
    #051 - Dr Brian Keating - Losing The Nobel Prize

    enFebruary 11, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Universe: The Role of Theorists and ExperimentalistsProfessor Brian Keating emphasizes the importance of both theorists and experimentalists in scientific discovery, sharing his experiences as a cosmologist and experimentalist. He also discusses the multiverse theory and the ongoing debate in the scientific community.

      The pursuit of scientific discovery involves not only theorists but also experimentalists, each contributing unique perspectives and insights. Professor Brian Keating, a cosmologist and experimentalist, shares his experiences and the importance of building telescopes to reveal the earliest evidence of the universe. He also touches on the controversy surrounding the multiverse theory, which questions whether our universe is the only one that exists or is part of a larger multiverse. Despite the challenges and politics involved, the passion and dedication of scientists like Keating drive the scientific community forward in their quest for knowledge.

    • Bridging the gap between theory and experimentTheoreticians and experimentalists share a common goal in physics, despite healthy competition and skepticism. A balanced, renaissance-like approach to physics is essential for making progress in understanding the universe.

      The world of physics is not as divided as it may seem between experimentalists and theoreticalists. While there may be a healthy rivalry and skepticism, the two perspectives are essential to making progress in understanding the universe. Unlike sports teams or political parties, there's no need for an "anti-fraternization" law between the two. Theoreticians, like Mario Livio, may have a competitive streak, but they share a common goal with experimentalists. Historically, great physicists like Galileo, Newton, and Einstein were not only theoreticians but also built apparatus and had "skin in the game." However, the ease of proposing theoretical concepts like wormholes and extra dimensions means that there should be a healthy skepticism towards unproven ideas. The ultimate goal is to strive for a well-rounded, renaissance-like approach to physics, capable of delving into both the theoretical and experimental domains.

    • Maintaining scientific integrity through experimentationExperimentalists play a crucial role in maintaining scientific integrity by testing theories against real-world evidence, while scientists must remain focused on the scientific merit of theories and not be swayed by external factors.

      While theoretical physicists can propose new and intriguing ideas, it's the experimentalists who keep the field honest by testing these theories against real-world evidence. The pursuit of scientific discovery can be compared to a nightclub, with experimentalists acting as bouncers to maintain integrity. However, scientists, like the speaker in this conversation, can sometimes be swayed by non-scientific motivations, such as fame or fortune. The speaker's book, "Losing the Nobel Prize," shares stories of being a cosmologist and the importance of keeping scientific inquiry pure, using the analogy of a dust jacket protecting a book's story from dust. The book is a three-part memoir about the experiences of working at the cutting edge of astronomical discovery, where competition, collaboration, and controversy are common. The quest for scientific discovery can be likened to a race to reach the South Pole or the moon, with only a limited number of major discoveries available. Therefore, it's essential to remain focused on the scientific merit of theories and not be swayed by external factors.

    • From Galileo's telescope to BICEP 2: The importance of discoveries in cosmologyThe excitement of making discoveries in cosmology outweighs perceived challenges, with significant developments like the inflationary universe theory requiring continued investigation.

      Despite the challenges of expanding our knowledge in the face of increasing complexity and the perceived stagnation in certain fields of physics, there remains a vast amount of mysteries and unexplored territories. As a physicist, the excitement of building instruments and acquiring data from them outweighs the perceived depression and sullenness felt by some theoretical colleagues. The history of cosmology, from Galileo's first telescope to the BICEP 2 telescope, highlights the importance of discoveries and the high stakes for cosmology and physics as a whole. The inflationary universe theory, which has implications for the multiverse, is a significant development that requires continued investigation. Ultimately, the human curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge drive the scientific community forward.

    • Feynman's Unique Personality and Newton's QuirksPhysicists like Richard Feynman and Isaac Newton had intriguing personalities and made groundbreaking discoveries. Feynman's admiration for himself and Newton's interest in theology and attending hangings added to their legacies.

      The life and discoveries of physicists, including Richard Feynman and Isaac Newton, are full of intriguing quirks and groundbreaking achievements. Feynman's admiration for Feynman, as described by Mario Livio, highlights Feynman's unique personality and contributions to physics. Newton, despite his significant accomplishments in physics, also had peculiarities, such as his interest in theology and attending hangings. Newton claimed his greatest accomplishment was dying a virgin, emulating Jesus Christ. The BICEP2 telescope, named for its goal to detect gravitational waves from the early universe, made headlines when it detected these waves in 2015. This discovery, which was later shared in a Nobel Prize, demonstrated the conversion of mass into gravitational wave energy, a violent process that could have shaped the universe as we know it. These findings humanize the scientists behind the discoveries and showcase the importance of curiosity and persistence in scientific exploration.

    • Discovering the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation: A Brilliant Idea and a Collaborative EffortThe discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation required both theoretical insight and practical innovation, as well as years of collaboration, perseverance, and serendipity.

      The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, a crucial piece of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory, was a result of both a brilliant idea and a massive collaborative effort. The process of bringing the idea to life involved not only theoretical work but also the practical challenge of building and cooling down the telescope to unprecedented temperatures. The confirmation of the discovery came after years of observation and data analysis, demonstrating the importance of perseverance and teamwork in scientific research. Additionally, the discovery illustrates the value of both planned experiments and serendipitous findings in scientific discovery.

    • Scientific Discoveries Influenced by Personal Biases and External FactorsScientific discoveries can be influenced by personal biases and external factors like recognition desires and halo effects, impacting the objective scientific process.

      The pursuit of scientific discovery is not always free from personal biases and external influences, even for the most dispassionate scientists. As highlighted in the discussion, the desire for recognition, such as a Nobel Prize, can significantly impact the scientific process. This can lead to confirmation bias, where scientists look for evidence that supports their hypothesis rather than objectively considering all possibilities. Moreover, the halo effect, where individuals are granted undue admiration and authority, can also influence scientific discourse and decision-making. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that scientists are human and that their discoveries, while grounded in scientific principles, can still be influenced by non-scientific factors.

    • The Nobel Prizes: A Political and Complex InstitutionThe Nobel Prizes, established to promote peace and recognize achievements, are a political and complex institution with a history of controversy and lack of transparency in the selection process

      The Nobel Prize, though held in high esteem, is a political and complex institution with a history that is not always noble. Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor and entrepreneur, established the Nobel Prizes in the late 1800s as a means to promote peace and recognize achievements in various fields. However, the process and the winners are not without controversy. The Nobel Prizes are given in multiple categories, including Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Economic Sciences, and Medicine or Physiology. The prizes are awarded annually, and there have been many notable winners, including several Jewish individuals. However, the selection process is not transparent, and the Nobel Foundation, which administers the prizes, has faced criticism for its lack of diversity and its resistance to change. The Nobel Prizes have become a symbol of excellence, but it's important to remember that they are given by humans, and humans are not infallible. The cliche of scientists as walking Wikipedias is not accurate, and scientists, like all humans, make mistakes and have biases. The Nobel Prize, despite its prestige, is not immune to these human imperfections.

    • Alfred Nobel's personal tragedy and wealth led him to establish the Nobel PrizesInventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel, established the Nobel Prizes in his will to promote peace and progress through recognizing beneficial discoveries or inventions

      Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, experienced great personal tragedy and wealth, but was deeply affected by the negative impact of his invention on humanity. As a result, he established the Nobel Prizes in his will, to recognize individuals for making the most beneficial discoveries or inventions in the preceding year, with the goal of promoting peace and progress for mankind. Despite his vast fortune and scientific achievements, Nobel was troubled by the destructive uses of his invention and sought to leave a positive legacy through the Nobel Prizes.

    • Discovering cosmic dust expanded scientific knowledgeThe discovery of cosmic dust particles challenged initial interpretations, expanding scientific knowledge and highlighting the importance of collaboration and sharing information among researchers.

      Losing the Nobel Prize was a personal disappointment for the scientist, but it also led to a broader perspective on the universe and its complexities. The experiment he led, designed to detect the aftershock of the big bang via gravitational waves, was interpreted differently due to the discovery of cosmic dust particles left over from previous supernovas. Although it was a setback, this discovery expanded scientific knowledge and highlighted the importance of collaboration and sharing information among researchers. The scientist was asked to nominate the Nobel Prize winners that year, adding to the bittersweet experience. Ultimately, the discovery of cosmic dust challenged the initial interpretation of their experiment, leading to a more humble understanding of the universe.

    • Competition for Nobel Prize leads to hidden discoveryScientific competition can overshadow discovery's importance, potentially leading to a Nobel Prize being seen as a false idol

      The discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation patterns in our Milky Way galaxy, which was initially mistaken for evidence of the inflationary epoch during the Big Bang, was kept hidden from competitors due to intense scientific competition. The desire to be the first and most definitive in making a discovery is a significant driving force in the scientific community, even among mostly secular scientists who often reject religious beliefs. This competition can lead to a Nobel Prize being seen as a type of religious icon or false idol, despite the institution's refusal to change its operating mode. To prevent a potential crisis, it is essential to improve the Nobel Prize process to ensure the award goes to the right person. The discovery's aftermath was a mix of emotions for the researcher involved, including a realization that the pursuit of the Nobel Prize could overshadow the importance of the discovery itself.

    • Feeling jilted by the Nobel PrizeThe Nobel Prize can distract from scientific progress by turning scientists into entertainers, focus on the process not the awards.

      The pursuit of scientific discovery should not be driven by the desire for accolades or awards, such as the Nobel Prize. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling jilted after being excluded from the announcement of a significant scientific discovery, but ultimately recognizes that the privilege of conducting research and working with brilliant minds is reward enough. He argues that the Nobel Prize can sometimes reduce scientists to entertainers and that the focus on awards can detract from the scientific process. Instead, he suggests reforms to preserve the Nobel Prize's prestige, such as inviting scholars to nominate winners.

    • Respecting the deceased's wishesAdhering to the deceased's wishes, even if it goes against personal beliefs, is a matter of integrity and respect. Life is a process of becoming, with value in both the journey and the destination.

      Respecting the wishes of the deceased and adhering to their will is a matter of integrity and respect, even if it may not align with one's personal beliefs or desires. The speaker shared a personal experience of feeling disrespected when the rules of a literary award were not followed according to the deceased's wishes. He also reflected on a past experience where his embarrassment took precedence over his physical injuries, highlighting the human tendency to prioritize social perception over basic needs. Furthermore, the speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing that life is a process of becoming, rather than being, and that the value of discoveries and accomplishments lies not only in their end result but also in the journey towards them.

    • Appreciating the journey over the destinationFocus on the learning process rather than just the goal, as fixation on awards can limit perspective and appreciation.

      The pursuit of accolades and awards, such as the Nobel Prize, can limit our perspective and appreciation for the journey and learning process itself. The speaker shares how being free from the obsession of winning such awards has allowed him to value the journey over the destination. He also draws a parallel between the ancient Israelites worshiping a golden calf and our modern-day fixation on icons like the Nobel Prize. The speaker encourages embracing the journey and not fixating on the destination, whether it's winning a Nobel Prize or not making it into the top 50 podcasts. He also touches on the limitations of narrow research focus and the importance of sharing information for the greater good, but acknowledges that removing ego from the situation is impossible. Overall, the speaker's message is to appreciate the journey and not let the pursuit of accolades overshadow the learning and growth that comes with it.

    • Exploring the Unfair Asymmetry of Nobel Prizes and Their Impact on Science RecognitionThe Nobel Prize, while prestigious, can create an unfair recognition asymmetry and overlook deserving individuals. Brian Keating's book sheds light on this issue and encourages public engagement to suggest overlooked winners.

      The Nobel Prize, while prestigious, can create an unfair asymmetry in recognition and glorification, potentially leaving deserving individuals in the shadows. Brian Keating's book, "Losing the Nobel Prize," explores this issue and discusses the responsibility the Nobel Prize holds to inform the public about science, despite its monopolistic nature and sometimes questionable selection processes. Keating also shares stories of individuals who have been overlooked or written out of history due to these processes. He encourages listeners to engage with his work, including visiting losingthenobelprize.com to suggest winners and join his mailing list at briankeeting.com. Despite his initial apathy towards awards, Keating has been pleased with the reception of his book and looks forward to continuing the conversation.

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    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

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