
    About this Episode

    If you've ever struggled with anxious thoughts or self-limiting beliefs, THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU. And if you haven't, please let us know your secrets ;) 

    In this podcast, we talk about the 4 Questions by Byron Katie, and how we can use them to get rid of self-limiting beliefs or anxious thoughts. I walk you through a real-life example based on a common limiting belief I hear from clients: "I will always take up this much space."

    Plus, we do something I've never done on the podcast before: we work through one of your limiting beliefs together WORKSHOP STYLE, as if you were my client and I was coaching you through the exercise!


    Show notes/resources: juliebooher.com/podcast/102

    Healthy & Happy Book: juliebooher.com/book

    Recent Episodes from Healthy and Happy | Create a Body and Life You Love

    Going on a MENTAL Diet... Join Me?

    Going on a MENTAL Diet... Join Me?

    Listen: I am NOT a fan of traditional, unsustainable food diets. You know this.

    But what I CAN get behind: a MENTAL diet.

    People are quick to go on diets when they don't PHYSICALLY feel their best, but how often do we go on a MENTAL diet to ruthlessly eliminate all the negative inputs for our brains when we don't MENTALLY feel our best?

    On this podcast, we talk a lot about food consumption. But overall wellness goes beyond what type of food you're consuming — it's the type of media you're consuming, conversations you're having, people you're surrounding yourself with, what you listen to, and how you think on a daily basis.

    In this episode, I share a vulnerable story about what I've been going through recently that led me to the point of NEEDING this mental diet. Plus, we go over what the 30-day "mental diet" actually entails.

    Would love to hear your thoughts and if you're joining me!

    Instagram: @byjuliebooher (DM me here about my Healthy & Happy Mama 8-Week Program!!)
    Buy my book, Healthy & Happy: Find Food Freedom & Create the Body You Love, HERE.

    Self Care When Life Sucks (UPDATED) | Prioritizing Wellness During Grief, Loss and Heartbreak

    Self Care When Life Sucks (UPDATED) | Prioritizing Wellness During Grief, Loss and Heartbreak

    I recorded a podcast titled "Self Care When Life Sucks" a few years ago on this podcast when I was going through a really challenging period of my life. It's one of the most downloaded episodes because if there's one thing we can all relate to — it's that life ain't always rainbows and butterflies.

    Now, I am currently going through a deep period of grief after my dad's passing in December, so I wanted to remake this episode to share my updated self-care practices during this extremely difficult time. (Note: This episode is for anyone who's going through a challenging period in their life, not necessarily just grief or loss.)

    In this episode, we cover:

    • A little bit about my grieving process (and how it will be different than yours/anyone else's)
    • How I am taking care of myself emotionally, physically and beyond
    • How to show up for someone you love who's grieving 
    • And more

    If you can relate to this episode, I'm sending you a huge hug. Please know that you are seen, valued and loved. I hope this episode can bring you peace, comfort, and hopefully a little motivation to care for yourself during an extremely challenging time in your life. <3 

    Eat Well & Stress LESS About Your Food/Training Over the Holidays with Mark Novak

    Eat Well & Stress LESS About Your Food/Training Over the Holidays with Mark Novak

    Today my husband, Mark Novak, joins us on the Healthy & Happy Podcast.

    Once you get past the weirdness of the first few minutes (you'll see what I mean LOL), the rest of the episode is super insightful and can help shift the way you view the holiday season re: food and training. 

    In this episode, we cover:

    • How to shift your identity to become the type of person you want to be 
    • Practical tips for food and exercise over the holidays 
    • Why some people fail vs. succeed over the holidays
    • Why the last 6 weeks of the year matter, and how you can get ahead for 2024
    • And more!

    Follow Mark @thestrongdadclub
    Follow Julie @byjuliebooher

    If you're a mama who wants to create food freedom and a build lean, energized body in 8 weeks without ever dieting again, DM me "mama" on Instagram. Only 10 spots are available in this pilot program and we start January 1!

    LIFE AUDIT 101: Becoming Your Next Level Self | A Powerful Way to Level Up Your Physical & Mental Health

    LIFE AUDIT 101: Becoming Your Next Level Self | A Powerful Way to Level Up Your Physical & Mental Health

    GIIIIRL this podcast gets vulnerable. I share some of the changes I've made in my life recently via my LIFE AUDIT FORMULA.
    If you feel like there's a gap between where you are, and where you know you're meant to be, this episode is absolutely for you.  If you're sick of your own BS and have gotten stuck in negative physical/emotional habits, THIS IS DEEEFINITELY for you! 

    In this episode, we cover:

    • What is a life audit and how to do it to get the best results
    • How to give yourself grace for where you are AND *lovingly* hold yourself accountable so that you can improve your physical and mental health
    • Why typical "goal setting" isn't really effective (hint: there's a KEY piece you're probably leaving out!)
    • How to reinvent systems and habits in your life that are no longer working for you
    • Real life examples of how I'm auditing my health, home, family systems, work, finances & online presence

    If you want me to walk you through your own life audit, DM "Life Audit" to @healthyhappypodcast and I'll send you more info!


    Podcast Instagram: @healthyhappypodcast
    My Book | Healthy & Happy: Find Food Freedom and Create the Body You Love: juliebooher.com/book
    Apply for Coaching | HEALTHY & HAPPY: THE FORMULA:
    If you're interested in applying for my 12-week nutrition/mindset coaching program, The Formula, check out more information and apply here.

    4 Easy Meal Prep Hacks for Busy People Who Hate Meal Prep

    4 Easy Meal Prep Hacks for Busy People Who Hate Meal Prep

    I've tried what feels like a bajillion different styles of meal prepping at this point, and these four SUPER SIMPLE hacks are the only things that I've been consistently able to stick to.
    Pick one you'd like to start with and try it this week! Tag me on your IG story when you do @byjuliebooher. Love to see you implementing what you're learning on the pod :)


    Leave a review on Apple Podcasts (bonus if you also rate the pod on Spotify!), then send a screenshot of your review to julie@juliebooher.com so I can send you a FREE copy of my Meal Prep Made Easy ebook.


    Podcast Instagram: @healthyhappypodcast
    My Book | Healthy & Happy: Find Food Freedom and Create the Body You Love: juliebooher.com/book
    Apply for Coaching | HEALTHY & HAPPY: THE FORMULA:
    If you're interested in applying for my 12-week nutrition/mindset coaching program, The Formula, check out more information and apply here.

    Let Your Excuse Become Your Reason | This Mindset Shift CHANGED MY LIFE

    Let Your Excuse Become Your Reason | This Mindset Shift CHANGED MY LIFE


    I'm excited to pop in more frequently with these shorter episodes (between the longer ones) to give you some actionable, tangible nuggets of wisdom that will change your life in 5 minutes or less.
    Give it a listen and let me know on Instagram (@byjuliebooher) how you'll be turning one of your main excuses into the REASON you do what you've always wanted to do.
    BIG HUGS! Love ya

    If you love it, please tag us on your Instagram story so we can show you love for listening!
    And if you leave a review, send a screenshot to julie@juliebooher.com so I can send you a copy of my Meal Prep Made Easy ebook.

    Podcast Instagram: @healthyhappypodcast
    My Book | Healthy & Happy: Find Food Freedom and Create the Body You Love: juliebooher.com/book
    Apply for Coaching | HEALTHY & HAPPY: THE FORMULA:
    If you're interested in applying for my 12-week nutrition/mindset coaching program, The Formula, check out more information and apply here.

    How to Get Motivated, Build Mental & Physical Resilience, and Become the Partner You Want to Have with My Fitness Coach, Andrew Wilhelm

    How to Get Motivated, Build Mental & Physical Resilience, and Become the Partner You Want to Have with My Fitness Coach, Andrew Wilhelm

    Today on the Healthy & Happy Podcast, we have none other than my fitness coach, dear friend, and the FIRST man on the podcast (besides Mark) ... *drum roll please* Andrew Wilhelm! 

    Ladies, you know I am super protective of our space, and I wouldn't bring a guest on unless I knew their inspiration and insights could change your life. I hope this episode leaves you feeling inspired, motivated, and ready to face and mental or physical challenges that come up for you this week (or in your life in general).

    We touch on a lot of subjects in this episode — which was so fun — including:

    • How to stick to a training routine when you have every excuse not to (tough season of life, becoming a parent, etc.) 
    • Becoming liberated from negativity
    • How fitness is actually personal development
    • The advice Andrew gave me that completely changed the way I look at my training when I told him I was bored with my workouts/not motivated 
    • The NUMBER ONE struggle Andrew hears from his clients, and what his advice is
    • Top 3 things to look for when looking for a coach
    • How Andrew built undeniable proof that he's a person who's trustworthy and dependable after hitting a rock-bottom moment
    •  Establishing "mandatory minimums," and how they can help you build self-trust and confidence
    • Should you rely on internal or external motivation?
    • The HILARIOUS story of how Andrew's wife pursued him 
    • How to become the partner you want to have + how to love unconditionally without keeping score
    • Redefining modern-day masculinity and what it means to be a strong, compassionate and safe man in today's society

    This podcast (and being around Andrew in general) always calls me forward and challenges the way I think, and I hope it does the same for you.

    You can find more information about Andrew and his coaching here:

    If you love it, please tag us on your Instagram story so we can show you love for listening! And if you leave a review, send a screenshot to julie@juliebooher.com so I can send you a copy of my Meal Prep Made Easy ebook.

    Podcast Instagram: @healthyhappypodcast
    My Book | Healthy & Happy: Find Food Freedom and Create the Body You Love: juliebooher.com/book
    Apply for Coaching | HEALTHY & HAPPY: THE FORMULA:
    If you're interested in applying for my 12-week nutrition/mindset coaching program, The Formula, check out more information and apply here.

    A New Beginning: The Future of the Podcast

    A New Beginning: The Future of the Podcast

    This episode has been a long time coming, and it has taken me a LOT to share this one. What you DON'T see behind the recording of this episode is the years it took to find my voice again and feel confident sharing, and the months after I recorded this episode wondering whether or not I should release it for fear of ruffling too many feathers. This may be my most controversial episode yet, and I'm OK with that! 

    Here's what we talk about:

    • The different phases of the wellness journey (how to identify which phase you're in and what type of coach would be best suited for you in that phase)
    • My own evolution in my message & the NEW direction of what I'll be sharing on the podcast
    • Why it's important to share your truth unapologetically
    • And so much more vulnerability and realness

    Please DM me and let me know your thoughts! I would love to hear your feedback about the direction of the pod. @byjuliebooher

    Part 3: Intuitive Eating With Light Structure | The Plus-One Strategy

    Part 3: Intuitive Eating With Light Structure | The Plus-One Strategy

    In part 3 of my nutrition series all about intuitive eating with light structure, we're chatting all about my plus-one strategy.

    In this episode, you'll learn how to:

    • Enjoy ALL the foods you love in a way that helps you feel balanced and supported
    • Let go of the guilt surrounding your food choices 
    • How to be a health-focused person while still indulging in foods you may have previously considered "off limits"
    • Create your own plus-one to any meal (with tangible examples)

    Before you listen to this episode, make sure you listen to parts 1 & 2 first so that it all ties together!

    Parts 1 & 2 of this series:



    Episodes referenced in this episode: 


    Tag me on Instagram if you listen to the episode! And if you leave a review, send a screenshot to julie@juliebooher.com so I can send you a copy of my Meal Prep Made Easy ebook.

    Podcast Instagram: @healthyhappypodcast
    My Book | Healthy & Happy: Find Food Freedom and Create the Body You Love: juliebooher.com/book

    Don't Call It a Comeback Baybeeeee (Perfectionism & Future of Healthy and Happy)

    Don't Call It a Comeback Baybeeeee (Perfectionism & Future of Healthy and Happy)

    well well well... here we are, folks! 
    In this episode, I face my perfectionism demons and talk about why it's important to just START and CHIP AWAY at something that's important to you (even if you feel rusty AF)
    We also briefly discuss my thoughts on the future of this pod & what I look forward to sharing with you in the future.
    Hit me up on the gram fam @byjuliebooher