
    04. illness is a stage of wellness :: symptoms are guides, guardians and gurus

    enJune 29, 2023

    About this Episode

    in this episode we explore the energy mechanics of illness – why it exists, what purpose it serves to our evolutionary growth, and how we can become powerful allies, rather than antagonists, to our bodies and their symptoms.

    some of the topics / themes ::

    • my own story of navigating chronic illness after an autoimmune diagnosis in 2019 (and how i’ve healed my body)
    • why my 37th birthday is so sacred + meaningful to my healing
    • a radical redefinition of illness
    • why illness is a rightful part of our growth + evolution as human beings
    • why i believe that symptoms are guardian angels  
    • accepting illness’s invitation to turn challenging experiences into gold
    • excavating the treasure that lies within chronic illness and find the light at the end of the tunnel
    • using our intuition as a guide into healing and wholling
    • balancing between accepting what is, and striving for what could be
    • and so much more!

    relevant links + resources ::

    • the healing work of caroline myss
    • anything by bill plotkin
    • the seven hermetic principles from the kybalion
    • all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in my shop
    • for magic, medicine and more, visit my website at soulflower.love

    Recent Episodes from soulflower

    06. being intentioned without being in tension :: reclaiming feminine magnetism from the death grip of over-functioning + control

    06. being intentioned without being in tension :: reclaiming feminine magnetism from the death grip of over-functioning + control

    "what is the difference between
    your experience of existence and that of a saint?
    the saint knows that the spiritual path
    is a sublime chess game with god
    and that the beloved has just made such a fantastic move
    that the saint is now continually tripping over joy,
    and bursting out in laughter, and saying, 'I Surrender!'
    whereas you, my dear...
    i am afraid you still think
    you have a thousand serious moves."
    - hafez -

    this episide is my magical quest toward more deeply understanding and embodying the truth + power of my **feminine essence**

    it's quite the heroine's journey!
    ...here are some highlights--

    • unraveling our definition of what it means to be a "successful woman"
    • listening to our feminine BIOLOGY over our societally programmed IDEOLOGY
    • reclaiming feminine well-being (aka- BEING the WELLspring) from the drought of over-doing
    • harnessing the power of feminine magnetism to >>attract<< our desires in an organic, pleasureful, deeply generative way
    • dismantling our (masculinized) impulse of going to battle with life in attempt to !conquer! our desires
    • the art of feminine submission (to a much greater will)
    • why impeccability with our feelings is THE most effective + efficient use of feminine energy
    • increasing our literal + metaphorical fertility (our ability to CONCIEVE of our own dreams and creations)
    • how to become radically responsible for OUR OWN TURN ON
    • why it is so profoundly rewarding for the entire family unit to have the woman/ mother in her deepest pleasure and joy
    • one of the single greatest threats to our feminine essence = RUSHING (aka- time scarcity)
    • the power of relinquishing decision-making (getting good at being LED)
    • cultivating ecstaty~joy~love~abundance from scratch (and mastering the EXPANSE and INTENSIFICATION of them when they're present)
    • and sooo much more <3

    relevant links + resources ::

    • gillian pothier :: i so very highly recommend her work! this entire transmission // my embodied gnosis has been deeply informed and shaped by her brilliant + luminous teachings over the years
    • alison armstrong :: not mentioned in this episode, but another life-changing teacher on the power of feminine awakening
    • chantel q :: who i quoted // whose wisdom- and eros-drenched instagram page i adore following
    • martin pretchel :: "be beautiful on the way to the answer. that is the answer."
    • all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available upon request
    • for magic, medicine and more, visit my website at soulflower.love

    thank you so much for sharing this existence with me
    with love + liberation for all...



    05. take the leap :: everything you desire is on the other side of fear

    05. take the leap :: everything you desire is on the other side of fear

    “to be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake 

    is to be continually thrown out of the nest.

    to live fully is to be always in no-man’s-land, 

    to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. 

    to live
    is to be willing to die
    over and over again.”

    -pema chodron


    empty your mind, lift your heart, and take the leap!

    this episode is a meandering exploration of the ways we can embrace uncertainty, heal our fear of change, and courageously live life as a grand experiment, continually pushing the boundaries of our comfort zone, knowing that liberation doesn’t come from resisting or avoiding fear, but from getting to know it well...

    some of the topics ::

    • shifting our center of gravity from the head to the heart in moments of uncertainty
    • a tarot reading all about gracefully navigating change
    • my own biggest fear / how i define failure + success
    • tools for deeply resourcing ourselves in order to meet the tribulations of transformation
    • being powerfully intentioned without being in-tension
    • living on the razor’s edge between challenge and sustainability… effort and ease… activity and surrender
    • wisdom from the greek concept of “aporia” 
    •   the fertile power + limitless potential of “i don’t know” (#thefool)
    • using fear as a mirror to gaze deeply at how we relate to our own discomfort
    • and so much more <3

    all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in my shop.

    for magic, medicine, and more, visit soulflower.love

    04. illness is a stage of wellness :: symptoms are guides, guardians and gurus

    04. illness is a stage of wellness :: symptoms are guides, guardians and gurus

    in this episode we explore the energy mechanics of illness – why it exists, what purpose it serves to our evolutionary growth, and how we can become powerful allies, rather than antagonists, to our bodies and their symptoms.

    some of the topics / themes ::

    • my own story of navigating chronic illness after an autoimmune diagnosis in 2019 (and how i’ve healed my body)
    • why my 37th birthday is so sacred + meaningful to my healing
    • a radical redefinition of illness
    • why illness is a rightful part of our growth + evolution as human beings
    • why i believe that symptoms are guardian angels  
    • accepting illness’s invitation to turn challenging experiences into gold
    • excavating the treasure that lies within chronic illness and find the light at the end of the tunnel
    • using our intuition as a guide into healing and wholling
    • balancing between accepting what is, and striving for what could be
    • and so much more!

    relevant links + resources ::

    • the healing work of caroline myss
    • anything by bill plotkin
    • the seven hermetic principles from the kybalion
    • all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in my shop
    • for magic, medicine and more, visit my website at soulflower.love

    03. grow a garden in your mind :: planting dreams in the field of consciousness

    03. grow a garden in your mind :: planting dreams in the field of consciousness

    “the foundations of peace and bliss are not about attending to the external realities of your life but in accessing and organizing the inner nature of your being. the reason why success comes so easily and naturally for one person, and is a struggle for someone else, is essentially this :: one person has organized his or her mind to think the way he wants. the other thinks against his or her own interests.” -sadhguru

    in this episode we explore the ways that we can consciously utilize the power of our thoughts + feelings to create, transform and liberate any experience in our lives, from the inside out.

    some of the things we discuss ::

    • how hawaii is teaching me that paradise isn’t a place, it’s a state of being
    • the life-changing visionary experience i had during a recent 2-hour meditation
    • the science behind how thoughts become things (and how we can leverage this to create more of what we want, and less of what we don’t want)
    • how to throw a glitch in the matrix of our own unconscious conditioning
    • shifting from being the victim of our experience to being the creator of it
    • becoming the guardian of our inner world & not allowing anything to pass through without our conscious permission
    • some of the tools i’ve been using to bring greater consciousness and control to my own inner environment

    relevant links + resources ::

    •  the meme/art that depicts the power of perspective + gratitude (see below or click here)
    • some of the resources i mention:
    • all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in my shop
    • for magic, medicine and more, visit my website at soulflower.love

    enMay 21, 2023

    02. the authentic self is the soul made visible :: listening to life + living what we hear

    02. the authentic self is the soul made visible :: listening to life + living what we hear

    what does it mean to be authentic?

    underneath all the ego, cultural conditioning, fear, and limiting beliefs that keep us living in the same small patterns and loops -- who are we? what is our truth? what are we here to create?

    in this episode we explore the ways we can use our intuition and imagination to craft a life and a self that is uniquely ours -- a life that is true to our path and the essence of who we are deep down.

    some of the things we discuss ::

    • the power of living the truth of who we are -- with visibility and vulnerability -- in order to gain access to a deeper life
    • what authenticity means, and how we can access more of it
    • why we hide, reject and deny parts of ourselves (and why this is such an assault on our authenticity)
    • a vow that i made to myself and my husband 16 years ago when we became parents (and have never broken)
    • a personal story of embarrassment, and the power of embracing truth no matter how uncomfortable
    • the specific instruction my soul gave to me after my spiritual awakening in 2015
    • a potent question to ask ourselves when we feel disconnected from the depth + aliveness of our life
    • how to reorient our center of gravity from our head to our hearts + bodies
    • how to liberate ourselves from the shackles of "should" and reclaim a deeper, wilder instinct for taking action in our lives

    relevant links + resources ::

    01. introduction :: becoming artists of consciousness

    01. introduction :: becoming artists of consciousness

    in this introductory episode i share a glimpse into who i am and what this podcast will be about.

    thank you so much for being here :: this connection means everything to me. <3 <3 <3

    ++ all cover art is a visual meditation on the nature of each episode, crafted with loving intention, with prints available in my shop ++

    for magic, medicine and more, visit: soulflower.love
    ***in the episode i mention over a decade's worth of blog posts on the site, but it's actually almost two decades worth!