
    About this Episode

    Some topics are more awkward to talk about than others... are we right? Well, this is one of them. But thats. the. point. This week, Stephie brings Steven on to chat through to sometimes awkward topic of intimacy and marriage because together, they are passionate about seeing marriage succeed. We see the value in shedding some light on this topic because God has valuable things to say about intimacy, so why not! Listen in and share a laugh, and find a moment where you can say "yes, me too!" 

    And as always, keep the faith and see the joy. 

    Follow us on instagram at: @joyunseenpodcast @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_

    Recent Episodes from Joy Unseen

    083. I Regret Getting My Tubes Tied with Stephie Clement

    083. I Regret Getting My Tubes Tied with Stephie Clement

    Stephie opens up and shares about her thoughts on the fact that she had a tubal ligation after the birth of her second child, her son Silas. It wasn't something done in haste in the first place, but she feels like the Lord has done a work on her heart and is just processing out loud. Listen in to see why she says she regrets it and what the Lord is teaching her.


    And as always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    Follow us on socials:

    @jaimemcguire_ @stephieclement @joyunseenpodcast

    Joy Unseen
    enMarch 12, 2024

    082. The Cost of Ministry with Melissa Gaona | Part 2

    082. The Cost of Ministry with Melissa Gaona | Part 2

    Stephie sat down with friend, local news anchor, and woman in ministry, Melissa Gaona, to talk all things work. For both Melissa and Stephie, "work" is both in the church, and outside the church. It is both secular and religion. In this special two part series, Melissa shares what got her into minstry, what she's seeing happening in the church and what she feels called to do about it. She also shares some of her story about how she ended up working in TV, and HOW she takes her platform and turns it into an alter for Jesus. You don't want to miss this special interview! Part 2 of 2

    Be sure to check out Melissa's ministry: https://ignitionministries.org
    Follow Melissa on instagram: @melissa.gaona @ignition.ministries
    Follow Stephie & Jaime on instagram: @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_ @joyunseenpodcast

    As always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    081. The Cost of Ministry with Melissa Gaona | PART 1

    081. The Cost of Ministry with Melissa Gaona | PART 1

    Stephie sat down with friend, local news anchor, and woman in ministry, Melissa Gaona, to talk all things work. For both Melissa and Stephie, "work" is both in the church, and outside the church. It is both secular and religion. In this special two part series, Melissa shares what got her into minstry, what she's seeing happening in the church and what she feels called to do about it. She also shares some of her story about how she ended up working in TV, and HOW she takes her platform and turns it into an alter for Jesus. You don't want to miss this special interview! Part 1 of 2

    Be sure to check out Melissa's ministry: https://ignitionministries.org
    Follow Melissa on instagram: @melissa.gaona @ignition.ministries
    Follow Stephie & Jaime on instagram: @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_ @joyunseenpodcast

    As always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    080. Interview with Rylee

    080. Interview with Rylee

    In this episode we have a very special guest, Jaime's two and a half year old daughter, Rylee! Rylee shares some of her favorite songs and stories in a way that only an adorable toddler could do. Capturing her voice and pure innocence at this age was so fun! 

    As always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    Follow us on Instagram: @joyunseenpodcast @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_

    079. Postpartum after Baby #2

    079. Postpartum after Baby #2

    Pregnancy, postpartum, mom life.... we've talked about it all before but if there is one thing that is for sure, things CHANGE! Join us on this episode as we talk through how we've faced from anxiety to rage, and sleeplessness and even easy days. God is in the midst of it all! We chat through what we're learning and how the Lord is working in the postpartum days!

    As always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    Follow us on Instagram: @joyunseenpodcast @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_

    078. Facing My Worst Fear with Jaime McGuire

    078. Facing My Worst Fear with Jaime McGuire

    A couple of episodes ago, you all got to hear Jaime’s amazing birth story with Emerson and how they have been doing since May. 

    This past week, completely out of no where, Jaime had a heart wrenching incident occur with her precious daughter, Emerson. Despite the scariest of circumstances, God was present and has been providing strength for her and her family. Listen in to hear the details of exactly what happened and hear God’s faithfulness in it all. 

    077. What can we learn from the book of Job? - Devotion

    077. What can we learn from the book of Job? - Devotion

    Today we're doing something a little different! Diving into God's word. Stephie has recently studied the book of Job and was so amazed at the different things that she learned by diving into this book. It's often one of the books that people hate reading because it can be tough to swallow some of the truths. So join us for a little daily scripture and let's see what the Lord wants to teach each of us!

    As always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    Follow us on Instagram: @joyunseenpodcast @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_

    076. Jaime's Birth Story with Baby Emerson

    076. Jaime's Birth Story with Baby Emerson

    It's the long awaited episode - Jaime's most recent birth story with baby Emerson! Jaime's story this time was so different from her first experience and very redemptive. God was present with her in such tangible ways as she was able to surrender to Him and the way He created her. Tune in to see how so!

    As always, keep the faith and see the joy!

    Follow us on instagram: @stephieclement @jaimemcguire_ @joyunseenpodcast

    075. Let's Make New Year's Resolutions

    075. Let's Make New Year's Resolutions

    We start this episode planning to share that we don't have any resolutions, but by the end, we've set some really good ones for ourselves. Join us as we talk through where we're at in this season of life and why we aren't making super lofty resolutions. We're keeping it realistic but with one goal: grow closer to Christ! Listen in to see how we plan to do that.

    And as always.... keep the faith and see the joy!

    Follow us on Instagram @joyunseenpodcast

    @jaimemcguire_ @stephieclement

    074. We're Back! Season 3 Trailer

    074. We're Back! Season 3 Trailer

    Jaime and Stephie are BACK! Join us as we dive back into finding joy in everyday life. From motherhood, to careers and everything in between, we seek to honor God and bring him glory in all that we do. We're keeping it real, honest, and authentic. Catch up with us in this trailer since it's been awhile!! A lot has changed. And come back every week for a new episode!

    And as always... keep the faith and see the joy.

    Follow us on instagram @joyunseenpodcast

    @jaimemcguire_ @stephieclement