
    11/2/23: US Plans Troops In Gaza, West Bank Explodes, Republican Claims No Innocent Palestinians, Zelensky Called Dictator, RFK JR Surge, Tesla Freaks After UAW Wins, Biden Arab Support Plummets

    enNovember 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Women from diverse backgrounds and fields share stories and perspectives through podcastsWomen leaders use podcasts to inspire, engage, and discuss various topics, from fashion to politics, on popular platforms like Iheartradio and Apple Podcasts

      Influential women from various backgrounds and fields are using podcasts to share stories, inspire, and engage audiences on a wide range of topics, from fashion and beauty to politics and social issues. Rachel Zoe's "Climbing in Heels," Tamika D. Mallory and Michael Skolnik's "TMI," and Tiffany Cross's "Across Generations" offer weekly doses of glamour, inspiration, fun, and thought-provoking conversations. And in the political sphere, shows like "Breaking Points" provide critical analysis and independent coverage of elections and global events. During a recent episode, they discussed President Biden's call for a ceasefire during a fundraiser, which raised questions about an official policy change. Other topics included developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Democratic primary, and union pressure on non-union companies. These podcasts showcase the power of diverse voices and perspectives in shaping public discourse and pushing for positive change. Listen to these shows every week on the Iheartradio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast.

    • Discussions on potential peacekeeping measures in Gaza following hypothetical destruction of HamasUS, Israel, and other countries discuss peacekeeping measures in Gaza after hypothetical Hamas destruction, including American, UK, and French troops or UN oversight, but skepticism arises due to Israel's role in conflict and UN's questionable peacekeeping record, and absence of Arab troops in proposed force

      There are significant discussions taking place at a high level between the United States, Israel, and other countries regarding potential peacekeeping measures in Gaza following a hypothetical destruction of Hamas. The proposed peacekeeping forces would include American, UK, and French troops, and another option would be placing Gaza under United Nations oversight. However, this proposal has been met with skepticism, as Israel has historically been responsible for the conflict in Gaza, and the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping efforts is questionable. The absence of Arab troops in the proposed peacekeeping force also raises concerns. Overall, the situation is complex and troubling, and it remains to be seen how this proposed change in US policy will unfold.

    • US involvement in Gaza destruction: Alarming moral and security concernsThe US could become a target in Gaza as occupiers, and plans for ethnic cleansing lack a clear post-conflict strategy.

      The destruction in Gaza could reach up to 50% based on recent satellite imagery analysis. The lack of attention and outrage towards this situation in official Washington is alarming, as it involves US, UK forces, and the potential deployment of thousands of American troops as occupiers. This situation raises serious moral and security concerns, as the US would become a direct target and the Palestinians in Gaza would view the US forces as occupiers. Additionally, the plans being floated behind the scenes, such as ethnic cleansing and pushing Palestinians into tent cities, are horrifying and lack a clear plan for what comes after. The US has had enough experience in Iraq and should draw a red line against boots on the ground involvement in Gaza. Despite the lack of public acknowledgement, these plans are well-sourced and have not been denied by the White House, State Department, or Pentagon.

    • Tensions in the Middle East: More Than Meets the EyeThe Middle East situation involving Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iran is more complex than a Hamas-Israel conflict, with potential for a larger regional war or confrontation with Iran.

      The current situation in the Middle East, specifically involving Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iran, is more complex and potentially dangerous than it appears on the surface. The buildup of military forces in the region, including US, European, and Middle Eastern countries, suggests that something more significant than a conflict between Hamas and Israel is being prepared for. This could involve a confrontation with Iran or even a larger regional war. The rhetoric from Egyptian leaders about protecting their sovereignty and territory is also troubling, as it brings back memories of past conflicts between Egypt and Israel. The Israeli government's stance against a Palestinian state and their preference for keeping Hamas in power in Gaza further complicates the situation. The potential outcomes of this situation could have far-reaching consequences, making it a critical issue to monitor closely.

    • Navigating the Complexities of Israeli-Palestinian PeaceRegional powers should take the lead in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as it's not solely an American problem. Historical precedents and potential financial and security implications make US-led peace efforts challenging.

      The discussion revolves around the complexities and challenges of attempting to bring peace and stability to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically in regards to the potential dismantling of Hamas' control in Gaza. The speakers express skepticism about the feasibility of the United States leading such an endeavor, citing historical precedents and potential financial and security implications. They argue that regional powers should take the lead in resolving the issue, as it is not solely an American problem. The speakers also touch upon the emotional and psychological aspects of dealing with personal disasters and the importance of facing challenges head-on.

    • Israeli Plan for Ethnic Cleansing of GazaIsraeli govt considering ethnic cleansing of Gaza, using Egypt's debts as leverage, US involvement, PA unable to prevent, volatile situation

      The situation in Gaza is complex and fraught with potential for further instability. The Israeli government is reportedly considering a plan for ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip, which involves pushing Palestinians out of the area and pressuring Egypt to take them in. This plan relies on leveraging Egypt's international debts to entice them into accepting the displaced Palestinians. The US is also reportedly involved in pushing for this plan behind the scenes. The Palestinian Authority, which has been neutered in the West Bank, is unlikely to be able to govern Gaza or prevent this from happening. The situation recalls the way the War on Terror gave governments broad powers, which have since been used to wage war without consultation. The concept of Hamas is also squishy and it would be important to define what the Israeli government means when they use the term. Overall, the situation in Gaza is volatile and the potential for further instability is high.

    • Potential Consequences of Eliminating HamasEliminating Hamas could lead to the collapse of civil society and the emergence of new terrorists, with American citizens in Gaza currently uncertain about their safety and departure from the region.

      The definition of eliminating Hamas and the potential consequences of such action, as stated by some Israeli government officials and a Republican member of Congress, could lead to devastating results reminiscent of the debathification process in Iraq. This could result in the collapse of civil society and the emergence of new terrorists. Additionally, there are currently American citizens trapped in Gaza and their departure from the region is uncertain despite claims from the Biden administration that they will be allowed to leave today. The delay in their departure raises questions about their safety and the success of the supposed deal to allow civilians to leave Gaza. The hypocrisy of the media in focusing on American citizens in Afghanistan while largely ignoring those in Gaza is also noteworthy.

    • Critical situation in Gaza with limited access to medical careThe situation in Gaza is unsustainable with hospitals and clinics shutting down, leaving the injured with limited access to medical care. The potential for a larger-scale crisis is increasing.

      The situation in Gaza is critical, with hospitals and clinics shutting down, leaving the injured with limited access to medical care. The recent Egyptian field hospital for 70 injured Palestinians is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of injured and killed. International efforts to enforce a humanitarian pause have been insufficient, and the situation is unsustainable. The tension is high, with various actors making threatening statements and declarations of war. The ingredients for a larger conflict are all in place, and the possibility of it escalating further is growing. It's important to pay close attention to the situation and its developments, as the potential for a larger-scale crisis is increasingly likely.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict and civilian casualties pose a global security riskThe speaker criticized Israel's disproportionate use of force, comparing it to Russia's actions in Ukraine, and emphasized the importance of protecting civilian populations.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the disproportionate use of force resulting in civilian casualties, is a powder keg that poses a significant danger to global security. The speaker emphasized that if the situation involved Israeli citizens, there would be no consideration for bombing entire neighborhoods to get one enemy combatant. He criticized the Israeli military's conduct, comparing it to Russia's actions in Ukraine, and expressing shock at the proportion of civilians being killed versus combatants. The speaker also shared his perspective as a veteran, acknowledging the mistakes made in past U.S. military engagements but emphasizing the importance of protecting civilian populations. He encouraged listeners to tune into his podcast, Next Question, for insightful conversations that offer a break from negativity. In Mini Questions, Minnie Driver explores this idea further by asking the same set of questions to a new group of guests, including Courtney Cox and Rob Delaney.

    • Israeli settlements and military actions fueling displacement of Palestinians in West BankOver 1,000 Palestinians displaced, over 100 deaths since Oct 7th due to Israeli settlements, military actions, and denial of permits. US calls for accountability, but Israeli involvement complicates matter. Palestinians losing faith in Palestinian Authority.

      The situation in the West Bank is a powder keg, with increasing violence and settler attacks on Palestinian residents. The Israeli government's actions, including building illegal settlements and denying building permits to Palestinians, are pushing them off their land. This process, enabled by the Israeli military, has resulted in the displacement of nearly 1,000 Palestinians and the death of over 100 since October 7th. The US, through the State Department, has condemned these attacks and called for accountability, but the Israeli government's involvement in the process makes this a complex issue. Additionally, Palestinians in the West Bank have lost faith in the Palestinian Authority due to their perceived inaction during these attacks. The UN reports that a majority of these attacks are backed and protected by the Israeli military, making the situation even more dire.

    • PA's weakness fuels extremism and instabilityThe PA's lack of democratic legitimacy and inability to protect Palestinians from Israeli settlers fuels extremism and instability, posing a significant risk for the entire region.

      The Palestinian Authority (PA) is perceived as weak and discredited by many Palestinians due to its lack of democratic legitimacy and inability to protect them from violence and displacement at the hands of Israeli settlers. This weakness and discord creates an environment where extremist groups like Hamas gain popularity, as they are seen as more effective in standing up for Palestinian rights. The PA's instability also poses a significant risk for the entire region, as it could lead to a power vacuum and potentially spark a larger conflict between Israel and Palestine. The Israeli government may have inadvertently or intentionally contributed to this instability, as a strong PA would make negotiations for peace more feasible. The ongoing violence and displacement further erode the PA's legitimacy and fuel the desire for more radical solutions.

    • Israeli tensions in the West Bank escalateAppointment of a controversial figure and Israeli government's long-term goals could lead to Palestinian Authority's collapse, creating a power vacuum and potential chaos, impacting the entire region.

      The current situation in the West Bank is volatile and could lead to significant conflict, with the appointment of a controversial figure to head a key subcommittee adding to tensions. The Israeli government, led by Netanyahu, is seen as pursuing long-term goals in the region, and some within the coalition are pushing for a more aggressive approach. This could lead to a power vacuum and potential chaos if the Palestinian Authority collapses, with no legitimate actor to take its place and the absence of Hamas' control in the West Bank making any violence against Palestinians more damaging for Israel's image. These developments could have major implications for the entire region and beyond.

    • Discussion on Israeli-Palestinian conflicts during a podcastThe use of language justifying Israeli actions at the expense of Palestinian civilians' innocence echoes historical justifications for genocides and should be acknowledged for its potential dangers.

      During a podcast discussion, Minnie Driver explored various themes with guests like Courtney Cox, Rob Delaney, and Liz Farr. Meanwhile, in a separate context, Jay Harris discussed sports scandals. However, the conversation shifted to a serious note when discussing Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. Brian Mast, a US congressman, was criticized for justifying Israeli actions by questioning the innocence of Palestinian civilians. This echoed the language used by some Israeli leaders and was compared to historical justifications for genocides. The discussion ended with a reflection on the potential dangers of such rhetoric and the importance of acknowledging the complexities of conflict situations.

    • Rhetoric of Extreme Violence and Genocide in Israeli-Palestinian ConflictIsraeli and Palestinian leaders are justifying extreme violence and genocide, with Israeli officials comparing the situation to WW2 and a former minister expressing a desire for vengeful IDF actions, while Hamas' leader calls for Israel's removal and is willing to sacrifice civilians. US Congressman Mast echoed these sentiments.

      The rhetoric from top representatives on both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has escalated to justifying extreme violence and even genocide. Israeli officials have compared the current situation to World War 2 and the use of nuclear weapons, implying that any civilian death is acceptable. A former Israeli government minister went as far as calling for the erasure of Gaza and expressing a desire for a vengeful IDF. The leader of Hamas has also called for the removal of Israel and is willing to sacrifice civilians in the process. US Congressman Mast echoed these sentiments on the floor of the House of Representatives. This descent into justifying genocide is disturbing and it's important to note that our taxpayer dollars are going to a government with genocidal intent. It's crucial that we pay close attention to this situation.

    • Hamas leadership untouched despite military actions, raising questionsUS involvement in Hamas and Ukraine conflicts may need reevaluation due to shifting public opinion and military ineffectiveness

      The political leadership of Hamas, a terrorist organization, remains untouched despite ongoing military actions against them, leading some to question the true objectives of these operations. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, public opinion is shifting with a growing number of Americans believing the US is doing too much to support the conflict, and a significant portion preferring an end to the conflict over recapturing territory. Additionally, there is increasing support for limiting US financial support to Ukraine. These developments suggest a need for reevaluation of US involvement in both conflicts.

    • Ukraine Conflict Reaching a Stalemate, According to Ukrainian Military CommanderThe ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict is at a deadlock, with no major breakthrough in sight, according to the Ukrainian military commander. Americans are growing disillusioned with the conflict and its lack of progress, and the missed opportunity for a negotiated settlement has left the Ukrainian side in a weaker position.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia is reaching a stalemate, according to the commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This admission comes as Americans, despite heavy propaganda and misinformation, have come to the realization that the situation is not progressing and that the cost of continued conflict may not be worth it. The head of the Ukrainian military, in a remarkably honest interview, compares the current situation to World War 1 and believes there will be no major breakthrough to end the deadlock. The American people, who have seen the lack of progress and the disappointment of failed counter-offensives, are growing disillusioned with the conflict and the lack of a clear path to peace. The missed opportunity for a negotiated settlement in Turkey, which was scuttled by Western powers, has left the Ukrainian side in a weaker negotiating position. The ongoing conflict, which has cost countless lives and resources, may ultimately lead to a peace deal that is less favorable than what could have been achieved earlier.

    • Lessons from WWI and the ongoing conflict in UkraineThe belief and involvement of citizens played a significant role in ending WWI, but missed opportunities for peace deals have prolonged the conflict in Ukraine. History serves as a reminder to learn from past mistakes and find peaceful resolutions.

      The enthusiasm and belief of citizens in the UK during World War 1 led to their immediate involvement in the war, while the political collapse of the German regime ultimately ended the conflict. Ukraine is currently setting itself up for a similar situation with Russia, and the Russian war machine's strength and economic resilience make negotiation less likely at this point. The international community, including the US, bears some responsibility for the ongoing conflict, as missed opportunities for peace deals have led to significant loss of life and resources. The past is riddled with regrets and missed opportunities, and it's crucial to learn from history to avoid repeating the same mistakes. In a different context, Minnie Driver's podcast, Mini Questions, explores the idea of dealing with difficult situations and learning from personal experiences. In season 3, various guests answer the same set of questions, offering limitless answers. Katie Couric's season 9 of Next Question promises insightful conversations with notable figures, offering a break from negativity.

    • RFK Jr.'s surprising poll numbersRFK Jr. is currently polling at 22%, making him a potential major contender in the US general election, particularly among younger voters and minorities.

      RFK Junior, an independent candidate in the upcoming US general election, is gaining significant support, particularly among younger voters and minorities. According to a recent poll by Quinnipiac University, RFK Jr. is currently pulling in 22% of the votes when included in the ballot, which could make him a major contender in the race. His charisma, money, and anti-establishment stance are resonating with disaffected voters who are looking for an alternative to the two major parties. While it's important to note that third-party support often wanes as voters get to know the candidate better, RFK Jr.'s initial success is noteworthy. If he can maintain his organization and keep a low profile, he could become the most successful third-party candidate since Ross Perot, who won 19% of the votes in 1992. The implications of his candidacy on the election outcome are still uncertain, but it's clear that he's shaking up the political landscape.

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Campaign Could Impact Election ResultsRobert F. Kennedy Jr.'s anti-two-party message and unique appeal draw support from ex-Trump and Biden donors, potentially leading to surprising election results. UAW's wage increases cause nonunion automakers to respond with raises of their own, adding intrigue to the political landscape.

      Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign could potentially be a deciding factor in the upcoming election, as he is currently drawing support from both former Trump and Biden donors, as well as first-time voters. His anti-two-party message and unique appeal could lead to surprising results, potentially even a head-to-head race. Additionally, the UAW's recent success in securing wage increases from the big three automakers has other nonunion automakers concerned and responding with wage raises of their own. These developments add intrigue and potential upheaval to the political landscape.

    • UAW Pressuring Automakers for Higher Wages and Better ConditionsThe UAW is pushing for wage increases of up to $43/hour for production and skilled trades workers at automakers like Toyota, with potential for collective strikes in 2028, driven by labor shortages and consumer demands for higher wages.

      The United Automobile Workers (UAW) union is putting pressure on automakers, including Tesla and non-union companies like Toyota, to increase wages and improve working conditions. This pressure is leading to significant wage increases, with Toyota announcing raises of up to $43 per hour for production workers and $43 per hour for skilled trades employees. The UAW is also calling for other unions to align their contract expirations and potentially stage a collective strike in 2028, which could have far-reaching impacts on the economy and industries beyond automaking. This shift towards more worker-friendly policies and labor activism is a response to the overall labor shortage and rising consumer expectations for higher wages, even as inflation continues to outpace wage growth. It remains to be seen how this will impact the pricing of automobiles and other goods, but the trend towards higher wages is expected to continue.

    • Arab American Support for Biden Drops to 17% for 2024 ElectionsArab American support for Biden plummeted to 17% for the 2024 elections, down from 59% in 2020, marking the first time in 27 years that Democrats are in the minority among this demographic. The decline was rapid and widespread, driven by frustration over inaction on the Gaza situation.

      The support for President Joe Biden among Arab American voters has significantly dropped, with only 17% indicating they will vote for him in the 2024 elections. This represents a stark contrast to the 59% support in 2020, and marks the first time in 27 years of polling that Democrats are in the minority among this demographic. The drop in support was rapid, occurring within a matter of weeks, and was not limited to any particular subgroup or generation. The frustration stems from perceived inaction on the situation in Gaza, and the numbers are particularly concerning for Biden in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan, where the campaign put significant resources in 2020.

    • Political Climate Towards Certain CommunitiesThe Biden administration's perceived dismissive attitude towards Arab and Jewish communities regarding Israel and Palestine could lead to voter alienation and potential support for third-party candidates.

      The current political climate towards certain communities, particularly those of Arab and Jewish descent, is a major concern due to the perceived dismissive attitude from the Biden administration. The belief is that the administration is underestimating the depth of emotion and the long-term impact of policies, especially regarding Israel and Palestine. The speaker argues that this approach is condescending and could lead to a significant number of voters staying home or turning to third-party candidates. The issue of Palestine is unique and deeply emotional for many in these communities, and the lack of action and outreach from the administration is not being overlooked. The speaker suggests that a change in direction, including meaningful engagement and action, is necessary to address this issue and prevent further alienation.

    • Michigan Congressman John Conyers' Inaction on Israel-Palestine Conflict Concerns Somali and Arab American CommunitiesMichigan Congressman John Conyers' lack of action on the Israel-Palestine conflict, specifically in the West Bank, is a concern for Somali and Arab American communities. They want him to pressure Israeli PM Netanyahu for a ceasefire and use US leverage to stop violence. Concrete actions needed beyond symbolic gestures.

      Michigan Congressman John Conyers' absence from addressing the ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, specifically regarding the situation in the West Bank, has been a concern for various communities, including the Somali and Arab American communities in Michigan. These communities have expressed their dissatisfaction with Conyers' inaction. While Conyers has had meetings with Somalis and African Americans, he has yet to engage with Arab Americans on this issue. The situation in the West Bank is dire, with Palestinians being evacuated from their homes due to settler violence. Conyers has the power to make a difference by pressuring Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to institute a ceasefire. However, he has not taken concrete actions to use the United States' leverage to stop the violence. The need for more than symbolic gestures, such as a humanitarian pause, is essential. The United States has not told Israel to stop the violence, and withholding funds may not be an effective solution if Palestinians need aid to rebuild Gaza. Conyers must take decisive action to help bring about peace in the region.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Battle Lines: Israeli troops push deep into Gaza & investigating Hamas' property portfolio

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    In this episode of Battle Lines, we speak to Defence Editor Danielle Sheridan, Middle East correspondent Nataliya Vasilyeva and Senior Foreign Correspondent Sophia Yan.

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    To listen to Battle Lines as soon as it's released, search Battle Lines: Israel-Gaza, wherever you're listening to this.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Nataliya Vasilyeva (Middle East Correspondent). @Nat_Vasilyeva on Twitter.

    Danielle Sheridan (Defence Editor). @SheridanDani on Twitter.

    Sophia Yan (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @sophia_yan on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Read Inside the gleaming developments that made Hamas a $1bn terror group, by Sophia Yan: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/30/property-developments-hamas-1bn/

    Read Israeli police sift through ash as they look for teeth and bones to identify Hamas victims, by Danielle Sheridan: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/11/01/israel-victims-body-bags-ash-hamas-gaza/

    Read I’d rather be back in Ukraine, say refugee children sent to Israel, by Danielle Sheridan: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/31/ukrainian-refugee-children-israel-kfar-chabad/

    For 3 months access to The Telegraph for just £1: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/audio |

    Email: battlelines@telegraph.co.uk |

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden's upcoming trip to Israel, IDF strikes Hezbollah as Iran tensions heat up, US citizens stranded in Gaza, Israeli Ambassador denies humanitarian crisis in Gaza, BP focus group on Biden's age, Hannity caught pressing GOP to support speaker Jim Jordan, producer Mac shoved by secret service at Palestine protest, Israeli government officials beef with celebrities online, Israel rejects Zelensky visit, and Krystal gets ambushed on NewsNation.

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    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, explained

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, explained

    The past century has seen the borders of Palestine and then Israel shift. From the Balfour Declaration in 1917 – when Britain first promised a Jewish homeland – a fierce struggle over land and nationhood has taken place. Whether you need a beginner’s guide to the history or just a reminder, we'll take you from that date through to the conflict today. 

    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: thetimes.co.uk/storiesofourtimes.

    Guest: Kevin Connolly, former BBC Middle East correspondent.

    Host: Luke Jones.


    - Six books to help you understand the Israel-Gaza conflict https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/6eadf81c-691b-11ee-a4e7-0fb10af55688?shareToken=601ea5a0228cb764228ddd2e97c53a63

    - Why are Israel and Gaza at war? The history of the conflict explained https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/why-israel-gaza-palestine-war-conflict-history-explained-xz0jv3phq 

    Get in touch: storiesofourtimes@thetimes.co.uk

    Clips: Sky News Australia, BBC News, Associated Press, Al Jazeera English, The Atlantic, Thames TV, Clinton Presidential Library.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Are Biden And Netanyahu Breaking On The War Between Israel And Hamas?

    Are Biden And Netanyahu Breaking On The War Between Israel And Hamas?
    The question looming over the war between Israel and Hamas is what will happen what will happen to Rafah, the city in southern Gaza. More than half of Gaza's population has sought refuge there–an estimated one and a half million people.

    Israel says that in order to defeat Hamas, it needs to bring the war to Rafah. The Biden administration says a military operation in Rafah cannot proceed. Is this a hairline crack or the beginning of a rift between the U.S. and Israel that could reverberate across the region?

    President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu's visions for the future of the war in Gaza are beginning to look irreconcilable. What does that mean for Biden's steadfast support of Israel?

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