
    10/21/21: Welfare Proposals, Tax Policy, Trump's Next Move, Airlines Backdown, Rogan vs CNN, Kill the Bill, Marriage Disparity, College Football, and More!

    enOctober 21, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Analyzing the Build Back Better PlanThe Build Back Better Plan faces opposition due to significant cuts to climate provisions, child tax credit extension, community college funding, and healthcare programs.

      The discussion covered various topics, including shopping deals at dd's discounts, Greg Gerstner's active involvement in AARP, improving gas mileage at AutoZone, supporting independent media like Breaking Points, and analyzing the details of the Build Back Better plan. The key message from the analysis of the plan was that it is seen as lacking and unsatisfactory, with significant cuts to key priorities like climate provisions, child tax credit extension, community college funding, and healthcare programs. The proposal is facing opposition from both sides, with some senators standing in the way of popular proposals like Medicare prescription drug pricing negotiation. Overall, the consensus seems to be that the plan is not up to expectations and needs significant improvements.

    • Limited climate provisions and controversial proposals in new legislationThe recently proposed bill faces opposition due to its lack of substantial climate provisions, removal of community college funding, potential reinstatement of the SALT deduction, and potential cost increases for middle-class families from the childcare proposal.

      The recently proposed legislation contains minimal climate provisions and lacks excitement for progressives. The community college provision was removed due to lobbying from the 4-year college industry, and the SALT deduction, which primarily benefits the wealthy, is being considered for reinstatement. The childcare proposal, which aims to raise wages for childcare workers, may result in significant cost increases for middle-class families, adding to their financial burden. The legislation's complexity and potential for unintended consequences, such as increased costs for families, draw comparisons to the rollout of Obamacare. Overall, the bill's current form may face significant opposition and may need revisions to address the concerns of various stakeholders.

    • Universal pre-K plan could lead to financial strain for women in workforceThe universal pre-K plan's potential increase in childcare costs and lack of clear proposals and bipartisan support may result in women leaving the workforce due to financial strain, creating a politically challenging situation for its passage.

      The proposed increase in childcare costs under the universal pre-K plan could potentially lead to women dropping out of the workforce due to financial strain. This issue, combined with the lack of explanation and pressure on specific proposals, the separation of popular infrastructure and social welfare spending, and the obsession with securing bipartisan support, has resulted in a politically disastrous situation for the bill. The lack of understanding and enthusiasm for the bill, coupled with declining approval ratings for President Biden, has created a challenging environment for its passage. The situation is reminiscent of the challenges faced during the implementation of Obamacare, and it's unclear why the bill needs to pass at this moment in time.

    • Senator Sinema's stance on tax rate increasesSenator Sinema's opposition to planned tax rate increases has led Democrats to consider alternative revenue sources, but her conversations with lobbyists have raised concerns about the prioritization of high-income interests over the working class in the current design of the plan.

      The ongoing debate about healthcare and tax reform in the U.S. is complex, and the media and political landscape can make it difficult for individuals to understand their personal stake in the issue. A recent development in this debate is Senator Kyrsten Sinema's opposition to planned tax rate increases, which is pushing Democrats to consider alternative revenue sources. Sinema's stance was revealed through her conversations with lobbyists rather than her constituents or the public. This revelation highlights how the interests of high-income individuals and corporations may be prioritized over those of the working class in the current design of the plan. The billionaire class, in particular, seems untouched by the proposed tax increases, as they primarily rely on capital gains, which are not currently on the table for an increase according to Sinema. This situation leaves many questioning the fairness of the proposed tax reforms and the true intentions behind them.

    • Proposed tax mechanisms could unintentionally target lower-income individualsThe wealthy use tax loopholes, and while new proposals target corporations and carried interest, lower-income individuals may face increased reporting and potential audits.

      While there have been discussions about increasing taxes on the wealthy, the proposed mechanisms such as reporting inflows and outflows for accounts below $10,000 could potentially target lower-income individuals instead. Meanwhile, billionaires continue to use tax loopholes like the step-up basis, leaving them untouched. The latest proposals include a corporate minimum tax and possibly closing the carried interest loophole, but the outcome remains uncertain. Despite this, it's likely that the IRS proposal for increased reporting for lower-income individuals will be included in any tax bill, potentially leading to more audits for this group. Overall, the tax system continues to favor the wealthy, and closing significant loopholes remains a challenge.

    • Trump Launches New Media Company with Social Media PlatformTrump's new media company, TMTG, includes a social media platform, Truth Social, valued at 1.7 billion dollars. Trump aims to compete with big tech and plans a nationwide rollout in Q1 2022.

      Former President Donald Trump is launching a new media company, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), which includes a social media platform called Truth Social. The merger agreement values TMTG at 1.7 billion dollars, and Trump has stated his goal is to stand up to the power of big tech. Trump's new platform, Truth Social, is now available for preorder in the Apple App Store and plans to begin its launch for invited guests in November 2021, with a nationwide rollout expected in Q1 of 2022. Trump is the chairman of TMTG and will soon be sending out his first "truth" on Truth Social. The company also plans to launch a subscription video service and a news platform. This move sets Trump up financially and positions him to potentially compete with major social media platforms. However, it remains to be seen whether Trump will dedicate himself to building his own social media network before considering a potential presidential run.

    • Trump's New Social Media Platform Lacks Reach and Impact of TwitterTruth Social's lack of elite presence, ecosystem, and restriction on criticizing Trump distinguishes it from Twitter, potentially disrupting conservative media landscape.

      Former President Trump's new social media platform, Truth Social, may not have the same reach or impact as his presence on Twitter, which was instrumental to both of his campaigns. The lack of elite presence and ecosystem on Truth Social, along with the apparent restriction on criticizing Trump himself on the site, sets it apart from Twitter and other social media platforms. Additionally, Trump's ownership of the company could potentially disrupt the business models of other media outlets that profit from his name and pro-Trump personalities. This shift could lead to significant changes in the conservative media landscape.

    • Conservative media faces challenges due to ties to TrumpConservative media organizations linked to Trump face declining viewership and revenue as his media venture grows. Navigating vaccine mandates and exemptions at Southwest Airlines highlights the complexities of balancing government regulations, employee rights, and organizational identity.

      The conservative media, particularly those associated with the Fox network, are facing significant challenges due to their close ties to former President Trump. With Trump's own media venture gaining traction, these organizations are struggling to maintain their viewership and revenue, especially as their identity has become synonymous with promoting Trump rather than conservative ideologies. Additionally, the ongoing debate surrounding vaccine mandates and employee exemptions at Southwest Airlines highlights the complexities of navigating such policies, particularly for large federal contractors. Southwest's recent decision to drop its plan for unvaccinated staff to go on unpaid leave indicates ongoing negotiations for religious and medical exemptions, while the high vaccination rate among pilots suggests a more organic pushback against the mandate. Ultimately, these events underscore the complex interplay between government regulations, employee rights, and organizational identity in the face of rapidly evolving public health and political landscapes.

    • Religious Objections to COVID-19 Vaccines and Legal ChallengesDespite religious objections, major religions support vaccination. Delta's lenient vaccine policy may improve equilibrium, but federal enforcement remains unclear. Media coverage of vaccine mandate reversals sparked pushback, but it only affected a small percentage.

      While religious objections to COVID-19 vaccines exist, they may face challenges in court due to the support of major religions for vaccination. The Delta Airlines CEO's decision to give pilots more time to get vaccinated or secure exemptions could lead to a better equilibrium situation, but the ultimate enforcement of vaccine mandates by the federal government remains uncertain. Additionally, the media coverage of the Southwest Airlines cancellations and the subsequent reversal of their vaccine policy revealed some organic pushback, but it only affected a small percentage of the population. The discussion also touched on the complicated history of religious exemptions and the potential for future challenges.

    • The politicization of Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment and Joe Rogan's call-out of Don LemonThe debate over Ivermectin's use as a COVID-19 treatment has become politicized, with some spreading misinformation about its veterinary applications to discredit its use for humans. Joe Rogan challenged this during an interview, suggesting financial reasons and obedience to authority as potential motivations.

      The debate surrounding Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment has become politicized, with some media figures spreading misinformation about its veterinary applications to undermine its use for humans. Joe Rogan, a comedian and podcast host, called out Don Lemon for this during a CNN interview, pointing out that many medications have veterinary applications and that Ivermectin was used for humans before animals. Rogan suggested that the motivation for demonizing Ivermectin could be due to financial reasons, as the patent has run out and it's now a generic drug that costs only 30¢ a dose. He also argued that the issue is about obedience and authority, as people like Rogan who challenge the narrative are diminishing the authority of those who promote it. The exchange highlights the importance of factual accuracy and the impact of the distribution age of the Internet, where misinformation can be quickly debunked and the audience size can influence the narrative.

    • Media disproportionately covers Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment despite lack of proven effectivenessMedia's dismissive attitude towards Ivermectin and those who use it undermines credibility and trust, highlighting the need for nuanced reporting and accurate information

      The ongoing debate around Ivermectin as a potential COVID-19 treatment highlights the disconnect between certain media outlets and the larger world. Ivermectin's effectiveness against the virus is still unproven, but the reaction to its use by individuals like Joe Rogan, and the subsequent media coverage, has been disproportionate. The labeling of Ivermectin as a "horse dewormer" and the dismissive attitude towards those who question the official line is not based on facts, but on power and control. This attitude undermines the credibility of these media outlets and contributes to the all-time low trust in media. The media ecosystem has changed, and cable news outlets need to recognize this reality and adjust their approach to reporting. The long, in-depth conversations between experts, like the one between Sanjay Gupta and Joe Rogan, provide a more accurate and helpful perspective for audiences. The media's cluelessness about their role in this new landscape and their continued use of dismissive tactics only further erodes trust and makes it difficult for them to maintain their influence.

    • Cable news networks' power despite declining viewershipProgressives must reject White House's reconciliation package, as it betrays progressive values, and cable news networks remain disconnected from changing media landscape and public priorities.

      Despite the declining influence of traditional cable news networks in terms of viewership, they still hold significant power due to their ability to cater to elite audiences and secure high ad revenues. However, the latest details on the White House's reconciliation package reveal a significant betrayal of progressive values, with critical programs being stripped down or eliminated entirely. Progressives must reject this proposal and be prepared to vote it down to maintain their credibility and uphold their promises to their supporters. This moment represents a generational betrayal that could have far-reaching consequences. The cable news networks, while still holding power, remain in an insular bubble, disconnected from the changing media landscape and the priorities of the broader public.

    • Young people denied opportunities and a livable future due to political decisionsPolitical decisions prioritize corporate interests over young people's needs, ignoring public demands and increasing polarization, with the infrastructure bill being a concern, and the pandemic exacerbating the cost of marriage and family formation.

      Young people are being denied opportunities and a livable future due to political decisions that prioritize corporate interests over their needs. The failure of administrations to pass basic reforms, despite widespread public support, is an existential threat to the republic. The situation is particularly concerning regarding the current infrastructure bill, which may not deliver on the bare minimum for the American people while corporations continue to profit. The trend of ignoring public demands and the increasing polarization and disillusionment in politics are alarming signs for the future. Progressives must at least ensure that the ruling class pays a cost for their betrayals. Additionally, the pandemic has accelerated existing trends, including the increasing cost of marriage and family formation, making it a luxury for many.

    • Economic disparity impacts desire to marry and have children differently among rich and poor AmericansThe rich have seen a 9% increase in desire to marry and a net increase of 1 point in having children, while the poor have only seen a 2% increase in desire to marry and a net decrease of 11 points in having children, exacerbating economic and societal issues

      The economic disparity brought about by the COVID-19 crisis has led to significant differences in the desire to marry and have children among the rich and the poor in America. The Institute For Family Studies new survey found that the richest Americans have seen a 9% increase in the desire to marry, while the poorest have only seen a 2% increase. The trend is even more pronounced when it comes to having children, with a net decrease of 11 points among lower income Americans and a net increase of 1 point among higher income Americans. This is problematic as the declining trend of having children among the less educated and lower income Americans not only affects the future of the workforce but also has negative consequences on individual and societal well-being. The economic barriers to marriage and having children, such as high wedding and childbirth costs, have made it increasingly difficult for the middle and poorer classes to achieve the American dream of having a family. The College Football Players Association, an organization dedicated to the health, safety, and welfare of college football players, was founded to address some of these economic barriers and ensure that college athletes have a voice in their own welfare.

    • CFPA's Mission: Uniting College Football Players for ChangeThe CFPA is working to unionize college football players and advocate for fair compensation, inspired by recent court rulings recognizing athletes as workers.

      The College Football Players Association (CFPA) is working to unite current and former college football players to collectively advocate for changes in the sport, focusing on unionization and fair compensation. This push comes in the wake of favorable court rulings, such as the Alston case, which recognized college athletes as workers entitled to wages and collective bargaining. The CFPA aims to build a strong membership base and create a true membership organization to bring about change. Jason, a former professor and college athlete, was drawn to this cause due to his firsthand experience with the harsh realities of college football, including the physical and mental toll of practices and the lack of voice or financial benefits for players. The CFPA's ultimate goal is to transform the culture of college football practices to prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of players.

    • The CFPA can act as a watchdog for college football playersThe CFPA could improve student athletes' lives by ensuring NCAA follows rules on practice hours and safety

      The College Football Players Association (CFPA) could significantly improve the lives of student athletes before even considering unionization. The NCAA, which was initially established to protect the health, safety, and welfare of college football players, has neglected this responsibility. Currently, there is a lack of enforcement of rules and regulations regarding practice hours and safety. The CFPA could step in and ensure these rules are being followed. This would be an essential first step towards bettering the conditions for college football players. The CFPA could act as a watchdog, holding the NCAA accountable for its initial mission. By establishing association chapters on campus, the CFPA could bring attention to the issue and pressure the NCAA to uphold its responsibilities. This would be a meaningful way for the CFPA to make a difference in the lives of student athletes before the more complex process of unionization.

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    Seizing the Opportunity to Reduce Child Poverty

    Seizing the Opportunity to Reduce Child Poverty

    For nearly 25 years, the Child Tax Credit has helped eligible American families with the cost of raising children. In 2021, the American Rescue Plan included significant changes to the credit: the amount per child was increased, 26 million more children were made eligible for the benefit, and the credit became a monthly cash payment as opposed to an annual lump sum. The impact of these changes are profound with experts saying that childhood poverty could be cut in half.

    In this final episode of Add Passion and Stir’s Child Tax Credit series, we explore the impact the credit is having on families and it's role in reducing child poverty in America. Share Our Strength’s Billy Shore speaks with Kim Ford, CEO of Washington, DC-based Martha’s Table and Cailyn Thomas, Family Engagement Specialist at Martha’s Table. For Kim, the power of the credit’s direct monthly cash payments: “It’s very different when you respect someone to the point where you say, ‘this is your money and you make your own decision with it.’” We also hear from Sam Daley-Harris, an activist and founder of the international citizens’ lobby RESULTS, about the role everyone has in advocating for an extension of the credit. As Sam describes it, “Transformational advocacy is where the advocate grows and sees themselves in a new light, sees themselves in a way they never imagined possible, sees themselves as a community leader.”

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