
    11/16/23: Israel Underwhelms With Hospital Raid, Israel Ethnic Cleansing Debate, Biden And Xi Meet, Israel Support Plummets In US, DNC Ceasefire Protest Erupts, CNN Broadcasts IDF Lies, Nikki Claims Vivek Attacks Are Sexist, Candace Responds To Shapiro Attack, And Krystal Clashes With Dean Phillips On Israel

    enNovember 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Save money on wireless, retail, and newsConsumer Cellular offers affordable coverage, The Economist provides a free news trial, Ross offers discounts, and candidates have differing views on the Israel situation

      Consumers have the power to save money on wireless service without compromising on coverage. Consumer Cellular offers fast and reliable coverage at up to half the cost of leading carriers. Meanwhile, for those seeking trusted news sources, The Economist provides expert analysis and a free one-month trial for unlimited digital access. In the retail sphere, Ross offers discounts of up to 60% on brands and items this spring. As for the news, the situation in Israel continues to evolve with the raid on Al Shifa Hospital and the meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping. Public support for Israel's war on Gaza is decreasing, and misinformation is rampant. In the political arena, candidates like Nikki Haley and Ben Shapiro have differing views on the situation, and new voices like congressman Dean Phillips are joining the conversation. For those interested, Breaking Points is offering exclusive holiday merchandise for premium subscribers.

    • Israeli Raid on Al Shifa Hospital: Limited Evidence of Weapons FoundIsrael claimed large weapons cache at Al Shifa Hospital, but evidence so far shows only a few found in closets and cabinets. Concerns about raid's legality and necessity persist.

      During a recent Israeli raid on the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, Israel claimed to have found weapons and military equipment hidden inside. The raid was justified as a response to Hamas using the hospital as a command center and hiding weapons beneath it. However, the evidence presented so far appears to be limited to a few weapons and equipment found in closets and cabinets. The initial expectations of a large command center and hostages being held were not met. Israel has since clarified that the purpose of the raid was to locate and expose a Hamas tunnels hub connecting the hospital to other parts of Gaza. The raid has raised concerns about the legality and necessity of the operation, as hospitals are typically off-limits in war. The situation remains complex and unfolding.

    • Israel's Claims of Hamas Presence in Al Shifa Hospital UnclearIsrael's allegations of Hamas bunkers and a command center inside Al Shifa Hospital lack clear evidence, raising questions about their validity and potentially damaging Israel's credibility

      The situation regarding Israel's allegations of a Hamas presence and tunnel system beneath the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza is becoming increasingly complex. Initially, Israel presented detailed intelligence about the location of Hamas bunkers, but now, two days later, they have yet to produce substantial evidence. The White House has also walked back earlier statements about a command center inside the hospital. Israel's search of the hospital grounds is ongoing, with soldiers reporting that Hamas had hidden their presence. The discrepancy between the initial intelligence and the current situation raises questions about the validity of Israel's claims. Additionally, the amount of weapons found so far does not justify the extensive assault on the hospital. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Hamas had previously used the hospital as a symbol of their reach and invulnerability. This lack of clear evidence could damage Israel's credibility and international support.

    • Israeli military tactics in Gaza: Debating the importance of ground operations and destructionThe Israeli military's storming of Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza raises questions about the real goals of the operation, with some arguing for the importance of separating civilians from militants and others criticizing the extensive destruction and indiscriminate targeting.

      The Israeli military's tactics in the ongoing conflict in Gaza, specifically the storming of Al Shifa Hospital, have been a subject of intense debate. Some argue that the low death toll highlights the importance of ground operations in separating civilians from militants, while others criticize the extensive destruction and indiscriminate targeting. The Israeli official's admission that the hospital was a symbolic target raises questions about the real goals of the operation. The lack of evidence of militants or hostages inside the hospital adds to the controversy. Ultimately, the tactics used in this scenario have significant implications for the conduct of war and the protection of civilian populations.

    • US and Israel's use of overwhelming force with potential unintended consequencesThe use of excessive force without precise targeting can result in severe repercussions, both internationally and domestically.

      The use of overwhelming force without accurate targeting can lead to devastating consequences, as seen in the US's past actions in Afghanistan and the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. The US experienced international backlash after a hospital in Kunduz was bombed, despite initial claims of Taliban presence. Israel, currently in a new phase of its campaign in Gaza, has emphasized damage over accuracy, potentially leading to similar repercussions. Meanwhile, consumers are encouraged to shop for Mother's Day at Whole Foods Market for unbeatable deals. The Economist offers a trusted news source for expert analysis on various topics, and Consumer Cellular provides wireless coverage for less. In the ongoing Gaza conflict, Israeli forces are dropping flyers instructing residents to evacuate southern areas, indicating a potential escalation of attacks. The city of Gaza, including the Khan Yunus area, has already been heavily targeted, making the logistically challenging situation even more complex.

    • Questions about Israeli military objectives in GazaHigh civilian casualties, destruction of homes, and international scrutiny raise concerns about indiscriminate targeting by Israeli forces in Gaza

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza raises serious questions about the genuine military objectives of the Israeli forces involved. The high number of civilian casualties, destruction of homes, and displacement of people has led to international scrutiny and calls for pauses in the fighting. While some officials have openly advocated for ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip, it's unclear whether this is the ultimate goal of the Israeli military. However, the disproportionate number of civilian deaths and damage to civilian infrastructure suggests that indiscriminate targeting may be a part of their approach. The international community, including the US, is facing pressure to take action, and the UN Security Council has passed a resolution calling for pauses in the fighting. The long-term consequences of this conflict, including the potential creation of more radicalized Hamas members and the displacement of millions, remain to be seen.

    • Israeli officials' plans for Palestinian population in GazaIsraeli officials' statements and actions hint at a desire to ethnically cleanse or push Palestinians out of Gaza, but the lack of a clear plan and international intervention raises concerns for potential high death tolls and internal security issues.

      The actions and statements of Israeli officials suggest a plan for ethnic cleansing or pushing Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip, but it's unclear if this is an official, consensus plan or just the views of certain elements within the Israeli government. The lack of a clear plan and international intervention raises concerns about potential high death tolls and internal security issues. Israeli officials' public statements and actions, such as announcing plans for the population's migration or comparing Palestinians to biblical enemies, indicate a desire to push the population out. Whether this goal will be achieved depends on international intervention and the US's decision to accept or oppose such a "final solution."

    • Differentiating Words and Actions in the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictThe Israeli government's intentions towards Palestinians should be scrutinized, but it's essential to distinguish between words and actions. Labeling the situation as ethnic cleansing without clear evidence is not helpful, and the focus should be on diplomacy to ensure the safety and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.

      While there are concerns about the intentions of the Israeli government and its leaders regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza, it's crucial to differentiate between words and actions. Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have not explicitly called for the genocide of Palestinians, but the situation is still problematic, and there are internal conflicts within Israeli society. The international community should be cautious in labeling the situation as ethnic cleansing without clear evidence and focus on finding a diplomatic solution that ensures the safety and security of both Israelis and Palestinians. The current situation in Gaza, with over 2 million displaced people and a high civilian casualty toll, is a complex issue that requires careful consideration and a willingness to engage in dialogue and diplomacy. The international community has a role to play in bringing the parties to the negotiating table and finding a sustainable solution that addresses the root causes of the conflict. Ultimately, the goal should be to find a way to end the violence and ensure the safety and security of all people involved.

    • Discussion shifts from Gaza crisis to Mother's Day shoppingLeaders Xi and Biden emphasized mutual respect and halted decoupling policy, but economic challenges persist

      The situation in Gaza is dire, with 1 in 200 residents already killed, equating to potentially hundreds of thousands of Americans. The speaker calls for a shutdown, but the discussion then shifts to Mother's Day shopping at Whole Foods Market. The information age can be overwhelming, but The Economist is a trusted news source for in-depth analysis. Meaningful Beauty offers effective skin care solutions. Xi Jinping and Joe Biden had a historic meeting, emphasizing mutual respect and the importance of preventing competition from leading to conflict. Xi acknowledged the importance of both superpowers on Earth, and the Chinese goal was to halt the decoupling policy between the US and China. The Chinese economy is suffering, and Secretary Janet Yellen, sitting next to Biden, is a prominent China economic dove.

    • U.S. and China make concessions at APEC summitDespite tensions over military and human rights issues, both sides sought to improve economic ties at APEC summit, with U.S. restoring military communications and China cracking down on Fentanyl production for Mexican cartels.

      During the recent meeting between President Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping at the APEC summit in San Francisco, both sides made concessions to improve their strained relationship. The U.S. sought to restore military communications in the South China Sea, while China agreed to crack down on the flow of chemicals used to make Fentanyl to Mexican cartels. However, the importance of this meeting extends beyond these specific issues. With tensions high after the balloon incident and the U.S. focused on Ukraine and Israel, China saw an opportunity to shift the focus back to economic matters that affect the Asia Pacific region. The U.S., in turn, was distracted from pressing China on issues like human rights, Taiwan, and trade. This dynamic highlights the need for a more balanced approach to U.S.-China relations, recognizing the economic interdependence and geopolitical significance of the relationship.

    • Americans Want a Ceasefire in Israel-Palestine Conflict but Politicians Remain SilentDespite 68% of Americans supporting a ceasefire in Israel-Palestine conflict, no Republican politicians are advocating for it. Biden administration's stance against a ceasefire is met with criticism, and Americans want a more neutral role from their government.

      There is a significant disconnect between the American public's desire for a ceasefire in the Israel-Palestine conflict and the actions of their elected officials. According to a recent Reuters poll, support for a ceasefire has increased dramatically, with 68% of respondents agreeing that Israel should call a ceasefire and negotiate. This includes majorities of both Democrats and Republicans. However, there is a stark contrast between public opinion and the actions of politicians, with no Republican members of Congress or senators publicly advocating for a ceasefire. Additionally, only 31% of poll respondents support sending Israel weapons, a lower number than when the question was asked about Ukraine. The Biden administration's aggressive stance against a ceasefire has been met with criticism, and there is growing frustration among the public over the continued violence and the involvement of the US government. The poll results suggest that Americans want their government to take a more neutral role in the conflict and for the carnage to stop.

    • Young Influencers Criticize Biden's Israel PoliciesYoung Americans, especially social media influencers, are expressing disappointment towards Biden's Israel policies, potentially impacting their support in future elections. The divide between generations on this issue is significant, with younger generations showing more support for Israel.

      Young influencers, particularly those with large followings on social media, are expressing disappointment and criticism towards President Biden's policies, specifically regarding Israel and the ongoing conflict with Gaza. These influencers, who supported Biden in the 2020 election, are now questioning their allegiance due to his unwavering support for Israel. The issue strikes a deep chord with young people, who view it as a generational moment akin to the Iraq war. While some believe these critics will ultimately vote for Biden over Trump, others may choose to stay home or support alternative candidates. The divide between generations on this issue is significant, with millennials and Gen Z showing more support for Israel compared to older generations. The conflict in Gaza, though not directly affecting these young Americans, has become a passionate cause for them, raising concerns about the role of the US government in foreign conflicts and the use of taxpayer dollars.

    • Political Moment Surrounding Middle East Conflict and Social IssuesThe ongoing Middle East conflict and social issues like abortion and opposing the Trump administration are important to Democratic voters. A close 2022 election and potential third-party votes could significantly impact the outcome. Politicians need to address these concerns to maintain public trust and support.

      The ongoing conflict in the Middle East and the images of violence that have emerged from it have left many people feeling complicit and distressed, leading to a searing political moment. The assumption by the Biden White House that people will move on from these issues may be misguided, as Democratic voters have shown a strong commitment to issues like abortion and opposing the Trump administration. The close election expected in 2022 means that even a small percentage of people staying home or voting for third-party candidates could significantly impact the outcome. The protest at the DNC headquarters highlights the passion and activism surrounding these issues, and it's important for politicians to acknowledge and address these concerns to maintain public trust and support.

    • DNC Protest: Conflicting Claims About Use of Force and Protester BehaviorDuring a protest at the DNC headquarters, conflicting claims emerged about the use of force by police and the behavior of protesters. It's essential to fact-check information and consider multiple perspectives when evaluating news reports.

      The events at the DNC headquarters during a protest resulted in conflicting claims about the use of force and the actions of protesters. Democratic Congressman Brad Sherman claimed that protesters were trying to break into the building and were violent, while reporter Dave Weigel, who was present at the scene, stated that the protest was illegal civil disobedience, not a legal demonstration, but the protesters were not violent towards police. The use of pepper spray by police was a point of contention, with Sherman claiming protesters used it against officers, while Weigel reported the opposite. It's important to note that these are US Capitol Police officers, not DC Metropolitan Police or Secret Service, who have dealt with numerous protests in the area and were possibly overreacting due to heightened tensions following January 6th. Misinformation about the situation was widespread, including CNN's reporting of a "guard list" at a different hospital, which was incorrectly presented as evidence of hostages being held. Overall, it's crucial to fact-check information and consider multiple perspectives when evaluating news reports.

    • Misinformation and cultural context during conflictsRigorous fact-checking and cultural sensitivity are crucial during conflicts to avoid spreading false information and potential consequences.

      The importance of fact-checking and understanding the cultural context cannot be overstated, especially during times of conflict and crisis. The recent misinformation spread about Hamas using Rantisi Hospital for military purposes and a nurse's claims about Hamas taking over Al Sheifa Hospital were debunked as false when Arabic speakers pointed out that they were just a calendar and an imposter, respectively. The CNN report on the Rantisi Hospital incident was also a result of editorial oversight and lack of proper verification. These incidents highlight the need for rigorous fact-checking and cultural sensitivity, as well as the potential consequences of spreading false information. The ongoing information wars online, where people are doxxed and misrepresented, add to the complexity of the situation. It's crucial to remember that everything we see is meant to influence us in some way and that we should strive for accuracy and truth in reporting.

    • Exercise caution and verify information during times of conflictBe critical of information during conflicts, verify authenticity before sharing, and avoid spreading false narratives or propaganda.

      The information coming from certain sources during times of conflict or crisis can be misleading or outright false, making it crucial for consumers and journalists to exercise extreme caution and verify the authenticity of the information before sharing it. This was evident in the discussion about the situation in Gaza, where the number of international journalists is limited, and those allowed in are often under the control of the Israeli military. Propaganda and misinformation campaigns, such as the "Pallywood" conspiracy theory, further complicate the situation by spreading false images and narratives. It's essential to approach all information with a critical eye, especially during times of conflict, and to verify its authenticity before sharing it with others. This is not only a responsibility for professional journalists but also for everyday citizens on social media. The consequences of spreading false information can be significant, and it's essential to take the time to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the information before sharing it.

    • The Debate Around Anonymity Online: Free Speech vs. National SecurityThe debate around anonymity online raises questions about individual rights, national security, and the role of the government in regulating online spaces. Some argue for free speech and individual liberty, while others believe anonymity poses a threat to civility and national security.

      There are contrasting perspectives on the role of anonymity online. While some argue that it's essential for free speech and individual liberty, others believe it poses a threat to civility and national security. Cindy's Meaningful Beauty system promises to leave skin feeling soft, smooth, and nourished, while Nikki Haley advocates for real names and transparency online to eliminate bots and promote accountability. The debate around anonymity online raises questions about individual rights, national security, and the role of the government in regulating online spaces. It's important to consider the potential implications of these contrasting viewpoints on free speech, privacy, and online communities.

    • Nikki Haley's Hypocrisy on TikTokNikki Haley's stance on TikTok and her own usage by her daughter raises questions about her hypocrisy. Critics argue she employs identity politics selectively and lacks commitment to entitlement reform, making her unelectable.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial figure of Nikki Haley and her perceived hypocrisy, particularly regarding her stance on TikTok and her own usage by her daughter. The speaker expresses their disagreement with Haley and enjoys criticisms directed at her, but acknowledges that others may have different opinions. They also point out the inconsistency in the use of identity politics, noting how Haley has employed it when it suits her. Furthermore, they criticize Haley's stance on entitlement reform and consider her unelectable due to her lack of commitment to making changes for future generations. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of political discourse and the importance of considering various perspectives.

    • A public disagreement between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro over IsraelConservative figures like Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro have intense debates that can escalate into public disputes, with strong words being exchanged and potential conflicts of interest.

      Public figures like Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro engage in heated debates and criticisms, which can escalate into public disputes. In this specific case, Owens and Shapiro had a disagreement over Israel, leading to strong words being exchanged. Owens felt disrespected by Shapiro's comments, and Shapiro accused Owens of being disingenuous. The dispute played out in public, with both parties taking to social media to express their views. Owens, in particular, drew on biblical scripture to defend her position. Shapiro, who is a co-owner of The Daily Wire, suggested that Owens should quit if she felt that accepting payment from the company was a conflict with her faith. The back-and-forth highlighted the intensity and personal nature of debates among conservative figures, and the potential for disagreements to escalate into public feuds.

    • Public humiliation and heated debates damage professional relationshipsAvoid public humiliation and heated debates to maintain professional relationships. Engage in respectful communication and handle conflicts privately.

      Public humiliation of employees and engaging in heated public debates can damage professional relationships and create unnecessary controversy. The discussion also highlighted the issue of free speech hypocrisy, particularly regarding criticism of Israel, and the potential for this criticism to be labeled as anti-Semitic. The speaker expressed concern over the attempts to silence any critique of Israel and the demand for complete fealty to a foreign government. It's important to remember that asking legitimate questions and engaging in open discourse is a fundamental right in the US. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of respectful communication and handling conflicts privately rather than airing them out publicly.

    • Debate between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro over Israel and antisemitismThe complexities and nuances of political discourse were on display as Candace Owens faced criticism for her views on Israel and antisemitism, leading to a public debate with Ben Shapiro. New Hampshire Democratic voters are expressing a desire for change, with some looking for alternatives to President Biden.

      The ongoing debate between Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro over their conflicting views on Israel and antisemitism highlights the complexities and nuances of political discourse. Owens, who has been a voice for dissenting ideas on the Daily Wire, has been criticized for her positions on Israel, leading to a public back-and-forth between her and Shapiro. Despite the controversy, some argue that it's important for Owens to stay at the Daily Wire as she brings new perspectives to their audience. However, not all of her views are endorsed, and it remains to be seen how this situation will unfold. Meanwhile, in the world of politics, New Hampshire Democratic voters are expressing their desire for change, with many looking for alternatives to President Biden. Congressman Dean Phillips, a candidate for president and current ranking member of the Middle East subcommittee on House Foreign Affairs, believes that the numbers reflect the country's desire for a change in leadership. Overall, these events demonstrate the complexity of political issues and the importance of open dialogue and diverse perspectives.

    • Choosing the Best Candidate in a Few-Contender RaceIn a race with fewer serious contenders, incumbents and potential spoilers have an advantage in securing the nomination. Regret for past doubts about primary rigging and calls for change, ceasefire, hostage release, and international cooperation in Israel-Palestine conflict.

      During democratic primaries, when voters have multiple viable options, they tend to choose the best candidate. However, in the current political landscape, there are only a few serious contenders, making it easier for incumbents like President Joe Biden and potential spoilers like Cornel West and Jill Stein to secure the nomination. The speaker also expressed regret for previously doubting Bernie Sanders' claims about the DNC rigging the primary process and acknowledged the need for change in the political system. Regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, a recent poll shows that a majority of Americans, including Democrats, support a ceasefire. The speaker, who intends to be the first Jewish president in American history, called for the release of hostages, a ceasefire, and international cooperation to eliminate Hamas and establish a Palestinian state through free and fair elections.

    • Peace and security in Israel-Palestine: Releasing hostages and eliminating HamasImmediate action is needed for peace and security in Israel-Palestine. Releasing hostages, eliminating Hamas, and establishing a multinational peacekeeping force are crucial steps. The international community must unite to ensure safety and security for all civilians, regardless of nationality or religion.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine poses a significant threat to both parties and requires immediate action for peace and security. Releasing hostages and eliminating Hamas are crucial steps towards achieving this goal. A ceasefire should only be called for once all hostages are released, and a multinational peacekeeping force should be established to ensure the end of hostilities. The international community, including the US, must unite to ensure the safety and security of all civilians, regardless of their nationality or religion. The ongoing violence, particularly against children, is unacceptable and demands urgent attention. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a peaceful coexistence where Jews and Palestinians can live together in safety and security.

    • Israel's Progressive Rights for Muslims vs. Palestinians' DisparitiesIsrael grants more rights to Muslims than most Middle Eastern nations, but Palestinians in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank face significant disparities. Conflict with Hamas causes destruction in Gaza, necessitating hostage releases and ceasefires for peace.

      Israel grants more rights to its Muslim population than most nations in the Middle East, making it a progressive state in this regard. However, the Palestinians in Israel and those in Gaza and the West Bank face significant rights disparities compared to Jewish Israelis. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, resulting in the destruction of essential infrastructure in Gaza, is a cause for concern for both Palestinians and Israelis. The release of hostages and a ceasefire are crucial steps towards resolving the conflict peacefully. As a US congressman, my priority is to protect Americans, including those held hostage in Gaza, and advocate for a new generation of leaders to end the ongoing conflicts and invest in peace and diplomacy.

    • Emphasizing peace and diplomacy, Ro Khanna criticizes current administration's policiesRo Khanna advocates for hostage release, ceasefire, diplomacy, peace, and prosperity, while criticizing current administration's diplomacy, military spending, and cannabis policies. He commits to being a president of peace and prosperity, and vows to tell the truth, while addressing corruption in Washington.

      During the discussion, Representative Ro Khanna emphasized the importance of releasing hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and achieving a ceasefire, as well as investing more in diplomacy and pursuing peace and prosperity for all. He criticized the current administration's policies, particularly in regards to diplomacy, military spending, and cannabis legalization. Khanna also highlighted his commitment to being a president of peace and prosperity, and his intention to surround himself with diverse perspectives to solve problems. Additionally, he called out the corruption in Washington and vowed to tell the truth.

    • Dean Phillips' Policy Proposals: Raising Minimum Wage, Addressing Social Security Insolvency, and Supporting Labor RightsDean Phillips, a potential Democratic presidential candidate, advocates for increasing minimum wage to $15, addressing Social Security insolvency by raising cap and creating redistribution pool, and supports labor rights through PRO Act. He emphasizes importance of collective bargaining and unionization, and aims to be both pro-business and pro-worker.

      Dean Phillips, a potential Democratic presidential candidate, advocates for significant policy changes, including raising the minimum wage to $15, addressing the impending insolvency of Social Security by increasing the cap and creating a redistribution pool, and supporting labor rights through the PRO Act. He emphasizes the importance of collective bargaining and unionization, and believes in being both pro-business and pro-worker. Phillips also invites everyone to join his campaign, expressing a desire to bring people together despite the challenges in the current political climate.

    • Prioritizing humanity and staying informedEmphasize humanity, stay informed from trusted sources, plan for retirement, prioritize mental health

      We must prioritize humanity above all else, especially during times of disagreement and conflict, whether it be in the context of American politics or international issues like those in Palestine and Israel. This is our opportunity to shape the course of world history for the better. Trusted sources of information, like The Economist, can help us stay informed and make informed decisions. Additionally, planning for retirement, especially for women, is crucial and can be achieved through products like Gainbridge's parity flex annuity. Lastly, mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and resources like BetterHelp provide accessible and affordable online therapy to help manage challenges.

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    Rishi Sunak has called the comments 'clearly unacceptable' but refused to call them racist.

    Is there any chance he'll chose to return the money? And why is the Tory party struggling with yet another case of the 'Lee Anderson's'.

    Later, an exclusive: The prison in England where MORE inmates are on drugs than are NOT. What's going wrong with our prison system? And what's the knock-on effect?

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

    Video Production: Rory Symon and Shane Fennelly

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

    Violence spreads at US universities over pro-Palestinian protests

    Violence spreads at US universities over pro-Palestinian protests

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