
    1/23/24: Nikki Haley HUMILIATED By Trump Voters, Krystal, Saagar, Ryan NH PREDICTIONS, Biden DeepFake, Ceasefire Write In, Trump GA Prosecutor Affair Allegations, 24 IDF Soldiers Killed, Columbia Students Attacked

    enJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Advancement Opportunities at Purdue Global and KrogerIndividuals can earn college credits for experiences at Purdue Global and potentially complete up to 75% of their undergraduate degree, leading to a respected degree and career recognition. Kroger brand products offer proven quality at affordable prices, benefiting families during shopping.

      Both Purdue Global and Kroger offer opportunities for advancement and value. At Purdue Global, individuals can earn college credits for their experiences and potentially complete up to 75% of their undergraduate degree. This can lead to a respected degree and recognition in their career. Meanwhile, Kroger brand products offer proven quality at affordable prices, making shopping a win for families. In the political sphere, the GOP primary is underway with Donald Trump emphasizing his commitment to securing retirement benefits, while the Democratic primary is seeing some unusual happenings. Stay tuned for more election coverage.

    • New Hampshire Primary: Trump vs Haley and Social Security/MedicareTrump's stance against cuts to Social Security and Medicare resonates with voters, while Haley's position hasn't been as effective. Trump's appeal to non-college educated white voters remains a significant factor.

      The ongoing Republican primary race between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley in New Hampshire has highlighted the shifting political landscape, particularly in relation to Social Security and Medicare. Trump's recognition of public sentiment against cuts to these programs has been effective, while Haley's stance has not resonated well with some voters. The polls suggest that Haley is gaining ground in New Hampshire, but it's important to note that this is just one state in the primary process. The ad campaign against Trump by the "Defending Democracy" super PAC, which is backed by Bill Crystal, has also been discussed, with some focus on the potential impact of independent and Democratic voters in the primary. Ultimately, the election outcome is not determined by a single state, and Trump's appeal to non-college educated white voters remains a significant factor. The conversation also touched on an incident where a man asked Haley to marry him during her campaigning, but she declined when he revealed he would vote for Trump.

    • Nikki Haley Gains Some Republican Support in New Hampshire but Trump Still DominatesDespite media attention on other topics, social security remains a key concern for many Republicans, and Trump's stance on it has helped him consolidate the base, maintaining a significant lead over Nikki Haley in New Hampshire polling.

      According to recent polling data in New Hampshire, Nikki Haley has gained support from some Republicans, particularly those who previously supported Chris Christie. However, Trump remains in a dominant position with a significant lead over Haley among registered Republicans and those motivated to vote. On key issues like immigration, the economy, and foreign policy, Trump also holds a strong advantage. The polling data suggests that Haley has not been able to peel away support from Trump, who continues to consolidate the base with his stance on social security, a hidden yet popular issue among Republican voters. Despite media focus on other topics, social security remains a significant concern for many Americans relying on it in retirement.

    • The 2024 Presidential Race: Trump's Lead and Potential ChallengesTrump leads 2024 polls with high popularity, but DeSantis' entry may split Republican votes, while Biden is expected to lead Democratic primary, but his majority is uncertain.

      The 2024 presidential race is shaping up to be a significant contest, with Donald Trump currently leading in various polls and having a strong likelihood of winning by a substantial margin. Trump's popularity remains high, with many polls showing him above 50% support. The potential entry of Ron DeSantis into the race could split the Republican vote, but it's unclear how much impact that will have. On the Democratic side, Joe Biden is expected to lead the primary, but it's uncertain whether he will secure a majority of the votes. Other candidates like Nikki Haley, Dean Phillips, Marianne Williamson, and the Ceasefire campaign are expected to receive smaller percentages of the votes. Smart businesses are also graduating to NetSuite by Oracle to reduce costs and improve efficiency, while all-inclusive vacations offer an easy and affordable getaway.

    • Understanding the Unique Factors in Primary and General ElectionsVoter turnout could be surprisingly low in New Hampshire primary, potentially benefiting underdog candidates or even Donald Trump. The Biden campaign is urging supporters to write-in his name, while implications for the eventual outcomes remain uncertain.

      The dynamics of primary and general elections can be vastly different, particularly when it comes to voter turnout and candidate performance. In the context of the ongoing primary race in New Hampshire, there are indications that voter turnout could be surprisingly low, which could potentially benefit underdog candidates like Dean Phillips or even Donald Trump in the Republican primary. The Biden campaign, sensing this trend, has reportedly urged supporters to write in Biden's name on the ballot, despite initially not encouraging such action. The implications of these developments for the eventual outcome of the Democratic and Republican primaries, as well as the general election, remain to be seen. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the unique factors at play in each type of election and the potential for unexpected twists and turns along the way.

    • Reports of voter suppression efforts in New HampshireDeep fake robo calls with manipulated voices of political figures are a form of misinformation and voter suppression under investigation in New Hampshire. Stay informed and vigilant against attempts to suppress your vote.

      There are reports of voter suppression efforts in New Hampshire during the Democratic primary, including deep fake robo calls with manipulated voices of political figures like Joe Biden, urging people not to vote. These calls are a form of misinformation and voter suppression, and they are currently under investigation by the New Hampshire Attorney General. The source of these calls is unclear, but it is believed that someone is attempting to discourage people from participating in the democratic process. This is a concerning development, as free and fair elections are essential to the functioning of our democracy. It's important for voters to be aware of these tactics and to remain vigilant against attempts to suppress their vote. Additionally, there have been reports of tensions between the Democratic National Committee and the state of New Hampshire over the primary calendar, with the DNC moving the primary to South Carolina and Biden deciding not to participate in the New Hampshire primary. This has led to some speculation that the Biden campaign may be panicking about the outcome of the primary, but it's unclear if this is the case. Regardless, it's important for voters to focus on the issues and to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

    • Historical significance of New Hampshire and Iowa primariesHoward Dean leverages bipartisan reputation, Marianne Williamson focuses on generational change in New Hampshire primary race

      The historical significance and mythology surrounding the primary elections in states like New Hampshire and Iowa continue to shape the strategies of presidential campaigns. These states have a strong influence on the Democratic Party due to their past impact on elections. In the current race, former Governor Howard Dean's campaign is trying to leverage his name being on the ballot and his bipartisan reputation as a strategic advantage, but his lack of media coverage on networks like MSNBC is hindering his efforts. Meanwhile, Marianne Williamson is appealing to voters by emphasizing the need for generational change and addressing the inherent struggles in American society. Despite the challenges, both candidates are making their closing pitches to New Hampshire voters, hoping to make an impact in the first primary state.

    • Uncertainty in the Democratic Primary RaceThe Democratic primary race is uncertain due to various factors including the impact of ceasefire votes, lackluster performance of opponents, difficulty of getting on the ballot, and the rigging of the primary process in favor of the incumbent.

      The Democratic primary race is full of uncertainty due to various factors such as the impact of the ceasefire votes, the lackluster performance of Biden's opponents, the difficulty of getting on the ballot in certain states, and the rigging of the primary process in favor of the incumbent. Marianne Williamson, who could have taken a critical stance on Israel and put pressure on Biden, may have missed her chance to crack 7% to 10% support by not making her name synonymous with that issue. Additionally, the primary process is becoming increasingly nationalized, making it harder for insurgent candidates to come from nowhere and win. The outcome of the primary is uncertain, and many voters are left feeling disenfranchised and unable to express their dissatisfaction with the system effectively. The primary process, particularly the ballot access and state selection, is rigged in favor of the incumbent, making it an uphill battle for challengers.

    • Winning the Iowa primary is crucial for presidential momentumIowa primary victory builds momentum, New Hampshire voters write in 'ceasefire' as protest, all write-in votes will be counted

      Winning the first primary in Iowa is crucial for a presidential candidate as it builds momentum and attracts support. Meanwhile, streamlining business operations through a unified platform like NetSuite can lead to significant cost savings and efficiency gains. In New Hampshire, some voters chose to write in "ceasefire" on their ballots as a protest against the violence in the Middle East and to express their concerns to the President. The Secretary of State has announced that all write-in votes, including "ceasefire," will be counted, despite opposition from a pro-Israel super PAC. Andrew Volinsky, a former New Hampshire executive counselor and organizer in the ceasefire campaign, shared his reasons for this grassroots movement and its rapid growth in the weeks leading up to the primary.

    • Controversy over Ceasefire Votes in New Hampshire PrimaryUnique election laws led to unusual primary race with pro-ceasefire campaign encouraging voters to cast ballots for cause, not candidates, gaining significant attention and inspiring similar efforts in other states.

      There is ongoing controversy surrounding the reporting of ceasefire votes in the New Hampshire primary, with some arguing it's illegal while others disagree. New Hampshire's unique election laws, which require the primary to be held seven days before the next state's primary, complicated the situation for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The result is an unusual primary race with various candidates, including write-ins for ceasefire and two unknown Democrats. The pro-ceasefire campaign, which is backed by significant funding, aims to make a difference in the election by encouraging voters to cast their ballots for the cause, rather than for specific candidates. The campaign's leader has faced criticism and even accusations of being an anti-Semite, but they remain committed to their goal. The impact on the November election remains to be seen, but the campaign has gained significant attention and is inspiring similar efforts in other states. The success of the campaign will depend on the number of votes they receive and the coverage they receive in the media. Despite the controversy, the votes will be counted and have no impact on local elections.

    • Highlights of Personal and Professional Comebacks and Political DevelopmentsIndividuals can bounce back through Purdue Global education and businesses can save costs and enhance efficiency with NetSuite's unified suite. Transparency and integrity are crucial in politics and all areas of life.

      Individuals can make a comeback in their personal and professional lives with the help of Purdue Global, while businesses can reduce costs and improve efficiency by adopting NetSuite's unified business management suite. In the political sphere, the outcome of an election interference case in Georgia may be influenced by a personal relationship between the lead prosecutor and a key witness, potentially raising questions about her impartiality. These developments highlight the importance of transparency and integrity in various aspects of life. For education, consider PurdueGlobal.edu. For business, explore NetSuite.com/stereo. And for the latest news, stay tuned.

    • Legal Threats to Trump in GeorgiaTrump faces a significant legal challenge in Georgia over alleged vote manipulation and potential corruption. The case could lead to his indictment and disqualification from office if proven, but his strategy is to delay proceedings to avoid a conviction before the 2024 election.

      The ongoing legal case against Trump in Georgia, which involves allegations of vote finding and potential corruption, is seen as a significant threat to the former president. The prosecutor involved is known for her tenacity and has witnesses ready to testify. Trump's strategy appears to be to delay the proceedings as long as possible, potentially even past the 2024 election, to prevent a conviction. The case involves allegations of improper payments and travel expenses, which could constitute corruption if proven. If these allegations hold up in court, they could lead to Trump's indictment and potentially even disqualification from holding office again. However, it's important to note that the case also involves personal issues between Trump and the person involved, which could complicate the situation. Trump is also facing another legal issue in a defamation trial.

    • Donald Trump's Legal Battles: Defamation Trial with E. Jean Carroll and Political MotivationsDespite facing multiple legal challenges, including defamation trials, Trump maintains his innocence and believes he will win each case. Businesses can learn from Trump's situation by streamlining operations and increasing margins with NetSuite by Oracle.

      Donald Trump's legal battles continue to mount, with the latest being a defamation trial brought by E. Jean Carroll. Trump was supposed to testify in his defense but cited the New Hampshire primary as a reason for the delay. The judge and jury in the case had previously found that Trump defamed Carroll, but Trump continued to make defamatory statements about her. As a result, the trial skipped the fact-finding part and went straight to determining if Trump's comments were defamatory, which could result in another large judgment against him. Trump claimed these trials are politically motivated, as one of his opponents, Reid Hoffman, financed Carroll's lawsuit. Trump faces multiple legal challenges, including the January 6, documents, and porn star cases, among others. Despite the challenges, Trump maintains his innocence and believes he will win each case. Smart businesses can learn from Trump's situation by reducing costs and headaches by graduating to NetSuite by Oracle, which allows for streamlined operations and increased margins.

    • NetSuite offers cost savings and efficiency improvements for businessesNetSuite consolidates accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, and more into one platform, reducing IT costs and streamlining business processes for over 37,000 companies

      NetSuite, a leading cloud financial system, offers significant cost savings and efficiency improvements by consolidating accounting, financial management, inventory, HR, and more into one platform. This reduces IT costs, eliminates the need for multiple systems, and streamlines business processes. Over 37,000 companies have already adopted NetSuite. Meanwhile, in other news, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) suffered a tragic loss with the death of 21 soldiers during a controlled demolition operation in Gaza. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which caused the buildings to collapse on the soldiers. The incident raises concerns about discipline and training within the IDF, as soldiers have been seen celebrating and joking about controlled demolitions on social media. This incident, which is the deadliest for the IDF in the ongoing conflict, highlights the challenges of military occupation and the importance of proper training and discipline. Israel's small population means that each loss is significant, and the Prime Minister has ordered an investigation into the incident.

    • Lack of military discipline in Israel's Gaza conflictAbsence of military discipline among Israeli troops leads to significant casualties and instability, with potential risks from government encouragement of paramilitary groups.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza, as illustrated by a recent incident, highlights the importance of military discipline and the potential consequences of its absence. The lack of discipline among Israeli troops, as seen in the wandering off of soldiers and disregard for orders from superiors, has resulted in significant casualties and raises concerns about the sustainability of the military effort. Additionally, the growing criticism of military leadership on social media, with encouragement from hard-right elements of the government, poses a risk of creating paramilitary groups and further instability. A proposed two-month ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, while potentially beneficial, remains uncertain as Hamas has yet to respond to the offer. Overall, the situation underscores the importance of a well-trained, disciplined military and the potential risks of a lack thereof.

    • Israeli invasion of Lebanon and its impact on PalestiniansDespite heavy Israeli military campaign, Hamas remains resilient and Israeli tactics from past conflicts continue to impact Palestinians, highlighting the need for peaceful resolution and prioritizing hostages' lives.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically the recent war in Gaza, is a complex and volatile situation with deep historical roots. The discussion highlights the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in the late 1980s and the resulting massacres in southern Lebanon, which left a lasting impact on the Palestinian population. This history is relevant to the current conflict as it demonstrates Israel's tactics and the Palestinian response. The families of hostages in Gaza are currently demanding an end to the war and the release of their loved ones. However, the Israeli government's focus on military objectives has led to a disconnect between the war cabinet and the families of the hostages. Despite Israel's aggressive military campaign, Hamas has shown resilience and continues to pose a threat. The US military assessment reveals that Hamas has suffered only 20-30% losses, and the group still has enough munitions to continue striking Israel. These factors increase the pressure on the Netanyahu government to prioritize the hostages' lives and find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

    • Military actions against terrorist groups have unintended consequencesMilitary actions against terrorist organizations can lead to unintended consequences, including the displacement and harm of civilians, which can create new recruits and further instability. The complexity of the situation in Gaza, where Hamas is made up of locals, makes eliminating them challenging without worsening the situation.

      Military actions against terrorist organizations or militant groups, such as Hamas, can have unintended consequences. The destruction of these groups may not be as simple as killing their leaders or eliminating a certain number of fighters. The displacement and harm inflicted on civilians can lead to the creation of new recruits and further instability. The example of Al-Qaeda in 2001 is given as an exception, but even in that case, a larger political and military strategy would have been necessary for a successful eradication. The complexity of the situation in Gaza, where Hamas is made up of people from the area, makes it much harder to separate them from the population and eliminating them could lead to a worsening situation. The discussion also touches upon the limitations of comparing Hamas to groups like ISIS, which were primarily made up of foreign fighters.

    • Costs of military force and destructionMilitary force and destruction can have significant human and financial costs, reducing building safety doesn't ensure security, and proper evidence and context are crucial in public disputes.

      The use of military force and destruction of buildings in conflict situations, like the one discussed regarding Israel and Gaza, can come with significant human and financial costs. The destruction of a building does not make a country safer, and the loss of lives, especially among military personnel, raises questions about the purpose and value of such actions. Additionally, businesses can benefit from using integrated systems, such as NetSuite, to reduce costs and improve efficiency, while individuals can invest in their education and future with Purdue Global. Lastly, the Harvard situation highlights the potential consequences of public figures making accusations and demands without proper evidence or context, leading to a cycle of retaliation and controversy. It's essential to consider the long-term impact of our actions and words, both on a personal and societal level.

    • Blurred lines between criticism of Israel and anti-SemitismCriticizing Israel's policies doesn't equate to anti-Semitism, and academic freedom and free speech must be upheld.

      The debate surrounding anti-Semitism and criticism of Israel has become blurred, with some individuals using the label of anti-Semitism to silence criticism of Israeli policies. The case of a Jewish professor leading an anti-Semitism task force while being critical of Israel highlights this issue. Criticizing Israel's policies does not equate to being anti-Semitic. The labeling of Israel as an apartheid state based on its treatment of Palestinians is a valid criticism, and it is essential to uphold the right to free speech and academic freedom in the United States. The allegations of skunk spray incidents at Columbia University serve as a reminder of the importance of investigating such claims thoroughly and upholding the principles of academic freedom and free speech.

    • Columbia University's Hesitant Response to Students Attacked with Chemicals at Unsanctioned Gaza RallyColumbia University downplayed and delayed response to students being attacked with chemicals at an unsanctioned Gaza rally, despite previous aggressive stance against pro-Palestinian views, raising concerns about student safety and freedom of expression.

      The Columbia University administration appeared to downplay and hesitant to address an incident where students were attacked with chemicals during an unsanctioned Gaza rally. The incident involved former IDF soldiers and the use of skunk spray, leaving dozens sickened. The administration's initial response was lackluster, and it wasn't until media coverage, specifically from the speaker's podcast, that they took action and announced an investigation. The hypocrisy of this situation was highlighted, as the administration had previously taken a more aggressive stance against students expressing pro-Palestinian views. The incident raises questions about the administration's handling of student safety and freedom of expression, and the selective application of disciplinary action.

    Recent Episodes from Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden, Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    6/20/24: Nvidea Surge Exposes DotCom Bubble, Putin North Korea Screw You To Biden,  Zyn Online Sales Shutdown

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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