
    About this Episode

    This week we welcome back Philip Pilkington to the show to talk about his latest writings on the life and times of Friedrich Hayek, the ideologue behind the Neoliberal project. Philip came over to my house this week and we sat about and waxed lyrical on such highfalutin topics as Classical Liberalism, Neoliberalism and Ordoliberalism. We also got around to political propoganda and the Mont Perelin society, the similarities between the far right and Leninism, and how, after Hayek's nefarious influence, our politics has never been the same again...

    You can find Philip’s writing on the Naked Capitalist blog, the third most popular economics blog on the web.



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    You can download the text from libcom.org here:

    The self-publishing friendly version of the pdf:

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