
    041. Trauma, Pain, Empathy, and Compassion - Modern Mysticism with Michael

    enMarch 05, 2020

    About this Episode

    In Michael Massey's beautiful fourth appearance, Alessandra discusses a past trauma she recently accessed and painfully processed. We discuss the importance of sitting with each other in our pain. Michael explains that when processing trauma we are trading temporal pain for eternal gain, and how when we go through something painful we are helping others who will then not need to experience it. He offers suggestions for healers and empaths in self-care. He also talks about the difference between empathy and compassion, and that there can be an ability to master one's own empathy to expand and contract as needed. Michael offers a story about how stored traumas can lead to life scripts, and the authenticity which is gained with honesty about one's life journey. He suggests a beautiful practice for working with one's past and future self in meditation.

    Other episodes you'll enjoy:

    049. Overcoming Trauma and Disease - Samantha Elisabeth

    126. The Growing Edge of Spiritual Life - Brian Russell

    196. Wisdom Hidden in Trauma - Stacia Aashna

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    Recent Episodes from Meditation Conversation

    325. Hidden Knowledge, Lost Worlds, Giants, and Elongated Skulls - Neil Gaur

    325. Hidden Knowledge, Lost Worlds, Giants, and Elongated Skulls - Neil Gaur

    This episode is full of mind-blowing, evidence-based theories about galactic human origins and the secret pyramids that are hidden in plain sight. Join Neil Gaur from Portal to Ascension as he unravels the mysteries of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial beings, challenging everything you thought you knew about humanity's past. From the forgotten pyramids of North America to the untold stories of Lemuria, prepare to expand your understanding of human history in ways you never imagined. This episode very well may leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. I know I personally have had a lot to think about since I recorded this with Neil! Stay tuned for mind-expanding insights and unexpected connections that will revolutionize your perception of our ancient world.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Uncover the true history of humanity and its connection to extraterrestrial beings.

    • Explore the existence of an enigmatic planet called Nibiru and its potential impact on human history.

    • Decode ancient scriptures and metaphors to reveal their surprising links to quantum physics.

    • Delve into the mysteries of galactic human origins and the enigmatic secrets of ancient pyramid civilizations.

    • Discover the interconnectedness of different religions through shared stories, unveiling surprising parallels and connections.

    Neil Gaur, founder of Portal to Ascension, is a multifaceted individual delving into ancient wisdom, future science, and the exploration of sound, vibration, and frequency. With a background in philosophy, history, and research, Neil's work encompasses deep dives into ancient civilizations, archaeological discoveries, and the nature of reality. His pursuit of uncovering the interconnectedness of humanity and exploring the potential extraterrestrial origins of ancient beings has led to thought-provoking revelations that challenge traditional understandings of human history. Through his conscious event production company (Portal to Ascension), Neil facilitates gatherings and workshops, working with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, and scientists to empower individuals on their spiritual journey.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:06 - Exploring Galactic Human Origins and Ancient Civilizations

    00:01:42 - Introduction to Portal to Ascension

    00:03:03 - Neil's Spiritual Journey and Ancient Wisdom

    00:09:48 - Nibiru and Ancient Astronaut Theory

    00:13:52 - The Origin of Humanity and Genetic Engineering

    00:15:00 - The Anunnaki and Human Evolution

    00:17:45 - Elongated Skulls and DNA Testing

    00:20:46 - The Mystery of Planet Nibiru

    00:24:43 - Diversity within the Anunnaki

    00:29:09 - The Rise and Fall of Advanced Civilizations

    00:29:42 - The Rise and Fall of Civilizations

    00:31:00 - The Fall from Grace

    00:32:46 - Cataclysms and Global Pyramids

    00:35:25 - Purpose of Pyramids

    00:40:50 - Lost Civilizations in North America

    00:45:19 - The Conquest and Mixing of Races

    00:46:03 - Destruction of Ancient Cultures

    00:46:24 - Preservation of Indigenous Ancestry

    00:47:08 - Portal to Ascension

    00:48:04 - Upcoming Events

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit portaltoascension.org to access over 10,000 hours of presentations and sign up for free access to 3,000 hours of content.

    • Subscribe to the Portal to Ascension YouTube channel at YouTube.com/portaltoascension for access to a wide range of content and updates on upcoming events.

    • Explore the upcoming events, including the Lemuria conference in July and the Galactic Origins cruise at AscensionGlastonbury.com.

    • Join the Sedona Ascension Retreat! Use code MEDITATION for 10% off.
    • Share this episode with someone who would benefit from it to spread the knowledge and expand the community.

    324. Guidance on Quantum Journeying: An Enlightening Q&A on Spiritual Liberation - Isabella Greene

    324. Guidance on Quantum Journeying: An Enlightening Q&A on Spiritual Liberation - Isabella Greene

    Deep Dive into Spiritual Growth with this Q&A with Isabella Green.

    Join us on a journey of self-discovery and uncover the unexpected secrets that lie beyond our known reality. Learn about what happens after death and how to prepare for it, the difference between astral and quantum travel, the physiological reasons to meditate in the middle of the night, the gifts of the shadowy parts of ourselves, and so much more. There were many excellent questions asked in this webinar, with equally excellent answers.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    Unlock spiritual insights on liberation and consciousness for profound personal growth and self-discovery.

    Discover the powerful Cobra breath technique for holistic healing and inner balance.

    Explore the astral and quantum realms to expand consciousness and unlock hidden truths.

    Delve into soul connections and gain profound insights into reincarnation for deeper self-awareness.

    Embark on a journey to master your nonphysical self and achieve heightened spiritual enlightenment.

    Isabella Greene is a renowned spiritual teacher and author of "LEAVING THE TRAP: How to Exit Reincarnation Cycle" who delves into the realms of astral and quantum exploration. With a focus on expanding consciousness and heightened self-awareness, Isabella's teachings are aimed at guiding individuals towards spiritual enlightenment and soul exploration. With extensive experience in leading individuals out of the mundane and into exploration, Isabella's work emphasizes the importance of finding one's unique path and questioning the constructs of reality. Her expertise in bridging the gap between the physical and non-physical realms offers invaluable insights for those seeking to unlock their spiritual potential.

    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:00:06 - Introduction to the Podcast

    00:03:49 - Purpose of Learning to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle

    00:09:23 - Understanding Exiting the Trap

    00:14:08 - Practicing the Yogic Breath

    00:16:24 - Protection During Quantum Travel

    00:18:00 - Understanding the Simulation and Demurege System

    00:20:00 - Avoiding Earthbound Spirits

    00:23:42 - Insights from Yogananda's Teachings

    00:26:17 - Hope for Liberation and Freedom

    00:31:56 - Preparing for the Retreat

    00:35:02 - The Power of Cobra Breath for Shadow Work

    00:36:12 - Clearing Traumas with Cobra Breath

    00:37:40 - Increased Awareness and Dream Recall

    00:39:59 - The Transformational Effect of Samadhi

    00:52:39 - Understanding the God Dimension

    00:54:05 - The Continuation of Souls

    00:55:35 - Escaping Reincarnation Traps

    00:57:10 - The Choice to Exit

    00:58:26 - Drawing Upon Higher Dimensional Knowledge

    01:00:49 - Gratitude and Exploration

    Resources (some affiliate links): 

    Go to https://www.isabellagreene.com to learn about her upcoming LEAVING DENSITY retreat May 26, 2024.

    See Isabella at the Sedona Ascension Retreat, March 8-10, 2024! She will be joined by many amazing speakers such as Bashar, Maureen St. Germain, Wendy Kennedy, and many, many more. Use code MEDITATION for 10% off your ticket.  

    Read Leaving the Trap: How to Exit the Reincarnation Cycle

    323. Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Extraordinary Near Death Experience - Eben Alexander

    323. Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Extraordinary Near Death Experience - Eben Alexander

    Uncover the unexpected truth behind Dr. Eben Alexander's near-death experience that shattered his scientific skepticism and materialistic perception of reality. Dive deep into the mind-bending connection between binaural beats and spiritual awakening in this gripping conversation with this renowned neuroscientist and bestselling author. Prepare to be astounded as the boundaries of consciousness are pushed to new heights, challenging everything you thought you knew about reality as we know it. The surprising evidence brought for from Eben's experience has left even the scientific community in awe. 

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Explore the profound impact of near-death experiences (NDEs) on spiritual enlightenment.

    • Discover the fascinating intersection of science and consciousness in spiritual practices.

    • Uncover compelling evidence supporting the concepts of afterlife and reincarnation.

    • Harness the transformative power of sound frequencies for deepening meditation experiences.

    • Embrace the integration of scientific principles with spiritual wisdom for holistic growth.

    Dr. Eben Alexander is a renowned academic neurosurgeon with over 25 years of experience, including 15 years at Harvard Medical School. His profound near-death experience during a weeklong coma completely transformed his worldview, leading him to become a leading thought leader in the emerging science that acknowledges the primacy of consciousness in the universe. Dr. Alexander is the New York Times number one bestselling author of "Proof of Heaven" and "The Map of Heaven," and "Living in a Mindful Universe." His unique perspective, blending the worlds of science and spirituality from his own personal experiences, offers valuable insights into the power of sound frequencies in meditation and the deeper spiritual awareness and conscious connection it can bring.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:06 - Introduction and Background of Dr. Eben Alexander

    00:03:37 - Dr. Alexander's Spiritual Awakening

    00:05:43 - Quantum Physics and Consciousness

    00:09:00 - Science and Spirituality

    00:11:47 - Dr. Alexander's Near Death Experience

    00:15:47 - The Power of God Force

    00:16:19 - The Gateway Valley Realm

    00:17:42 - Lessons from the Spiritual Realm

    00:19:32 - Return to Earth

    00:24:23 - Sound as a Navigational Tool

    00:30:08 - Meditation and Sound Therapy

    00:33:01 - Sound and Light Correlation

    00:35:49 - Brainwave Entrainment and Consciousness

    00:39:43 - Unconditional Love and Consciousness

    00:44:14 - Scientific Community and Openness

    00:45:38 - The Impact of NDE on Healing

    00:47:37 - Personal History and Subconscious Challenges

    00:49:33 - Presence of Betsy, the Guardian Angel

    00:50:41 - Connecting with Dr. Alexander's Work

    00:52:52 - Gratitude and Farewell

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit EbenAlexander.com for a recommended reading list with over 100 books and papers, many with hot links to the actual scientific papers. The FAQ section answers a lot of questions, especially those brought up in the lay press by science journalists who have not done their homework. The blog postings on the website also provide a tremendous amount of resources.

    • Read Dr. Alexander's incredible books: "Proof of Heaven" and "The Map of Heaven," and "Living in a Mindful Universe." 

    (affiliate links)

    • Explore SacredAcoustics.com for meditation resources. The website offers a variety of tones and tracks for meditation, including Heart Center 2, Golden Light, Light Body Love Body, Primordial Mind, and Cosmic Womb. The app also allows users to create playlists with different tones for specific meditation goals.

    • Visit InnerSanctumCenter.com for a monthly webinar, mental health practitioner course, and over two years worth of bi-weekly interviews with thought leaders on consciousness from around the world. The website also offers resources for personal growth and exploration of consciousness.

    • For further exploration, visit ScientificandMedical.net, GalileoCommission.org, and IanDs.org for additional resources on near-death experiences, scientific research, and consciousness studies.

    322. Transition to the 5D: Discussing Spirituality and the Akashic Records with Maureen St. Germain

    322. Transition to the 5D: Discussing Spirituality and the Akashic Records with Maureen St. Germain

    Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual growth in this captivating conversation between host Kara Goodwin and esteemed spiritual teacher, Maureen St. Germain. As they delve deep into the realms of mysticism and sacred traditions, Maureen unveils her journey as the 'Practical Mystic', sharing profound insights that will ignite your spiritual path.

    Maureen shares insights and secrets of the Akashic records and we explore the boundless possibilities of spiritual evolution. Engage with a diverse community of seekers as they share personal experiences and seek guidance on overcoming obstacles and sensing divine presence against the backdrop of modern living in their spiritual journey. It is always inspiring to see how one person's story can be so reflective of what is happening in your own current life.

    Whether you're a seasoned seeker or just beginning to explore the depths of consciousness, this episode offers invaluable wisdom and practical tools to deepen your spiritual knowledge and forge a profound connection to the higher realms.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Unlock ancient wisdom and gain insights into your soul's journey by delving into practical mysticism and accessing the Akashic records.
    • Experience profound self-healing and transformation by exploring the fifth dimension and tapping into higher consciousness.
    • Learn to navigate the intense and transformative dynamics of relationships with twin flames, gaining clarity and understanding along the way.
    • Develop discernment and wisdom in encountering spiritual beings, ensuring your spiritual journey is guided by authenticity and truth.
    • Learn about using your Merkaba for powerful spiritual protection, creating a shield of light and love around your being.

    Maureen St. Germain is an esteemed spiritual teacher with over 25 years of experience in mystical and sacred traditions. Known as the "practical mystic," her vast knowledge and expertise have made her a prolific author and facilitator of spiritual wisdom for contemporary life. With a unique focus on the Akashic records, Maureen is recognized as an extremely accurate guide and instructor in accessing this dimension that has been off-limits to most of humanity for millions of years. Her practical approach to spirituality, combined with a good sense of humor, makes her teachings relatable and accessible to spiritual seekers on a self-healing journey. Maureen's commitment to making spiritual knowledge usable and her exceptional ability to connect with the higher realms make her a valuable resource for anyone seeking enhanced spiritual growth and self-healing.

    Here is a breakdown of the convo:

    00:08 Introduction and Welcoming the Guest

    01:54 Understanding the Role of a Practical Mystic

    02:06 The Practical Mystic's Personal Journey

    03:18 Exploring the Concept of Psychic Abilities

    03:46 Diving into the Akashic Records

    05:33 The Difference Between Psychic Readings and Akashic Records

    10:21 Interacting with the Audience: Questions and Answers

    10:21 Sharing Personal Experiences and Insights

    11:55 Understanding the Power of the Akashic Records

    19:41 Audience Participation: Personal Stories and Questions

    23:37 Guidance on Spiritual Growth and Self-Healing

    37:06 Understanding Entities and Clearing Techniques

    37:44 Dealing with Interference and Inaccuracy

    38:27 Higher Self Connection Protocol and Its Importance

    40:58 The Power of Higher Self and Personal Experiences

    42:33 Dealing with Reptilian Entities

    45:42 Transitioning from Corporate World to Spiritual Path

    57:33 Upcoming Events and Closing Remarks


    See Maureen live along with other amazing speakers such as Bashar, Anita Moorjani, Linda Moulton Howe, Suzanne Giesemann, Wendy Kennedy, and many more. March 8 - 10, 2024. Use code MEDITATION for 10% off your ticket.

    Don't miss the chance to attend the Gaia Emersion Conference at GaiaSphere Event Center in Boulder, CO, on March 16 - 17, 2024. Maureen will join a fantastic lineup of world class speakers. Limited in-person tickets available! Use promo code: “Maureen” for $99 off.

    Check out Maureen's many courses at https://stgermainmysteryschool.com .

    Maureen is a wealth of knowledge, which she shares in her many books. Waking Up in 5D Opening the Akashic Records Beyond the Flower of Life Mastering Your 5D Self Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality

    (affiliate links) 

    321. Manifestation and Healing with the Infinity Wave - Hope Fitzgerald

    321. Manifestation and Healing with the Infinity Wave - Hope Fitzgerald

    Uncover the unexpected truth behind manifestation and spiritual evolution with the Infinity Wave. In this enlightening conversation with Hope Fitzgerald, you'll discover the transformative power of this 10th dimensional tool that's rewriting the rules of manifestation. This episode is full of mind-bending insights and practical techniques that will revolutionize your approach to manifestation. Get ready to experience the Infinity Wave and embrace a whole new level of manifestation mastery. The journey awaits.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Explore Hope Fitzgerald's transformative spiritual journey.

    • Discover the Infinity Wave for spiritual evolution.

    • Apply the Infinity Wave for practical spiritual growth.

    • Master manifestation techniques with the Infinity Wave.

    • Embrace the importance of flow and receptivity in manifestation.

    Hope Fitzgerald is an experienced spiritual teacher and a pioneer in manifestation techniques through the Infinity Wave. With a background rooted in spiritual exploration and a diverse range of modalities including transcendental meditation, reflexology, and Reiki, Hope's journey into the transformative power of the Infinity Wave began with a profound vision in 2010. Since then, she has been dedicated to sharing this 10th dimensional energetic tool, guiding individuals towards joy, freedom, and spiritual evolution. Hope's gentle and loving presence, coupled with her vast experience, makes her a captivating guest, offering valuable insights into embracing flow for transformative manifestation practice.

    Wait until you hear about how Hope bravely stepped into the unknown as a spiritual teacher, following the guidance of the Infinity Wave by creating workshops to teach about it before she really had much experience with what it was and how to use it. She shares about the many ways it can be uses, from healing physical ailments to working on relationships to controlling emotional responses to manifesting the life we wish to step into.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:06 - Introduction to Hope Fitzgerald's Spiritual Journey

    00:07:19 - Discovering Dowsing and Feng Shui

    00:09:20 - The Vision of the Infinity Wave

    00:12:34 - Embracing the Guidance and Channeling

    00:14:04 - The Practice of Conscious Evolution

    00:16:53 - Evolving Beyond Literal Minds

    00:19:56 - Uncluttering the Mind

    00:27:19 - Practical Application of the Infinity Wave

    00:28:27 - Personal Experience with the Infinity Wave

    00:32:30 - Real-life Example of Using the Infinity Wave

    00:33:30 - Confrontation with Guy in Wales

    00:34:42 - Manifestation and the Infinity Wave

    00:35:31 - Flow State and Receptiveness

    00:38:00 - Spreading Hope and Free Programming

    00:38:54 - Call to Action

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit www.spreadinfiniteHope.com to learn more about Hope Fitzgerald, her workshops, free meditation sessions, and interviews with various experts.

    • Purchase the book The Infinity Wave: Mastering the Art of Love, Compassion, and Flow (affiliate link) by Hope Fitzgerald for a comprehensive guide to understanding and working with the infinity wave. Join the free meditation sessions hosted by Hope Fitzgerald every Monday night, open to all individuals interested in experiencing the power of meditation and the infinity wave.

    • Subscribe to the YouTube channel Spread Infinite Hope for additional content, including interviews, workshops, and discussions led by Hope Fitzgerald. https://www.youtube.com/@SpreadInfiniteHope

    • Share this episode with someone who would benefit from the content, helping to spread the message of love, compassion, and spiritual evolution.

    320. The Link Between Spirituality and Healing: Evidence from Research on Meditation - Karen Newell

    320. The Link Between Spirituality and Healing: Evidence from Research on Meditation - Karen Newell

    Do you desire a deeper sense of personal purpose and a stronger spiritual connection in your life? Karen Newell will reveal the path to unlocking a heightened understanding of your purpose and a more profound spiritual bond through the power of meditation. Her journey through meditation and sound therapy unveils a transformative connection between mind, body, and spirit. Through her insights, you will gain a greater sense of personal meaning and a deeper connection to the spiritual realm. Karen's guidance will lead you to a heightened sense of personal purpose and a stronger connection to the spiritual realm.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Tap into the transformative power of sound during meditation to enhance your practice.

    • Connect with deeper energies and emotions to unlock a profound sense of inner peace.

    • Explore the impact of binaural beats on brainwave states for heightened awareness and relaxation.

    • Uncover your unique purpose through meditation, gaining clarity and direction in life.

    • Integrate higher states of consciousness into your daily life, fostering spiritual growth and fulfillment.

    Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, is an expert in the field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation. Her personal journey and exploration of esoteric spiritual teachings have led her to a profound understanding of the transformative power of meditation and sound. Through her unique perspective and innovative use of binaural beats and tuning forks, Karen offers valuable insights into the profound impact of sound in meditation and its ability to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. Her expertise provides a fresh and inspiring approach to deepening one's meditation practice and spiritual connection.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:06 - Introduction to the Power of Sound and Meditation

    00:02:32 - Karen's Journey to Meditation and Sacred Acoustics

    00:06:41 - Embracing Emotions and Deepening Meditation

    00:11:12 - Understanding Binaural Beats and Tuning Forks

    00:15:35 - Evolution of Humanity and the Quickening

    00:16:01 - Evolving Beyond Duality

    00:18:53 - Oneness and Connection

    00:20:31 - Integrating Higher States of Consciousness

    00:25:43 - Embracing Inner Self and Love

    00:29:23 - Making Faith-Based Decisions

    00:30:26 - Seeking Universal Truths 

    00:33:28 - Spiritual Health and Connection

    00:36:06 - Sound and Spiritual Experience

    00:43:41 - Love and the Spiritual World

    00:45:25 - End of Life Dreams and Visions

    00:46:42 - Themes of Love in End of Life Experiences

    00:47:21 - Life Review and Inner Troubles

    00:48:19 - Gratitude and Inner Discovery

    00:49:31 - Accessing Resources and Reducing Anxiety

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit sacredacoustics.com to access free downloads of 20-minute Om recordings and explore a range of binaural beat recordings designed to support meditation and spiritual growth. https://www.sacredacoustics.com

    • Check out the free series of interviews with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell on the Inner Sanctum Center website, offering valuable insights and discussions on spiritual awakening and consciousness. https://www.innersanctumcenter.com

    • Explore the Whole Mind Bundle, a set of recordings used in a pilot study by a psychiatrist in New York City, showing a 26% reduction in anxiety after two weeks of listening. These recordings are available at Inner Sanctum Center and are offered at a reduced price, with a free option for those facing financial difficulties.

    • Share the episode with someone who would benefit from the content, spreading the valuable insights and discussions on meditation, spiritual awakening, and the power of sound.

    • Connect with Karen Newell directly through the contact form on sacredacoustics.com to ask questions, seek guidance, or express interest in the Inner Sanctum Center membership and resources.

    • Check out Moonbird, your personal breathing coach. Untap your own ability to calm, restore, and optimize your wellbeing with this unique and customizable device. Use code KARAGOODWIN for 5% off your order.

    319. Age Gracefully, Eat Mindfully: Overcoming Unhealthy Eating Habits - Mark Barnes

    319. Age Gracefully, Eat Mindfully: Overcoming Unhealthy Eating Habits - Mark Barnes

    Mark Barnes is an inspiring individual who's on a quest to infuse the golden years with health, energy, and vibrancy. Mark, a seasoned educator and entrepreneur, has unravelled the secrets of longevity and mindful eating. His book, Hacking Life After 50: 10 Ways to Beat Father Time and Live a Long, Healthy, Joy-Filled Life, is a comprehensive guide designed to make life after 50 a joy-filled journey. Known for his practicality, Mark brings a fresh perspective to breaking unhealthy habits, driving home the concept of mindful eating, and cultivating a positive mindset for a healthier life.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Uncover the long-term advantages that embracing a mindful lifestyle through meditation brings to your overall wellbeing.

    • Explore the ways to build a meaningful life post-50, filled with purpose and satisfaction.

    • Unravel the techniques for nurturing your physical health through smart dietary choices and meal planning strategies.

    • Understand the underlying concept of conscious consumption and the steps to cut ties with unhealthy eating habits.

    • See the ripple effect of propagating the benefits of meditation and the power of sharing purposeful content.

    The key moments in this episode are:

    00:00:06 - Introduction 

    00:02:15 - Pursuing a Healthy Centurion Life 

    00:05:14 - Changing the Narrative

    00:09:37 - Overcoming Negativity

    00:12:28 - The Role of the Soul

    00:16:05 - Simple Strategies for Physical Health

    00:19:01 - Making Small Changes for Weight Loss

    00:21:43 - The Problem with the Standard American Diet

    00:25:29 - Breaking Unhealthy Habits

    00:28:53 - Where to Find More Information

    00:29:56 - Wrapping up and future episodes

    00:30:06 - Favor to ask

    00:30:16 - Conclusion

    00:30:26 - Call to action 

    00:30:36 - Closing remarks

    Resources in this episode:

    • Visit Karagoodwin.com: Check out Kara's website for resources to help you connect to a higher version of yourself. This includes personal energy transmissions, which are recorded meditations uniquely designed for each person's specific needs.

    • Purchase Hacking Life After 50 (affiliate link): Get a copy of Mark Barnes' book, co-authored with Jim Sturtevant, to learn practical tips and strategies for living a long, healthy, joy-filled life after 50. The book covers various aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

    • Follow After 50s Life on Facebook: Join the Facebook community created by Mark Barnes and Jim Sturtivan where they share videos, resources, and positive information about mental and physical well-being in the after 50s life. Connect with like-minded individuals and participate in discussions about healthy aging.

    • Explore the Blue Zones: Learn more about the Blue Zones, which are areas around the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives. Check out Dan Buettner's books and the Netflix show to discover the commonalities among these communities and gain insights into longevity.

    • Practice meditation and breathwork: Incorporate meditation and breathwork into your life.

    318. Safeguard Against Harmful EMFs - Justin Frandson

    318. Safeguard Against Harmful EMFs - Justin Frandson

    Dive into the unseen world of frequencies and unveil the startling revelations in this riveting podcast episode. Join us as we unravel the hidden impact of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) emitted by our everyday technology, exposing what could be silently sabotaging your well-being. Justin Franson, the athleticism performance coach behind athleticism.com and EMFrocks.com, shares his eye-opening journey into frequency healing, revealing how seemingly innocuous wearable technology can disrupt athletic performance and trigger health changes.

    Discover the astonishing effects of EMFs on brainwaves and delve into potential solutions that go beyond the ordinary. Franson introduces groundbreaking remedies, including his creation of grounding bags filled with hand-mined crystals, designed to counteract the detrimental effects of EMFs. This ancient-futuristic solution promises not just better sleep but also a pathway to healthier, more balanced body energy levels.

    The conversation extends to the controversial realm of 5G radiation and its potential health risks, sparking a dialogue that challenges conventional perspectives. Brace yourself to not only raises your awareness but also equip yourself with practical tips for EMF protection. As the discussion unfolds, you'll find yourself at the crossroads of science and wellness, pondering the invisible forces that shape our daily lives.

    Tune in to this thought-provoking episode that promises to unravel the mysteries behind frequencies, EMFs, and the power of innovative solutions. Are you ready to take control of your well-being in the digital age? 

    00:15 Introduction and Welcome
    00:26 About Justin Franson and His Work
    01:12 The Importance of Meditation
    01:35 Kara's Personal Energy Transmissions
    02:27 Interview with Justin Begins
    02:33 Justin's Journey into Frequency Healing
    04:42 The Grounding Bags and Their Benefits
    05:06 Understanding EMFs and Their Impact
    10:06 The Effects of EMFs on Human Health
    13:23 How Grounding Bags Work
    21:54 The Controversial Topic of 5G
    26:06 Practical Tips for EMF Protection
    28:01 Conclusion and Contact Information


    - Visit my website karagoodwin.com. Get your personalized meditation/energy transfer designed specifically for your needs. 

     - Neutralize the harmful effects of EMFs with the natural solution of EMF Rocks

    - Support your athletic journey with Athleticism 

    317. Embrace Sensitivity & Explore the Chakra System - Lauren Leduc

    317. Embrace Sensitivity & Explore the Chakra System - Lauren Leduc

    Do you desire a deeper connection with yourself and a stronger sense of intuition? Are you searching for a way to empower yourself through meditation? Look no further, because in this episode you will learn how to cultivate a profound self-connection and foster intuitive growth.

    In a world where a conservative upbringing stifled her spiritual exploration, Lauren Leduc's journey took an unexpected turn into a serious eating disorder. Battling her inner demons in a treatment facility, she found solace in an unconventional place - a yoga class. Little did she know, this would be the catalyst for a transformative path of self-discovery and empowerment. As she delved deeper into meditation and embraced the sacred feminine, Lauren unraveled the secrets of her own inner divinity.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Embrace the strength of your sensitivity and unlock its power through meditation.

    • Experience the empowering nature of meditation as it nurtures your mind, body, and spirit.

    • Embark on a comprehensive exploration of the chakra system to harmonize your energy centers and enhance your overall well-being.

    • Discover the art of balancing the human experience with divine connection through a dedicated meditation practice.

    • Deepen your meditation practice and embark on a journey of self-discovery to unlock your true potential and intuition.

    Lauren Leduc is an experienced teacher, intuitive mentor, and author of the book "Embody Your Inner Goddess: A Guided Path to Radical Wholeness." With her accessible methodology and compassionate approach, Lauren has successfully taught and mentored numerous students, helping them to grow and thrive on their spiritual journey. Her expertise lies in the realm of meditation and the sacred feminine, and she has a deep understanding of the empowering nature of these practices. Through her teachings, Lauren aims to empower individuals to connect with their inner selves, cultivate self-awareness, and experience intuitive growth. Her new book, "Embody Your Inner Goddess," offers a seven-week Chakra journey, providing readers with practical tools and guidance to deepen their meditation practice and tap into their true potential. With her wealth of knowledge and personal experiences, Lauren is a highly regarded figure in the field of meditation and spiritual growth.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:22 - Introduction

    00:01:01 - Lauren's Spiritual Journey

    00:05:12 - Evolving Spirituality

    00:09:51 - Balancing Tradition and Personal Growth

    00:12:04 - Understanding the Sacred Feminine

    00:17:25 - Harnessing Weaknesses into Strengths

    00:19:43 - The Role of Meditation

    00:23:09 - Using Chakras in Her Book

    00:26:08 - The Importance of Groundedness

    00:27:25 - Connect with Lauren

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Check out Lauren Leduc's new book, Embody Your Inner Goddess: A Guided Path to Radical Wholeness. This seven-week Chakra journey will help you cultivate balance and self-growth. Available in bookstores and online. 

    • Join the Sedona Ascension Retreat hosted by Suzanne Ross, happening from March 8th to 10th. Use the code meditation for a 10% discount on your ticket. Visit sedonaascensionretreats.com for more information and to purchase tickets.

    • Explore Lauren Leduc's approachable and intelligent methodology by taking one of her yoga classes or workshops. Visit her website https://www.laurenleduc.com/ for more information on her teaching schedule and how to sign up.

    • Connect with Lauren Leduc on social media to stay updated on her latest offerings and teachings. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook for daily inspiration and guidance.

    • Dive deeper into the concept of the sacred feminine and the importance of balancing masculine and feminine qualities. Explore resources, books, and online courses that delve into this topic. 

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    316. Shattering the Manifestation Glass Ceiling - Ken Stone

    316. Shattering the Manifestation Glass Ceiling - Ken Stone

    In a time of life filled with uncertainty and doubt, Ken Stone's life took a sudden turn that no one - including himself - saw coming. A stranger's unexpected proclamation that Ken is a healer set off a chain of events that would lead him on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. As he grappled with overwhelming emotions and newfound abilities, Ken's transformation continued to unfold in ways he never imagined. What happened next would shape his life in ways he never thought possible.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Explore Ken Stone's transformative healer journey for profound insights into personal growth and spiritual transformation.

    • Dive deep into divinity and consciousness exploration to expand your understanding of spirituality and self-awareness.

    • Discover the stages of personal growth and spiritual development, unlocking new levels of self-discovery and inner peace.

    • Overcome the glass ceiling of disempowerment, unleashing your true potential and reclaiming personal empowerment.

    • Embrace divine presence for transformation and experience a profound shift in your spiritual journey.

    Ken Stone, also known as the Soul Archaeologist, is a spiritual teacher and healer with a remarkable journey that has led him to profound insights in spiritual awareness and consciousness development. His unique methods and teachings illuminate a path for transformation. Ken embodies a deep understanding of embracing divine presence for personal and spiritual growth, making him an invaluable guide in the pursuit of aligning with one's true self. His journey from being told he was a healer before fully understanding the meaning to becoming a beacon of healing offers an inspiring narrative that resonates with those seeking to expand their spiritual experiences.

    The key moments in this episode are:
    00:00:06 - Introduction to Ken Stone

    00:02:05 - Sedona Ascension Retreat

    00:03:18 - Ken's Journey into Healing

    00:08:56 - Guidance and Spiritual Downloads

    00:13:53 - The Soul Archaeologist

    00:14:28 - Exploring Other Lifetimes and Divine Encounters

    00:16:05 - The Experience of Divine Downloads

    00:18:17 - Metaphorical Reflections and Inner Realities

    00:19:42 - Developmental Stages of Consciousness

    00:24:17 - The 97% Glass Ceiling

    00:29:15 - Transitioning from Disempowerment to Empowerment

    00:30:18 - The Four Stages of Spiritual Integration

    00:33:44 - Surrendering to Divinity

    00:35:59 - Continuous Renewal and Divine Guidance

    00:43:44 - Embracing the Sacred Space

    00:44:46 - Unique Interpretations

    00:45:38 - Deepening the Divine Experience

    00:46:30 - Embracing Divine Resonance

    00:48:42 - Connecting and Sharing

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit Ken Stone's website at Kenwstone.com to access a free 17-week program called Exploring Divine Resonance for a deep dive into spiritual teachings, transmissions, and Q&A sessions.

    • Sign up to gain access to the Resonance Institute's online learning platform, where you can engage with the teachings, ask questions, and receive personal responses from Ken Stone.

    • Share this episode with someone who you think will benefit from it, and let them know you're thinking about them by sharing the episode with them right now.

    • Connect with Ken for private sessions or ongoing support in your spiritual journey by visiting his website and exploring the various offerings and resources available.

    • Stay updated on upcoming virtual retreats, classes, and other events facilitated by Ken by visiting his website and signing up for his newsletter or following him on social media for the latest updates and announcements.

    • Join the Sedona Ascension Retreat March 8-10 an experience transformation. Use code MEDITATION for 10% off. https://www.sedonaascensionretreats.com