
    10/11/22: Ukraine Military Aid, US vs China, Saudi Arabia, PayPal Censorship, Dem Agenda, Worker Action, & More!

    enOctober 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • New podcast seasons with big names and thought-provoking conversationsListen to new podcasts featuring Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, Hillary Clinton, and more for exciting conversations and perspectives. Engage with MTV's Challenge All Stars 4, Next Question with Katie Couric, and Breaking Points for unbiased news coverage and participatory experiences.

      There are new and exciting podcast seasons coming up, featuring big names like Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, Hillary Clinton, and more. MTV's Challenge podcast is back with All Stars 4, while Next Question with Katie Couric and The Bright Side offer thought-provoking conversations. Meanwhile, Breaking Points aims to provide unbiased news coverage and analysis, and offer the opportunity to become a premium member to support their mission. Additionally, there are live shows coming up, including Breaking Points in Chicago, where the audience can engage in a participatory experience. Overall, these podcasts offer a range of perspectives and topics, providing listeners with a weekly dose of optimism, fascinating conversations, and unparalleled news coverage.

    • Ukraine's Request for Advanced Air Defense and Long-Range WeaponsThe US is debating whether to provide Ukraine with advanced air defense and long-range weapons, balancing defensive and offensive systems to avoid escalating the conflict with Russia.

      The recent missile attacks on Ukraine have intensified the debate among allied countries on what advanced air defense and long-range weapon systems to provide to Ukraine. The United States has already provided some National Advanced Surface to Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) since July, but Ukraine is asking for more advanced systems to defend against future attacks. However, the US does not have these systems readily available, and providing them could potentially escalate the conflict with Russia. Ukraine is also requesting long-range missile systems, which the US has previously refused to sell due to the risk of escalation. The US is currently debating how to separate defensive systems from offensive systems in response to Ukraine's "weapons wish list" as the winter approaches. The conflict in Washington is to find a balance between defensive and offensive systems, as any defensive system could potentially lead to an offensive response.

    • Ukraine Urges for Advanced Defense Systems After Recent AttacksUkraine is urgently requesting advanced anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems from the US and allies following Russian missile strikes on cities. The Biden administration is considering providing these systems, despite concerns over escalation.

      During the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Ukrainian leaders have privately pressed for advanced anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems from the United States and other allies, but have publicly appealed for these systems following Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian cities. These appeals have gained momentum after the recent attacks, with Ukrainian officials urging for immediate delivery of these systems to protect their people and cities. The Biden administration has expressed concern over the potential escalatory effects of providing these systems, but is considering providing them due to the urgent need and the lack of effectiveness of previous Russian attacks in achieving significant battlefield objectives. The ongoing negotiations for the provision of advanced fighter jets and Patriot missile defense systems to Ukraine could significantly change the strategic situation in the region.

    • Russian strikes on Ukraine: A domestic show of forceRussian strikes on Ukraine are more for domestic politics than military prowess. US support to Ukraine remains strong, limiting the impact of Russian actions.

      The recent limited strikes by Russia on Ukrainian infrastructure are likely more about appeasing domestic hardliners than a genuine display of military strength. Russia's capabilities in advanced weaponry are limited due to their focus on maintaining their arsenal for potential conflicts with greater powers, such as NATO. These strikes, while causing significant damage, have not significantly altered the outcome of the war and may even have strengthened the resolve of the Ukrainian people. The US and its allies have continued to provide unwavering support to Ukraine, and the Russian dance involves avoiding escalation to a broader war.

    • India and China's Criticism of Russia's Conflict in UkraineIndia and China's criticisms of Russia's conflict in Ukraine signal potential loss of key customers for Russian oil, putting Russia in a precarious position and highlighting strategic blunder of the invasion.

      The situation in Ukraine is critical, and Russia's actions indicate feeling of pressure to maintain power. India and China, two major powers not fully backing Russia, have criticized the conflict and called for de-escalation, signaling a potential loss of key customers for Russia's oil. This diplomatic development puts Russia in a precarious position, as they can't afford to lose their largest oil customers without significantly impacting their war effort. Additionally, India and China's oblique criticisms of Russia highlight their own domestic political considerations and concerns about international organizations. The increasing distancing of these countries from Russia underscores the strategic blunder of the invasion and the potential long-term consequences for Russia's economy.

    • Russia's precarious position and the need for nuanced diplomacyDespite defeats and criticism, Russia continues to push for its agenda, requiring a nuanced approach for diplomacy.

      Russia's reliance on a few key customers like China and India for economic support, as well as the chaos they create in Europe, leaves them in a precarious position. However, the idea that negotiating with Russia emboldens rogue regimes is misguided. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine shows that even when faced with defeats and international criticism, Russian leaders continue to push for their agenda. Recently, Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, expressed openness to talks with the West on the Ukraine war but has yet to receive a serious proposal. The complex geopolitical situation requires a nuanced approach, acknowledging the challenges and potential opportunities for diplomacy.

    • Russia and Ukraine: Diplomacy at a StandstillDespite calls for peace talks, the US and Ukraine's unwillingness to compromise increases the risk of further conflict and even nuclear exchange between Russia and Ukraine.

      The prospects for a Putin-Biden meeting and a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine seem unlikely given the hardline stances taken by both sides. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov accused the US of lying about openness to talks, while Ukrainian President Zelensky and his advisors have called for regime change in Moscow before any negotiations. The US and Ukraine's unwillingness to compromise has created a dangerous situation where the risk of further conflict and even nuclear exchange is high. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Russian officials have endorsed Elon Musk's proposal for a peace plan, adding to the confusion about their true intentions. With both sides dug in their heels, it's unclear how diplomacy can move forward.

    • Risk of Nuclear Strike and the Need for DiplomacyFormer Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen warns of Putin's nuclear threat and urges diplomacy to prevent further escalation between Russia and Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of dialogue to avoid a potential nuclear disaster.

      The situation between Russia and Ukraine, and Putin's perceived cornered position, increases the risk of a nuclear strike, making it crucial for diplomatic negotiations to prevent further escalation. Former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Mullen emphasized this need for dialogue, warning about Putin's nuclear threat and urging caution from President Biden regarding his language. Mullen's perspective, coming from a high-ranking military figure, underscores the importance of diplomacy to avoid a potential nuclear Armageddon. However, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation and addressing potential failures leading to this point could be politically challenging. Ultimately, the path to ending the conflict lies in diplomatic negotiations between Zelensky and Putin.

    • US role in Ukraine peace talks and potential dangersThe US is crucial in Ukraine peace talks due to its influence, but tensions escalate with Russia and potential nuclear war, while US-China tech conflict adds to geopolitical tensions

      The US has a crucial role in facilitating peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, as America's economic and military influence over Ukraine is significant. The assassination of a Russian citizen in Moscow using a car bomb highlights the escalating tensions and potential dangers of the ongoing conflict. The US, under President Biden, is taking steps to limit China's access to semiconductor technology, which could hamper Beijing's efforts to develop domestic tech and potentially lead to further geopolitical tensions. The potential for nuclear war and the need for diplomacy in Ukraine, as well as the increasing tensions between the US and China, underscore the importance of careful and strategic foreign policy decision-making.

    • New US export controls target Chinese tech companies in semiconductor industryThe Biden administration announced new export controls limiting advanced tech exports to Chinese firms in the semiconductor industry, affecting both Chinese and foreign companies. US markets reacted negatively, and Taiwan signaled support. The US acts due to semiconductor's importance in various fields and US reliance on Taiwan's advanced capabilities.

      The Biden administration has announced new export controls aimed at limiting advanced technology exports to Chinese tech companies, particularly in the semiconductor industry. This is a significant development as China has been heavily investing in building up its own semiconductor industry but is still behind the US, Taiwan, and South Korea in producing the most advanced chips. The rules are broad and affect not only Chinese firms but also companies overseas that rely on US technology. The markets have reacted negatively, with the Nasdaq closing at a 2-year low and losses for the year increasing significantly. Taiwan has signaled its chip firms will follow these new US rules. The US is taking this action due to the importance of semiconductors in various fields, including military and defense, as well as the future of industries like electric vehicles. The US is over a decade behind in producing advanced chips and relies heavily on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which is why the US and China are posturing over Taiwan. The CHIPS Act and other efforts to build up the US semiconductor industry are a step in the right direction, but it may be too late for the US to catch up to Taiwan's current advanced capabilities. Both JD Vance and Tim Ryan, candidates in Ohio's Senate race, have expressed support for the CHIPS Act.

    • Bipartisan support for semiconductor funding highlights vulnerability of global supply chainThe semiconductor industry, which produces 92% of the world's most advanced chips, is vulnerable due to its global supply chain importance. Warnings of recession and potential cracks in credit markets emphasize the interconnected nature of global markets and potential disruptions.

      The bipartisan recognition of the importance of semiconductor production, as evidenced by Republican support for funding, underscores the vulnerability of the global supply chain. The sensitivity of the industry, which produces 92% of the world's most advanced chips, was highlighted with the potential consequences of a shutdown. The vulnerability is akin to reliance on critical resources like nuclear energy or natural gas. Jamie Dimon, in recent comments, has warned of an impending recession, with potential cracks appearing in credit markets and the stock market yet to reach its trough. These warnings serve as a reminder of the interconnected nature of global markets and the potential for significant disruptions.

    • Global economy facing perfect storm of high interest rates, supply shocks, and demand destructionCentral banks, including the Fed, raising interest rates to prevent currency depreciation could push countries into recession. The Fed's aggressive rate hikes to crush labor market causing concern among economists.

      The global economy is facing a perfect storm of high interest rates, supply shocks, and demand destruction, which could lead to a global recession. Central banks, including the Federal Reserve, are raising interest rates to prevent their currencies from depreciating against the US dollar, but this action could tip countries like Europe, which is already in a recession, further into economic turmoil. The Fed's aggressive rate hikes, with the stated goal of crushing the labor market and lowering wages, are causing concern among some economists and analysts who fear that the Fed may be going too far. Despite these concerns, the Fed shows no signs of slowing down its rate hikes. This monolithic approach to economic policy, rooted in the philosophy of independence and a focus on managing the economy without regard for political considerations or lived experiences, leaves little room for dissent or alternative perspectives.

    • Fed's Actions Shrouded in Secrecy Amidst Neoliberal PoliciesThe lack of transparency around the Federal Reserve's actions is a deliberate consequence of neoliberal policies, leading to radical experimentation in the past decade. Senator Menendez's call for US-Saudi cooperation freeze is driven by hard power interests in response to Saudi's role in Ukraine war.

      The lack of transparency and public understanding around the Federal Reserve's actions has been a deliberate consequence of neoliberal policies and elitist direction, which has led to radical experimentation in the past decade. Meanwhile, in foreign policy news, Senator Bob Menendez's call for the US to freeze all cooperation with Saudi Arabia, including arms sales and security cooperation, is a significant shift in the relationship between the two countries. This decision comes in response to Saudi Arabia's role in supporting Russia's war in Ukraine and is driven by hard power interests rather than human rights concerns. The complex geopolitical dynamics at play highlight the importance of understanding the motivations behind international relations and the potential consequences of these actions on global energy markets and domestic policies.

    • Power shift in US-Gulf relations over weapons salesSenator Menendez's objection to US weapons sales to Gulf countries has less impact due to their black market oil sales to Russia, and activists' courageous rescue of sick piglets from Smithfield Foods reveals the need for animal welfare changes.

      The power dynamics between the United States and Gulf countries, specifically regarding weapons sales, are undergoing a significant shift. Senator Bob Menendez's objection to these sales, as the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, carries more weight than others due to his position. However, the Gulf countries, including the UAE and Saudi Arabia, have been selling oil on the black market to Russia and are making significant profits. They are not overly concerned about Menendez's objection or the potential change in US political power, as they believe they can continue to manipulate the situation to their advantage. This situation highlights a notable departure from the long-standing relationship between the US and Gulf countries and adds complexity to the geopolitical landscape. Additionally, in a separate but related topic, the acquittal of animal rights activists who rescued sick piglets from a farm run by Smithfield Foods, the nation's largest pork producer, demonstrates the courage and determination of activist groups to expose the horrors of factory farming. Despite the legal charges of theft and burglary, the activists argued that their actions were a rescue. The documentation and video evidence they provided revealed the extreme conditions and inhumane practices taking place within the farm, shedding light on the need for change and raising awareness about animal welfare issues.

    • Activists Rescue Underweight Piglets, Face Criminal ChargesActivists saved piglets from Smithfield Farm, faced charges, compared actions to saving a dog, and highlighted industry-government collusion and need for humane farming practices.

      Activists rescued two underweight piglets from a Smithfield Farm, which is now owned by China, and faced criminal charges, including felony burglary and ag-gag laws, for their actions. Smithfield Farms argued that the activists committed theft and sought to prosecute them, despite the piglets having no commercial value. The activists compared their actions to saving a dog in a hot car and aimed to establish a legal precedent for animal rescue. The federal government dedicated significant resources to this case, highlighting their allegiance to big business interests. The activists were ultimately victorious, and the incident shed light on the collaboration between the factory farming industry and state authorities to suppress information about food production. The use of gestational crates, which are banned in some countries and states, was also brought to light, emphasizing the need for more humane farming practices.

    • Corporations wielding power over information and financesCorporations can financially deplatform individuals for promoting misinformation, raising concerns about free speech and individual autonomy in the digital age.

      The power to control information and financially deplatform individuals is not just limited to governments but also extends to corporations. The recent incident with PayPal's new terms of service, which included fines for promoting misinformation, highlights this concern. While PayPal eventually reversed course after public backlash, the incident underscores the potential for corporations to wield significant influence over what information is accessible and who can access it financially. This trend, coupled with the growing power of social media and cancel culture, raises concerns about the future of free speech and individual autonomy in the digital age. It's essential to remain vigilant against such developments and advocate for policies that protect individual rights and prevent the misuse of power by both governments and corporations.

    • Midterm elections focus on abortion and crime, while economy takes a backseatThe midterm elections are primarily focused on abortion and crime, with the economy being overlooked by both major parties, potentially benefiting the Republicans as voters grapple with economic struggles and rising prices.

      The midterm elections are focusing heavily on issues like abortion and crime, while the economy, which is the most important concern for voters, is being overlooked by both major parties. This could potentially benefit the Republicans, as people may blame the party in power for their economic struggles. The speed of the debates around censorship and deplatforming is also concerning, as it mirrors the authoritarian approach seen in countries like China. It's crucial for individuals to resist this trend and advocate for open dialogue and economic solutions. The Fed's determination to crush wages and spike unemployment, combined with rising gas prices and difficulties making ends meet, have left many Americans struggling financially. Despite this, neither party seems to be addressing the economy with compelling solutions, leaving voters feeling neglected and potentially turning to the opposition.

    • Democrats Focusing on Abortion as Election Closing Argument Despite Economic IssuesDemocrats risk losing control of House and Senate by focusing solely on abortion, while economic issues like living wages, taxing billionaires, universal healthcare, and paid time off are more important to voters. A strong pro-worker agenda and elimination of filibuster can help pass populist legislation.

      During the final weeks of the 2022 midterm elections, Democratic candidates are being advised by consultants and super PAC directors to focus solely on abortion as their closing argument, despite Republicans' opposition to popular economic issues like living wages, taxing billionaires, universal health care, and paid time off. Sanders argues that this strategy could lead to Democrats losing control of both the House and the Senate, as they are currently less trusted than Republicans to handle the economy. He advocates for a strong pro-worker agenda and the elimination of the filibuster to pass populist legislation. Meanwhile, young workers at Chipotle have formed the first recognized union in the US, citing issues of underpay and lack of control over working conditions. The union's success defies political logic, as the political class has largely remained silent on economic issues that matter most to ordinary voters.

    • Chipotle Workers' Inspiration to Unionize after Corporate DisregardChipotle workers were inspired to unionize after feeling disregarded by corporate leadership during a photo op moment. They drew inspiration from successful union movements at Starbucks, REI, and Amazon, and chose to join forces with the Teamsters due to their legal and organizing support.

      The treatment of Chipotle workers by their corporate leadership during a photo op moment served as a radicalizing event, inspiring them to unionize. The lack of consideration shown by corporate during this incident highlighted the disconnect between workers and management. The workers drew inspiration from other successful union movements, such as those at Starbucks, REI, and Amazon. Ultimately, they decided to join forces with the Teamsters union due to the legal and organizing support they could provide. The Teamsters' democratic structure and militant approach were appealing factors. Now, the Chipotle workers are working with the emergency worker organizing committee, Eblock, and encourage any interested workers to reach out for help and support through the worker organizing.org/support/chipotledashworkers link. The similarities between Chipotle's corporate structure and that of Starbucks make it an easier target for unionization, and the workers are excited to build a powerful union.

    • Economic circumstances fuel Chipotle worker's unionization effortsTight labor market empowers Chipotle workers to unionize, symbolized by the cake incident and potential store closure, reflecting their determination for better working conditions

      The courage of Chipotle workers to unionize, despite the challenges, is partly enabled by the current tight labor market. This economic circumstance allows workers to consider alternative job opportunities, making it a crucial factor in the unionization process. The cake incident mentioned during the interview symbolizes the frustration and dissatisfaction of workers, and the potential closure of a Chipotle store added to their determination. Overall, the unionization effort at Chipotle reflects the unique economic circumstances and the workers' determination to seek better working conditions.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Plus, Francis Dearnley interviews French journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet in a deep-dive on the role of France in this war.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

    Nataliya Vasilyeva (Russia Correspondent). @Nat_Vasilyeva on Twitter.

    With thanks to Anne-Elisabeth Moutet

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    If you’re looking for in-depth sports analysis, informative interviews, predictions and more — look no further than The Daily Wire’s newest show: Crain & Company. Hosted by Jake Crain, Blain Crain, and David Cone, the daily sports show brings you expert commentary on all of the sports you love — without any of the woke. Listen, subscribe, and leave a five star review of Crain & Company here: https://utm.io/uel1d .

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    Today, we bring you updates from across Ukraine and the world and we interview Dimko Zhluktenko, the 24-year old founder of Ukrainian charity Dzyga's Paw. The organisation supplies the Ukrainian military with equipment for the front lines. We discuss his experiences in the past year, the challenges he’s faced and the emotional impact of his work where many of the soldiers he’s helping are friends.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With thanks to Dimko Zhluktenko. @dim0kq on Twitter.

    Find out more about Dygas Paw Charity: https://dzygaspaw.com

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.