
    #061 - Christie Aschwanden - The Truth About Sports Recovery

    enApril 04, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Active Shift in RecoveryRecovery techniques like cryotherapy, IV drips, foam rollers, and compression sleeves have transformed passive rest into an active process, enhancing athletic performance.

      Recovery has evolved from a passive process of resting to an active one involving various methods and technologies. Kristi Ashwanden's book, "Good to Go," explores this shift, covering everything from cryotherapy and IV drips to foam rollers and compression sleeves. These recovery techniques can be found at specialized recovery spas, which have become increasingly popular among athletes in the US. While some of these facilities are available in the UK for elite athletes, the majority of the population relies on more traditional methods like massage and hot tubs. Regardless, the importance of recovery in enhancing athletic performance has gained significant attention, making it a crucial complement to training.

    • Facilitating Active RecoveryApproach recovery methods with skepticism, focus on effective practices, and avoid being swayed by marketing hype.

      Recovery is an essential aspect of training, and it's not just about lying back and waiting for the body to heal. Athletes and individuals seeking optimal performance need to actively facilitate recovery through various methods like foam rolling, massage, and other techniques. However, it's crucial to approach these methods with a skeptical yet open mind, as not all of them may deliver significant benefits. Our bodies are dynamic systems that can adapt to various conditions, and the expectations of achieving an optimal state may be oversized. The concept of marginal gains can be misleading, as some methods may not deliver the promised benefits, and it's essential to separate the effective practices from the marketing hype.

    • The power of small improvements and recovery in sportsMaking multiple small improvements can lead to significant gains, and recovery is crucial for repair and strengthening, enhancing performance

      Small improvements, when combined, can lead to significant gains, a concept known as marginal gains. This idea, popularized in sports, suggests that making multiple small changes can result in large improvements. For example, a 1% difference in a race could mean the difference between winning and coming in second. When it comes to exercise recovery, it's essential to understand that adaptations to exercise occur during the recovery period, not during the workout itself. Recovery is the time when the body repairs and strengthens, making it a crucial aspect of any training regimen. Athletes often overlook the importance of recovery when they're younger, but as they age and gain experience, they realize its significance. Additionally, older athletes require more recovery time due to natural physiological changes. Overall, the importance of marginal gains and recovery in sports cannot be overstated.

    • Managing Emotional and Psychological Stress for RecoveryFocusing on mood and overall feelings is crucial for monitoring recovery, as emotional and psychological stressors can hinder the process. Using tools like mood tracking apps can help prevent overtraining.

      Recovery is not just about physical stress from workouts, but also about managing emotional and psychological stress. The body responds to all types of stress in similar ways, and neglecting emotional stressors can hinder the recovery process. Quantifying the contribution of different stressors to recovery is difficult, but focusing on mood and overall feelings is a useful measure. The best determinant of an athlete's capacity to endure and recover is how they perceive their own state under stress. Using tools like mood tracking apps can help athletes prevent overtraining by monitoring their emotional and mental well-being.

    • The Importance of Proper Recovery for AthletesAdequate sleep is crucial for athlete recovery, debunking the myth that 6 hours is enough. Holistic recovery includes rest, relaxation, and stress reduction to support natural repair processes.

      Proper recovery for athletes is not just an afterthought, but a crucial component of their training regimen. The most fundamental building block of recovery is sleep, which is essential for repair and adaptation. While the amount of sleep needed can vary from person to person, most individuals require more than the commonly believed "6 hours is enough" myth. Neglecting sleep can lead to overtraining, fatigue, and poor performance. A holistic approach to recovery includes rest, relaxation, and stress reduction to support the body's natural repair processes. Understanding the importance of recovery and implementing effective strategies can help athletes maximize their potential and prevent burnout.

    • Sleep and Nutrition for Peak Athletic PerformancePrioritize 7 hours of sleep for athletes, focus on carbs, protein, and adequate protein intake as we age for proper nutrition.

      Sleep and proper nutrition are essential for athletic performance and overall health. Lack of sleep can lead to cognitive and physical impairment, which can become the new normal if not addressed. The recommended minimum amount of sleep for most athletes is 7 hours, but individual needs may vary. Prioritizing sleep and building good habits around it is crucial. Similarly, proper nutrition is necessary for replenishing energy used during workouts and maintaining muscle glycogen stores. While precise nutrition is important, it's not as complex as it may seem. Focus on getting enough carbs, protein, and ensuring adequate protein intake as we age.

    • Ensuring Sufficient Protein Intake for Aging and Muscle RepairAs we age, focus on getting enough protein daily for muscle repair and overall health, rather than worrying about precise timing of consumption before, during, or after workouts. Carbohydrates are vital for endurance exercises, and individual experimentation is key to finding the best diet for optimal performance.

      As we age, it's important to ensure we're getting enough protein in our diet to support muscle repair and overall health. Contrary to popular belief, there's no magic recovery window for nutrient intake, and it's more about ensuring we're getting enough nutrients throughout the day. The timing of protein consumption before, during, or after a workout doesn't significantly impact results, as long as we're getting enough protein overall. Additionally, carbohydrates are crucial for endurance exercises, and a high-fat, low-carb diet may not be ideal for athletes. The field of nutrition is complex, and there's ongoing debate about various diets and their impact on performance. Ultimately, it's essential to experiment with different approaches and find what works best for each individual.

    • Focus on adequate calorie intake and dietary variety for optimal performanceElite athletes succeed with diverse diets, emphasizing calorie intake and dietary variety, while avoiding unnecessary stress from overfocus on specific foods or recovery modalities.

      While it's tempting to focus on the small details of nutrition and recovery for optimal performance, the complexity of these issues often makes it difficult to attribute specific outcomes to one food or component. Instead, the emphasis should be on ensuring adequate calorie intake and a varied diet. Elite athletes from different cultures have shown that diverse diets can lead to success. For instance, Usain Bolt's gold medal wins were not due to chicken nuggets, but rather his ability to replenish calories, protein, and carbohydrates. However, an excessive focus on specific recovery modalities or hard-to-obtain foods can lead to unnecessary stress, which may negate any potential benefits. Regarding recovery techniques like massage, the science is still evolving, and some common claims, such as flushing lactic acid, do not hold up. Instead, massage may help reduce muscle soreness and improve range of motion through mechanisms like mechanoreception and decreased muscle tension.

    • Massage primarily works through relaxationMassage, including foam rolling, promotes relaxation and stress relief, but its effects on lactic acid or fascia are questionable

      Massage, including foam rolling, primarily works by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, helping people relax and recover, rather than through mechanisms like clearing lactic acid or working on fascia as commonly believed. The scientific basis for these assumptions may not hold up, and it's essential to recognize that there's still much to learn about the body and its recovery processes. If foam rolling or massage makes you feel better, continue doing it, but don't rely on it for specific physiological effects beyond relaxation and stress relief.

    • Exploring alternative recovery methodsWhile foam rolling and intense recovery methods aren't for everyone, lighter exercises and movement promote muscle warmth and recovery. Short bouts of exercise or massage can be helpful, but scientific evidence is limited. Cryotherapy's benefits are exaggerated, with no solid evidence supporting enhanced performance or recovery.

      While foam rolling and other intense recovery methods may not be necessary for everyone, lighter forms of exercise and movement can be beneficial for maintaining muscle warmth and promoting recovery. There is some evidence suggesting that short bouts of exercise or massage can be helpful in certain scenarios. However, many sports practices are based on tradition and perceived benefits rather than hard scientific evidence. Regarding cryotherapy, there is currently no compelling evidence to suggest that cryotanks significantly enhance performance or recovery. Some claims made about cryotherapy are exaggerated and not supported by science. Ultimately, the placebo effect can play a role in perceived benefits from various recovery methods.

    • The Power of PlacebosPlacebos, with their strong placebo effect, can be as effective as real treatments. The belief in their power can lead to significant recovery.

      The placebo effect, which is often dismissed as insignificant, can be a powerful tool for recovery. Our expectations and beliefs can have a profound impact on our bodies, making placebos almost as effective as real treatments. The cryo chamber, for instance, is believed to work primarily due to its strong placebo effect. Moreover, placebos are the most reliable effect in pharmacology, and if we could bottle them, we would have a panacea. However, not all unconventional recovery methods are effective. IV vitamin drips, for example, are popular but have little scientific evidence to support their benefits. Nonetheless, the concept of harnessing the power of the placebo effect is intriguing and worth exploring further.

    • Understanding individual recovery needsAltitude training and oxygen inhalers may not be the most effective methods for enhancing recovery for all athletes. Individual differences in response to training and recovery require experimentation and learning.

      Altitude training and the use of oxygen inhalers are not necessarily the most effective methods for enhancing recovery for athletes, especially those in decent shape. While altitude chambers have been used for training at high altitudes for endurance athletes, their primary function is to help athletes adapt rather than aid in recovery. Additionally, there is a significant variation in how individuals respond to training and recovery, with some requiring more rest and others needing less. An example of an extraordinary athlete with a remarkable ability to recover is Camille Herron, an ultra marathoner who holds the world record for a 100-mile run. Her exceptional talent for recovery is a unique skill, and it sets her apart from other athletes. The reasons behind her ability to excel in ultra-endurance events are a topic of ongoing debate, with some theories suggesting that differences in metabolism may play a role. Overall, understanding what works best for individual athletes requires experimentation and learning.

    • The Significance of Recovery for Optimal Athletic PerformancePrioritize rest, sleep, and active recovery for improved athletic performance and better overall health. Implement strategies like RPE and RHR, and listen to experts like Christie Ashwanden and Alex Hutchinson.

      Understanding the importance of recovery is crucial for optimal athletic performance. Christie Ashwanden, an endurance athlete and author, shared her insights on the topic, emphasizing the significance of rest, sleep, and active recovery. She also mentioned her book "Good to Go" and her upcoming podcast "Emerging Form," which delves into the creative process. By listening to experts like Alex Hutchinson and implementing strategies like Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and Resting Heart Rate (RHR), athletes can enhance their training and recovery routines. Overall, prioritizing recovery can lead to improved performance and better overall health. You can find Christie online at cragcrest on Twitter and christyashwanden.com, and keep an eye out for her new podcast at emergingform.com.

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    Performance Enhancement with Dr. MaryEllen Eller

    Performance Enhancement with Dr. MaryEllen Eller

    Our bodies are “wired” to perform. Learning how to consciously modulate your internal sympathetic state is the key to unlocking optimal performance. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) facilitates survival by generating the fight-or-flight response and promotes recovery following activation (the ability to relax). The ANS achieves this by balancing two complementary systems: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). For example, your ANS is currently adjusting your pupillary diameter, respiratory rate, blood pressure, heart rate, skin conductance, sweat production, sphincter tone and postural muscles (just to name a few) to allow you to focus your eyes to read this information without passing out, falling over, overheating or urinating on yourself.

    For PDF with full notes on our discussion and breathing: https://psychiatrypodcast.com/resources

    Join Dr. Eller on:

    Facebook: @PhysicalTherapyRX

    Instagram: rxpt_

    Join David on Instagram: dr.davidpuder

    Twitter: @DavidPuder

    Facebook: DrDavidPuder

    Steroids - The Ultimate Shortcut?

    Steroids - The Ultimate Shortcut?

    0:20 Nick's upcoming show
    0:40 Cumulative fatigue
    5:08 Steroids aren't a shortcut
    7:29 Mike's first drug experience 
    11:51 Nick thought drugs were only for degenerates
    18:39 Defining steroids
    21:08 How steroids work
    26:15 Likely results
    31:19 Females and steroids
    34:34 Side effects
    40:17 Psychological side effects
    46:06 Why steroids are awful
    48:52 "The burden"
    1:00:00 Genetics role in steroids