
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring travel and road trip planningConsider using Viator for guided tours and excursions during travel and be prepared for more planning when traveling with electric cars due to charging stops.

      Planning a travel experience goes beyond just booking flights and hotels. To make your trip unforgettable, consider using Viator to book guided tours and excursions. With over 300,000 options and free cancellation, you can find something for everyone and travel worry-free. Meanwhile, in a different context, Marquez and Andrew from the Waveform Podcast embarked on a road trip experiment using a Tesla Model S Plaid, Ford Mustang Mach-E California Route 1 edition, and an Audi Q5 as part of a comparison between electric and gas cars. Their findings revealed that electric cars offer a different experience, with more planning required due to charging stops, but also less time spent at the pump and reduced emissions. The teams, consisting of Marquez and Hyato in the Tesla, Adam, Tim, and Gasolina in the Ford, and Brandon and David in the Audi, completed a thousand-mile loop around New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The experiment provided valuable insights into the differences between electric and gas cars, highlighting the importance of considering various factors when planning a road trip.

    • Unplanned road trip comparison of gas car, Tesla, and Mustang Mach-EGas cars have the advantage of easily accessible fuel, but electric vehicles like Tesla and Mustang Mach-E are rapidly advancing and offer unique challenges and benefits, including longer charging times and limited infrastructure, but completed the journey demonstrating their growing capabilities and convenience.

      The unplanned road trip experiment between a gas car, a Tesla, and a Mustang Mach-E revealed unexpected challenges and advantages for each vehicle, despite initial predictions. The team aimed to ensure all cars reached 1,000 miles by planning specific points of interest, including Lake Placid, Niagara Falls, Cornell University, and Scranton. They prohibited pre-planning for charging or fuel stops to simulate real-world conditions. The gas car had the advantage of easily accessible gas stations, allowing for frequent stops. However, the Tesla and Mustang Mach-E faced unique challenges, such as longer charging times for the Tesla and limited charging infrastructure for the Mach-E. Despite these hurdles, both electric vehicles managed to complete the journey, demonstrating the growing capabilities and convenience of electric transportation. The experiment served as a reminder that while gas cars may still dominate the roads, electric vehicles are rapidly advancing and becoming more accessible to everyday drivers.

    • First Electric Road Trip: Ford Mach-E vs TeslaThe electric road trip in Ford Mach-E and Tesla was successful with minimal surprises, accurate range estimates, and efficient use of autopilot and cruise control.

      The road trip in electric vehicles, specifically the Ford Mach-E and Tesla, was a smooth and efficient experience with minimal surprises. The drivers, David and Brandon, settled into their roles with David handling most of the driving, Tim creating thumbnails, and Adam as the best cameraman. They split the trip into two days for clarity, with no issues encountered, including the use of autopilot and cruise control. The most dramatic experience was the first charging stop where David arrived with only 0.3% battery left, trusting the supercharger network to get him back on the road. The Ford Mach-E's range estimate was found to be more accurate than Tesla's, providing an unexpected bonus. Despite some initial hiccups, the overall experience was enjoyable, and both drivers looked forward to their next electric road trip.

    • Impact of range estimate accuracy on road tripsElectric car manufacturers should set realistic range estimates and exceed them to ease consumer concerns about range anxiety

      During a road trip, the reliability and accuracy of an electric vehicle's range estimate can significantly impact the journey. The speaker shared their experience of encountering a non-functioning charger in an area with limited options, forcing them to detour and adding hours to their trip. They highlighted the difference in range estimates between a Tesla and a Ford Mach-E, with the Tesla providing a more accurate and trustworthy estimate. The speaker emphasized the importance of electric car manufacturers setting low expectations and exceeding them to alleviate consumer concerns about range anxiety.

    • Comparing Tesla and Ford Mach-E: Tesla's accurate charging info enhances road tripsTesla's precise charging info and reliable range estimates enhance road trips, while Ford Mach-E's less accurate dashboard can lead to uncertainty and potential charging issues

      The accuracy and reliability of range estimates and charging information on an electric vehicle's (EV) dashboard or app can significantly impact the road trip experience. During a comparison of the Tesla and Ford Mach-E, it was noted that the Tesla provided precise and detailed charging information, allowing for efficient planning and charging, while the Mach-E's dashboard was less accurate and confusing. The Tesla's screen provided information on supercharger locations, availability, and cost, enabling the driver to plan their journey accurately. In contrast, the Mach-E's dashboard was less reliable, leading to uncertainty and potential issues with charging during the trip. Additionally, the Mach-E's range estimates were found to be lower than expected, with the actual range falling short of the estimated amount. Overall, the Tesla's more accurate and detailed charging information proved to be a crucial factor in ensuring a successful road trip.

    • Challenges in EV Charging: Decentralized Networks and Unreliable ChargersPlanning ahead and using filters can help overcome challenges in EV charging, but the lack of a centralized system for reporting and addressing charger issues can lead to inconvenience or stranding.

      Navigating the world of electric vehicle (EV) charging can be a challenge due to the decentralized nature of various charging networks. The speaker's experience involved encountering numerous broken or limited chargers during their road trip, leading to unexpected delays and frustration. The use of filters and planning ahead, such as choosing fast chargers with multiple hoses and stalls, can significantly improve the EV charging experience. However, the lack of a centralized system for reporting and addressing charger issues can make it difficult for drivers to rely on real-time information, potentially leading to inconvenience or even stranding.

    • Unpredictable EV Charging Stations and the Importance of Backup PlansDuring long trips, electric vehicle charging station availability and reliability can be unpredictable. Use apps like Electrify America to find available chargers, but have backup plans and alternative charging options to avoid long wait times and frustration.

      The availability and reliability of electric vehicle charging stations can be unpredictable, especially during long trips. David shared his experience of relying on the Electrify America app to find available chargers, only to arrive and find that some were out of order. This issue became even more frustrating when multiple cars were vying for the same working charger, leading to long wait times. This experience highlights the importance of having backup plans and alternative charging options when traveling with an electric vehicle. Additionally, the Viator app was mentioned as a valuable tool for maximizing vacation experiences by booking tours, activities, and excursions in advance. The app's real traveler reviews, free cancellation, and 24-7 customer support provide peace of mind and help travelers plan with confidence.

    • Electric vehicle charging vs gas refueling: Convenience comparisonTo match the convenience of gas cars, electric vehicles need faster charging speeds and more charging stations, as charging stops currently require more planning and vary in amenities.

      The efficiency of refueling a gas-powered vehicle and the current experience of charging an electric vehicle are not on par. The speaker shared their experience of a road trip where they ensured their gas car never went below half a tank, making every stop as quick as possible, usually taking no more than 10 minutes. In contrast, during their electric vehicle road trip, they found themselves planning around charging stops and experiencing varying types of charging locations, some with limited options for food or amenities. The speaker emphasized that for electric vehicles to match the convenience of gas cars, charging speed needs to increase significantly, and the availability of charging stations must be greatly expanded. The speaker also noted that during their electric vehicle trip, they had every type of charging stop experience, from grocery stores to malls to strip malls, and that they often had to plan their stops based on charging availability rather than their desired destination.

    • Challenges of long electric road trips: food and chargingProper planning and preparation are key for electric road trips, especially when it comes to meal and charging stops. Tesla's superchargers offer consistent and convenient locations, often near amenities.

      Planning meals and charging stops is crucial for long electric road trips. The randomness of charging station locations and availability of food can lead to unexpected challenges. For instance, during their trip, the group encountered long stretches without food options, resulting in hunger and inconvenience. In contrast, Tesla's superchargers, while fewer in number, offer more consistent and convenient locations, often near amenities like restaurants or shopping centers. The group also noted that Tesla's charging map displays both superchargers and destination chargers, providing more options when in a pinch. Overall, their experience emphasized the importance of careful planning and preparation for electric road trips.

    • Emergency Reserves in Electric CarsWhile electric cars have some emergency reserves, it's not recommended to rely on them frequently as it could potentially harm the battery. In emergencies, the best solution is still to get towed to the nearest charging station.

      While electric cars, like Teslas, have some reserves of energy when the battery is completely drained, it's not recommended to rely on them frequently as it could potentially harm the battery. In emergencies, the best solution is still to get towed to the nearest charging station. However, some Tesla employees have reported that there is a small reserve of extra range, around 10-25 miles, when the battery is completely drained. This can be helpful in extreme situations. During a road trip, the Tesla was about five hours behind a gas car due to the first emergency situation, but on the second day, they were only 20 minutes behind despite making an inefficient coffee shop stop. It's important to note that charging infrastructure and starting battery levels can impact travel times.

    • Tesla's Integrated Charging Network vs Other ManufacturersTesla's control over charging process from Superchargers to cable lengths creates a seamless experience, while other manufacturers struggle to match this with various charging networks and incompatible standards.

      While the push towards electric vehicles (EVs) is growing, the charging infrastructure is not keeping pace, especially when compared to Tesla's integrated network. Tesla's control over the entire charging process, from building Superchargers specifically for their vehicles to optimizing cable lengths and online communication, creates a seamless experience. Other manufacturers, such as Volkswagen, have made efforts but are not investing as heavily. The Mach-E, for example, could potentially outperform a Tesla Model S in certain scenarios using Electrify America's 350 watt chargers. However, the overall experience for consumers may not be the same when dealing with various charging networks and incompatible charging standards. The lack of a unified and comprehensive charging infrastructure remains a significant challenge for the EV market.

    • Understanding charging capabilities and curves of devices is essentialDifferent devices have varying charging speeds and curves, which impact efficiency and battery life. Understanding these specifics is crucial for effective charging.

      While USB-C charging offers fast charging capabilities up to 350 watts, not all USB-C cables and devices support these speeds. Additionally, charging curves vary between devices, with some delivering peak charging rates only up to a certain percentage before slowing down significantly. For instance, the Ford Mach-E caps charging at 10 kilowatts after 80%, while Tesla allows charging up to 100% but warns against doing so frequently to preserve battery life. The Taycan, on the other hand, has extra battery capacity that isn't charged every time, allowing it to maintain peak performance and longer battery life. In summary, understanding the charging capabilities and curves of different devices is crucial to ensure efficient and effective charging.

    • Tesla's Supercharger network advantageTesla's Supercharger network offers reliable, consistent charging for EV owners, setting it apart from competitors and contributing to wider EV adoption

      The convenience and reliability of Tesla's Supercharger network is a significant advantage over competing EV charging networks, such as Electrify America. Tesla owners can charge their vehicles to full capacity whenever they want, while the reliability and availability of other networks can be inconsistent. This inconsistency can negatively impact the EV buying decision for new owners and limit the overall adoption of EVs. The Tesla network's size and adaptability, along with its high reliability, make it a crucial factor in the EV market. However, it would be interesting to explore the specific reasons why some charging networks choose to limit the charging capacity of their stations.

    • Exploring the range limitations of electric vehiclesDespite advantages, electric vehicles face challenges like range anxiety for long trips, impacted by factors such as driving conditions and tire choices. Semi-autonomous driving systems like Ford's Blue Cruise offer potential solutions, but inconsistencies remain a concern.

      The range anxiety associated with electric vehicles (EVs), particularly for long road trips, still poses a significant challenge for their widespread adoption. The discussion highlighted the differences in range between various EV models and the impact of factors like wheel and tire choices, driving conditions, and traffic. For daily use, most people may not encounter issues, but for longer trips, the current limitations of EVs can be a major deterrent. Ford's Blue Cruise system, which offers semi-autonomous driving, was mentioned as a potential solution to reduce driver fatigue during long trips. However, the inconsistencies and quirks of the system were noted as concerns. Overall, while EVs offer numerous advantages, addressing range anxiety and refining autonomous driving technologies will be crucial for their acceptance as viable alternatives to gas-powered vehicles.

    • Mach-E's Autopilot Struggles with CurvesThe Mach-E's autopilot can be less effective during turns, touching rumble strips or yellow lines, and even applying brakes to get driver's attention, while its quiet nature can make important sounds hard to hear.

      The use of the autopilot feature in the Mach-E, while convenient for long stretches of straight driving, can be less effective and even uncomfortable during turns. The car would often touch the rumble strips or yellow lines, and in some cases, would even jar to the right when attempting to navigate curves. This behavior was different from newer versions of autopilot, which are smoother and more consistent. Additionally, the Mach-E's autopilot system uses a camera to monitor the driver's attention, and instead of making a noise or flashing a warning, it would apply the brakes to get the driver's attention. However, the quiet nature of the car made it difficult to notice the turn signals or other important sounds, which could be a safety concern. Overall, while the autopilot feature in the Mach-E can be helpful, it requires the driver to remain vigilant and fully engaged during turns.

    • Sudden braking for safety in AutopilotAutopilot's safety features prioritize driver attention and prevent collisions, causing momentary inconvenience but ensuring safety. The Mach-E offers a comfortable driving experience with added features.

      Tesla's Autopilot system includes safety features like sudden braking to ensure driver attention and prevent potential collisions. These interventions can be unexpected and may cause momentary inconvenience, but they prioritize safety. Additionally, the Mach-E offers a comfortable driving experience with features like wireless charging and comfortable seats, making it a good mid-range option between basic models like the Model 3 and luxury cars like the EQS. The speaker mentioned an unusual experience with Autopilot braking at an overpass shadow, but overall, the system performed well during their long trip.

    • Design choices in Mustang Mach-E impact user experienceDesign elements like charging pad placement and yoke steering wheel may limit functionality and create inconvenience for some users, but unique design and advanced features attract attention and curiosity.

      The design choices in the Mustang Mach-E, such as the placement of the wireless charging pad under the armrest, can limit functionality and create inconvenience for users. While the car offers advanced features like Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, the removal of certain charging ports may annoy some users. Additionally, the unique design of the car, being a Mustang electric vehicle that is not a Tesla, has attracted a lot of attention and curiosity from the public. Ultimately, the user experience depends on individual preferences and adaptability to new technologies and designs. The speaker noted that it took them 2,200 miles to fully get used to the yoke steering wheel, and that they still encounter situations where they miss the traditional buttons. The Mustang Mach-E's unique look and the fact that it is not a Tesla have drawn significant interest from people who prefer the Ford brand or simply do not want a Tesla.

    • The Power of Brand Loyalty in TechBrand loyalty influences consumer choices, even when another option might be objectively better. Tesla's dominance showcases this phenomenon, known as the contrarian effect. Transparency and efficient data processing are crucial in the tech industry, as demonstrated in a car challenge and through sponsorship by SAS.

      Brand loyalty, even in the tech industry, can be a powerful force. During a discussion on Waveform, the hosts touched upon the topic of Tesla's dominance in the market and how people's preferences can lead them to make choices, even if another option might be objectively better for them. This phenomenon, known as the contrarian effect, was further explored in the context of tech fanboys. The hosts also shared their experience of participating in a car challenge where they tested various vehicles, including Tesla's Model 3. They discussed the benefits of having team members who already owned Model 3s, as it allowed for a more informed comparison between similar priced cars. Additionally, the hosts mentioned the stress and excitement of the first day of the challenge and their plans to create recap videos for their audience. They also highlighted the importance of transparency in the wireless industry, promoting Visible, a company that offers unlimited 5G data for $25 a month with no hidden fees. Furthermore, the episode was sponsored by SAS, a data analytics company, emphasizing the importance of quick and efficient data processing in today's world. Overall, the episode showcased the power of brand loyalty, the excitement of car challenges, and the importance of transparency and efficient data processing in the tech industry.

    Recent Episodes from Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!
    This week, Marques is back to discuss all of the news he missed last week (and a bunch of new stuff too). With David out on vacation, Marques and Andrew do Headlines in a Hat and go over everything from the Surface phone that never was to icon theming in iOS 18. They also talk about all of the gadgets that are coming this summer including the Pixel 9 and the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Then we wrap it all up with some trivia questions provided by James Carter of the PodQuiz podcast! It's a fun one, enjoy! Links:  The hat: https://bit.ly/4cioPQR PodQuiz weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ New CMF Teaser: https://bit.ly/3VYsTQq iOS Icon Tinting: https://bit.ly/45GI4kz Surface Duo 3 Patent: https://bit.ly/3WbMVap New Motorola Phones: https://bit.ly/3W0nGY9 Pixel 9 Renders: https://bit.ly/4bnIAVy Volkswagen Group Invests in Rivian: https://cnb.cx/3zmRBRA Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Rumors: https://bit.ly/4chnutt Galaxy Watch Renders: https://bit.ly/4bvUxcc Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz
    We have another bonus episode! In this one, Andrew sits down and talks with James Carter from PodQuiz who began his popular trivia podcast back in 2005. He just published his 1000th episode so Andrew took the opportunity to pick his brain on how he comes up with his questions and the current state of podcasting.  Links:  PodQuiz Weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ James Carter: https://www.jfc.org.uk/ Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?
    This week, Marques is out working on a big video project so he left Andrew and David in charge of going over the news of the week. First they give their quick impressions on the new Surface devices that showed up right before we sat down to record. Then they discuss the new Threads API before getting into a new Instagram competitor. After that, they discuss the DOJ suing Adobe and YouTube experimenting with community notes. Lastly, they talk about the CMF Phone 1 teaser before wrapping it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  Threads Launches API: https://bit.ly/3z4Cmwr YouTube Community Notes: http://tcrn.ch/3xsKEhi TikTok Launches Whee: https://bit.ly/4ca44qa DOJ Sues Adobe: https://bit.ly/3RBdFOG CMF Phone Teaser: https://bit.ly/3RBZt7X TLD Health Update Video: https://bit.ly/4eyxYGj Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Everything From WWDC 2024!

    Everything From WWDC 2024!
    This week was WWDC, and the podcast crew has some thoughts! Marques chats with Andrew and David about everything from Apple Intelligence to the new iPad calculator app. There's so much to get into so we hope you enjoy! Links:  MKBHD Recap video: https://bit.ly/3KOHc3r MKBHD vs Tim Cook: https://bit.ly/3x70kGZ Snazzy Labs Spatial Photos: https://bit.ly/4eeDPAq Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?
    There was a lot to get into this week! First, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss Instagram testing unskippable ads before getting into some Microsoft Recall news. Then they go deep on what they expect to see from Apple's WWDC 2024 next week. Then we finish it up with a call to action: we want to add some sounds to our soundboard so make sure to leave a comment on YouTube with your favorite soundbite. We then of course round it out with some trivia. Links:  Instagram Unskippable Ads: https://tcrn.ch/4ecanuL Kevin Beaumont Micosoft Recall Security Issues: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog MacRumors WWDC Predictions: https://bit.ly/4bLeX1y Thread radios in Mac: https://bit.ly/4aQGrSe Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!
    A lot happened this week! Marques, Andrew, and David jump into a ton of different topics ranging from the special edition Nothing Phone 2a and the death of the Spotify Car Thing. Then they get into Google AI overview telling people to eat rocks and the Coffeezilla series about the Rabbit R1. Lastly, Miles comes on to talk about the new hybrid Porsche 911 with Marques and David. Links:  Thanksgiving Pea video: https://bit.ly/3VmLpkZ Marques Apple Testing: https://bit.ly/4aH2b2S Verge Spotify Car Thing: https://bit.ly/450vRqB Louis Rossmann Spotify Car Things video: https://bit.ly/4aKaPh8 Emma Roth Disable AI overview: https://bit.ly/3R79WIh Coffeezilla Rabbit R1 Part 1: https://bit.ly/3X3N7cl Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Miles:https://www.youtube.com/@CarswithMiles TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!
    It's bonus episode time! What started as a small segment for Ellis to recommend something, turned into an entire dedicated episode where Marques, Andrew, and David suggest some of their favorite things! The topics range from some of their favorite YouTubers and YouTube videos, all the way to something that you can buy that has to come with a handle. It's a bit chaotic but a ton of fun! YouTube Videos Mentioned: Formula Addict - https://www.youtube.com/@formulaaddict/videos Internet Shaquille: https://www.youtube.com/@internetshaquille/videos Natasha Adams: https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasCars Mii's Daily: https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMiisDaily Roy Hibbert: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyHibbertYT Ben Jordan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOd4RLNeT4 Digital Spaghetti w/Gaux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDAqyQIaUPY Ken (Denky): Exploring tokyo's biggest tech store Time for Sushi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXiwNjkhxU& Settled Swamppletics: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=runescape+settled+swampletics The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK2SMIOHYig Products Mentioned: Anker 2-in-1 USB-C Memory Card reader: https://geni.us/C5JdR Omnitype IRL edition: https://geni.us/bC2N Air Blower Dust Bulb: https://geni.us/iD8Ni2f Red XLR Cable: https://geni.us/ebrXo Ryobi One Cordless Drill: https://geni.us/HZLIZ Headlamp: https://geni.us/wVYT DXA Micro Pro: https://geni.us/DbZh Gaffer Tape: https://geni.us/Wafj Mousepad: https://geni.us/ovvUtUd Smallrig Tripod Fluid Head: https://geni.us/oqxgEc Logitech MX Master 3: https://geni.us/k0xNZh Pulsar X2: https://geni.us/HPGW2d8 Artisan Obscura: https://geni.us/p2fI EUFY Keyboard Deadbolt: https://geni.us/Hlbo2M Vacuum Pad Camera Opener: https://geni.us/0eyonvg Neewer Panoramic Pannic: https://geni.us/noblAn dbrand skin: https://geni.us/VA3M RTIC Cooler: https://geni.us/hCPC Ridge Commuter backpack: https://geni.us/szzU01z Brevite backpack: https://geni.us/NpQptdj Moment Everything Backpack: https://geni.us/ggxAylR Peak Design Everyday backpack: https://geni.us/VaMIhn Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?
    This week, Marques jumps right into it with Andrew and David about the OpenAI vs Scarlett Johansson drama regarding one of the voices from ChatGPT 4o. Then they dig into the new Surface products from the Microsoft event and David explains why the move to ARM is such a big deal. To close it out they talk about a feature that Rivian is adding to its cars and a different feature Tesla is removing from its cars. Enjoy! Links:  Scarlett Johansson statement: https://bit.ly/4axIUkb Wired article David mentions: https://bit.ly/4c8UpjB Sci-Fi joke: https://bit.ly/3UTutkP MacObserver Circle to Search news: https://bit.ly/452CGrx Decoder interview with Sundar Pichai: https://bit.ly/44S63wF Dave2D Video: https://bit.ly/44YWhJk Rivian Adding YouTube and Cast: https://bit.ly/44XgmQ6 Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O
    This was a week full of AI events! First, Marques gives a few thoughts on the new iPads since he missed last week and then Andrew and David bring him up to speed with all the weirdness that happened during Google I/O and the OpenAI event. Then we finish it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk MacStories iPadOS: https://bit.ly/3V1G0Qq The Keyword: https://bit.ly/4blfFm5 OpenAI GPT-4o Announcements: https://bit.ly/3V3Sabv 9to5Google I/O 2024 Article: https://bit.ly/3V2rDLv Merch tweet: https://bit.ly/4bnhNcV Shop products mentioned: Apple iPad Air: https://geni.us/SsXTRLt Apple iPad Pro M4: https://geni.us/HXDlXo Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!

    New OLED iPad and Pixel 8a!
    Marques was out sick when we recorded, so Andrew and David take over the pod and talk about all of the newest gadgets that came out this week! They start with the new Nintendo Switch rumors before digging into the new iPads that were announced. Then they get into the Pixel 8a before we wrap it all up with trivia. It's a surprisingly busy month and we're just getting started. Enjoy! Links:  Cam James Channel: https://bit.ly/3WyhyHq David Imel Sparkle Video: https://bit.ly/4btBVK4 Nintendo Switch 2 pre-announcement : https://bit.ly/4btt2QK Nintendo Switch 2 Joycons: https://bit.ly/3WCjij6 MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk New iPads: https://apple.co/3QDvbRW MKBHD Pixel 8a: https://bit.ly/4bxvNjW Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    YouTube version of the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/stilltbdpodcast

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    Follow us on Twitter: @stilltbdfm @byseanferrell @mattferrell or @undecidedmf

    Undecided with Matt Ferrell: https://www.youtube.com/undecidedmf 

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    180: Mailbag Revisited


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    YouTube version of the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/stilltbdpodcast

    Get in touch: https://undecidedmf.com/podcast-feedback

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    Follow us on Twitter: @stilltbdfm @byseanferrell @mattferrell or @undecidedmf

    Undecided with Matt Ferrell: https://www.youtube.com/undecidedmf

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