
    About this Episode

    Happy New Year! Are you 'stuck' when you try to make certain changes in your life? Want to know why? To help you uncover the reasons and help start your year off on a wonderful foot, here are some tools that will help you not only FIND but RELEASE hidden thoughts and beliefs that are in your way. These are sneaky little buggars -- I bet you didn't even realize they were THERE. I hope you find this useful to you. Much love to you! unASLEEP Link to transcript to follow. Link to The Alchemist download: http://ifile.it/hbwqe6c/_LVu2wAJjo.7z The password used to unzip/unrar it is ebooksclub.org Here are some alternative affirmation statements from The Heart and Soul of EFT: ? "Even though I have this ________, I love and accept myself enough." ? "Even though I have this ________, I know I'm okay." ? "Even though I have this ________, I choose to move on with my life." ? "Even though I have this ________, I know I have many options, resources, and possibilities available to me." ? "Even though I have this ________, I'm willing to see things differently." ? "Even though I have this ________, I'm ready to let go." ? "Even though I have this ________, I really want to get over it." ? "Even though I have this ________, I'm safe and secure." ? "Even though I have this ________, I am open to the possibility that I can deeply and completely accept myself." ? "Even though I have this ________, I want to completely and deeply accept myself." ? "I release _________, and choose peace (or love, freedom, etc.)" Not finding relief? Time to be your own Private Eye. :-) Here are some statements for kinesiology testing, to see if you have hidden beliefs and agendas that might be thwarting your attempts at change. Check and see if your body agrees with you that you can/will/or WANT to transcend the issue you have at hand. (Can convert phrases as needed): ? I want to get over this __________. ? I want to completely get over this __________. ? I will get over this __________. ? I believe that I can get over this __________. ? I deserve to get over this __________. Here are a few more variations you can try: ? I will do everything necessary to get over this _________. ? I will allow myself to get over this _________. ? It is possible for me to get over this ____________. ? Getting over this ___________ will be good for me. ? Getting over this ____________ will be good for others. ? If will be safe for me to get over this _________. I wish you a wonderful continued Journey as you reveal to yourself the hidden thoughts and beliefs that are standing in your way, and begin to find your liberation. ?

    Recent Episodes from Unasleep Audio (Official)

    1 - The Libertine Chronicles: Your Primal Being and The Rule of 4

    1 - The Libertine Chronicles: Your Primal Being and The Rule of 4
    The two questions we most often ask ourselves: "Who are we?" and "How can we change the world? What difference can one possibly make?" In this newest installment of the Libertine Chronicles you can learn more about the unique cocktail that is you, as well as pick up a simple little tool that will help you find the internal balance you seek in and bring it forward into your external world. So simple and so easy to share - I hope you try it, and in doing so, begin to set yourself free. It is offered with much love? I hope you enjoy! unASLEEP

    2 - The Libertine Chronicles: Your Primal Being and The Rule of 4

    2 - The Libertine Chronicles: Your Primal Being and The Rule of 4
    The two questions we most often ask ourselves: "Who are we?" and "How can we change the world? What difference can one possibly make?" In this newest installment of the Libertine Chronicles you can learn more about the unique cocktail that is you, as well as pick up a simple little tool that will help you find the internal balance you seek in and bring it forward into your external world. So simple and so easy to share - I hope you try it, and in doing so, begin to set yourself free. It is offered with much love? I hope you enjoy! unASLEEP

    3 - The Libertine Chronicles: Your Primal Being and The Rule of 4

    3 - The Libertine Chronicles: Your Primal Being and The Rule of 4
    The two questions we most often ask ourselves: "Who are we?" and "How can we change the world? What difference can one possibly make?" In this newest installment of the Libertine Chronicles you can learn more about the unique cocktail that is you, as well as pick up a simple little tool that will help you find the internal balance you seek in and bring it forward into your external world. So simple and so easy to share - I hope you try it, and in doing so, begin to set yourself free. It is offered with much love? I hope you enjoy! unASLEEP

    The Libertine Chronicles: Blessings

    The Libertine Chronicles: Blessings
    I hope this video helps you recall the power of your blessing in your world. And more than that, I hope you go on to give it to everyone and everything. It's a powerful, powerful thing to wield, and it's right at your fingertips. Use it and you will bring yourself a better world. :-) Oh and BTW, I do apologize....I still had a bit of a stuffy nose when I recorded this audio track ('coldsnaps' often have that initial effect on me, I dunno why) but instead of waiting for another window to redo it in, I opted to go ahead and put it out without further delay. Hope you enjoy still it, snuffles and all. ;-) Much love to you! unASLEEP