
    1/4/24: Ryan Confronts Biden Admin On War Crime Charges, Broader War Looms After Iran Attack, Bernie Demands No Israel Funding, Trump Beats Biden With Young Voters, Epstein Documents Unsealed, Wall St Dystopian Landlord Scheme, And Bibi Allies Defend Starvation Of Gaza

    enJanuary 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Tensions at the State Department hearing over Israeli officials' calls for Palestinian displacementIsraeli officials' statements on Palestinian displacement contradict both US and Israeli government policies, causing concern for regional stability and international relations

      Kroger offers high-quality products at affordable prices, ensuring customer satisfaction with a money-back guarantee. Meanwhile, Purdue Global provides an opportunity for adults to earn a respected degree and advance their careers. At the State Department hearing, tensions were high regarding Israeli officials' calls for Palestinian displacement, with conflicting statements made. While Israel maintains its sovereignty, these statements contradict both US and Israeli government policies, causing concern for regional stability and international relations. Cox Internet offers powerful connections for seamless virtual experiences, and Breaking Points continues to provide in-depth coverage on critical issues, including the ongoing situation in Israel and the unsealed Epstein-Docks records.

    • Israeli officials discuss expelling Palestinians from GazaReports reveal Israeli discussions on expelling Palestinians from Gaza, contradicting public statements. Some officials support voluntary emigration, while others advocate for forceful measures.

      There are reports and evidence suggesting that Israeli officials have discussed and explored the possibility of expelling Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, contradicting public statements that this is not government policy. Israeli officials have reportedly held talks with African countries about accepting Gaza immigrants, and there have been plans floated in the US to pressure regional countries to do the same. The Israeli government has a history of pushing for the displacement of Palestinians, as seen in the aftermath of the 2005 disengagement from Gaza, when thousands were forced to leave their homes. The Israeli government's stance on the issue is complex, with some officials expressing support for voluntary emigration, while others have advocated for more forceful measures. Despite claims that such discussions are off the table, there is significant evidence to suggest otherwise.

    • US continues to support Israel despite controversial actionsThe US provides weapons, support, and diplomatic cover to Israel, enabling it to carry out actions that are met with criticism internationally. US officials maintain that genocide charges against Israel are meritless, but the president's comments raise questions about the credibility of their position.

      Despite the Biden administration's verbal discomfort with certain Israeli actions and plans, they continue to provide weapons, support, and diplomatic cover that enables Israel to carry out these actions. This dynamic, which is typical of the US approach towards Israel, has been complicated by Israel's coalition partners openly expressing their views, making it difficult for the US to maintain the constructed image of Israel in US media and politics. Regarding the genocide charges against Israel at the International Criminal Court, the US officials maintain that they are meritless and without basis, despite the detailed evidence presented in the lawsuit. The US has a history of making similar statements in response to international court proceedings, such as those against the apartheid South African government in the 1980s. However, the US president himself has described the Israeli bombing campaign as indiscriminate, which is a war crime. The inconsistency between the US officials' statements and the president's comments raises questions about the credibility of their position.

    • Israeli officials openly express genocidal intent towards GazansIsraeli government and military officials openly call for the destruction and annihilation of Gazans, with widespread public support, making it easier to prove genocidal intent in the ongoing conflict

      The situation in Gaza, as discussed, presents a rare case of genocidal intent being openly expressed by high-level Israeli government and military officials. Their explicit calls for the destruction and annihilation of Gazans make it easier to prove the intent that is often difficult to establish during ongoing conflicts. Furthermore, the overwhelming support for such actions among the Israeli public, as indicated by polling, adds to the concern. It's important to note that this is not a unique phenomenon, as the sentiment of destruction and displacement was evident after 9/11 in the United States. The military actions in Gaza are not primarily about hunting down Hamas, but rather about destroying the entirety of the Gaza Strip and ultimately displacing its population. This leaves the international community with a difficult choice: what to do when a population becomes unlivable due to military actions.

    • International Court of Justice's Decision on Israel's Alleged Genocide Could Have Significant ImplicationsThe International Court of Justice's decision on Israel's alleged genocide could impact Israel's reputation, increase political pressure, and potentially strengthen the BDS movement.

      The International Court of Justice's potential decision on the allegations of genocide against Israel could have significant implications, both legally and politically. The comments from the French ambassador indicate that the international community intends to respect the court's decision, regardless of the outcome. Israel's consideration of hiring Alan Dershowitz as their representative suggests they are taking the proceedings seriously. The potential conviction could make it harder for Israel and its supporters to dismiss the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement as anti-Semitic. The charges could also increase political pressure on Israel to change its behavior. The International Court of Justice's decision could have far-reaching consequences, and all parties involved should prepare accordingly.

    • Businesses save costs with NetSuite's unified platformNetSuite helps businesses reduce costs by consolidating processes, eliminating hardware needs, and improving efficiency.

      Smart businesses are turning to NetSuite to reduce costs and streamline operations by consolidating various business processes into one unified platform. NetSuite, being the number one cloud financial system, offers significant cost savings by eliminating the need for hardware and multiple systems, improving efficiency, and reducing manual tasks and errors. Over 37,000 companies have already made the switch, and NetSuite is currently offering a flexible financing program. In other news, the Middle East is facing numerous risks, including potential conflicts between various parties, and the US is considering various responses. However, the most effective way to de-escalate these situations is through a ceasefire, as demonstrated during a previous ceasefire. Yet, the Biden administration seems least inclined to pursue this option. Regarding the recent terrorist attack, there is no confirmation of Israeli involvement, and Al-Huri, the targeted individual, was a noted global terrorist.

    • Israeli involvement in recent Iran terrorist attack raises suspicionsIsrael has historically been suspected of carrying out terrorist attacks in Iran to further their interests, but there are also other potential culprits. With a more deferential US administration, Israel may see an opportunity to pursue their objectives.

      While there is no definitive evidence pointing to Israel's involvement in the recent terrorist attack in Iran, the context of previous assassinations and geopolitical tensions raise suspicions. Israel has historically been suspected of carrying out such attacks, but there are also other potential culprits, such as the Iranian Mujahideen or ISIS. The motivation behind an attack on Iran by Israel would be to further their interests in the region, despite the potential for escalating conflict. For over 20 years, Israel has attempted to persuade the US to go to war with Iran, but have been met with resistance from previous presidents. With a more deferential current administration, Israel may see this as an opportunity to pursue their objectives.

    • Potential for U.S. involvement in Middle East conflictsTensions between Israel, Iran, and the U.S. could lead to further conflicts, potentially dragging the U.S. into war due to military presence and support in the region, with potential consequences including increased attacks on U.S. troops and bases.

      The current geopolitical situation, particularly involving Israel, Iran, and the U.S., could potentially lead to further escalations of conflict. Netanyahu's past attempts to involve the U.S. in wars against Iran and Israel's history of escalating conflicts with Hezbollah, Iran, and Hamas indicate a potential motive. If Israel provokes another conflict, there's a risk that the U.S. could be dragged into the war due to American military presence and support in the region. The potential consequences include increased attacks on U.S. troops and bases, which could lead to a full-scale war. The ongoing tensions between the U.S. and Iran, as well as the Houthis in Yemen, add to the escalation risks. A safer alternative would be to pursue diplomatic efforts, such as a ceasefire in Gaza, to prevent further conflict.

    • Why is the US fueling the Israel-Palestine conflict?The US continues to supply weapons to Israel, despite calls for a ceasefire and risks to American interests and democracy, raising questions about US motives in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict.

      The continued bombardment of Gaza by Israel raises the question of what American interests are being served, especially given the risks to Biden's re-election, American democracy, and the humanitarian crisis. Despite calls for a ceasefire, the US continues to supply weapons to Israel, which raises the question of why the US is fueling the conflict if it cannot stop it. Hezbollah and Iran, meanwhile, have made it clear that they are not seeking open warfare but rather an indirect, asymmetric conflict. The US has significant leverage in the situation, as evidenced by the Israeli major general's admission that US weapons are essential to their military capabilities. Therefore, the question remains: why is the US continuing to send weapons to Israel in a situation where it cannot stop the conflict and risks damaging American interests and democracy?

    • Purdue Global helps individuals make a comeback and NetSuite streamlines business operationsSenator Bernie Sanders condemns ongoing war in Gaza as illegal, immoral, brutal, and disproportionate, adding to international pressure for a peaceful resolution

      Individuals can make a comeback in their personal and professional lives with the help of Purdue Global's online education, while businesses can save costs and streamline operations by adopting NetSuite's unified business management suite. Bernie Sanders' statement calling the ongoing war in Gaza illegal, immoral, brutal, and disproportionate marks a significant shift in his tone, even if he hasn't explicitly called for a ceasefire. This statement, while late, carries weight due to Sanders' position as a U.S. Senator and his influence on public opinion. The frustration lies in the fact that the situation's severity and the predictability of its outcomes were clear from the beginning. However, better late than never, as Sanders' stance adds to the growing international pressure for a peaceful resolution.

    • Bernie Sanders' stance on Israel-Hamas conflict complicates Biden admin's effortsSanders' one-sided stance against a ceasefire and labeling Netanyahu gov't as right-wing hinders Biden's Ukraine, border, and Israel aid legislation. Recognizing peace as a threat to extremists on both sides is crucial.

      Senator Bernie Sanders' stance against a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and his use of labeling the Netanyahu government as a right-wing regime, has complicated the Biden administration's efforts to pass legislation regarding Ukraine aid, border funding, and additional aid to Israel. Sanders' position, which was criticized for being one-sided and ignoring the ongoing occupation, contrasts with a more nuanced perspective that acknowledges the mutual reinforcement of Hamas and the occupation. Peace, rather than violence, poses the greatest threat to both Israeli extremists and Hamas. Historically, bombing civilian populations has not led to a decrease in support for armed resistance groups but instead hardens their resolve. Sanders' perspective, shaped by his generation and exposure to propaganda, diverges from the younger base that supports him and most of his ideas. The importance of recognizing peace as a threat to extremists on both sides cannot be overstated.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Violent Factions and the Path to PeaceRecognizing that violence is not inherent to certain groups and addressing the root causes of conflict are essential for fostering peace and dissolving violent factions.

      The fear of giving in to militant groups and the desire for peace and normalcy ultimately leads to the dissolution of violent factions, as seen in the ANC in South Africa and the IRA in Northern Ireland. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that violence is not inherent to certain groups or ethnicities, but rather a result of oppression and conflict. In the political sphere, this is evident in the shifting voter demographics and the need for candidates to maintain support from key voting blocs, such as young people and ethnic minorities. The polling data indicates that Biden's coalition is weakening, and failure to address this trend could have significant consequences in the upcoming election. Ultimately, acknowledging the complexities of these situations and avoiding oversimplification and dehumanizing rhetoric is crucial for fostering understanding and promoting peace.

    • Internal tension within Democratic Party over Israel policyThe support for alternative candidates like RFK Jr and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict could sway Democratic voters away from Biden in the upcoming elections

      The ongoing political situation regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the support for alternative candidates, like RFK Jr, could significantly impact the Democratic Party's chances in the upcoming elections. The negative consequences of standing behind a struggling candidate like Biden, despite his unwavering support for Israel, are causing concern among Democratic partisans and operatives. They are banking on the idea that voters who currently express disapproval of Biden will eventually come back to him when it comes time to vote. However, the presence of alternative candidates like RFK Jr, who have gained popularity among certain demographics, could sway these voters to cast their ballots for someone other than Biden. The staffers' recent anonymous letter calling for a ceasefire and a change in administration policy towards Israel further emphasizes the internal tension within the Democratic Party over this issue. This situation underscores the importance of understanding the dynamics of the electorate and the potential impact of alternative candidates on the electoral landscape.

    • Democratic Party's strategy to combat Trump's poll numbersThe Dems focus on attacking Trump over Jan 6, effective in past, but younger gen's views on Israel complicate matters. Unexpected candidate, Andrew Levin, suggested as alternative due to pro-labor stance, but feasibility uncertain. Dems' reluctance to consider unconventional options raises questions about adaptability.

      The Biden campaign is focusing on attacking former President Trump and the events of January 6, 2021, to combat his collapsing poll numbers. This strategy has been effective in previous elections, particularly in regards to the Republican efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade. However, there are also signs of a fundamental shift in younger generations' relationships with the Democratic Party due to the perceived complicity in Israeli conflicts. An unexpected candidate, Andrew Levin, has been suggested as a potential alternative, given his strong pro-labor and pro-union record, but the feasibility of his nomination is questionable. Overall, the Democratic Party's inability to consider unconventional options raises questions about its adaptability and purpose.

    • Democratic Party's handling of primaries raises concerns for democracyThe Democratic Party's handling of the primaries has prevented alternatives to Joe Biden from gaining traction, raising concerns about the preservation of democracy.

      The Democratic Party's handling of the primaries raises concerns about the preservation of democracy. Despite the party's claims of protecting democracy from Trump, they have prevented alternatives to Joe Biden from gaining traction through cancelled primaries and debates. A credentialed alternative exists in the form of a fellow who has actual knowledge of the Middle East and has been much better on the issue than Biden. However, the outcome of the 2020 election is uncertain, with anything being possible. The speaker expresses their unease about the upcoming presidential year and the lack of positive scenarios. Additionally, businesses can reduce costs and improve efficiency by graduating to NetSuite, a unified business management suite in the cloud.

    • Documents reveal names of over 100 people connected to EpsteinNotable names mentioned include Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Al Gore. Disturbing allegations against Prince Andrew, while Clinton's name came up in a deposition. No damning comments about Al Gore.

      The unsealed court documents from the Jeffrey Epstein case revealed the names of over 100 people connected to him, including business associates and accusers. Some notable names mentioned were Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Al Gore. The documents contained disturbing allegations against Prince Andrew, with one accuser claiming he had sexual relationships with her when she was a minor in multiple locations. Bill Clinton was mentioned in a deposition where a person claimed Clinton liked girls young and referred to Epstein having dealings with him. Al Gore's name came up, but no damning comments were made about him in the documents. Overall, the release of these documents provided a deeper look into the inner circle of Epstein and the allegations against him and his associates.

    • Powerful connections shielded Epstein from scrutinyEpstein's ties to influential figures like Clinton, Andrew, and Wexner raised red flags, but also offered protection. Epstein's alleged foreign agent status and potential ties to Israel added to the confusion, while the Me Too Movement's silence on the issue of sexual abuse in Palestine was criticized.

      The connections between powerful individuals and Jeffrey Epstein raised red flags for some, but also offered a sense of security for others. Lex Wexner, the owner of Victoria's Secret, was reportedly a benefactor of Epstein and helped facilitate his access to influential people like Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. Epstein's association with powerful figures, including Alan Dershowitz, who has been accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, added to the confusion and complicity. The Me Too Movement's silence on the issue of sexual abuse in the Palestinian territories was criticized as hypocritical. Epstein's alleged foreign agent status and potential ties to Israel, as represented by Dershowitz, have also raised suspicions. The settlement between Epstein and the accuser, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, in which she dropped her allegations and he dropped his counter defamation claim, has added to the complexity of the issue. The involvement of powerful figures in Epstein's life and the subsequent cover-up allegations have highlighted the intricate web of power and influence that protected Epstein for years.

    • Testimony about past Epstein encounter and Trump associationAn individual recalled a plane issue leading to a visit to Atlantic City, mentioning Trump's casino, but Trump wasn't present. Epstein was reportedly friendly with Trump, despite his criminal history, and Trump continued associating until Epstein's death.

      The discussion revolved around an individual's recollections of a past trip with Jeffrey Epstein and possible connections to Donald Trump. The person testified that they were in Atlantic City due to a plane issue, and Trump's name came up when they mentioned the casino they went to. However, Trump was not present during this instance. The ID issue mentioned indicated the young age of a girl involved. Trump was reportedly friendly with Epstein, who was convicted of sexual assault during the Bush administration and was banned from Marlago. Despite this, Trump continued to associate with Epstein until his death in prison during Trump's presidency. Ghislaine Maxwell, who is currently in prison, criticized the lack of accountability for those involved in Epstein's crimes. Separately, Wall Street investors are finding it challenging to buy properties in desirable neighborhoods, so they are building new ones instead.

    • Build-to-rent communities challenge traditional homeownershipLarge corporations invest in build-to-rent communities, providing some relief to the housing shortage but raising concerns about the role of corporations as landlords and potential impact on homeownership.

      Wall Street's increasing investment in building new neighborhoods of rentals, known as build-to-rent communities, is a response to the difficulties in purchasing existing homes due to high prices and limited inventory. While this may provide some relief to the housing shortage, it also raises concerns about the role of large corporations as landlords and the potential impact on the American dream of homeownership. The growth of build-to-rent communities, with an estimated 10% of new housing construction, is seen as a challenge to traditional homeownership and could lead to tax disadvantages for individuals trying to compete in the market. The speakers suggest that regulations or tax incentives could be implemented to level the playing field and preserve the American dream of homeownership. Despite the concerns, the construction of new homes is necessary to address the housing shortage. However, the potential negative impacts on tenants, such as high rents and subpar living conditions, must be carefully considered.

    • Centralization vs Local Communities and Corporate PowerCentralization can lead to corporations holding too much market share, politicians feeling pressure to intervene, and immoral situations like extreme poverty in other parts of the world. Individuals can take charge of their education for personal growth and career advancement.

      As the economy becomes more centralized and less connected to local communities, it can lead to decisions being made without personal connection or consequence. This trend, if left unchecked, could result in large corporations holding too much market share and becoming too big to fail. Politicians may feel pressure to intervene, but it can be challenging for them to go against the interests of powerful corporations, especially when they have close ties. A related issue is the increasing cost of business operations and the benefits of using integrated business management systems like NetSuite to reduce expenses and improve efficiency. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, the situation is dire as people in Gaza face extreme poverty and starvation, with some politicians even celebrating these conditions as necessary for their political goals. This is an immoral and inhumane situation that demands urgent attention and action. For individuals, taking charge of one's education through online platforms like Purdue Global can be a powerful tool for personal growth and career advancement.

    • The Crisis in Gaza: A Humanitarian Disaster and Failed TacticThe ongoing crisis in Gaza, where millions face food insecurity, is a humanitarian disaster and a failed tactic for gaining control or retaliation. Starvation and terrorizing civilians fuel resentment and resistance, and the situation is unprecedented in its scale and severity.

      The ongoing crisis in Gaza, where over 2.2 million residents are experiencing food insecurity, is not only a humanitarian disaster but also a counterproductive tactic for those seeking to gain control or retaliate. Starvation and terrorizing civilians do not bring support or cooperation but instead fuel resentment and resistance. The situation in Gaza is unprecedented in its scale, severity, and speed, with nearly 90% of the population regularly going without a meal and half the population now considered starving. This crisis is not only a tragedy but also a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of conflict and the urgent need for diplomacy and aid to prevent further suffering. Ultimately, the goal of denying basic necessities to force "voluntary migration" is not only immoral but also a failed strategy.

    • Empowering Individuals and Businesses to Move ForwardPurdue Global offers degrees for career advancement, NetSuite streamlines business processes, AutoZone simplifies car maintenance, Cox internet provides powerful connectivity, Planned Parenthood telehealth offers accessible healthcare, and GameBridge offers retirement income solutions tailored to women.

      Both Purdue Global and NetSuite offer solutions designed to help individuals and businesses make a comeback and move forward. Purdue Global provides an opportunity for adults to earn a respected degree and take charge of their career and life, while NetSuite helps businesses reduce costs and improve efficiency by consolidating financial, accounting, inventory, and HR processes into one platform. Meanwhile, AutoZone offers a convenient solution for car maintenance needs, and Cox internet provides powerful connectivity for remote work or entertainment. Additionally, Planned Parenthood telehealth offers accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare services, and GameBridge provides retirement income solutions tailored to women's unique needs. Overall, these offerings aim to help individuals and businesses save time, money, and hassle, and improve their overall quality of life.

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    7/2/24: SCOTUS Gives Trump Immunity, Gov Agencies Cut By SCOTUS, Biden Polling Collapse, Dem Knives Out For Biden After Debate

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

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    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Is Israel Committing Genocide?

    Is Israel Committing Genocide?

    Genocide. Not a word to be used lightly.

    In recent months, the term has been levelled at Israel for its treatment of the war in Gaza. 

    The Israeli government has repeatedly denounced the accusation despite the ICJ ruling in January that it was 'plausible' that genocide could be taking place.

    Over 32,000 Palestinians - mostly children - are believed to have been killed since the horrific attack on October 7th and today, a new report from the United Nations says there are 'reasonable grounds' that Israel has carried out acts of Genocide in Gaza.

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    She Polled Gazans on Oct. 6. Here’s What She Found.

    She Polled Gazans on Oct. 6. Here’s What She Found.

    The day before Hamas’s horrific attacks in Israel, the Arab Barometer, one of the leading polling operations in the Arab world, was finishing up a survey of public opinion in Gaza.

    The result is a remarkable snapshot of how Gazans felt about Hamas and hoped the conflict with Israel would end. And what Gazans were thinking on Oct. 6 matters, now that they’re all living with the brutal consequences of what Hamas did on Oct. 7.

    So I invited on the show Amaney Jamal, the dean of the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, and a co-founder and co-principal investigator of Arab Barometer, so she could walk me through the results.

    And, it’s a complicated picture. The people of Gaza, like any other population, have diverse beliefs. But one thing is clear: Hamas was not very popular.

    As Jamal and her co-author write: “The Hamas-led government may be uninterested in peace, but it is empirically wrong for Israeli political leaders to accuse all Gazans of the same.”


    Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Public Opinion Poll

    Washington Institute Poll

    Book Recommendations:

    The One State Reality edited by Michael Barnett, Nathan J. Brown, Marc Lynch and Shibley

    Arabs and Israelis by Abdel Monem Said Aly, Shai Feldman and Khalil Shikaki

    A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Mark Tessler

    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    This episode of “The Ezra Klein Show” was produced by Emefa Agawu. Fact checking by Michelle Harris, with Mary Marge Locker and Kate Sinclair. Our senior engineer is Jeff Geld. Our senior editor is Claire Gordon. The show’s production team also includes Rollin Hu and Kristin Lin. Original music by Isaac Jones. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of New York Times Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser. And special thanks to Sonia Herrero.