
    About this Episode

    God miraculously provides manna and quail for the people of Israel, and instructs Moses to bring water out of a rock, prophetically pointing to Jesus Christ.

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    Recent Episodes from The Bible In A Year Podcast with Dr. Melody Stevens

    245 Ezekiel Ch. 32-34

    245 Ezekiel Ch. 32-34

    God pronounces His final judgements on Egypt and then speaks of future restoration to come. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, in contrast to God's judgements against the 'bad shepherds', the previous leaders of the people.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    243 Ezekiel Ch. 24-27

    243 Ezekiel Ch. 24-27

    The siege of Jerusalem begins and God has Ezekiel act out another message so the people know. Prophecies against foreign nations begin.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    242 Ezekiel Ch. 22-23

    242 Ezekiel Ch. 22-23

    *MATURE CONTENT WARNING* God uses harsh and uncomfortable language to portray the debased behavior that pagan idolatry is to a Holy God. How are we also involved in idolatry in modern days that betray God's love and break His heart?

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    241 Ezekiel Ch. 20-21

    241 Ezekiel Ch. 20-21

    God recounts to the people why His judgement is imminent. Yet in his righteous indignation, He promises to reserve a remnant.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    240 Ezekiel Ch. 18-19

    240 Ezekiel Ch. 18-19

    God continues His analogies to help the people understand how their leaders have led them astray and are more reasons why judgement is coming, and to set incorrect mindsets and attitudes straight.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    239 Ezekiel Ch. 16-17

    239 Ezekiel Ch. 16-17

    God uses harsh and graphic descriptions of how He views the people's idolatry, as a harlot who has forsaken her True Love. God's heart breaks over the people's attitude and actions against Him. His judgement and wrath must come.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    238 Ezekiel Ch. 13-15

    238 Ezekiel Ch. 13-15

    God condemns the false prophets and idolaters and uses imagery of a vine and branches that is starkly contrasting to Jesus' words in John 15.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith

    237 Ezekiel Ch. 9-12

    237 Ezekiel Ch. 9-12

    Ezekiel is shown more powerful visions that depict God's glory leaving the Temple and the coming destruction of Jerusalem under God's judgement.

    Break down barriers and step into your purpose with our eBook, 'Rediscover, Redefine, Reclaim' here.

    Thrive in your mind, body & spirit in our private Goldies Community, here.

    Follow Dr. Melody on IG: @dr.melody_fitplusfaith