
    About this Episode

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

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    E-mail your thoughts to podcast@rosc.life.

    the first 100 listeners to e-mail me with their thoughts, feedback, or support will get a FREE copy of deBRIEF when it gets released!

    In this episode, we talk about the the idea of ego depletion, and what it means.

    How often do you find yourself spent after work, needing to unwind or decompress?  Well, there may be some data to tell you why you need to, and

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    Recent Episodes from ROSC

    038. Showing Up

    038. Showing Up

    In this episode, we deal with the idea of showing up, especially when you don't feel like it.

    But what does it mean to show up?  How do we decide to step forward with the qualities that display leadership, optimism, empathy, and objective strength particularly when we have every reason inside us or outside us to not bring that to the table?

    There is a power to taking the steps even when we don't feel like they have meaning behind them.

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    037. You Have a Problem

    037. You Have a Problem

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

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    E-mail your thoughts to podcast@rosc.life.

    The first 100 listeners to e-mail me with their thoughts, feedback, or support will get a FREE copy of deBRIEF when it gets released!

    In this episode, we deal with the idea of insight.

    Developing insight is obviously a skill that can be acquired, but it is also something that always needs to be developed for each unique situation.  You don't just gain insight and that's it.   You have to develop the tools that allow you to notice when you don't have it.

    But the first step to tackling any goal is defining it.  So how do we define insight?

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    036. Empathy vs Compassion

    036. Empathy vs Compassion

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

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    E-mail your thoughts to podcast@rosc.life.

    the first 100 listeners to e-mail me with their thoughts, feedback, or support will get a FREE copy of deBRIEF when it gets released!

    In this episode, I discuss the vital difference between compassion and empathy.  

    We also go a little bit into why we react so poorly to being told to "show more compassion."

    Lastly, we discuss the fact that if you want to be more empathetic, then all you have to do is work the muscle.  Perform acts of empathy, and you will eventually be empathetic in your nature.

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    035. I Needed to be Heard and I Failed

    035. I Needed to be Heard and I Failed

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    Here is the link to the template!

    E-mail your thoughts to podcast@rosc.life.

    the first 100 listeners to e-mail me with their thoughts, feedback, or support will get a FREE copy of deBRIEF when it gets released!

    In this episode, I discuss an event that had occurred which led to a lot of insights about how and why I feel certain things in certain circumstances.

    The desire to be validated, heard, acknowledged, can cause us to harbor very strange emotions.   Sometimes, it takes pausing and brutal self-honesty to recognize that they are there.

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    034. I Have Nothing Left In Me

    034. I Have Nothing Left In Me

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    Here is the link to the template!

    E-mail your thoughts to podcast@rosc.life.

    the first 100 listeners to e-mail me with their thoughts, feedback, or support will get a FREE copy of deBRIEF when it gets released!

    In this episode, we talk about the the idea of ego depletion, and what it means.

    How often do you find yourself spent after work, needing to unwind or decompress?  Well, there may be some data to tell you why you need to, and

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    033. Settling Scores vs Opening Doors

    033. Settling Scores vs Opening Doors

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    Here is the link to the template!

    E-mail your thoughts to podcast@rosc.life.

    the first 100 listeners to e-mail me with their thoughts, feedback, or support will get a FREE copy of deBRIEF when it gets released!

    In this episode, we talk about the difference between holding a grievance, and seeing its possibility.  We discuss the ideas put forth by Seth Godin on settling scores vs opening doors. 

    Here is the link to Seth Godin's blog post

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    032. Tipping the Scale

    032. Tipping the Scale

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    Success is the aggregate of good choices

    Every time we come across "another one of those" situations, we are presented with an opportunity to tip the scale toward what we want to become.

    But a crucial point to remember is that first of all, the scale only tips when you put weight in it.  So action is necessary to make change.

    The second thing to remember is that it is an uphill battle.  It always takes conscious effort.

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    031. Tribes

    031. Tribes

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    This is another Seth Godin shoutout

    What is a tribe? The official definition is a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.

    The concept of a tribe affects us in our lives and definitely in healthcare.

    And tribes can be a force of good for those who are part of the tribe, as well as for tribes to intersect.

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    030. What the Heck is a Super-Chicken?

    030. What the Heck is a Super-Chicken?

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    A lot of what I talk about comes fro ma few mentors I have from the social media space, one of whom is Seth Godin.  Among the many topics I have gleaned from his amazing work, this is an odd one.

    Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


    en-usOctober 06, 2022

    029. Why We Spread the Blame

    029. Why We Spread the Blame

    Welcome to the ROSC Podcast

    We have talked about the idea of blaming yourself for everything you can, and I know that sounds very inflammatory.

    In this episode, we discuss the idea of spreading the blame among others, and why w feel the need to do it.

    Responsibility is not a percentage.  It is not a finite amount that will run out if put in the wrong place.  And even though others might think that way, when you realize that is the case, you begin to get comfortable taking on responsibility because you find it gives you one key super-power: Control.
