
    1. Why Authentic Friendships ROCK & Frenemies...Don't with Kristen Boehmer

    enNovember 23, 2020

    About this Episode

    Today’s guest is my dear friend Kristen Boehmer and we are talking all about friendship and how strong friendships can play a role in our overall wellness! Kristen shares a bit of her story about how Crohn’s Disease heavily impacted her life and friendships at a young age. As an adult now, Kristen has so much wisdom to share about the importance of friendship as well as the importance of having the right friendships. We all need that support system that will get us through the tough days. If you’re looking for some encouragement in the friendship category, this episode is for you!


    Things We Discussed In The Episode/Episode Highlights:

    -Friendships and the evolution of friendships
     -What it takes to be a good friend
     -The importance of finding a friend you can share your dreams with
     -Three things to look for in a friendship
     -Michelle is planning to buy real estate on the moon and Kristen supports it

     Don’t forget to take a screenshot of today’s episode, share on social, tag @thewholesmiths and #getwellthy to be entered to win a free cookbook!

    More From The Whole Smiths:

     Preorder My New Cookbook HERE!

    More From Kristen Boehmer:



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    If you'd like to join us in our 30-day AG1 challenge and support Get Wellthy, you can do so here!

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    Today's episode is brought to you by AG1.  AG1 is a daily nutritional drink loaded with vitamins, minerals, pre and probiotics, as well as adaptogens. Join us for a 30-day challenge this October! 


    Get Wellthy
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    Please make sure to check out our sponsor, Athletic Greens (aka AG1). We love their whole foods based nutritional powder and think you will too!


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    Today, we are diving into what true self-care is and why it’s essential for all of us. Not only will you leave this episode with a clear understanding of what self-care is, but you will walk away with tactical steps on how to begin identifying what you are currently lacking in the self-care realm.

    Life is crazy, and in a world that encourages productivity over sanity, it’s easy to feel depleted. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it’s a basic human need. 

    Listen today to learn more!

    Episode Highlights: 

    • Michelle makes up yet another new word, and Brad is not having it.
    • Michelle and Brad share what self-care is to them.
    • Why self-care is a basic need and looks different for all of us.
    • Tactical steps to take to begin implementing necessary self-care.
    • The importance of having a hobby.
    • Michelle shares her dream hobby, and again, Brad is not having it.

    Links Mentioned in Episode/Find More on The Whole Smiths:

    Get Wellthy
    enNovember 23, 2021