
    #1- Real Life on Social Media with Erika Altes

    enFebruary 09, 2019

    Recent Episodes from Real Is The New Black

    #10- Poop-scapades with Angeline Guido

    #10- Poop-scapades with Angeline Guido

    On this episode, Matti talks with her friend and photography client Angeline Guido of Angeline Guido Designs. We started getting on a roll so fast that we forgot to even introduce the podcast or Angeline, but hey we get there midway through the podcast. 

    Angeline tells a handful of stories about her son Smith's poop-scapades and hilarious mom fail moments of forgetting to pack her baby clothes after multiple blowouts. And that's just the beginning of the podcast.

    In the second half, Angeline tells us how she runs a business while having two kids and being a full time working mom.

    #8- Not Caring What People Think + Family and Marriage Rhythms and Tips with Alyssa Bethke

    #8- Not Caring What People Think + Family and Marriage Rhythms and Tips with Alyssa Bethke

    In this episode, Matti talks about the embarrassing moment she shared on instagram of her ripping her pants in public while she was pregnant. Alyssa talks about the rhythms and things that her and her husband Jeff have put into place to help them stay healthy and thriving as a family and as a married couple. They also both talk about how they used to overthink what people thought of them and how they are overcoming it.

    #7 The Great Flip Flop Debate and Other Important Things with Clint Gresham

    #7 The Great Flip Flop Debate and Other Important Things with Clint Gresham

    allowed to wear flip flops as well as talk about how they met. Clint shares about his experience with depression and anxiety in the NFL as well as the things he has learned about himself over the last few years of doing some personal work. This episode will make you laugh and you'll also get some really good practical nuggets for living a happier and freer life. 

    #6 Depression Lesson

    #6 Depression Lesson

    In this episode, Matti talks about her month long depressive episode that stuck around until now. She explains how she got there, what kept her there and how she's been dealing with getting out. If you struggle with depression or anxiety even a little, this podcast is a good one to listen to.

    #3 Momming, Marriage, Mental Health, and Meaning

    #3 Momming, Marriage, Mental Health, and Meaning

    In this episode, Matti Gresham talks with another Mattie: Mattie Tiegreen. Mattie is a graphic designer living in Portland who happens to be a kindred soul to Matti. In their conversation, they exchange advice on how they keep their marriages healthy, explain what their journeys look like as working moms, dive into the truth of their own mental health journeys and how it was affected post partum and how their perspective of family has changed since becoming parents.

    If you're a mom or you know a mom or you want to be a mom: this is your episode. Also, if you're dealing with any mental health issues or divorce or dysfunction in your family of origin, this is also for you.