
    062. Zoltan Istvan, Michael Phillip | Are we on the Cusp of a Transhumanist Utopia?

    enJanuary 29, 2015

    About this Episode

    We have absolutely no idea what the future will hold, but we’re definitely on the cusp of something huge.

    Are we headed for an unprecedented utopian neo renaissance? Will technological and medical breakthroughs enable us to live practically forever so we’re free to pursue our passions all day long? Or are we on the verge of something darker? Some sort of Huxlian, Orwellian dystopia steeped in thought control, murderous AI and oligarch overlords who'll invade our minds in an effort to milk us for money and energy as we jump willingly into ultra-plush matrix pods of their design? 

    Who knows?

    Our guest this week, Zoltan Istvan is the author of the Transhumanist Wager. He writes for practically every major technology website (Gizmodo, Huffington Post, Motherboard Wired etc.) He’s the founder of a transhumanist political party, which aims to draw attention and dollars to science and tech. He’s also traveled around the world on a god damned sailboat. 

    Head to midwestreal.net for links and the full write-up and more!

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