
    102- The Toxic Dick Daze (ft. Katie Florence)

    enNovember 18, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding feelings and motivations during quarantineAcknowledge and address emotions and thoughts during challenging times to improve mental health.

      Even during challenging times, it's important to prioritize mental health and self-reflection. In this case, a woman named Alex, who has been in quarantine with a man, realized during a therapy session that she hadn't taken the time to understand her feelings and motivations. She had been ghosting her therapist, but eventually showed up and had a deep conversation about her comfort zone, happiness, and the reasons for her actions. The therapist encouraged her to reflect on these questions before their next session. This experience highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing our emotions and thoughts, especially when we're out of our comfort zone.

    • Living with companionship and independenceDiscovering that companionship and independence aren't mutually exclusive, one can enjoy both while living with someone before being in a relationship.

      It's possible to have both companionship and independence in a living arrangement without being in a full-blown relationship. The speaker shares her experience of living with someone during quarantine, where she feels she's maintaining her independence while also enjoying companionship. She realizes that she's equated these two concepts with compromise and giving away independence, but her current situation is proving that assumption wrong. She's able to run her life as she normally would while also sharing her living space with someone. This discovery has brought her a sense of peace and happiness, as she's not feeling suffocated or pressured. The speaker concludes that this living arrangement before being in a relationship, also known as "putting the cart before the horse," can be a way to test the waters and explore the possibility of having both companionship and independence.

    • Exploring unique perspectives on relationships and independenceThrough conversations with fellow 'Daddy Gang' members, we can learn new insights about relationships and understand that everyone's experiences and approaches are unique

      Being independent and having alone time doesn't mean you're tied down or losing a part of yourself in relationships. It's important to recognize that everyone in the "Daddy Gang" is unique and can learn from each other's experiences. The speaker, Alex, shares her fear of relationships and how she's grown to understand that giving a part of herself doesn't mean she's losing her independence. She also expresses her excitement about having a fellow "Daddy Gang" member, Katie Florence, on the show to share her perspective and dating experiences. Through these conversations, listeners can gain new insights and learn that there's no one right way to date or approach relationships.

    • From substitute teacher to TikTok sensation: How Katie turned a heartbreaking experience into a successful careerEven in the face of adversity, individuals have the power to adapt, pivot, and find success through resilience and determination.

      Even in the face of adversity, such as a heartbreaking experience or unexpected circumstances like a global pandemic, individuals have the power to turn their situations around and find success. Katie, a 24-year-old psychology graduate from the University of Central Florida, is a prime example of this. She started creating videos for TikTok during quarantine, using her background in psychology to provide self-aware and entertaining content. Before that, she was a substitute teacher and was working towards becoming a registered behavior technician. However, the fun and fulfillment she experienced from creating videos led her to reconsider her career goals. An intriguing part of Katie's story is how she was inspired to start her videos. She was heartbroken after being ghosted on New Year's Eve and spent the following day crying and feeling ugly. In an attempt to make herself laugh, she joked about the situation and decided to create a sex podcast. However, upon listening to an existing podcast, she realized she couldn't compete and instead pivoted to creating videos about relationships and self-awareness, which led to the creation of her popular TikTok channel, "The Council." This story highlights the importance of resilience and the ability to adapt to new situations, even when faced with disappointment or setbacks.

    • From Substitute to Success: Pursuing Passions Late in LifeIt's never too late to pivot and pursue your passions, even if you've made mistakes or feel uncertain. Own your vulnerabilities, take risks, and go after what you truly want in life.

      No matter where you are in life, it's never too late to pivot and pursue your passions. Katie's story of going from a substitute teacher to a successful business owner serves as an inspiration for anyone feeling stuck in their current situation. Additionally, the podcast discusses the importance of owning your mistakes and vulnerabilities, and not being afraid to admit when you're unsure or feeling like a fraud. The speaker encourages listeners to take risks and go after what they truly want in life, no matter how daunting it may seem. And, if you're feeling particularly clingy in relationships, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and it's okay to learn and grow from them.

    • The Power of Sexual Satisfaction in Toxic RelationshipsSexual satisfaction can keep people in toxic relationships, despite emotional pain and humiliation.

      Everyone has experienced being in toxic relationships or being a toxic partner at some point in their lives. These experiences can be particularly challenging when it comes to sexual intimacy and the pursuit of validation or desirable lifestyles. One woman, Katie, shared her story of being ghosted twice by a man she was deeply attracted to, but what kept her coming back was the fact that he was the first person to give her an orgasm during sex. This revelation highlights the power of sexual satisfaction in keeping people in toxic relationships, despite the emotional pain and humiliation that often comes with them. It's essential to remember that everyone has their vulnerabilities and that toxic relationships can happen to anyone, regardless of gender or age.

    • Understanding Women's Sexual ExperiencesEffective communication and focusing on partner's pleasure are crucial for women's sexual satisfaction. Everyone's experiences are unique, and first orgasms can come unexpectedly.

      Women's sexual experiences and satisfaction can vary greatly. The speaker shares her personal experience of not realizing that most women don't orgasm through penetration alone, leading her to believe she was having normal sex even when she wasn't having orgasms. She emphasizes the importance of communication and focus on the partner's pleasure, as opposed to just satisfying one's own needs. Her first orgasm came unexpectedly during a position where she was on top and her partner encouraged her to keep going. She encourages women who haven't experienced orgasms during sex to keep trying and not to feel down about it, as everyone's body and experiences are unique.

    • Complex behaviors in relationships influenced by past experiencesBe aware of red flags and maintain healthy communication to avoid being manipulated in relationships

      People's behaviors in relationships can be complex and influenced by their past experiences. Katie's clinginess stems from her long-term singleness and excitement to be with someone new. She's attracted to alpha personalities but warns about the potential dangers of being with a sociopath or narcissist. In a recent interaction with Mr. Big, he manipulated her mentally, leaving her confused and unsure of their relationship status. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of red flags and maintaining healthy communication in relationships.

    • Recognizing and Leaving Manipulative RelationshipsAcknowledge manipulative behaviors, prioritize self-respect, and distance yourself from unhealthy relationships.

      Manipulative relationships can be hard to recognize and leave, but it's important to prioritize self-respect and trust. The speaker shares an experience with a manipulative person, Katie, who made her feel small and used. Despite her conflicting feelings, the speaker acknowledges that she cannot trust Katie and should distance herself. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their own relationships and be aware of manipulative behaviors, such as making someone feel little or caught off guard. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing unhealthy patterns and taking steps to prioritize personal well-being.

    • Discomfort and unwelcome racial comments during intimate encountersEducate yourself about different cultures, treat everyone as individuals, focus on commonalities, communicate and consent in interracial relationships.

      Racial comments during intimate encounters can be uncomfortable and unwelcome for some individuals. These comments can range from fetishizing to making assumptions based on race. The person in the conversation shared their experiences of being objectified and tokenized by white men during sexual encounters. They felt uncomfortable and didn't know how to respond. The advice given was to educate oneself about different cultures and treat everyone as individuals, focusing on the commonalities rather than differences. The conversation also touched upon the importance of communication and consent in any relationship, regardless of race. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respect and understanding in interracial dating.

    • Respecting Preferences in IntimacyCommunication and respect are key in sexual relationships. Everyone has unique preferences, and it's essential to respect each other's choices, including whether or not to swallow during oral sex.

      Everyone has unique preferences and experiences when it comes to intimacy, including the act of swallowing during oral sex. While some people enjoy it, others do not, and it's essential to respect each other's choices. One speaker shared her discomfort with the texture and taste of semen, leading to the use of humor to express her feelings. Another speaker expressed her support for those who don't swallow and encouraged open communication about preferences. The discussion also touched on the logistical challenges of performing oral sex underwater and the importance of considering the potential consequences before trying new things. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of respect, communication, and understanding in sexual relationships.

    • Choices that deviate from societal norms can lead to unexpected outcomesPeople's personal choices can bring about unexpected consequences, whether it's getting a piercing or exploring polyamory, and individuals must navigate their own paths based on their desires and experiences.

      People make choices in their lives that may not align with societal norms or expectations, and these choices can bring about unexpected outcomes. For instance, getting nipple piercings can lead to a loss of sensitivity but also a newfound appreciation for their appearance. Similarly, exploring polyamorous relationships can provide an alternative to monogamy and bring about new experiences, but it also comes with its own challenges and complexities. Ultimately, individuals must navigate their own paths and make decisions based on their personal desires and experiences.

    • Open relationships and blurred linesClear communication, boundaries, and respect are crucial for any relationship, whether open or monogamous.

      Open relationships can blur the lines of monogamy when communication and boundaries are not clearly defined. The speaker shared an experience where her partner was dating multiple women and brought them into her social circle, normalizing discussions about their relationships and sex lives. While the speaker initially saw this as a higher level concept, she soon felt uncomfortable and her relationship with her partner became blurred. The comparison and questioning of her own worth in the relationship led her to realize that she was not comfortable with this dynamic. It's important to remember that every relationship is unique and open relationships may not work for everyone. Clear communication, boundaries, and mutual respect are essential for any successful relationship, whether monogamous or not.

    • Letting go of toxic relationships opens doors to new, healthy connectionsFear of missing out on a better partner can keep us in harmful relationships, but letting go allows us to meet even more amazing people. Communication, understanding, and respecting desires and boundaries are crucial for healthy sexual relationships.

      Holding on to toxic relationships can prevent us from fully opening ourselves up to new, healthy connections. The speaker's fear of missing out on a better partner kept her in a harmful relationship, but once she let go, she was able to meet someone even more amazing. Additionally, communication and understanding are key in healthy sexual relationships. It's important to express desires and boundaries, and for partners to respect them. Being open to trying new things and understanding the difference between aggressive and rough can lead to a more satisfying sexual experience.

    • Communication and consent in intimate relationshipsPlace hands on partner's chest for better balance and control during sex, recognize red flags, and communicate openly for a healthy and consensual sexual experience

      Communication and consent are crucial in intimate relationships. During the discussion on Call Her Daddy, Katie and Alex talked about various aspects of sexual experiences, including comfort, aggression, and red flags. Katie shared her tip for women on how to feel more stable and comfortable during sex by placing their hands on their partner's chest for better balance and control. They also discussed the importance of recognizing red flags, such as a partner expressing a lack of commitment or interest in a relationship while still wanting to engage sexually. Katie emphasized that if a man is genuinely interested in a relationship, he won't express such red flags. The conversation underscored the importance of open communication, respect, and consent in sexual encounters.

    • Embrace Unique Goals and DesiresRecognize and pursue personal goals, even if unconventional, and prioritize self-happiness over societal expectations.

      Everyone has unique goals and desires, and it's important to recognize and pursue them, even if they may seem unconventional or unexpected to others. Katie's story of wanting to be on a specific podcast despite initial doubts from her partner showcases this idea. Additionally, the discussion highlights the importance of self-reflection and seeking guidance when facing difficult decisions, especially in relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and prioritizing personal happiness over societal expectations or pressures.

    • Don't let material possessions keep you in an unfulfilling relationshipPrioritize personal growth and happiness over material attachments, communicate clearly, and set boundaries to move on if needed.

      Material possessions should not be the reason to stay in a relationship that is not fulfilling or healthy. It's essential to prioritize personal growth and happiness over financial investments or sentimental attachments to objects. If someone is constantly pushing for a relationship that you don't want, communicate clearly and assertively. If they continue to project their desires onto you, consider confronting them directly and setting clear boundaries. Remember, we only have one life, so it's crucial to make the most of it by being honest with ourselves and our partners. Don't let material things hold you back from moving on if a relationship is no longer serving you.

    • Being direct and assertive in confusing relationshipsConfidently navigate complex relationships by being assertive, using humor, and standing firm against manipulation or scams.

      Communication is key in navigating confusing relationships. In the first scenario, the speaker suggests being direct and assertive when dealing with ambiguous texts from a man. She suggests using humor and calling him out on his inconsistency. In the second scenario, the speaker advises standing firm against threats or attempts to manipulate or scam, and encourages spending the money rather than returning it. In both cases, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being confident and assertive in dealing with relationship complexities. Accidentally mixing up names or texts with different partners can even be seen as a sign of desirability for some men.

    • Balance and authenticity in open relationshipsJealousy and deceit can harm open relationships, but a little excitement is normal. Men's focus during doggy style is not on the butthole, but on penetration and movement.

      Open relationships require balance and authenticity. While a little jealousy or accidental text mishaps can add excitement, deliberately trying to provoke jealousy or deceit can lead to fraudulent behavior and transparency issues. As for the question about men focusing on women's buttholes during doggy style, the speaker assures that it's not the focus and that men are primarily enjoying the sensation of penetration and the view of their own movement. Lastly, the speaker announced an upcoming Black Friday sale featuring new tie-dye sweat suits, crop tops, beanies, and phone cases.

    • Stay updated on Call Her Daddy events and guestsCheck the Barstool website and follow Alexandra Cooper's Instagram accounts for the latest Call Her Daddy event information and guest announcements

      Alexandra Cooper, the host of the Call Her Daddy podcast, is encouraging her listeners, or "Daddy Gang," to stay updated on upcoming events and guests by checking the Barstool website, specifically the Call Her Daddy store. She will also be posting about these events on both the Call Her Daddy and her personal Instagram accounts. December is an exciting month for Cooper as she has several guests lined up and is moving to LA. An additional announcement about a potential new venture with her co-host, Lauren, is coming soon. Be sure to follow her social media channels for the latest updates.

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    E556 Ask Nick - My Boyfriend Scammed Me Out of $400

    E556 Ask Nick - My Boyfriend Scammed Me Out of $400

    Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We’re back to answer your burning questions about the world of dating and relationships. Before getting to our callers, we discuss friendship and how hard - but rewarding - it can be to find your people. We then get our latest Breakup Song of the Week submission. Our first caller has a friend with benefits that has a list of “girlfriend criteria.” We go through his list and find out just how ridiculous his expectations and requirements are. Our next caller has a crush on her co worker’s client, and isn’t sure how to shoot her shot without stepping on toes and making work awkward. Is her friend being an unknowing obstacle, or is she interested in her client, too? Our final caller’s boyfriend scammed her out of $400 and refuses to give it back. How has he continued to dodge her requests, and why are they still in a relationship? We get into all of the details. 

    “If you don’t take big swings in life, you won’t have great things either.” 

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    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.comto be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store and https://www.onamp.com for Android listeners.

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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