
    040 | Turning Setbacks Into Success with Hayley Luckadoo

    enDecember 04, 2019

    About this Episode

    Hayley Luckadoo is a multi-passionate serial entrepreneur who launched her first business while still in college. Hayley is an inspiration and she’s sharing all of the motivation she has with Females On Fire podcast listeners and in her upcoming coaching program.  After experiencing two life-changing events that most would consider setbacks, Hayley found encouragement to do more and epitomizes the definition of resilience. She’s sharing how she views failures and her thoughts on why you should try new things. 


    Try new things…if you fail, you can at least learn from it!


    What we’re talking about


    • Turning Setbacks Into Success
    • Discovering Your Passions
    • Embracing Life Experiences


    Turning Setbacks into Success


    In Hayley’s final year of college, her fiance broke up with her a month before their wedding and she lost all of her financial aid which meant she couldn’t graduate. Instead of wallowing in all that was going wrong, Hayley leveled up and dove headfirst into wedding planning and finding success in what she could do. 


    Discovering Your Passions


    Hayley started out in the wedding planning business but discovered it was the digital marketing aspect that she was not only great at, but she loved doing most. Since then, she has continued to try new things and has launched a podcast, is about to launch a coaching service and is doing speaking engagements. Hayley’s advice is to simply try new things. You’ll either bomb at them or fall in love with something new. 


    Embracing Life Experiences


    Hayley’s motto is, “there’s no experience like life experience,” and she embraces every experience that comes her way, whether it’s positive or negative. In trying new things and gaining experience, you’re able to level up more than if you wait around for things to happen. You’ve got to let your ambitions be bigger than your excuses.

    It’s time to level up!



    Hayley’s Website

    Females On Fire Podcast

    Hayley’s Instagram

    Females On Fire Episode 50: Women Supporting Women



    6:53 (42 sec HL) – So many people get caught up in oh because I failed at it, that means I wasn’t meant to do it. And you don’t know what the failure is supposed to teach you to get you to the next step and that’s now knowing that that’s obviously what I learned in that whole situation because I didn’t go to college with this plan of ok this is the job I’m gonna have and this is the degree I need. I went to college as this like super multi-passionate kid that wanted to do everything and try everything and so I changed my major 9 times, but I finally settled on criminal justice. I was gonna be a lawyer. That’s so different! You never know!



    1. Everything I’ve ever tried, I’ve either totally bombed at or totally fell in love with. HL
    2. There’s no experience like life experience. HL
    3. There’s no experience, nothing that’s going to level you up more than just trying things. HL
    4. You’ve got to let your ambitions be bigger than your excuses. HL


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Hayley Luckadoo is not only the host of Females on Fire, but she truly is one female who is on fire in all she does! Find out how this multi-passionate inspiration has embraced every twist and turn that has come her way and whose motto in life is to simply try new things and make your ambitions bigger than your excuses on Ep 40 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Hayley Luckadoo is a #female #powerhouse who is not only #embracing life #experiences but going after her #passions on EP40 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Hayley Luckadoo is sharing her #motivation for trying new things and finding #inspiration in #failure on EP40 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Hayley Luckadoo is one of the most inspirational women you’re going to meet. She’s sharing how she’s embraced failure and continues to follow her passions. Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    Recent Episodes from The Confidence Crown

    051 | Living Your Best F*cking Life with Sarah Ordo

    051 | Living Your Best F*cking Life with Sarah Ordo

    Sarah Ordo is not your typical millennial and in fact doing it all! She’s an entrepreneur and owner of 24Luxe Hair & Makeup in Detroit. Sarah is a licensed makeup artist, self-published author of 9 books, podcast host, YouTuber, life coach, workshop creator, and live event organizer. She’s sharing her journey to sobriety and what it has not only taught her but how she’s continuing to make pivots in her life and business today. Find out how this go-getter is doing all the things starting with her morning routine and how her latest book is giving women the permission slip they need!

    It’s time to live your best f*cking life! 

    What we’re talking about


    • Sarah’s Sobriety Journey
    • Living Your Most Confident, Unapologetic Life
    • The Importance Of A Morning Routine


    Sarah’s Sobriety Journey


    Sarah has been sober for 5 years and is open and honest about her journey to getting to this place in her life. After becoming a business owner, Sarah turned to drinking and recreational drug use as a kind of relief from all of her hard work. When she ended up in cardiac arrest and almost losing her life, that was all the wake-up call she needed. From that day on, she hasn’t touched drugs or alcohol. Being sober wasn’t easy though and she shares how it led her to depression, but with the help of a therapist, she was able to pivot and ultimately write Sober As F*ck


    Living Your Most Confident, Unapologetic Life


    In Sarah’s latest book, Not Sorry, she is giving women the permission slip they might feel they need to live their most confident and unapologetic life. We discuss the current trend of using the word “Boss Babe” and how we, as women, only need to be identified as a BOSS! Women don’t need to apologize for being who they are and living with confidence. 


    The Importance Of A Morning Routine


    Sarah’s morning routine starts with a block of time for herself. From journaling to working out, she enjoys time that doesn’t involve emails or work. By checking your emails first thing, you’re allowing someone else to run your schedule, so it’s important not to start your day with them. Be in control of your day and your schedule. 

    Are you living your best f*cking life? 



    Sarah Ordo’s Website

    Her Best F*cking Brunch Events

    Her Best F*cking Life Podcast



    16:46-17:46 (60 sec SO) - I really wanted to write it because…I’m not hurting anyone


    1. Do not check your emails first thing in the morning. SO
    2. This is my life. This is how I want to live and I’m not going to apologize for it. SO
    3. You can live this life too and break free from all the obstacles holding you back. SO


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Sarah Ordo isn’t your average millennial. She’s taking on the world by doing all the things…owner of 24Luxe Hair & Makeup, host of Her Best F*cking Life podcast, author of 9 books, YouTuber, entrepreneur and more! Sarah is sharing her journey to sobriety and the importance of living a confident life that you aren’t apologizing for on Ep 51 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Sarah Ordo isn’t the true #definition of what it means to be a #millennial. She’s a #podcast host, #author, #YouTuber, and #makeup artist who is giving women the #permission they need to live #unapologetically on EP51 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Sarah Ordo is getting real about getting #sober and how she’s running multiple #businesses as a #millennial on EP51 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. If you’re not living your best f*cking life, then it’s time you start listening to Sarah Ordo. She’s giving you permission to live with confidence and not apologize for it.  Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    The Confidence Crown
    enApril 08, 2020

    050 | Why We Need to Share Our Knowledge with Abbey & Isa

    050 | Why We Need to Share Our Knowledge with Abbey & Isa

    Abbey and Isa are the hosts of the Wanna Vibe Podcast and after being friends for almost two years, they’re finishing each other’s thoughts! This dynamic duo met during their respective wellness journies in which Abbey was dealing with weight gain and Isa struggled with addiction. Isa is a business owner and spin instructor, while  Abbey is a nutritionist. When they met, everything simply clicked around all things wellness and they launched their podcast. They’re sharing with others what they’ve learned over the years from getting real about motherhood to using “the cup” and no topic is off-limits!

    Get ready to vibe!

    Taking life stories, how they met and incorporating them and that’s how people relate to them. They talk about things women want to hear…motherhood loving your kids but wanting to punch them in the face. Using the cup for your period. Finances. Women need to talk about it. Men talk about it and that’s why they make more. 

    Outsourcing tasks. Spending your time wisely by spending money to have someone else do things. 

    Hormone replacements, not knowing how to do your taxes, sex ed. We need to get educated. 

    Estate planning, have a plan

    Prepare to be inspired and want to start living a kick-ass life!

    What we’re talking about


    • Why We Need To Share Our Knowledge
    • The Importance Of Outsourcing
    • Hormones, Finances & Estate Planning


    Why We Need To Share Our Knowledge


    We all have different upbringings and backgrounds with various knowledge. Abbey and Isa share how it’s important that we share the knowledge we have with others because there is so much we don’t know. We discuss finances and how it’s no wonder men make more than women because men aren’t afraid to talk about money, while women simply don’t. Share what you know so that others can be educated as well!


    The Importance Of Outsourcing


    Abbey brings up the great topic of outsourcing. Your time is valuable and worth money, so why not use it wisely?! Instead of trying to fix your car yourself, let the professional mechanic do it so you can focus on what you’re good at and what makes you money. This methodology should apply to your life and business. 


    Hormones, Finances & Estate Planning


    In regards to sharing knowledge we each other, we tackle the topics of hormone replacement, finances and estate planning. These are all things everyone should be discussing and learning more about. We discuss how business owners should be informed on how to track finances and the importance of taxes and getting professional help in that area. We also talk about how grandmothers and the true need for an estate plan and will. You can’t simply write your wishes on a piece of paper and call it a day!

    Are you sharing your knowledge with others?



    Wanna Vibe Podcast

    Wanna Vibe on Facebook

    Wanna Vibe Tribe on Facebook Group

    Wanna Vibe on Instagram

    Abbey’s Instagram

    Isa’s Instagram



    36:01-36:56 (55 sec Abbey) I think that’s the biggest …keeping it to yourself. 


    1. Time is money and you wasting time is the same as you wasting money. Time is valuable. Abbey
    2. Women need to empower each other and that’s not going to happen if we keep things from each other. Abbey


    TCC Facebook post

    1. The dynamic duo from the Wanna Vibe podcast, Abbey and Isa are dishing on the importance of sharing the knowledge you have with others. No topic is off-limits and we are chatting about everything from finances to “the cup” on Ep 50 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Abbey & Isa, hosts of the Wanna Vibe #podcast are chatting #finances and #hormones and everything in between on EP50 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Abbey & Isa of the Wanna Vibe #podcast think you should be sharing all of the #knowledge you have with the #world. Find out why on EP50 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Are you sharing your knowledge with others? Abbey & Isa of the Wanna Vibe podcast share why this is so important! Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    The Confidence Crown
    enApril 01, 2020

    049 | How to Live a Bigger, Bolder Life of Purpose with Barbara Majeski

    049 | How to Live a Bigger, Bolder Life of Purpose with Barbara Majeski

    Barbara Majeski was a married, stay-at-home mom living what she believed was her “best life.” All of that changed in 2015, when her marriage came to an end and she was handed a stage 3 cancer diagnosis. Fighting for her life and facing divorce, she vowed to live a bigger, bolder life with a purpose. 5 years later, Barbara has launched an online community in personal growth and opportunity, does charity work for Holocaust survivors, has won a humanitarian award for operation smile, and launched a new career in media. Barbara is sharing what she learned in her marriage, her new outlook on life and the importance of being yourself over trying to please others.

    Prepare to be inspired and want to start living a kick-ass life!

    What we’re talking about


    • Ignoring The Signs Of Cancer
    • Finding Your Purpose In Life
    • How Barbara Launched A New Career In Media


    Ignoring The Signs Of Cancer


    Barbara had early signs of colon cancer but ignored those symptoms. She would fell like she had a “pot belly,” but since she was so skinny, she and people around her shrugged off this notion. She struggled to process food and as so many out there, demonized the symptoms because she was a mom.  As a mother of 3, her life was filled with a lot to do and stress, therefore she had to simply be imagining that something was wrong with her body. When Barbara received the stage 3 diagnosis, she was in denial saying she simply couldn’t take it on at this point in her life. Unfortunately, that’s not a choice that was up to her. Barbara encourages all of us to get a colonoscopy by the age of 45 and if it runs in your family, go 10 years younger! Treat your colonoscopy as an opportunity to get a cleanse and detox!


    Finding Your Purpose In Life


    Presented with a cancer diagnosis, Barbara vowed that her story would not end. She started to think about the stories she wanted her kids to speak about most and remember about her, the legacy she was leaving behind and what she truly wanted them to think of her. As Barbara reflected on her life and putting herself through college and launching a sales business, she realized she had done it all for her brother, Steven, in order to care for him. She discovered that if she could use her voice not only for her brother but for people like him, then she had a calling to do so. 


    How Barbara Launched A New Career In Media


    Barbara knew her calling was to make people more aware of colon cancer along with recognizing Holocaust survivors such as her grandparents and much more. In addition to that, Barbara discovered she wanted to be on the Today show…so she started following a media trainer, reached out to her and told her she what she wanted. Now, Barbara can be seen on Today carving pumpkins, creating cocktails, and sharing her story!

    Have you discovered your purpose and calling?



    Barbara’s Website

    Barbara’s Instagram



    27:33-27:28 – BM:  It was in that moment of realization…never an option for me.


    1. Turned out no matter how funny or blonde I was, I just wasn’t his person. BM
    2. I was never scared, I was annoyed. Cancer is annoying. BM
    3. Put the oxygen mask on yourself, then you can help others. BM
    4. I was given the greatest gift…the gift of purpose. BM
    5. Your call to action is to give a voice to those who can’t be heard and that led me to media and television. BM
    6. I’m not afraid of failure because failing means I tried something new. BM
    7. We are all gifted great purpose but sometimes purpose is wrapped up in tragedy. Maybe what we’ve been through can help/be a roadmap for someone else. 


    TCC Facebook post

    1. What would you do if you were handed a stage 3 cancer diagnosis? If you’re Barbara Majeski you would kick its ass, help others get screened early and launch a new career in media where you’re featured on The Today Show! Find out how this 5’3” powerhouse of a woman is ensuring her purpose in life is being lived out on Ep 49 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Barbara Majeski took on #cancer, #divorce and #motherhood and has found her #purpose in #life. Find out how she did it all and #launched a new #career on EP49 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Barbara Majeski was a stay-at-home #mom who faced #divorce and #cancer at the same time and #discovered her calling in #life. Listen to how she’s #changing the #lives of others on EP49 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Did you hear the inspirational Barbara Majeski and how she’s using her voice to change the world? Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com


    048| The Importance Of Separating Work & Life with Melissa Lin

    048| The Importance Of Separating Work & Life with Melissa Lin


    Chemical engineer turned multiple 6-figure business coach, Melissa Lin is reminding us why working for yourself can be much more stable than having a corporate job. Melissa’s grandparents had visions of success that included both a husband and her being a doctor, but Melissa quickly realized that the man she married wasn’t right for her and she couldn’t handle blood. Listen to her story of how she created her own fitness coaching business and is now coaching other women to grow their businesses.

    Don’t forget to fill your cup before filling others!

    What we’re talking about


    • Quitting The Corporate Life To Becoming A Business Owner
    • Making An Impact On The World
    • The Importance Of Separating Work & Life


    Quitting The Corporate Life To Becoming A Business Owner


    Melissa was raised with the notion that she had to become a wife and doctor in order to be successful. She became a chemical engineer after discovering she wasn’t a fan of blood and got married, but soon found out that neither of those life events was what she truly wanted for herself. After helping other women on their fitness journey, she decided to create a business as a fitness coach and with all of her business experience, adding business coach to her resume was an obvious move! 


    Making An Impact On The World


    As so many of us do, Melissa wanted to make an impact on the world, but she felt her corporate job wasn’t helping her accomplish that. She was working for a company that made a difference, but she wanted to create a larger impact. With goals of creating a non-profit someday, Melissa is helping women change their lives by creating successful businesses for themselves and they, in turn, are helping even more women. She’s definitely creating an impact in what she does! 


    The Importance Of Separating Work & Life


    One of the most important lessons Melissa teaches her clients and practices herself is the importance of separating work and life and to take time to truly enjoy life. It’s important to remember to unplug, connect with your partner and give yourself a break. You have to fill your own cup before you can fill the cups of others. The work will be there when you get back!

    Is your business creating an impact on the world?



    Melissa Lin’s Website

    Melissa’s Instagram



    16:40 – 17:08 (28 sec) ML – I love the impact…when they win, I’m winning. 



    1. I was great at what I did, but I realized quickly that my job was overtaking my life. ML
    2. I really just wanted to create a bigger impact in the world. ML
    3. Having a separation with life and business is so important. ML
    4. You have to fill your cup before you fill your client’s cups. ML



    TCC Facebook post

    1. Are you remembering to separate work from life? Business coach Melissa Lin is sharing how she left her career as a chemical engineer to become a fitness and business coach. She’s teaching clients how to create work-life balance while making an impact on the world. Discover how working for yourself can be so much more beneficial than a corporate job on Ep 48 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. #Business #coach Melissa Lin is talking about how she #launched her business to create an #impact on the #world and helps other #women on EP48 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. #Work #life #balance is the key to #happiness and Melissa Lin is discussing how she fills her cup before the cups of others on EP48 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Is your business making an impact while enabling you to have time for yourself? Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    047 | Lights…Camera…Action! Why YOU need VIDEO to grow your biz with Patricia Kelikani

    047 | Lights…Camera…Action! Why YOU need VIDEO to grow your biz with Patricia Kelikani


    Ep 047 | Lights…Camera…Action! Why YOU need VIDEO to grow your biz with Patricia Kelikani

    Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, Patricia Kelikani is teaching business owners the importance of having video for your business. Patricia is a showrunner for documentary series, creates custom videos for clients, and teaches entrepreneurs how to grow their businesses with video. She shares amazing and simple tricks to ensure you create great videos from your phone for your homepage, YouTube, and social media. 


    What we’re talking about


    • Why You Need Video & Where You Need It
    • How You Can Create Video From Your Phone
    • Patricia’s Best Video Tips


    Why You Need Video & Where You Need It


    Having video on the homepage of your website allows prospective clients to see and hear you in your own voice. You should open with a greeting and tell your client how you can help them. Bonus points if your video gives your followers quick wins because it’s going to make them want to sign up for your newsletter and they’re more likely to become a client. You should work towards the goal of having a homepage video, video on YouTube, IGTV and in your IG Stories. YouTube will allow you to build authority and stand out from others. 


    How You Can Create Video From Your Phone


    Patricia says that you don’t need fancy equipment or even a studio to create a compelling video. All you really need is your phone and a window with indirect lighting and a decluttered background. By being in a place where you normally work, you’re making your viewer feel like they are right there with you. If you want to up your video game a bit, purchase a ring light or box light kit, an external microphone and a tripod to stabilize your phone. 


    Patricia’s Best Video Tips


    First and foremost, you should test and practice. Ensure that your homepage video is polished, but when it comes to IG stories, go ahead and show some behind the scenes of what you do. Your first videos should be evergreen content that you can utilize in various places since video has a lifespan of 4 years. Aim for weekly videos, but focus on your strategy first. Video content should be quality over quantity. Most importantly, make sure each of your videos has a call to action!

    Are you creating video yet?



    The MAP To Lucrative Videos

    Patricia’s YouTube Channel

    Lucrative Videos

    Free training: How To Film Yourself Like A Pro on your phone 



    3:07-3:38 PK – Most of us on our websites…know, like and trust factor.



    1. You don’t need a ton of videos, you just need the right video. PK
    2. How-to videos that give quick wins make your visitors come back for more. PK
    3. A video without a CTA is like walking into a Hells Angels bar hoping to meet your soulmate. PK
    4. Your goal is to make it look like you’re talking to them in real life. PK



    TCC Facebook post

    1. Emmy Award-winning filmmaker, Patricia Kelikani is teaching business owners not only the importance of video but how you can create your own just by using your phone. Find out her tips and tricks on how to create an evergreen video that will give you sales for years to come on Ep 47 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. #Emmy award winner Patricia Kelikani is sharing her #tips on how you can #create #video on your phone to help you #increase #sales in your #business on EP47 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. If you haven’t added #video to your #business, then #discover why you need it and how to #create it with Patricia Kelikani on EP47 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Did you hear how easy it is to add video to your business and why it’s a must-have? Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    046 | Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach with Michelle Emmick

    046 | Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach with Michelle Emmick


    Ep 046 | Confessions of a Plastic Surgery Coach with Michelle Emmick


    Michelle Emmick is a plastic surgery coach with 2 decades of experience and the author of Blue Collar Beauty: Confessions Of A Plastic Surgery Coach. Michelle has done over 10,000 patient consults and trained over 2,000 doctors. She educates and supports consumers to ensure a positive experience on their aesthetic journey focusing on the know before you go. Michelle’s goal is to set her clients up with proper expectations, be educated, and have success. 

    You should be educated when it comes to your plastic surgeon!


    What we’re talking about


    • What Is A Plastic Surgery Coach?
    • Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon
    • How To Make Profits From Your Own Expertise 


    What Is A Plastic Surgeon Coach?


    All athletes have a coach and there are coaches for your life and your business, so why not you’re your plastic surgery journey?! Michelle is your advocate from the moment you decide you want to start researching doctors until well after you’ve had your surgery. She keeps you focused on the positivity of your journey ensuring you don’t look in the mirror one week after a facelift because she knows what you’re going through and what you’ll see and feel. Plastic surgeons and their office staff are all too often too busy to remind patients of the aftermath of surgery and Michelle is the one who will ensure you have a positive experience.


    Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon


    Choosing a plastic surgeon shouldn’t be a simple or uneducated thing. When researching doctors, you should be aware of private practices versus retail chains and ensuring your doctor has the proper credentials and is board certified. You don’t want a doctor who is just looking to get Instagram results. It’s most important that you find a doctor whose specialty it is for your procedure and that you ask questions. Remember that each doctor has a specialty and you shouldn’t go to the same one for different procedures. 


    Blue Collar Beauty: Confessions Of A Plastic Surgery Coach


    Michelle decided that her story was one that should be shared and writing her book was a cathartic process. It is filled with lessons of self-love and self-care. Michelle shares her story of childhood and how athletics played a role in her life. Because of this, her book has encouraged more people, such as high school coaches to reach out to her and want her to speak. Michelle’s biggest lesson in her book is that we need to move away from the images that are out there with models who are 00 and airbrushed because that isn’t reality.

    Are you wanting to explore plastic surgery? Let’s make sure you have a positive experience!



    Affiliate Link - KBB

    Michelle's Website

    Michelle's Instagram

    Blue Collar Beauty: Confessions Of A Plastic Surgery Coach by Michelle Emmick



    11:57-12:44 ME – When it comes to the patients…It’s my love affair with the industry. It’s beautiful.



    1. Fear is uncertainty. ME
    2. Get the doctor that has experience in that particular procedure. Everybody has their specialties. ME
    3. Serve the patient, the revenue follows. ME
    4. I want to be there for everyday people. ME
    5. Happiness is all about self-love. ME


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Have you considered plastic surgery, but aren’t quite sure where to start your journey? Plastic surgery coach and author, Michelle Emmick is making it her mission to ensure her clients have the best plastic surgery experience from start to end. Find out how Michelle works with doctors and patients and is helping enhance communication, education and end-results in the plastic surgery world on Ep 46 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. #Plastic #surgery #coach Michelle Emmick is helping #patients have a #positive #experience and be informed on EP46 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. If you’re considering #plastic #surgery then you should look at a #coach! Michelle Emmick is sharing how she ensures #patients are #educated and taken care of on EP46 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Have you tuned in to hear how Michelle Emmick is changing the plastic surgery patient experience? Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    045 | Spilling Secrets about the KBB Method and How it Changed My Business

    045 | Spilling Secrets about the KBB Method and How it Changed My Business


    Ep 045 - Spilling Secrets about the KBB Method and How it Changed My Business


    Are you wondering how you can scale your business? Do you want to utilize your expertise to make more money? Today, I’m sharing with you on the podcast AND on our newly launched YouTube vlog exactly what I’ve been up to lately and how I’m going to help empower you to make more money doing what you do best. Even better? I’ve enlisted the help of Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi who have a combined 60+ years of experience, knowledge and accomplishments to help you effectively succeed in your business. 

    Let’s start growing your business!


    What we’re talking about


    • My Journey To Becoming A Speaker
    • Scaling Your Business Through Online Education
    • How To Make Profits From Your Own Expertise 


    My Journey To Becoming A Speaker


    Traditional education failed me! My 4-year degree, cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars and left me WITHOUT any specialized knowledge! Nor did I take the traditional career path, and yet, once I left corporate America, I was able to create a thriving business and make more money. Last fall, I started the application process to become a speaker with Tony and Dean in their KBB program and I’m excited to announce that I made it all the way through! I’m even more excited to help kick off this exclusive opportunity for you to learn everything I have from these two accomplished speakers and educators.                                                                                                                                           


    Scaling Your Business Through Online Education


    There are more online courses out in the world than you can count and if you’re like me, you’ve purchased a number of them. If you’re also like me, you’ve failed to complete them. KBB is one course that I have not only taken completely but that I believe in passionately. You can shorten the learning curve through self-education and when you find a course that is created and led by experienced individuals, then the value is worth more than gold. 


    How To Make Profits From Your Own Expertise


    The beauty of KBB is that you are going to learn how to make profits from your own expertise. My favorite example is of a woman who teaches you how to paint and has a live alligator…yes, friends let this be a lesson that no niche is too specific! Learn how to teach others what you already know and turn that into a profitable business!

    Isn’t it time you learn from the best and make use out of it? Join me, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Russell Brunson and Jenna Kutcher for a FREE LIVE WEBCAST like no other, on 2.27.20 at 5 pm PST. Click the special link to REGISTER NOW and save your seat!! Can’t wait to see you there!!



    KBB Registration Affiliate Link

    TCC YouTube


    11:43-12:19 – Look you can do anything you want….to succeed in biz.



    1. Shorten the learning curve through self-education by accessing Tony & Dean’s 60 years of combined knowledge and experience. 
    2. Dean and I believe in empowering women to not only be great business owners, but to scale their businesses.
    3. Being a speaker is the way for me to get out in front of more people through the power of a larger venue.
    4. Who are we to say our niche is too specific?


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Are you ready to discover how to make money with the knowledge and expertise you already have? If you’re like me, you’ve purchased online courses, but if you’re also like me, you haven’t completed them all. Today, I’m sharing with you the best online course I’ve taken and how it’s helped me in my business…spoiler alert…you can get your hands on it too! Find out how to grow your business with the help of two of the most experienced entrepreneurs on the planet on Ep 45 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Find out how to #scale your #business and #increase your #profits with the best #online #course #KBB on EP45 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. I’m sharing how working with Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi has helped me #grow my #business with #KBB on EP45 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Did you hear about my work with Tony and Dean? Find out how you can grow and scale your business to epic heights. Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    044 |Get Ready to RELOW (relax and allow) with Kim Fiske

    044 |Get Ready to RELOW (relax and allow) with Kim Fiske


    Ep 044 | Get Ready to RELOW (relax and allow) with Kim Fiske


    Kim Fiske is a triple threat by being a speaker, author, and thought-leader who is revolutionizing the way we comprehend our existence. Kim is sought after for her ability to convey to audiences provocative concepts and practical ways to identify and navigate what she has coined as the “monster under the bed.” She is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, Certified Coach of Life Planning (CCLP), a 7-figure Income Earner in Relationship Marketing. 

    Discover how your emotional and logical rules are working in your brain!


    What we’re talking about


    • Network Marketing Can Bring Personal Growth
    • Discovering Your Identity As A Child
    • The 4 Pillars


    Network Marketing Can Bring Personal Growth


    As two network marketers, Kim and I are able to agree on our beliefs in what network marketing can do for you in addition to a financial aspect. One of the greatest benefits of network marketing is the personal growth and development it allows you to have. If you are with the right company, you are able to grow as a person and learn about the way you operate, gaining confidence and stepping out of your comfort zone. 


    Discovering Your Identity As A Child


    Kim’s book, The Monster Under The Bed: Uncovering The Lie That Drives Us, discusses how we are all emotional beings and our survival brain stems from childhood with us questioning ourselves with “am I ok?”. We set emotional rules for ourselves while the logical part of us defends and rationalizes the emotions we have. Kim’s book reveals 10 master tracks that include shame, people-pleasing, comparison and many more. 


    The 4 Pillars


    Kim discusses the 4 pillars which include 1) we are a piece of God, 2) life happens for me, not to me, 3) now is all there is, and 4) relow – relax and allow. Kim’s believe that we are part of God/the Universe/Infinite Intelligence plays an important role in how we see ourselves and our reactions to things that go on in our life. Through Kim’s coaching program, Ignite Vision, she helps others go through these pillars and utilize daily guided exercises. 

    Now is all there is. Isn’t it time you relax and allow?



    Kim Fiske’s Website

    Ignite Vision Coaching

    Kim’s Instagram

    The Monster Under The Bed: Uncovering The Lie That Drives Us by Kim Fiske

    The Surrender Experience by Michael Singer


    11:59 (47 sec KF) – The emotional brain, well, the survival brain only speaks in and hears emotion, so when the threat of anything, as illogical as it is, like the mom leaving the room, the threat is sparks the amygdala and says uh oh uh oh you may not survive. Danger. Will Robinson. You may die here. Even, and these are not words, these are feelings, so it says you better be ok. You better make sure they like you. You better smile at them when they smile at you. You better give them what they want. You better prove that you’re ok. Don’t let them see that you’re not. So the basis of all of our identity, in my theory, and it’s just a theory but it kind of works with so far everyone I’ve dealt with is that the monster under the bed is the lie that we’re not ok as we were.



    1. We all need approval from others because that’s survival. KF
    2. One of the biggest benefits of network marketing companies is how you grow as a person. KF
    3. You can never get enough of what you never needed to begin with. KF
    4. What fires together wires together. KF
    5. Authentic gratitude is what keeps us in the now. KF
    6. Now is all there is. KF


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Kim Fiske is the ultimate triple threat who is sharing how her book, The Monster Under The Bed: Uncovering The Lie That Drives Us, reveals how our childhood affects our adulthood. Through her Ignite Vision coaching program, Kim is helping guide people to align with their true selves and is sharing her 4 pillars on Ep 44 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Kim Fiske is an #author and #coach who is sharing how she #helps #people #align with their #true #selves on EP44 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Kim Fiske #reveals how our #childhood affects our #adulthood and how we can create the full #capacity that we are missing on EP44 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Discover the 4 pillars to casting your vision and aligning with your true self. Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    043 |Discovering Your Passions with Mandie Brice

    043 |Discovering Your Passions with Mandie Brice


    Ep 043 | Discovering Your Passions with Mandie Brice


    Mandie Brice is a podcast host, makeup artist and author of 2 new books who is passionate about the concept that if you look better and feel better, you do everything else better. When Mandie isn’t busy recording interviews of people who’ve taken big risks on Bold Moves podcast, she’s inspiring, encouraging and educating others to go after their dreams. Mandie is sharing how her attitude towards selling has come full circle and how she’s now implementing strategies and knowledge she’s learned over the years through courses and conferences. 


    Have you discovered what you’re passionate about?


    What we’re talking about


    • Utilizing What You’ve Learned
    • 2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s
    • Re-Thinking Your Views On Selling


    Utilizing What You’ve Learned


    Over the years Mandie has taken courses, attended conferences and seminars but has hoarded the knowledge she’s learned. Her focus for 2020 and beyond is to start sharing that knowledge and inspiring other people. From her experience as an elementary school teacher to following her passion as a model and makeup artist, Mandie is inspiring people to not only look their best but to follow their passions and even showcasing her talents in her first book, Best Face Forward: Basic Makeup Skills and Practical Looks From Your Makeup BFF


    2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s


    Mandie’s second book, 2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s is a guide to reflection, goal-setting and goal achievement in the new decade. She shares the wisdom she’s learned in the past decade on personal development, her experience as a freelancer and entrepreneur and the importance of goals. 


    Re-Thinking Your Views On Selling


    Mandie recently discovered that she was opposed to the thought and action of selling to people and yet it was an innate action she’d be undertaking since she was a child. Selling doesn’t have to be a “dirty” word and Mandie shares how you can sell and help people at the same time. 

    It’s time to look good, feel good and do good!



    Mandie’s Website

    Mandie’s Instagram

    Mandie’s Facebook

    2020 Vision: How To Plan & Execute Goals To Roar In The New 20s

    Bold Moves Podcast

    Bold Moves Podcast Ep 249 with Lisa Hyde

    Best Face Forward: Basic Makeup Skills and Practical Looks From Your Makeup BFF



    11:35 (40 sec MB) – One thing that I think didn’t really serve me well is that there was such a focus on “we’re not selling, we’re helping people” and I think I got it to my mind to the point where I thought selling things was bad. And that is against my nature because a lot of people who have known me for 35 years know that when I was a kid, I used to paint rocks and sell them. I painted pine cones and sold them. I made friendship bracelets and sold them and was always doing some sort of creative hustle since I was like 5. So returning to that should surprise absolutely nobody.



    1. You can sell and help people at the same. MB
    2. One thing that didn’t serve me well is the focus on ‘we’re not selling, we’re helping people.’ MB
    3. If you ever wished you had that BFF to come get your makeup ready, I’m the virtual version of that. MB
    4. The smartest, most successful people are reading personal development books. MB


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Mandie Brice is a makeup artist, podcast host and author of 2 books and is sharing how her view on selling has changed over the years and how she’s now on a mission to inspire and encourage others to go after their goals on Ep 43 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Mandie Brice is an #author and #makeup #artist who is helping others set their #goals and #achieve them on EP43 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Mandie Brice is sharing how #goalsetting and #personal #development #inspired her new #book on EP43 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Find out how makeup artist, Mandie Brice is inspiring people to set goals and achieve them with her new book. Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com

    042 |R U Living Your Life For Yourself with Jessi Beyer

    042 |R U Living Your Life For Yourself with Jessi Beyer


    Ep 042 | R U Living Your Life For Yourself with Jessi Beyer


    Jessi Beyer is a keynote speaker and mental health advocate who is helping millennials feel valid, heard and appreciated in their mental health struggles while designing a life that they love waking up to. Jessi is also about to launch a book, How To Heal: A Practical Guide to 9 Natural Therapies You Can Use to Release Your Trauma. After dealing with her own mental health as an adolescent, Jessi realized that there were other ways to deal with trauma than traditional talk therapy. Her mission is to change the way mental health is looked at, treated and to encourage people to be open and honest about what they’re dealing with.  


    Do it for yourself, no one else. 


    What we’re talking about


    • The Importance Of Living Your Life For Yourself
    • How To Heal: A Practical Guide to 9 Natural Therapies You Can Use to Release Your Trauma
    • How Jessi Found Her Confidence To Try New Things


    The Importance Of Living Your Life For Yourself


    If you live your life for other people, then you have less of a reason to do more. Once you find your passion in life and understand that your “why” is specifically for you, then you will find you have more reason to jump out of bed and get to work. Focusing less on the opinions of others and more on what means something to you, then Jessi says you’ll feel more motivated every day, even when things are rough. 


    How To Heal: A Practical Guide to 9 Natural Therapies You Can Use to Release Your Trauma


    Talk therapy is one of the most recognized forms of therapy around when it comes to mental health. Jessi’s first experience with talk therapy had her running out of the building and never looking back. She says she regrets never going back but has since found other natural therapies that release trauma, including connecting with nature. Jessi’s book details 9 ways to release your trauma using research-backed experience. 


    How Jessi Found Her Confidence To Try New Things


    Jessi became sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided it was time to try new things. She didn’t like the way she was feeling and THAT empowered her to step out of her comfort zone and have the confidence to look at new ways to heal and move forward. Often times the only way to grow is to do things differently and try something new. 

    Don’t let anyone tell you when you’re ready. 



    Jessi’s Website

    Jessi's Instagram

    Jessi’s Facebook

    How To Heal: A Practical Guide To 9 Natural Therapies You Can Use To Release Your Trauma

    The Emotion Code



    12:46 (26 sec JB) – It ties right into with your why as well. If it’s something that you’re doing for the money or doing for the prestige, you’re doing for the opinions of others. It’s going to be really hard to get yourself out of bed on the those bad days. When you’re working for something you’re passionate about, you have this strong emotional why connected to it. It’s easier to say ok just send one email. Just get 1 thing done today and you can go eat some chocolate and then it’s ok. You have that motivation to pull on when things are really rough because you have that passion and that why.

    17:30 (29 sec JB) – When I was struggling with my mental health I went to one day of talk therapy and literally I kid you not, ran out of the building because I was so uncomfortable and I never went back. That’s probably my biggest regret in my healing journey was that I didn’t have the support of a professional because I was so uncomfortable with talk therapy. No talk therapy is great. It’s back by so much research and anecdotal experience and things like that. It’s so so good, but if people are too uncomfortable to even go in the first place, then it’s completely useless.  



    1. The world doesn’t need more doctors and lawyers. They need more people who are set on fire with their passions because those are the people that are going to change the world. JB
    2. When you’re working for something you’re passionate about, you have this strong emotional why connected to it. JB
    3. Don’t let anyone tell you when you’re ready. JB


    TCC Facebook post

    1. Jessi Beyer is changing the way we deal and release with our trauma and she’s sharing how you need to do things for yourself, not for others. Find out why following your passion is more important than following the money and prestige and how you can change the world on Ep 42 of The Confidence Crown!



    Day of

    1. Jessi Beyer is helping #millennials how to release their #trauma and lead #lives for themselves on EP42 of The Confidence Crown. 
    2. Jessi Beyer is #talking about #trauma and how we can change the #world but following our #passions on EP42 of The Confidence Crown.


    Next day reminder

    1. Don’t miss Jessi Beyer talking about the importance of following your passion and how to overcome trauma with natural therapies. Head over to Itunes to listen!


    Show Notes/Post Record INTRO: 

    THE CONFIDENCE CROWN PODCAST NOTES: www.theconfidencecrown.com