
    1/7/23: JFK Files with Jefferson Morley, Matt Taibbi Twitter Files Interview, Epstein Lawsuit, Billionaires Losing Money, Aging Millennials Less Conservative

    enJanuary 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the withheld JFK assassination documentsFederal agencies continue to withhold important JFK assassination documents, delaying transparency and accountability, and the ongoing efforts to uncover the full truth persist.

      Despite the recent release of some records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, many important documents are still being withheld by federal agencies like the CIA. Rachel Zoe, host of the podcast "Climbing in Heels," and Tiffany Cross, host of "Across Generations," discussed the issue with journalist and researcher Jefferson Worley, who is an expert on JFK facts and co-founder of the JFK Facts Substack. The release of documents, which was delayed by both the Trump and Biden administrations, was described as a "shell game" as many documents still contain redactions. The intent of the 1992 law was for all records to be released after 25 years, but federal agencies have been given exemptions. The conversation highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in government and the ongoing efforts to uncover the full truth behind one of the most significant events in American history.

    • CIA's Reluctance to Release Kennedy Assassination DocumentsThe CIA's refusal to disclose certain documents related to JFK's assassination fuels speculation about potential conflicts between the CIA and the Kennedy administration, raising questions about the CIA's role in the crime.

      The full disclosure of documents related to the CIA's involvement in the Kennedy assassination is still a contentious issue. The CIA's reluctance to release certain documents, such as a memo by JFK's advisor Arthur Schlessinger about potential CIA reorganization, fuels speculation about potential conflicts between the CIA and the Kennedy administration prior to the assassination. The unresolved tension between the two parties raises questions about who had the capability to carry out the crime and make it look like something else. Despite some arguing that Kennedy and the CIA were not at odds, many researchers believe that the CIA's liberal policies, especially regarding Cuba, created deep alienation between the two parties. The upcoming 60th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination in 2023 may bring renewed pressure for the CIA to be more forthcoming with information.

    • CIA's involvement with Lee Harvey OswaldThe CIA's interactions with Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK's assassination, including his encounters with a CIA-funded Cuban Student Directorate, have fueled ongoing investigations and raised suspicions about their role in the event.

      The CIA had a significant interest in Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination, despite their denials to the Warren Commission and the American public. Researchers believe that Oswald may have been involved in a CIA operation, and one notable example is his encounters with the Cuban Student Directorate in New Orleans three months before the assassination. This group, funded by the CIA, publicized Oswald's pro-Castro politics and later claimed Kennedy was killed by communists, shaping the initial coverage of the assassination. The CIA's denial of the existence of records related to these operations is raising suspicions and fueling ongoing investigations. The CIA's shifting narrative regarding their knowledge of Oswald highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government agencies.

    • CIA's Secret Monitoring of Lee Harvey OswaldDespite monitoring Lee Harvey Oswald for years, the CIA failed to disclose this information to investigators, fueling suspicions and mistrust in the government's handling of JFK's assassination records.

      The CIA's handling of information regarding Lee Harvey Oswald before President John F. Kennedy's assassination has raised suspicions due to their initial denial of knowledge and later admission of monitoring him, but refusal to engage with him. Top CIA officials, including James Angleton and Dick Helms, had opened a file on Oswald and monitored his movements for four years. However, they never disclosed this information to investigators in the 1970s. In the 1990s, it became clear that they had withheld this information, leading to questions about their involvement and credibility. The ongoing debate revolves around the release of JFK records, with the CIA maintaining that there's nothing related to the assassination in the withheld documents. The refusal to release these records, despite legal requirements, has fueled skepticism and mistrust in the government's story. People still care about this story because it involves holding the government accountable for its past actions and understanding the truth about one of the most significant events in American history.

    • JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories and Government AccountabilityThe JFK Facts podcast sheds light on exclusive JFK news, including a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald's unique perspective, while FBI's role in Twitter moderation raises questions about government accountability and access to information.

      The JFK assassination conspiracy theories from the past continue to matter today as they serve as a test of government accountability and self-governance. The JFK Facts podcast, led by journalist and researcher Jefferson Morley, provides exclusive and credible JFK news ahead of mainstream media. Morley's latest episode features an interview with Ernst Titbits, a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald in Russia, offering a unique perspective on Oswald. Additionally, the FBI's relationship with Twitter during the 2016 election is another intriguing topic, as revealed in a recent thread by journalist Matt Taibbi. The "FBI belly button" reference signifies the FBI's role as the primary intermediary between Twitter and the US government for handling federal and international moderation requests, while domestic moderation requests went through the Homeland Security. These revelations highlight the complex interplay between government agencies, social media platforms, and the public's access to information.

    • Government Agencies, Social Media Platforms, and Reporters: A Complex Interplay in Shaping Public DiscourseThe relationship between government agencies, social media platforms, and reporters in identifying and labeling potentially harmful content can blur the lines of censorship and politics, leading to a complex interplay in shaping public discourse.

      The line between government agencies and social media platforms in identifying and labeling potentially harmful content, and the role of reporters in amplifying these actions, can blur the lines of censorship and politics. The Global Engagement Center (GEC), a lesser-known intelligence arm of the State Department, identified accounts as potential cyber threats based on retweets of Zero Hedge articles or speculation about the origins of COVID-19. Reporters, in turn, fueled the cycle by reporting on these suspensions, creating headlines and further amplifying the narrative. An investigation by Twitter revealed that this model of labeling accounts as Russia-linked and suspending them led to automatic news stories. A Yole Roth email in the thread highlights the perceived divide between apolitical agencies like DHS and FBI and the political nature of the GEC. However, the email's tone suggests that Roth may have held a different perspective at the time. Overall, this discussion underscores the complex interplay between government agencies, social media platforms, and reporters in shaping public discourse.

    • Twitter's handling of government requests for account removalsTwitter complied with some government requests to remove accounts, but resisted others, particularly those related to information operations or propaganda.

      Twitter considered government agencies like the FBI and DHS apolitical and complied with their requests to eliminate certain accounts, while viewing other agencies, like those involved in creating fake accounts for propaganda and information operations, as political. This is evident from the uncovering of Pentagon bots and accounts, which Twitter had previously refused to engage with due to a strained relationship. The Pentagon's information operations, which involved creating local language accounts to counter negative news coverage of drone strikes, had been ongoing for years but came under scrutiny in 2020 when companies like Twitter and Facebook began pushing back against such practices. Despite the potential risks and controversies surrounding these activities, emails and Slack messages revealed that they were conducted openly and in writing, suggesting a lack of concern for transparency or potential liability.

    • Government officials using encrypted platforms for communication, raising concernsGovernment officials communicating on encrypted platforms like Signal, raising OPSEC and potential legality questions. Thousands of moderation requests made via Signal and FBI's teleporter program. New lawsuit against JPMorgan for knowingly serving Jeffrey Epstein despite his 2008 conviction.

      During a recent industry call involving tech companies like Twitter and Facebook, as well as government agencies such as the DHS, FBI, and the Director of National Intelligence, it was revealed that government officials were communicating over encrypted platforms like Signal, raising questions about OPSEC and potential legality. Meanwhile, thousands of moderation requests were being made via Signal and the FBI's teleporter program, with concerns about whether or not all of this information will be retrieved. The reporters working on the Twitter files have been accused of "cherry picking" information, but they argue that they are only reporting on interesting and relevant emails. A new lawsuit filed by the US Virgin Islands attorney general's office against JPMorgan alleges that the bank knowingly provided services to Jeffrey Epstein despite his 2008 conviction for soliciting a minor for prostitution. This matters because it sheds light on potential complicity of financial institutions in enabling Epstein's sex trafficking enterprise.

    • Financial institutions' ties to Jeffrey EpsteinPowerful banks continued business with Epstein despite his criminal past, revealing a lack of transparency and accountability in the financial sector.

      Powerful financial institutions, including JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank, have been implicated in facilitating financial transactions for Jeffrey Epstein, despite his status as a convicted sex offender. Epstein and his network were involved in suspicious financial activities, yet these institutions continued to do business with him. The attorney general for the US Virgin Islands, Denise George, who has been pursuing accountability, was fired after filing a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase over Epstein's ties. This case reveals the lack of transparency regarding the major financial players involved in Epstein's criminal enterprise, and highlights the continuation of protection for powerful individuals involved. The attorney general's courageous pursuit of justice was met with dismissal, further underscoring the need for greater accountability and transparency in these matters.

    • Billionaires Suffer $1.4 Trillion Losses in 2022Billionaires collectively lost $1.4 trillion in 2022 due to self-inflicted losses, fraud, and external factors like inflation, central bank tightening, wars, and economic lockdowns. Notable figures like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos were affected.

      The world of the wealthy and powerful has seen significant financial losses in recent times, with the world's billionaires collectively losing over $1.4 trillion in 2022. This was due to a combination of factors, including self-inflicted losses from alleged fraud and personal missteps, as well as external factors such as inflation, central bank tightening, wars, and economic lockdowns. Notable names like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos saw significant erasures of their fortunes. Meanwhile, in a seemingly unrelated story, a lawsuit against JPMorgan raised suspicions of the bank's role in facilitating financial transactions for a criminal enterprise involving sex trafficking. The dismissal of the lawsuit and the deaths of key figures have left many questions unanswered. The global nature of these financial setbacks underscores the interconnectedness of the world economy. While some may sleep soundly through these financial upheavals, others are left to bear the brunt of the consequences.

    • The wealth gap between the rich and working classEasy money policies benefited the elite, not the working class, and millennials' different political ideology could impact future politics.

      The growing wealth gap between the extremely rich and the working class is a complex issue with deep roots in monetary policy and government intervention. The easy money policies of the Federal Reserve may have created artificial wealth for the elite, but they did not significantly benefit the working class. When the bubble eventually bursts, the pain is felt disproportionately by the working class. Millennials, who came of age during this period of economic instability, are shaping up to have a different political ideology than previous generations, which could have significant implications for the future of politics. This complex economic landscape calls for policies that address the root causes of wealth inequality and provide meaningful support for working class people.

    • Shifting political landscape and evolving definitionsYounger generations' disillusionment with institutions and political ideology stems from economic conditions and unique life experiences, challenging traditional definitions of conservative and liberal.

      The political landscape is shifting and evolving, and the traditional definitions of conservative and liberal may no longer apply. The desire for lower taxes and less government intervention may not resonate with younger generations who have less wealth and less stake in the status quo. The parties are weaker now, which is a good thing for American democracy, allowing for new blood and ideas to inject chaos and change. Economic conditions greatly impact people's options and opportunities, and the prolonged economic malaise experienced by millennials has contributed to their disillusionment with institutions and their political ideology. The success stories of the past, like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, came of age during unique economic conditions that are no longer present, making it essential to understand the broader context shaping people's lives and politics.

    • Embracing change and uncertainty opens up new possibilitiesOpening ourselves up to change and the unknown can lead to innovative ideas and improvements, as seen in Tamika D. Mallory's TMI podcast, Rachel Zoe's Climbing in Heels, and the California avocado industry

      Embracing change and rejecting the status quo can lead to new possibilities, even if the outcome is uncertain. Tamika D. Mallory, host of TMI, encourages this mindset, emphasizing that possibility creates opportunities for improvement. Rachel Zoe, host of Climbing in Heels, also champions this idea through her podcast, which celebrates the stories of extraordinary women. Meanwhile, the California avocado industry embodies this concept, as the ideal growing conditions in California allow for the production of high-quality avocados. By embracing change and innovation, we can create something better, just like the extraordinary women featured on Climbing in Heels and the delicious avocados grown in California. So, keep an open mind and be ready for the unexpected – you never know what possibilities might arise. Listen to TMI and Climbing in Heels every Wednesday and Friday, respectively, to be inspired and informed.

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