
    105: Holy Spirit Activate.. Ft. Deison Afualo

    enMarch 09, 2023
    What topics did Morgan and Jason discuss in the podcast?
    Why did the bride ask her fiancé to remove the necklace?
    What was the consensus on the bride's request regarding the necklace?
    What relationship issue did Malcolm's discomfort with hygiene reveal?
    How important is communication in relationships according to the podcast?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Controversial Topics and Personal StoriesIn this episode, Morgan and Jason discussed their experiences with controversial news, shared their thoughts on a bride's request for her fiancé to not wear his late brother's necklace on their wedding day, and joked about various topics. The consensus was that the bride wasn't the asshole for asking him to take it off for one day.

      During the 2 Hot Takes podcast episode, Morgan and Jason discussed various topics including Jason's show with his sister, their experiences with controversial news, and a story about a bride-to-be asking her fiancé not to wear his late brother's necklace on their wedding day. Morgan felt she didn't give Jason enough airtime during their previous appearance, and they joked about Hailey Bieber parking in handicap spots. They also shared their thoughts on the Selena and Hailey drama and the weird experience of hearing a Holy Spirit activation on Family Feud. Morgan then shared a story from Am I the Asshole, where a bride-asked her fiancé not to wear his late brother's necklace on their wedding day, but he refused. The brother passed away and wouldn't be attending the wedding, and the bride felt the necklace was too noticeable. Morgan asked if she was the asshole for asking him to take it off for one day, and the consensus was that she wasn't. Overall, the episode was filled with light-hearted banter and discussions on current events and personal stories.

    • Understanding the Complexity of People's EmotionsPeople's actions and motivations are multifaceted, and it's crucial to consider the depth of their emotions and connections before making judgments.

      People's actions and motivations are not always as simple as they seem on the surface. In the discussed situation, a man wanted to wear a necklace with his late brother's family's initials engraved on it during his wedding. Some people thought it was a sweet gesture to honor his loved ones, while others found it disturbing and disrespectful. The truth was more complex – the necklace also held sentimental value as a gift from his brother before his passing. It's essential to consider the depth of people's emotions and connections before making judgments. Moreover, the discussion also touched upon the idea of a wedding being more than just a single day. It marks the beginning of a new life with your partner, and it's crucial to show respect and understanding towards each other's feelings and traditions. Lastly, the conversation reminded us that everyone has different perspectives, and it's important to communicate openly and empathetically to find common ground.

    • Family ties leading to selfless decisions at a young ageFamily ties can lead young individuals to make significant sacrifices for the wellbeing of their loved ones, highlighting the importance of communication, understanding, and empathy in difficult times.

      Family and love can lead individuals to make selfless decisions, even at a young age. Malcolm, despite being only 22, agreed to take on the responsibility of raising Elena when Sandra asked him to do so. This decision was made without consulting his partner, who felt upset and left out. Sandra, a dying woman, wanted to ensure Elena's stability and happiness, and felt that Malcolm was the best option. The situation is complex, with various emotions and perspectives at play. It highlights the importance of communication, understanding, and empathy in difficult times. While some may view Malcolm's decision as selfish, others may see it as an act of love and duty towards family. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder that family ties can lead individuals to make significant sacrifices for the wellbeing of their loved ones.

    • Malcolm's past discomfort led to a breakup during his girlfriend's menstrual cycleEffective communication and understanding are essential for maintaining healthy relationships, as past experiences and perceptions can significantly impact current actions and perceptions.

      People's past experiences and perceptions can significantly influence their current actions and relationships. In the discussed post, a man named Malcolm broke up with his girlfriend due to her menstrual cycle. Although she had initially dismissed his aversion to women's hygiene as childish, she was later left hurt and confused when he expressed disgust during her period. The incident revealed deeper issues in their relationship, as Malcolm had always been uncomfortable with women's health matters. The post sparked a heated debate among commentators, with some defending the woman's right to be upset and others criticizing her for not addressing the issue earlier. Ultimately, the incident serves as a reminder that open communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Misinformed and insensitive views about women's bodies and menstruationOpen communication, understanding, and respect for each other's bodies and natural processes are essential in relationships. Ignorance and insensitivity towards women's bodies and menstruation can lead to damaging relationships.

      Some people hold misinformed and insensitive views about women's bodies and their natural processes, including menstruation. The speaker in this discussion shared an experience with her boyfriend who expressed disgust and ignorance about her period. Despite her attempts to educate him, he continued to belittle her and demanded she fix the problem. The situation left the speaker feeling hurt, shocked, and ultimately led to their breakup. This experience highlights the importance of open communication, understanding, and respect for each other's bodies and natural processes. It also underscores the need for accurate and inclusive representation of women's bodies and experiences in media and society. Ignorance and insensitivity towards women's bodies and their natural processes can lead to harmful and damaging relationships.

    • The importance of proper sex education and open communication for healthy relationshipsUnderstanding female body functions and promoting open conversations about sexual health and relationships are crucial for healthy connections. Ignoring or excusing disrespectful comments can be harmful.

      Proper sex education and open communication are essential for healthy relationships. The speaker shared her frustration with men who lack basic knowledge about women's bodies and their experiences, leading to misunderstandings and discomfort. She emphasized the importance of understanding the female body and its functions, including the role of foreplay in enhancing sexual pleasure. The speaker also warned against the dangers of ignoring or excusing disrespectful or misogynistic comments, as these individuals can be more harmful than those who openly express their harmful beliefs. The discussion underscores the importance of addressing sex education and promoting open conversations about sexual health and relationships.

    • Impact of Attention-Seeking Behavior and Clickbait CultureBe mindful of the unintended consequences of our actions and words, especially online. Consider others' feelings and values, especially in important moments in their lives.

      People's actions and words, especially online, can have unintended consequences and impact others in significant ways. In the first part of the discussion, we learned about the negative impact of attention-seeking behavior and clickbait culture. The speaker shared her disappointment with a TikTok personality who made outrageous statements for attention, and the financial extravagance of another personality that came across as insensitive to many. In the second part, the conversation turned to a more serious topic - a friend's boyfriend planning to propose without involving her family and friends. The speaker felt torn between respecting her friend's privacy and helping her avoid potential heartbreak. Ultimately, the situation highlights the importance of considering others' feelings and values, especially in important moments in their lives.

    • The importance of surprise in proposals and respecting partner's wishesRespecting partner's proposal preferences and prioritizing their desires can lead to a more meaningful and authentic relationship. However, underlying issues should be addressed before making a commitment to marry.

      The surprise element of a proposal can hold significant importance for some people, and respecting their wishes can lead to a more meaningful and authentic relationship. However, if there are underlying issues in the relationship, such as lack of effort to connect with family and friends, it may be worth reconsidering the decision to get married. The speaker's personal experience of being engaged before and the unexpected turn of events during the proposal highlights the importance of open communication and considering each other's feelings. Ultimately, the proposal is a moment for both partners, and it's essential to prioritize their desires and expectations. The speaker also emphasizes the growth and learning that can come from sharing past experiences and being open to new perspectives.

    • Honesty and Understanding in RelationshipsClear communication, respecting each other's preferences, and honesty are essential for healthy relationships. Avoid interfering in others' relationships and respect their decisions.

      Honesty and understanding are crucial in relationships. The speaker in this conversation reflects on her past relationship where she felt her partner wasn't being genuine with her. She shares how she values honesty and being on the same page with her partner, even if it means missing out on surprise elements. The conversation also highlights the importance of respecting each other's preferences and desires, whether it's in relationships or watching TV shows. The top comment on the thread advises against interfering in someone else's relationship and emphasizes that ultimately, it's up to the individuals involved to make decisions that work best for them. The conversation concludes with an update where the speaker's friend's boyfriend called her on the day of the proposal, accusing her of not showing up, which the speaker had warned him about. The incident reinforces the importance of clear communication and respecting each other's boundaries in relationships.

    • Disregarding partner's wishes can harm relationshipsRespect and communication are crucial in relationships. Ignoring partner's wishes can lead to hurt feelings, mistrust, and the end of the relationship.

      Manipulation and disregard for one's partner's wishes can lead to serious consequences in a relationship. The story shared involves a friend who was proposed to in a way that went against her wishes, and the husband-to-be's manipulative actions only escalated from there. He engraved her ring with his last name without consulting her, and when she refused to accept it, he demanded she pay him back and tried to control the situation. This behavior ultimately led to her leaving him and seeking support from her family and friends. It's important to remember that respect and communication are key components of a healthy relationship, and disregarding one's partner's wishes can result in hurt feelings, mistrust, and ultimately, the end of the relationship.

    • Relationship Milestones Reveal Hidden IssuesPeople may overlook red flags in relationships, but significant milestones can bring hidden issues to light, leading to reevaluation and potential breakups. Shared food preferences can also bring people closer together.

      People often stay in relationships despite red flags and uncomfortable situations, but when significant milestones, like getting engaged or having a child, are reached, hidden issues may come to light. This was exemplified in a story about a girl who endured her boyfriend's disrespect and lack of consideration but finally left him after a proposal when she realized she deserved better. The conversation also touched on the concept of "ring clarity," where individuals reevaluate their relationships after getting engaged. Additionally, the discussion veered towards food preferences, with the speakers sharing their dislikes and discovering common ground in their vegan and dairy-free eating habits.

    • Encouraging children's curiosity vs cultural sensitivityAllow children to explore the world, fostering curiosity, while respecting others' cultures and feelings.

      Every child explores the world in their own way, and it's essential to encourage their curiosity rather than stifling it. In the discussed situation, a mother refused to punish her son for commenting on the unusual food of his classmate, despite the classmate's mother's request for sensitivity. While some may view the mother's actions as disrespectful, others argue that children are naturally curious and should be allowed to express themselves, even if it means making innocent comments about unfamiliar food. The incident also highlighted the importance of cultural sensitivity and respect, as the classmate's food could have been considered traditional and important to her family. Overall, the conversation emphasized the need to balance encouraging children's curiosity with respecting others' cultures and feelings.

    • Embracing diversity and promoting respectParents should instill inclusivity and open-mindedness in children, and embrace diversity by promoting respect and kindness towards others.

      Pride in one's heritage and culture is important, and it's essential for parents to instill inclusivity and open-mindedness in their children. The speaker shares an experience of being Samoan but being mistaken for Hawaiian and the importance of being truthful about one's identity. They also discuss the impact of TikTok on exposing them to various cultures and foods, and the desire for a more inclusive and diverse upbringing. The speaker also addresses a situation where a child was being disrespectful to someone's food choice and calls it out as bullying behavior. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the significance of embracing diversity and promoting respect and kindness towards others.

    • Understanding Sexuality through Personal ExperiencesPersonal experiences and societal norms shape our understanding of sexuality. It's crucial to respect individual comfort levels and challenge heteronormativity to create inclusive spaces.

      Societal norms and upbringing can influence one's understanding of their sexuality. The speaker shares her experience of growing up in a household where dating was forbidden, leading to confusion when she realized she was attracted to women. Later, in the article, she learns about heteronormativity and its impact on individuals. The speaker also discusses an uncomfortable situation where a friend repeatedly referred to her boyfriend as "daddy" during a social gathering, making others feel uneasy. The speaker addressed the issue directly, leading to the couple's departure. This incident sparked a conversation about the use of pet names in relationships and the importance of considering others' comfort in shared spaces. Additionally, the speaker shares her personal experience of calling her parents "mommy" and "daddy" and the societal stigma surrounding it. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding and respecting individual experiences and comfort levels in various aspects of life.

    • Understanding the importance of personal boundaries and respectRespecting others' comfort and privacy is essential for positive relationships. Overstepping boundaries can lead to negative experiences for all involved.

      Personal boundaries and respect are crucial in any relationship or social setting. The discussion revolves around two separate instances where individuals disregarded others' comfort and privacy, leading to uncomfortable situations and negative reactions. In the first instance, a woman's excessive public display of affection towards her father figure drew unwanted attention and discomfort from others. Her behavior, driven by a need for validation, ultimately led to a negative experience for everyone involved. In the second instance, a boyfriend's habit of blocking his girlfriend for extended periods when angry demonstrated a lack of respect and communication, creating a toxic dynamic in their relationship. Both instances highlight the importance of considering others' feelings and maintaining appropriate boundaries in various social contexts.

    • Communication and honesty in relationshipsBe open and honest in relationships to build trust and support friends in their challenges, even if it means suggesting difficult solutions. Everyone deserves love, respect, and acceptance.

      Communication and honesty are key in relationships. The discussion revolves around a woman who felt manipulated and ignored in her relationship, leading her to believe her partner was seeing other people. She also shared her past experiences of being ghosted and feeling disrespected. Another topic touched upon was a friend's struggle with raising a difficult child, and the suggestion that she consider seeking help or rehoming her son. The friends were divided on whether the suggestion was an asshole move or not. The overall message is that it's important to communicate openly and honestly in relationships and to support friends in their challenges, even if it means suggesting difficult solutions. It's also important to remember that everyone deserves to be loved, seen, and accepted for who they are.

    • Friend's concern about child's behavior and potential conditionsSeeking advice from loved ones can lead to misunderstandings, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and understanding in parenting a challenging child.

      Parenting a challenging child can be overwhelming and may lead to feelings of uncertainty and seeking advice from friends. The discussion revolves around a friend's concern about a child's behavior and potential undiagnosed conditions, such as autism or oppositional defiant disorder. The friend suggests that the mother consider seeking help from other family members or a paternal figure in the child's life. The mother interprets this advice as a suggestion to rehome the child, leading to a misunderstanding. The conversation also touches on the fear and uncertainty many people feel about having children, especially as they get older and face financial and logistical challenges. The speakers express their personal experiences and feelings about parenthood, including the pressure to be the best parents they can be and the influence of their own upbringings. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and challenges of parenting and the importance of seeking support and understanding when faced with difficult situations.

    • Navigating Life's Changes During Astrological EventsAstrological events can bring significant life changes. Seek support, explore personal growth through astrology, and prioritize self-care.

      Life can be unpredictable and full of changes, especially during significant astrological events like the Saturn return. This was shared by a podcast host who experienced a major shift in her life at age 27, leading her to start a podcast and change careers. She emphasized the importance of seeking support during challenging times and encouraged exploring astrology for personal growth. Another topic discussed was the importance of community and help for single parents. Despite good intentions, miscommunication and language barriers can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-care, personal growth, and seeking help when needed.

    • Understanding Different Friendship NeedsBe aware of friends' unique needs and provide them with the care and validation they deserve. Ensure everyone feels included and valued in special moments.

      Friendships come in various forms and require different kinds of support. While some friends may need respite care for their high-needs children, others may struggle with self-esteem and feel unworthy of being included in special moments. It's essential to be aware of each friend's unique needs and provide them with the care and validation they deserve. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that everyone feels included and valued, whether it's through offering respite care services or allowing them to be a part of special events like weddings. The latter should be a joyful and heartfelt experience for all involved, regardless of their appearance or circumstances.

    • The Power of Connection and CommunityEmbrace new experiences, connect with others through weddings, social media, or in-person events, and value authenticity and vulnerability to build strong communities.

      The power of connection and community was a prominent theme in this conversation. The speakers shared their excitement about their cousin's unique wedding, discussed their own experiences of finding love in unexpected places, and expressed their desire to connect with others through their social media platforms. They also highlighted the importance of authenticity and vulnerability in building a strong community. The speakers' enthusiasm for their shared experiences and their dedication to engaging with their audience underscores the enduring power of human connection, even in a digital age. Whether it's through weddings, social media, or in-person events, the speakers' conversations demonstrate the importance of embracing new experiences and connecting with others. So, if you're looking to build meaningful relationships or simply want to be entertained, consider checking out their social media channels and joining their communities.

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes
    enAugust 22, 2024

    179: Psychologically Challenging..

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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! So many things we go through in life are psychologically challenging. They put us to the test, add a bunch of straws on our camels backs, and could even be a bit damaging. The stories this weel feel like some of those circumstances.. Can't wait to hear your own takes on these because our opinions certainly aren't facts. 

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    Two Hot Takes
    enAugust 15, 2024

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    Checkout Nicole's Content!!
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    Two Hot Takes
    enAugust 08, 2024

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    Two Hot Takes
    enAugust 01, 2024

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJuly 25, 2024

    175: Too Close for Comfort..

    175: Too Close for Comfort..
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! Have you ever wondered if someone is just "too close" with their sibling? Or maybe their sister has it out to get you and you start wondering if she's intentionally trying to hurt you? Well.. this week's stories have all that and more and we are trying to answer the question of, "what is too close for comfort?" Can't wait to hear your takes on these ones.. oofta!!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJuly 18, 2024

    174: Is it That Outrageous?!

    174: Is it That Outrageous?!
    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! You can have a lot of questions just from a stories title like, "Is OPs reaction that outrageous.. or is it totally justifiable?" For example, is it too much to ask for your husband to hold your hand while you give birth? It is rude to not tell your parents the event they're missing is your wedding? Or is spray painting the neighbors dog going way too far? We judged.. now it's your turn to chime in!

    Checkout out our Midwest Married Episode and here about the butt rag!!

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    Two Hot Takes
    enJuly 11, 2024

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    If you are someone who had substandard sex ed as a young person (all of us?), you are going to love this throwback episode with Gil Ozeri, comedian, actor, and writer for the very popular show “Big Mouth”. Growing up with adults who avoided the sex talk like the plague, Gil discusses the shame that can result...shame a lot of us still carry. That’s why “Big Mouth” (now in Season 5 on Netflix) takes the awkward experience of adolescence, demystifies it, and helps all of us get the answers we wish we’d gotten back then — while being super funny. If you’ve got a young person in your life, this episode is a must-listen.  Gil and I take a dive into our own hormonal teen years, how to make sex ed more relatable, and tips for post-baby sex…because why not? I also take your questions: how to give a better blowjob, how to make FaceTime sex hot, and how to get your sexual connection back after the spark has died. For More Gil Ozeri: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Youtube | TikTok Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Secret Language of Successful Couples

    The Secret Language of Successful Couples

    For week 3 of love month, we are talking about The Secret Language of Successful Couples. Pam and Bill are bringing some serious wisdom to this episode!

    Often times, relationship advice can seem so complicated. They make it so simple for us by sharing the key needs of each person:

    Women need to know they are secure

    Men need to know they are successful

    By recognizing these key needs, we can build up our significant other by affirming them!

    My Wife Says She Hates Sex

    My Wife Says She Hates Sex
    On today’s show, we hear about: - A husband whose wife loves him but hates sex - A woman upset that her son spends more time with his in-laws than her - A man and his wife who were hurt by their closest friends To order Dr. Emily Nagoski's "Come As You Are" here. Let us know what’s going on by leaving a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or visiting johndelony.com/show.  Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp DreamCloud Hallow Thorne Add products to your cart create an account at checkout Receive 25% off ALL orders Resources: Building a Non-Anxious Life Anxiety Test Own Your Past, Change Your Future Questions for Humans Conversation Cards John’s Free Guided Meditation Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts anytime, anywhere in our app. Download at: https://apple.co/3eN8jNq These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately. Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    89 :: Treat Your Vagina Better Than Your Face with Meika Hollender of Sustain!

    89 :: Treat Your Vagina Better Than Your Face with Meika Hollender of Sustain!
    Meika Hollender had an itch to launch a business. When her Father came to her with the idea of starting an all natural condom company it peaked her interest. 
    The company, Sustain, now has a variety of all natural, organic and ethically made products in the sexual health and period space so that women can rest assured they are only putting the very best in their vaginas and on their bodies!
    Join Meika and I as we dive deep into a powerful conversation on sexual health, organic and sustainable sex and period products, sexual pleasure, activism and paying it forward on Episode 89 of Ignite Intimacy! 

    About Meika

    Meika Hollender headshot

    Meika Hollender is the Co-Founder and CEO at Sustain Natural, a leading brand of all natural, vagina-friendly products. She is also the creator of GetOnTop, a national campaign aimed at getting women to take control of their sexual health. Meika has been listed on Forbes 30 under 30, Fast Company's Most Creative People and Inc. 30 under 30, and her second book Get On Top was released in March 2018.

    Through their 10%4 initiative, Sustain donates 10% of their pretax profits to women who currently lack access to basic needs like sex ed, family planning, STD testing, and breast exams.


    Instagram - @sustain