
    #102 - Frank Dikotter - How To Be A Dictator

    enSeptember 12, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective Dictators' Balancing Act of Power and Popular SupportDictators need to seize power and create an illusion of popular support through various means, including terror, secret police, military forces, and concentration camps, while also coercing their people into acclaiming them.

      Being a dictator involves a paradoxical balance of power and popular support. Frank Dicotter, in his book "How to be a Dictator," explores this concept by examining eight effective dictators of the 21st century, including Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, and Kim Il Sung. While each dictator was unique, they all shared the need to seize power and create the illusion of popular support through a cult of personality. This was achieved through various means, such as terror, secret police, military forces, and concentration camps, while also coercing their people into acclaiming them. The book serves as a historical analysis rather than a self-help guide for aspiring dictators. Dicotter's motivation for writing the book stemmed from his career as a historian, observing the contradictory trends of power separation and concentration throughout the 20th century.

    • Dictators present as democratic, but maintain power through loyaltyDictators may start with democratic intentions, but their desire for power and maintaining it through creating loyalty is the key to their success.

      Modern dictators present themselves as democratic or representing the true will of the people, but they are extremely pragmatic and opportunistic, using whatever comes their way to maintain power. They may begin with democratic intentions but change when power becomes easier to obtain. Successful dictators turn perceived setbacks into advantages and invoke the will of the people to justify coercion. The rise of a dictator can be influenced by their inner personality and a desire for power, but it's the loyalty to their person that matters most to them for maintaining power. Ideology plays a lesser role compared to personal loyalty. Historically, there has been a focus on studying dictators' ideologies, but what truly matters is their desire for power and maintaining it through creating loyalty. A dictator runs the risk of being overthrown, so creating loyalty is a more effective way to maintain power than relying on violence alone.

    • Navigating loyalty for dictatorsDictators face constant pressure to maintain loyalty, creating a cult of personality to reassure and induce anxiety, requiring metacognizant behavior and deception.

      For a dictator, maintaining loyalty is a constant concern. They create a cult of personality, forcing allies and rivals to acclaim them as great leaders, making it difficult to discern true support. Past behavior is indicative of future actions, so a group of sycophants around a dictator can be both reassuring and anxiety-inducing. Dictators must navigate between hubris and paranoia, living a metacognizant life filled with deception and interplay. Some dictators, like Hitler and Stalin, were particularly gifted and able to handle the immense pressure and worry that came with the role. However, even the most capable dictators faced immense stress and some, like Mussolini, may have resorted to drugs to cope.

    • Understanding local culture and adapting ideologiesSuccessful dictators adapt ideologies to fit local culture and circumstances, such as Mao's focus on villages in China and Kim Il Sung's emphasis on self-reliance in North Korea.

      Being a successful dictator requires a deep understanding of local culture and the ability to adapt ideologies to fit specific circumstances. Dictators are unique individuals who are closely linked to their countries and make themselves to measure for their roles. For instance, Mao in China turned Marxist ideology upside down by making villages the focal point of the revolution, while Kim Il Sung in North Korea wrote Marxism out of the constitution and emphasized self-reliance. Kim Il Sung himself was an extraordinary figure who managed to play the Soviet Union and China against each other to obtain more independence for North Korea. However, becoming a dictator comes with challenges, such as understanding local culture, maintaining control, and dealing with potential threats from those within the regime. Ultimately, dictators are complex individuals who defy easy categorization, and their success depends on their ability to navigate the unique circumstances of their countries and times.

    • Dictators and Family SuccessionSome dictators successfully pass power to family members, but this isn't common due to the lack of a retirement plan and the need for absolute control. Extreme measures are taken to eliminate threats and secure power, even within families.

      Some dictators, like Mao Zedong and Papa Doc, have successfully kept their power within their families after their deaths. However, this is not a common trend among dictators, as it largely depends on specific circumstances. Succession is a significant issue for dictators due to the lack of a retirement plan or a guaranteed peaceful transition of power. The examples of Mao Zedong and Papa Doc, as well as Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, illustrate the extreme measures some dictators have taken to eliminate potential threats and secure their power, even within their own families. The cases of Mengistu in Ethiopia and Kim Il Sung in North Korea show that a family member's presence in power can extend the regime's lifespan, but the success of such a strategy is not guaranteed. Ultimately, the fear of being overthrown and the need for absolute control keep dictators in power, making a peaceful transition an elusive goal.

    • Parades in dictatorships: a show of force and false consentDictators use parades to display power, create illusion of consent, and suppress individual freedoms. Modern leaders can learn from the past, balancing transparency, accountability, and individual rights with effective leadership and the rule of law.

      Parades in dictatorships serve as a display of military might and ordinary people's supposed love for the dictator. This creates an illusion of consent and is part of the cult of personality. People often appear happy and enthusiastic, but it's unclear if they genuinely believe in the dictator or are just putting on a show. Dictators are great performers, and ordinary people learn to act accordingly to avoid punishment. The 20th century saw two opposing trends: one towards the separation of powers and building of an accountable civil society, and the other towards authoritarian rule and the suppression of individual freedoms. Today's political figures can learn from both trends, striving for transparency, accountability, and the protection of individual rights while also recognizing the importance of effective leadership and the rule of law.

    • Expansion of democracy over the past centuryDespite trends towards concentration of power, overall democracy has expanded, with checks and balances preventing complete control by one person or party.

      While there have been trends towards the concentration of power in the hands of individuals or parties, the overall trend over the past century has been towards the expansion of democracy. This is not to say that we should be complacent or ignore the existence of dictatorships, but rather recognize how far we have come and the challenges that have been overcome in the past. The use of terms like "coup," "dictator," and "cult of personality" to describe democratically elected leaders can trivialize the horrors experienced by millions during the 20th century under actual dictatorships. It's important to maintain perspective and not overestimate the current threats to democracy. Additionally, the checks and balances and separation of powers that have been put in place as a result of past dictatorships make it difficult for one person or party to gain complete control.

    • Criticizing leaders in authoritarian regimes can have severe consequencesIn authoritarian regimes, expressing criticism of leaders can lead to severe consequences, despite the Internet's initial promise as a tool of liberation. Governments closely monitor citizens and suppress dissent, creating an Orwellian environment where reality and the dictated version can differ greatly.

      While criticism of political leaders is commonplace in democratic societies, the consequences of expressing such criticism in authoritarian regimes like China can be severe. The charisma and oratorical skills of leaders, both in the past and present, have been effective tools in maintaining control. The Internet, once seen as a tool of liberation, is now being carefully monitored and used to suppress dissent in these regimes, creating an Orwellian environment. The fear of internal uprisings has led these governments to closely monitor their citizens, with the possibility of uprisings often coming from within. The contrast between the reality being dictated and the reality that is actually happening can be striking.

    • Understanding China's Unique Regime and Its Uncertain FutureChina's authoritarian regime, despite its longevity, is not invincible and its future remains uncertain. Contrast between Hong Kong's autonomy and mainland's rule highlights stark differences.

      The People's Republic of China is a vastly different civilization with a unique regime that restricts individual freedoms. This regime, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary next month, is often volatile and rarely lasts long. While some authoritarian regimes have managed to endure for extended periods, such as the Soviet Union, they are the exception rather than the rule. The speaker emphasized the stark contrast between Hong Kong, a sophisticated city with a high degree of autonomy, and the mainland, which is ruled by a backward and barbaric regime. Despite its longevity, the Chinese regime is not invincible, and its future remains uncertain. If you're interested in learning more about the inner workings of a dictatorship, the speaker recommended checking out "How to Be a Dictator" in the show notes. Amazon, the online retail giant, was not identified as a dictatorship, but the speaker did leave the door open for the possibility that Jeff Bezos, its CEO, might be harboring authoritarian tendencies.

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    This series is supported by the BUILD program of the Ford Foundation.

    Theme music from Mann ke Manjeeré: an album of women’s dreams,  (c) Breakthrough 2000.  Used with permission. 

    Production team: Mallika Dutt, Devadas Labrecque, Ambika Pressman.

    If you enjoy the podcast, please share. I’d also appreciate a short review. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps us reach more people.  Thank you.

    For show notes and past guests and transcripts, please visit mallikadutt.com/podcast/

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    S1 Ep03: Understanding Power for Organizational Change

    S1 Ep03: Understanding Power for Organizational Change

    As more and more organizations implode, we urgently need tools to transform oppressive power dynamics in the workplace. Join Srilatha Batliwala as she shows us how to understand and analyze visible, invisible and hidden patterns of power to create dramatic organizational shifts. 

    Srilatha’s work has spanned grassroots activism, building movements of marginalized women, policy advocacy, and capacity building of young activists around the world.

    She currently serves as Senior Advisor, Knowledge Building with CREA, (Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action), a global organization based in New Delhi, India, that works at the intersection of gender, sexuality and human rights. 



    This series is supported by the BUILD program of the Ford Foundation.

    Theme music from Mann ke Manjeeré: an album of women’s dreams,  (c) Breakthrough 2000.  Used with permission. 

    Production team: Mallika Dutt, Devadas Labrecque, Ambika Pressman.

    If you enjoy the podcast, please share. I’d also appreciate a short review. It takes less than 60 seconds and helps us reach more people.  Thank you.

    For show notes and past guests and transcripts, please visit mallikadutt.com/podcast/

    Sign up for Mallika’s email newsletter at mallikadutt.com/join

    Follow Mallika:

    Twitter: twitter.com/mallikadutt

    Instagram: instagram.com/mallikadutt

    Facebook: facebook.com/mallikadutt

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MallikaDutt-IC