make you inflexible and narrow-minded, which is so ironic, because most people routinely think the same thoughts and perform the same actions, yet secretly expect something different to show up in their lives!

    I first came across the concept of "I Create My Day" via Dr Joe Dispenza in the movie What the Bleep Do we Know ~  a 2004 film that combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that espoused a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. This hypothesis is becoming more and more widely accepted these days: less of a concept and more of a proven fact as science and spirituality blend and converge.

    What the Bleep Do We Know was pretty much one of the first semi mainstream movies that began to talk about the relationship between mind and matter and brought Quantum Physics to the masses! While the relatively recent discovery of neuroplasticity, that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains, even into old age, is the most important breakthrough in our understanding of the workings of the brain in four hundred years!

    The quantum physics model of reality tells us that mind and matter are not separate elements. In fact, subjective mind has a real effect on the external objective world.

    An intentional mind literally conditions and organizes matter into the blueprints of personal destiny!
    Meaning that when we consciously create, we become Master and Commander of our Universe!

    So if you want to know more about how to implement the "I Create My Day" daily ritual, listen in to this week's podcast where Karen and I dive deep into the exercise.

    Karen guides us in a wonderful meditation to help us centre and get grounded and I share my preferred "I Create My Day" script.

    Recent Episodes from Spiritual Awakening - Expanding Times Fireside Chats

    042: Values Beliefs Gratitude and Spirituality

    042: Values Beliefs Gratitude and Spirituality

    Our values and beliefs colour our vision and perception of the world. They determine our actions or inaction. Thoughts affect feelings. Feelings affect behaviour. Behaviour produces results (or the lack thereof). It all begins with our thoughts, since we have to accept a thought for it to become a belief. And a belief is simply a thought we keep thinking with enough emotion and intensity to make it stick.

    It’s been said that whatever you believe becomes your reality. You do not believe what you see; rather you see what you already believe.

    "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Wayne Dyer

    Values are the emotional states that we either move towards (“pleasure” values) or move away from based upon what we want in our life experience ("pain" values). Our beliefs about our values are actually the driver behind our behaviour. 

    When you develop the absolute sense of certainty that powerful, empowering beliefs provide, then you can accomplish virtually anything, including those things other people are certain are impossible. ALL you have to do is change your belief system! Melanie and I make a bit of a joke about that since it is very simple but not always easy, and it is often helpful to have someone to reflect back to you what you perhaps cannot see yourself which is why we are all such advocates of coaching.

    In today's Fireside Chat with Melanie Spears of The Gratitude Diary, our discussion centres around gratitude, values and beliefs since we are both utterly passionate about how we create our own reality based upon our unique model of the world. One of the most empowering things I finally understood from my time working with Tony Robbins, is that all personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs.  The moment we begin to honestly question our beliefs and the experiences we assign to them, we no longer feel absolutely certain about them. Doubt opens the door to replacing your old, disempowering beliefs with new beliefs that support you in the direction you want to go.

    041: Out of Belief Into Possibility with Lori Mitchell

    041: Out of Belief Into Possibility with Lori Mitchell

    This week's Fireside Chat, Out of Belief Into Possibility will have you captivated. We had such amazing feedback from that previous call with Lori Mitchell from Speed Manifesting that she graciously offered to come back and continue the discussion. After all, if you've been tuned into our Fireside Chats, you'll already know that we try to pack a huge amount of information into a very short time and are always racing against the clock! There's always so much to say...

    As we were chatting it felt very much as if we were covering Speed Manifesting 101 since beliefs (both those that serve, empower and expand us, as well as those that don't) are integral to our ability to manifest. Just that some, a lot or MOST of what we are manifesting is sometimes not what we would ideally like to see showing up in our lives!

    Remember that the Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working!

    So if you don't like what is showing up in your life, it might be time to question your thoughts and beliefs about things. Just sayin'!

    Abraham says that, "A belief is simply a thought you keep thinking" so wouldn't it stand to reason that if we could train ourselves to think "better" thoughts, we can change our programming and therefore our results?

    We are operating our lives with programming that we didn’t really choose, based on beliefs that may not be true or even part of our conscious thinking! So what do you want to be true?

    Listen NOW and join the conversation!

    040: Speed Manifesting with Lori Mitchell

    040: Speed Manifesting with Lori Mitchell

    "The Universe likes speed. Don't delay. Don't second guess. Don't doubt. When the opportunity is there, when the impulse is there, when the intuitive nudge from within is there, act. That's your job. And that's all you have to do." - Joe Vitale in The Secret.

    I just love this quote although sometimes I'm sure I don't seize the day fast enough and jump when the opportunity arises, but yesterday was NOT one of those days! As you'll hear in this week's Fireside Chat, I "happened upon" Lori Mitchell via a Facebook group while I was battling (and yes, I use that word advisedly!) with my own personal website and she offered some advice... Talk about speed manifesting!

    From a conversation about Wordpress, membership sites and a screen-shared conversation on Skype, within no time at all we were talking about her book, Speed Manifesting, and her work with people who seem to know a lot about the Universal Laws and personal development but are frustrated in their efforts to turn their life around quickly and create their life consistently.

    Here's a woman talking my language!

    So within a very short period of time (like 30 minutes) I had invited Lori on to the show to be interviewed in our latest Fireside Chat about her skill at speed manifesting.

    "SPEED Manifesting™ is based on years of research and feedback on starting again, manifesting fast prosperity, creating abundance and understanding more than “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. It is a tried, tested and proven way to quickly and continually create and manifest the life of your dreams." ~ Lori Mitchell ~

    I think there are many of us who would agree with both Lori and I that The Secret was a wonderful vehicle for opening people's eyes to new possibilities and expanding their creative thinking and manifesting skills but it has also left people feeling frustrated when it doesn't fall into place and materialise as we would hope.... even if we DO gratitude, keep positive and visualize on our desires. I have always thought there was somewhat more to it than that, and Lori certainly agrees there, and although her process is simple it does require (like everything in personal transformation) a measure of commitment and focus.

    SO Listen NOW as we go through the essential elements of Speed Manifesting!

    039: The Work of Byron Katie with Tanya Murphy

    039: The Work of Byron Katie with Tanya Murphy

    OMG! The interview I did today for this week's Fireside Chat was totally engrossing!  I thought it was finally time to introduce you to The Work of Byron Katie, since by now I'm sure you know that at Expanding Times we LOVE to bring you tips and especially tools which you can implement yourself; tools that can help you bust false beliefs which are holding you back from your expansion and being all that you can be.. in fact from all that you already ARE!

    And as is my wont, I've sourced a real expert in the work of Byron Katie ~ in fact one of only THREE certified facilitators of the work of Byron Katie in the whole of Australia! Tanya Murphy and I are part of the same Miracles Group in an online coaching program and when I heard what miracles she is able to help facilitate with her clients on a daily basis, and also how PASSIONATE she is about the work, I knew we had to invite her onto the show and get you all the goss!

    "I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered, but that when I didn't believe them, I didn't suffer, and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always." — Byron Katie

    If you want to know more about how to distance yourself from the illusions and live a life of greater peace and responsiveness I HIGHLY recommend what has come to be known in spiritual circles as, "The Work"

    Tanya is living proof that amongst her clients who consistently do The Work with her as an ongoing practice, they commonly report: Alleviation of depression: Decreased stress: Improved relationships: Reduced anger: Increased mental clarity: More energy and More peace.

    To find out more about "The Work" and how it can transform YOU...

    ==> Listen NOW

    038: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    038: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    Today's podcast covers the 'thorny' topic of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome! Although I'm sure many people must have suffered from it in times long gone by, as there was no diagnosis it undoubtedly went  undetected or unidentified. So to bring some clarity to the topic, I invited a wonderful lady, Margaret Lambert, who you may have heard me interview before talking about the Emotional Freedom Technique, to come back and share her expertise. She was a long-time sufferer of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue in the 1990's which then propelled her to write a highly acclaimed book about her odyssey, "Longing to Live ~ Journey with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia."

    According to the Mayo Clinic, "Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue that can't be explained by any underlying medical condition. The fatigue may worsen with physical or mental activity, but doesn't improve with rest.

    The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown, although there are many theories — ranging from viral infections to psychological stress. Some experts (and Marg very much concurs with this opinion as you'll hear in our interview), believe chronic fatigue syndrome might be triggered by a combination of factors."

    From what I understood from Marg in our call today, there is obviously a difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and yet there are many areas where the symptoms and treatments converge. So listen now as she shares her insights and recommendations for those of you unfortunate enough to have manifested either or both of these "misfortunes"... for as she says in the call, we have to find the gift within the challenge ~ whatever it might be.

    037 : Become a Certified Law of Attraction Coach

    037 : Become a Certified Law of Attraction Coach

    Have you ever considered becoming a Certified Law of Attraction Coach?

    I know that many people have thought about it because quite frankly I'm asked all the time about becoming a certified Law of Attraction coach once they know that I became certified myself in Law of Attraction coaching, and people are always curious to know more about what that entails.
    But more often than not they don't know where to go to get the right information from someone who's done all the research and walked the path (successfully I hope) before them which is why they come to me!

    So since the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, where I was certified are just about to open their doors to a new intake of students, what better time to let you all know about it. I really do endorse this online course as being one of the most authentic, comprehensive and best value for money Law of Attraction coach certifications I've come across, and Lord knows there are quite a few out there of varying degrees of good and not so good reputation!

    I really encourage people to consider becoming a Certified Law of Attraction Coach so they can not only learn how to expand their own emotional range and vibrational frequency, but also learn a highly lucrative skill to support their loved ones both energetically and financially. Not to mention being able to guide and mentor the many other people who are desperately searching for meaning and purpose in their own lives at this pivotal time in human consciousness. At least that's what I did.

    So this week's podcast is all about how to become a certified Law of Attraction coach and how it can benefit you both personally and professionally. I invited my good friend Suzi Cobden to come back again and share her experiences of the QSCA as well since it was during this very course that the two of us first met and began our deep friendship and transformational journey. If you haven't heard her amazing story "If I can do it, so can YOU!" do go back and give it a listen. It was pretty much all due to the support of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy and studying to become a certified Law of Attraction coach!

    We both owe Christy Whitman and the QSCA so much..

    036 : Astrology and the Shift with Maggie Kerr

    036 : Astrology and the Shift with Maggie Kerr

    Right now we're being invited to Dream the New and Dissolve the Old, both as an individual but also as a collective. So in today's podcast I interview a wonderful lady called Maggie Kerr who shares her perspective on how astrology can be used to reflect the Paradigm Shift.

    How can we better understand the nature of Consciousness and the Shift as seen through the window of astrology? And how do planetary cycles correspond with human evolutionary trends?

    In her 2014 Year Ahead Astrology Report Maggie writes, " We are living through the most important, exciting and incredible time in human history. A revolutionary new phase in human evolution is unfolding right before our eyes awakening dormant codes in our human potential, and unleashing the very best and worst of times. Times of extremes as the rich get richer at the expense of the poor, our natural world is stressed to the max, and splendid opportunities accompany huge challenges. So how do we respond as individuals in these exciting stressful times? We evolve. We wake up and start doing things differently. The astrology of 2014 is simply loaded with the dynamics of planets all set to finally make this happen!

    This will be a year of action and adventure when we must strike out into new territory and dare to go for it.

    The Year of the Earth Horse in Chinese Astrology is loaded with the fire to get things moving at a practical level, in contrast to the more introspective Water Snake of 2013, where we have been clearing up lots of old emotional junk, learning to trust our intuition and tuning in to new levels from higher guidance. Horses and heroes go together of course, thus the nobility and courage of the horse is our animal totem for the year ahead.

    The call to our individual heroic process began in 2011 when Uranus entered Aries triggering the massive shifts and revolutions in our lives and world since 2014 will be a fast paced year of extremes especially after July when Jupiter (whose animal is the horse) moves into dynamic Leo for the first time since 2002. We will experience breakdowns, breakups, breakthroughs and breath taking shifts that have been building during 2012...


    035 : Who and what are "The Awakeners"?

    035 : Who and what are "The Awakeners"?

    Have you ever heard the term "awakener" and  would you like to hazard a guess at what it means? And even if you have a sense of what it is to be one, would you be courageous enough to own your own gift as an awakener and stand in the truth of who you really are?

    Exciting ~ and expanding ~ times are upon us and people all over the planet are waking up, and in my humble opinion as they (we) do, we are starting to affect the people around us and influence their awakening process almost by osmosis. It may as yet be a modest difference that you and I are making to the planetary vibes, but from small acorns grow mighty oaks and we have no idea how one kind word, unconditional love, forgiveness or simply a smile can impact someone else's future trajectory.

    However over the last 50 years or so, certain beings have incarnated with perhaps greater influence than others of us, being able to impact large groups and even societal change, and in today's call I've invited Sahaja Coventry to return and talk to us about some of those lightworkers and energy transformers, we refer to as "Awakeners."

    Please be assured that if YOU are a fan of Expanding Times, listen to our podcasts, read our articles or follow us on social media, then we know that you too are an awakener and will do whatever we can to support your message and essence to get out there in any way that we can to help accelerate this global paradigm shift.

    If you need any help with this, then sing out via our contact form or any of the aforementioned channels. But for a really fascinating podcast on Awakeners and their power to connect us to Source or Grace or whatever you prefer to call the Universal Force,

    ==> Listen Now

    034: The Financial Shift ~ Eyes Open, No Fear

    034: The Financial Shift ~ Eyes Open, No Fear

    We're going through a complete paradigm shift in terms of our world right now, and how we operate within it.  In particular a global financial shift is upon us as our current system can no longer sustain itself.  Get prepared for some big changes. In this podcast we aim to bring you up to speed on what WE believe is going on that the media and mainstream channels are not reporting ~ or perhaps are not even aware of themselves.

    These changes in our financial shift are part of the Great Shift in Consciousness.   

    This Shift is well underway and is in fact accelerating.   The purpose of this latest podcast is to create awareness of some of the financial changes so that you can be prepared both physically and emotionally.   Have your eyes open, but stay pragmatic.

    Many people in the financial arena suggest that we are on a path of two choices: currency collapse or a global currency reset backed by commodity assets.  One is inevitable (the collapse) if we do not do the other (the reset).  Many sources say that the consequences of a worldwide currency collapse are too dire, so this means that a global currency reset will occur.

    In this week's podcast, Karen shares the depth of the research she's been preparing since we started Expanding Times in a bid to enlighten us all to these adjustments and empower us.

    Corruption has been and continues to be exposed, which is a great thing – it goes far deeper than any of us can imagine, but rather than go there, it’s enough to know that we’ve been willing participants and that those who are waking up from their trancelike state of unconsciousness no longer want to play that game.  It’s time for change and it's coming! All over the world, people are waking up to the financial slavery system of which we've all unintentionally been a part.

    But there's no need for worry if we take the time to inform ourselves.  Many around you who don't understand that this is all part of moving into a higher level of consciousness will feel like victims, but you can be there to steady them and shine your light.

    This latest Expanding Times Fireside Chat podcast is intended to be a means of awakening you to what has been going on and the beginning of your education and empowerment.   While there are great changes coming, we will most definitely go through a period of disruption, so it's important to be prepared. 

    Stay focused on the end result, which is that we will free ourselves from the financial slavery system of massive global and personal debt, credit and and we will experience prosperity and an unprecedented abundance of wealth.  Stay positive and centered! We are...

    033: Addiction

    033: Addiction

    When I asked today's invited guest, Sahaja Coventry what qualifies her to talk so knowledgeably about, and work so intimately with, addictions, she said without hesitation "My addictive personality!" Go figure! Well at least she's honest...

    I think we all have an addictive personality in some way, shape or form if we're truthful,  and it can get quite obstreperous if most of us are not vigilant, discipled and hyper aware of why we're doing what we are doing and what feelings our addictions to even seemingly innocent pursuits, such as reading, shopping or maybe even gossiping are trying to cover up. And that's without mentioning recreational drugs, alcohol, food,  relationships and a whole heap more!

    Addiction has long been understood to mean an uncontrollable habit of using alcohol or other drugs. Because of the physical effects of these substances on the body, and particularly the brain, people have often thought that “real” addictions only happen when people regularly use these substances in large amounts.

    However more recently we have come to realize that people can also develop addictions to behaviors, such as gambling, shopping, reading, TV and even quite ordinary and necessary activities such as exercise and eating. What these activities have in common is that the person doing them finds them pleasurable in some way yet they mask feelings and unmet emotions that the individual would rather not confront and feel as they may be distressing.

    In today's call, Sahaja and I discuss the value to our long term health of getting 'down and dirty' with the core of what's really going on underneath the behaviour, agreeing that whatever is not LOVE is up for inspection and review these days. We are being invited more and more to get real and vulnerable and delve deep into our souls. And many awakeners have come to earth at this time to help us do that with the minimum of suffering.

    I recently recorded a podcast about The EmMatrix in which I am very well versed and which you might like to listen to. I use it all the time in my coaching/healing work to help people get unstuck from pernicious patterns and addictions or The Journey work of which Sahaja is an accomplished practitioner is another amazing tool she loves to share with people who are really ready to dive deep and come home.

    Listen NOW to find out more!