
    11/20/23: Potential Hostage Deal Reached, Israel Friendly Fire On Oct 7th, IDF Reveals New Al-Shifa Evidence, US Freaks Over Israel Southern Offensive, Bin Laden Letter Goes Viral, Advertisers Flee Twitter After Elon Post, Sam Altman OpenAI Chaos, Democrat Says Biden Doomed In Michigan

    enNovember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable Disney tickets, news trial, supplements, hostage situation, Elon Musk controversies, and Michigan senate candidateSave on Disney tickets, get a trusted news source, try natural supplements, follow international conflicts, tech and politics news, and support independent media

      Time is running out to get affordable adult theme park tickets at child prices for Walt Disney World through Undercover Tourist. Meanwhile, The Economist offers a trusted news source with a free trial for unlimited digital access. SYNBOTICA provides all natural supplements that actually work, and Breaking Points is looking for support to expand their coverage and upgrades. There are potential developments in a hostage situation in Israel, new evidence of Hamas' use of hospitals, and controversies surrounding Elon Musk, antisemitism, and social media platforms. Additionally, a Democratic senate candidate from Michigan is calling for Joe Biden to step aside. Breaking Points is also selling holiday merchandise with a Black Friday discount for premium subscribers. The news covers a wide range of topics, from international conflicts to technology and politics.

    • Israeli PM's inflexibility complicates Gaza ceasefire and hostage releaseUS ally reports Netanyahu's rigidity hinders Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal, deteriorating situation in Gaza continues

      The release of hostages in Gaza and the implementation of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas are being complicated by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's inflexibility and obstinance, as reported by a diplomat from a key US ally. The potential deal, which would allow for the release of women and children among the hostages, is being mediated by Qatar but has not yet been finalized. Netanyahu's domestic politics, including pressure from families of hostages and opposition from hard right parts of his coalition, add to the complexity of the situation. Meanwhile, the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, with civilians and hostages at risk as the bombing campaign continues. The US, under President Biden, has taken a stronger stance against extremist violence in the West Bank, including considering individual sanctions against settlers for the first time.

    • Israeli settlements in West Bank making two-state solution impossibleIsraeli settlements within West Bank territory have grown under Netanyahu administration, complicating peace efforts by making the region resemble Swiss cheese, leading to increased violence and instability, and causing significant loss of political support for the Netanyahu administration.

      The illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which have been growing under international law for decades and have escalated under the Netanyahu administration, are making a two-state solution impossible. This is due to the vast number of settlements built within West Bank territory, making it resemble Swiss cheese. The Israeli government's official policy of supporting settlers and involving the IDF in their conflicts with Palestinians has further complicated the situation. This has led to increased violence and instability in the West Bank, causing a significant loss of political support for the Netanyahu administration. The domestic conflict arises from the Israeli government's obsession with settlements, which left other groups of citizens, primarily those in more liberal areas, exposed and vulnerable to attacks. The Netanyahu administration's falsehoods regarding the October 7th attacks, which were later proven to be untrue, were revealed in an interview between Mehdi Hasan and an IDF spokesperson. Despite the lack of independent verification of Hamas's numbers, it's clear that the Israeli government's actions and policies have contributed to the ongoing conflict and instability in the region.

    • Israeli govt vs Hamas: Disconnect between info and images during Gaza conflictThe Israeli govt's evasive response and disinformation tactics during the Gaza conflict damaged their relationship with international audiences, making it difficult for the global community to understand the situation accurately.

      During the recent conflict in Gaza, there was a significant disconnect between the information being presented by the Israeli government and the images being circulated globally. The Israeli government, represented by a senior adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, acknowledged that Hamas was controlling the narrative and manipulating images to portray only civilian casualties. Simultaneously, the adviser refused to acknowledge that children had been killed by Israeli forces, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. The adviser's evasive response and the Israeli government's handling of information contributed to a severe lack of trust and damaged their relationship with international audiences. The disinformation and sloppy propaganda tactics employed by the Israeli government further exacerbated the situation, making it difficult for the global community to understand the situation accurately.

    • Israeli propaganda efforts during conflict with Hamas sloppy and ham-fistedConcerns about civilian casualties and lack of transparency in Israeli actions during conflict with Hamas raise serious questions about their defensive justifications

      The Israeli government's propaganda efforts during the ongoing conflict with Hamas have been sloppy and ham-fisted, likely due to their intense focus on winning the propaganda race in real-time on social media. Additionally, there are concerns about civilian casualties, with reports of Israeli attacks killing partygoers at a music festival and targeting journalists, leading to over 50 deaths. The Israeli government's actions, including cutting off communications and attacking civilian infrastructure, have resulted in a significant civilian death toll and destruction of infrastructure, making their defensive justifications questionable. The investigation into the October 7th rave massacre revealed that Hamas did not know about the event beforehand, and there are concerns about friendly fire resulting in civilian deaths during Israeli attacks. The lack of transparency and accountability from the Israeli government regarding these incidents has raised serious questions about their actions and the role of the American press in reporting on the situation.

    • Maintaining trust during conflictIsraeli gov't criticism for unfounded claims, undermines trust and makes it hard to know truth. Credible investigation adds accuracy, essential for promoting cause and avoiding war crimes.

      During times of conflict, maintaining trust with the public and international community is crucial for any government, including Israel. The Israeli government's handling of the recent war and its communication with the public and international community has been criticized for making unfounded claims and using "ridiculous talking points," which undermines trust and makes it difficult for people to know what's truly happening on the ground. This is particularly important because the details of the situation, such as the alleged attack on a music festival, are being used to justify the indiscriminate bombing campaign and potential war crimes. A police investigation report from Haaretz, which details the alleged attack, adds credibility to the claims and provides an accurate historical record. Maintaining trust is essential for promoting a cause and avoiding the appearance of committing daily war crimes.

    • Israeli raid on Al Shifa Hospital met with skepticismThe Israeli government's justification for raiding Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, based on a supposed terrorist tunnel system, has been met with skepticism due to past instances of propaganda and manipulation of evidence. The raid resulted in significant loss of civilian life and disrupted medical services, raising concerns under international law.

      The Israeli government's justification for raiding Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, which they claimed was a Hamas headquarters with a large tunnel system underneath, has been met with skepticism due to past instances of propaganda and manipulation of evidence. The latest video released by the Israeli government allegedly showing a significant terrorist tunnel under the hospital is questionable given the history of such claims and the fact that Israel itself had built bunkers under the hospital in the 1980s. The raid on the hospital resulted in significant loss of civilian life and disrupted medical services for patients, raising concerns under international law. The Israeli government's efforts to win the propaganda war through social media and interviews with news outlets have been met with skepticism and calls for transparency. The World Health Organization reported that as of Saturday, there were still patients and health workers in the hospital, including critically ill babies and dialysis patients whose access to treatment had been compromised.

    • Israeli raid on Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza raises doubts and skepticismThe Israeli raid on Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza, initially justified as a Hamas headquarters, was later found to be a chaotic scene of destruction with no evidence of Hamas operations. This incident underscores the importance of transparency and accurate information in times of conflict to prevent damaging consequences.

      The recent Israeli raid on the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza has raised serious doubts and skepticism from the international community due to conflicting information and shifting narratives. Initially, the Israeli military claimed the hospital was a Hamas headquarters and justified the attack based on intelligence. However, subsequent investigations and reports from major media outlets and international organizations revealed no evidence of Hamas operations within the hospital. Instead, the hospital was found to be a chaotic scene of destruction and loss of life, with civilians and patients suffering. The Israeli military's attempts to prove their case have been met with skepticism and criticism, further damaging their international reputation and increasing pressure for a ceasefire. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and accurate information in times of conflict and the potential consequences of misinformation and shifting narratives.

    • New developments in Gaza shift Israeli military's focus and increase tensionsHamas leadership has reportedly fled to southern Gaza, prompting a more aggressive bombing campaign and concerns for civilian safety, as the US urges Israel to prioritize civilian protection during ongoing military operations.

      The situation in Gaza is rapidly changing, with new developments leading to shifting goals and increased tensions. The Israeli military's initial target, Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, was revealed to not be a well-hidden terrorist infrastructure as previously assumed. Instead, Hamas leadership is believed to have fled to Khan Yunis in the southern part of Gaza. This has led to a more aggressive bombing campaign in the South, raising concerns for the safety of civilians who were recently evacuated from the north under the assumption they would be safe. US Deputy National Security Advisor, John Finer, has publicly urged Israel to consider the safety of civilians in their military planning, as the situation in Gaza continues to evolve. The Biden administration is under pressure to address these developments and ensure the protection of civilians, adding complexity to ongoing peace negotiations.

    • US-Israel relations and Israeli military actions against PalestiniansThe US prioritizes its relationship with Israel, but public pressure is growing for stronger action against Israeli military actions against Palestinians. The Biden administration's support for Israel remains unwavering, but some Democratic senators are considering conditioning aid.

      The Israeli government prioritizes maintaining a strong relationship with the United States, and until the US takes significant action to address Israeli military actions against Palestinian civilians, there is little incentive for Israel to change its approach. The US has significant leverage through its financial and military support, but has yet to use it effectively. Public pressure on President Biden to take a stronger stance on the conflict is growing, and there are signs that some Democratic senators are considering conditioning aid to Israel. However, the Biden administration's support for Israel has been largely unwavering, and it remains to be seen whether this will lead to foundational changes in US policy towards Israel and Palestine.

    • Exploring solutions to the Gaza crisis: Handing control or creating an artificial islandThe complexity of the Gaza crisis requires a comprehensive and sustainable solution that acknowledges and addresses the underlying issues, rather than focusing on creating new land or handing control to external entities.

      The Israeli government is exploring various options to address the ongoing crisis in Gaza, including handing control to Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, or an international coalition. However, each option comes with its own challenges and potential drawbacks. One proposed solution, creating an artificial island off the coast of Gaza, is met with skepticism due to the conflict's fundamental nature as a land dispute. The idea of creating new land as a solution overlooks the importance of the actual land to Palestinians, who have historical, religious, and cultural connections to it. This highlights the complexity of the situation and the need for a comprehensive and sustainable solution that acknowledges and addresses the underlying issues.

    • The significance of land and holy sites in the ongoing conflict in GazaMilitary actions in Gaza can lead to radicalization and further instability, making easy solutions like relocation or horrific proposals like ethnic cleansing potentially counterproductive. The importance of place and the impact on people's lives must be recognized.

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza is deeply rooted in the significance of the land and its holy sites to the people involved. This issue transcends the perspective of those living in more privileged circumstances, who might suggest easy solutions like relocation. The destruction and displacement resulting from military actions can lead to the radicalization of more individuals and ultimately make the situation more dangerous, rather than less. The proposed solutions, such as ethnic cleansing or building islands, are not only horrific but also potentially counterproductive. The lessons from past conflicts, including 9/11, should remind us that such actions often make us less safe. The future holds a bleak outlook, with potential consequences that could further destabilize the region. It is crucial to recognize the importance of place and the profound impact of military actions on people's lives.

    • Osama Bin Laden's letter to America sparks reactions on TikTokThe Osama Bin Laden letter to America gained significant attention on TikTok, leading to a wave of reactions and reevaluation of perspectives on terrorism. However, the letter's popularity on the platform also led to its removal and censorship.

      The Osama Bin Laden letter to America, which had been circulating on TikTok, sparked a wave of reactions from people who read it for the first time. Yashar Ali, a prolific social media user, shared his experience of being deeply impacted by the letter, leading to thousands of TikToks expressing similar sentiments. The letter, which explains Bin Laden's reasons for attacking the United States, opened the eyes of many people and made them reevaluate their perspectives on terrorism as a form of resistance. However, after the letter gained popularity, The Guardian removed it from their website, and TikTok began aggressively targeting and removing content related to the letter. The Washington Post investigated the virality of the letter and found that while it was already gaining some attention before being shared on TikTok, the platform significantly amplified its reach. This incident highlights the power of social media in shaping public discourse and the importance of accurate reporting.

    • The Streisand Effect: Suppression Leads to PopularitySuppressing controversial content can unintentionally increase its reach and importance, providing valuable historical context but also offensive content, requiring careful consideration of motivations and contexts.

      The suppression or censorship of controversial content, such as Osama Bin Laden's letter to America, can inadvertently increase its popularity and spread. This phenomenon is known as the Streisand Effect. The letter provides valuable historical context, especially for younger generations who may not remember the 9/11 attacks. It also sheds light on the perspectives of adversaries and enemies, which is essential for understanding their motivations. However, the letter contains offensive and hateful content towards certain groups, and it's crucial to separate legitimate foreign policy grievances from justifications for horrific acts. The context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the social, political, and economic conditions that led to it are also important to consider. Ultimately, reading the letter can deepen our understanding of significant historical events and help us navigate complex geopolitical issues.

    • Avoid simplistic and divisive narrativesReject arguments justifying attacks on innocent civilians, promote dialogue, education, and critical thinking, and understand historical context to foster open and informed discussions.

      It's crucial to avoid simplistic and divisive narratives that demonize entire populations based on their political beliefs or allegiances. The quote from Bin Laden, which suggests that supporting a particular political group justifies attacks on innocent civilians, is a dangerous and flawed argument. It's essential to reject such arguments, whether they come from extremist groups like Al-Qaeda or popular discourse. Additionally, understanding historical context and being honest about past mistakes is vital for promoting open and informed discussions. Banning content or silencing voices, even if they contain harmful or misguided ideas, is not the solution. Instead, we should strive to promote dialogue, education, and critical thinking. The democratization of information through the internet provides us with an opportunity to learn from the past and present, but only if we approach it with an open mind and a commitment to truth and understanding.

    • Historical alliances and their complex consequencesUnderstanding historical alliances' complex origins and ongoing societal shifts is vital for promoting peace and avoiding conflicts.

      Historical alliances between the US and countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia were formed based on geopolitical interests during the Cold War era. These alliances led to support for various groups, some of which later became extremist organizations. However, it's essential not to oversimplify this complex history and blame the US or Israel for the actions of these groups or the resulting conflicts. The current political climate, including divisions over issues like Israel-Palestine and Black Lives Matter, is driven by a generational shift in perspective. Younger generations have less attachment to the Cold War era's ideology of supporting allies unconditionally. The recent controversy over Elon Musk's tweets on X.com (Twitter) highlights the power of social media to ignite controversy and impact businesses. It's crucial to understand the historical context and ongoing societal changes to promote peace and avoid conflicts.

    • Twitter Ad Controversy: Elon Musk vs Media MattersAdvertisers suspended their ads on Twitter due to perceived association with offensive content, highlighting the importance of brands maintaining a positive image and avoiding controversy.

      The Twitter controversy between Elon Musk and Media Matters led to a mass exodus of advertisers from the platform, with major companies like Apple, IBM, Disney, and others suspending their ads. Musk accused Media Matters of creating a false report about offensive content being served next to their ads, and threatened to sue them. The Attorney General of Missouri also weighed in, suggesting that fraud could be involved. Musk's statement regarding the report sparked controversy when he made a comment about decolonization and its implications for genocide, which was seen as a call for violence against Jews. The Anti-Defamation League praised Musk for taking a stand against hate speech. The incident highlights the sensitivity of advertisers to perceived association with offensive content and the potential power of watchdog groups like Media Matters to influence their decisions.

    • Elon Musk's Controversial Tweets: Free Speech vs. CensorshipMusk's tweets, initially misunderstood, were later deemed anti-Semitic. Debates ensued on free speech vs. hate speech, ADL's role, and inconsistencies in content moderation policies. Power of advertisers and nuanced discussions needed.

      The recent controversy surrounding Elon Musk's tweets and their potential anti-Semitic undertones highlights a complex issue of free speech versus censorship, as well as the politicization of certain words and ideologies. Musk's tweets, which included the phrase "dielectrical hatred" and references to "minority hordes," were initially misunderstood by some, but were later explained to be anti-Semitic in nature. This incident sparked debates about the line between criticism of political ideologies and hate speech, as well as the role of organizations like the ADL in defining and policing such speech. Additionally, the controversy underscores the power of advertisers in shaping content moderation policies on social media platforms, as well as the inconsistencies and hypocrisies that can arise when it comes to free speech advocacy. Ultimately, this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of nuanced and thoughtful discussions around complex issues, rather than relying on simplistic labels and easy solutions.

    • Balancing Free Speech and Inflammatory LanguageMaintain free speech principles while addressing hate speech and promoting respectful dialogue, recognizing the complexities and challenges involved.

      The issue of free speech and inflammatory language, particularly when it comes to topics like racism, bigotry, and political conflicts, can be complex and contentious. It's important to recognize that definitions can evolve and be manipulated, and that some people may use inflammatory language unintentionally or in good faith. At the same time, it's crucial to acknowledge and address instances of hate speech and genocidal rhetoric, which can have real-world harmful consequences. The key is to uphold the principles of free speech while also making space for diverse perspectives and promoting respectful dialogue. This requires a nuanced understanding of complex issues and a commitment to open-mindedness and empathy. Additionally, it's important to recognize that advertisers and platforms have a role to play in shaping the online discourse, and that there are business models beyond advertising that can support free speech principles. Ultimately, it's essential to approach these issues with a nuanced and thoughtful perspective, recognizing the complexities and challenges involved while striving for a more inclusive and respectful online discourse.

    • The Weight of Negative Emotions and the Complexities of AI GovernanceNegative emotions can impact mental health, while AI industry faces complexities and debates on caution vs innovation. Therapy offers relief, Altman's ousting highlights AI governance issues, and he lands new role at Microsoft.

      Holding onto negative emotions and experiences can weigh heavily on our minds, and seeking help through therapy can provide relief and potential solutions. Meanwhile, in the tech world, the recent ousting of OpenAI founder Sam Altman highlights the complexities and potential conflicts in the AI industry. The incident underscores the ongoing debate between those advocating for caution and regulation, and those pushing for rapid growth and innovation. Despite being pushed out by OpenAI's nonprofit board, Altman quickly landed a new role at Microsoft, fueling speculation about the future of AI and its governance.

    • OpenAI's Shift from Nonprofit to Business Deal with MicrosoftThe shift of OpenAI from a nonprofit to a business deal with Microsoft raises concerns due to the potential risks and ethical dilemmas associated with AI development. Prioritizing profits over the greatest good for humanity could lead to unintended consequences.

      The shift of OpenAI from a nonprofit to a business deal with Microsoft, led by Sam Altman, raised concerns due to the potential risks and ethical dilemmas associated with AI development. The original intention of OpenAI as a nonprofit was to mitigate the profit motive in AI research and prevent unintended consequences. However, the nature of AI is unique, as it's not like traditional technology where a human can understand its inner workings. The massive amounts of data used to create AI models result in something that's different and unpredictable. This, coupled with the potential for significant profits, creates a tension between those who prioritize the greatest good for humanity and those who prioritize profits. The effective altruist philosophy, which prioritizes the greatest good for humanity, identifies AI as a significant risk. The disagreement between Altman and the OpenAI board over this direction could have led to his departure, but the exact reasons are still unclear. Overall, the conversation around AI development is complex and fraught with tension, as the potential benefits and risks are significant.

    • The role of pessimists in making technology safer and betterEngaging in thoughtful discussions with pessimists, even those with extreme views, can provide valuable insights and help us better understand complex issues

      Pessimists, including those with deep understanding and involvement in technology, have played a crucial role in making technology safer and better. Dismissing their concerns as unfounded or driven solely by ignorance is not productive. This was highlighted in discussions about AI, where concerns range from apocalyptic scenarios to job loss due to rapid development. Even those with a more detached perspective can provide valuable insights, as they may not be emotionally invested in the technology and can offer a fresh perspective. Moreover, the term "noncombatant population" in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was questioned by a former Israeli intelligence chief during an interview on CNN. He stated that the term is misleading, as most Gazans have voted for Hamas, making a clear distinction between the population's political allegiance and their status as noncombatants. This statement sparked controversy, but it's important to note that the context of the comment, including the fact that Gazans have limited opportunities for free and fair elections, should be considered. Overall, engaging in thoughtful and nuanced discussions about the implications of technology and geopolitical conflicts can help us better understand complex issues and find ways to address the challenges they present.

    • Criticism of CNN's reporting during the 2014 Gaza conflictDuring conflicts, fact-checking and transparency are crucial for journalistic integrity. Biased or inaccurate reporting can harm public trust and have serious consequences.

      During the 2014 Gaza conflict, there were instances where major news outlets, including CNN, faced criticism for their reporting. In one instance, Anderson Cooper seemed to make a case for the legitimacy of targeting civilians based on Osama Bin Laden's perspective. Meanwhile, CNN also faced backlash for running a package that included disputed Israeli military claims about a hospital. The package included an Arabic calendar that was later found to be a regular calendar, not a hostage shift schedule for Hamas. Despite acknowledging the error, CNN did not provide any explanation or clarification to its online readership. This raises concerns about the importance of fact-checking and transparency in journalism, especially during times of conflict. The normalization of biased and potentially inaccurate reporting can have serious consequences and undermine public trust in the media.

    • Importance of fact-checking in conflict zonesJournalistic accuracy is crucial in conflict zones, and fact-checking is necessary to maintain credibility, build trust, and avoid fueling mistrust or hindering diplomacy.

      Journalistic accuracy and vigilance are crucial, especially in conflict zones where information is tightly controlled. In the case of CNN's error regarding a calendar from Gaza, the consequences were significant and damaging to the network's credibility. The context of reporting from Gaza, where foreign journalists face restrictions and are heavily influenced by Israeli military narratives, underscores the importance of thorough fact-checking. The incident highlights the need for news organizations to own up to their mistakes, learn from them, and maintain the trust of their audiences. The stakes are high, as misinformation can fuel mistrust and hinder diplomatic efforts, particularly in relation to Israel and Palestine.

    • Impact of Israel-Palestine conflict on Biden's re-election chancesMany voters, including young Democrats, disapprove of Biden's Israel policy, potentially harming his re-election chances and the Democrats' control of Congress.

      In the upcoming election, the Israel-Palestine conflict could significantly impact President Biden's re-election chances, particularly in swing states like Michigan. According to Nasser Baydoun, a democratic candidate for senate in Michigan, many voters who supported Biden in 2020 are now unwilling to do so due to his handling of the conflict. Poll numbers from NBC News show that a majority of voters, including young Democrats, disapprove of Biden's policy on Israel. Baydoun also noted that Biden's age and perceived lack of a viable alternative vice president could further harm his chances. If Biden chooses to run, Baydoun believes he could lose the presidency, and potentially cost the Democrats the majority in the Senate and House. The issue of Israel-Palestine is becoming a deciding factor for many voters, making it a "race of which is the better of 2 evils."

    • Galvanizing Opposition to Biden's PoliciesYoung voters are showing significant momentum in opposing Biden's policies, particularly in the US Senate race in Michigan where an immigrant, Arab, and Muslim man, Nasser Judeh, is gaining traction by opposing established figures.

      The chaos of the Trump administration and the current situation in Gaza are galvanizing people across the country, not just Muslims and Arab Americans, to oppose the Biden administration's policies. Young voters, in particular, are showing significant momentum in this regard. This dynamic is translating into the primary campaign for the US Senate in Michigan, where longshot candidate Nasser Judeh, an immigrant, Arab, and Muslim man, is gaining traction by opposing the dominance of established figures like Alyssa Slotkin. Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is seen as a miscalculation, as people feel a lack of empathy and hope for peace. Nasser Judeh's campaign can be learned more about at nasser4mi.com.

    • Access mental health support anytime, anywhere with BetterHelpBetterHelp provides flexible, convenient, and affordable online therapy sessions with licensed therapists. Empowering individuals to manage mental health challenges from the comfort of their own home or on the go.

      Mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and it's crucial for everyone to have access to support when dealing with challenges. Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of background or circumstances. BetterHelp offers a solution with online therapy that is flexible, convenient, and more affordable than traditional in-person sessions. With BetterHelp, you can connect with a licensed therapist who is carefully selected for you, and you can access therapy sessions from the comfort of your own home or on the go. This approach to mental health support is particularly valuable in today's fast-paced world, where finding the time and resources for in-person therapy can be a challenge. By making mental health care more accessible and convenient, BetterHelp empowers individuals to take control of their mental health and well-being. To learn more about how BetterHelp can help you, visit their website at betterhelp.com.

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    7/1/24: NYT Says Biden Drop Out, Kamala Implodes Defending Debate, Biden Donor Revolt, 72% Say Biden Mentally Unfit, Far Right Stuns Macron In French Elections, Glenn Greenwald Sounds Off On Biden Age

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    Israel's Invasion Begins

    Over the weekend, the Israeli military appears to have begun an invasion of the Gaza Strip, with tanks rolling into the enclave and Israeli soldiers fighting Hamas inside. But the operation remains shrouded in secrecy, and Israel is revealing little about its actions.

    Raja Abdulrahim, a Middle East correspondent for The Times, and Patrick Kingsley, the Jerusalem bureau chief, discuss the latest escalation in the war.

    Guests: Raja Abdulrahim, a Middle East correspondent for The New York Times, based in Jerusalem, and Patrick Kingsley, the Jerusalem bureau chief for The New York Times.

    Background reading: 

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    Introducing ‘The War Briefing’

    Introducing ‘The War Briefing’

    As the Israel-Hamas war intensifies, fears are growing that the conflict could spread beyond Gaza. And with an expected Israeli ground invasion, the coming days are likely to have enormous consequences. To meet this moment, The Times has started a daily afternoon report, hosted by Lulu Garcia-Navarro. 

    “The War Briefing” is available in the New York Times Audio app, which is available to Times subscribers. If you’re not a subscriber, become one: nytimes.com/audioapp.

    Gaza’s humanitarian crisis

    Gaza’s humanitarian crisis
    Cut off from water and power and recovering from a communications blackout, Gaza is plunged deeper into crisis. It’s not just a humanitarian problem, says leading human rights attorney Kenneth Roth — it’s a violation of international law. This episode was produced by Haleema Shah and Hady Mawajdeh, edited by Amina Al-Sadi and Miranda Kennedy, fact-checked by Serena Solin and Laura Bullard, engineered by Patrick Boyd, and hosted by Noel King. Transcript at vox.com/todayexplained Support Today, Explained by making a financial contribution to Vox! bit.ly/givepodcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    12/28/21: Biden's Media Meetings, War Crimes, Iran Nuclear Deal, CBP Spying, and More!

    12/28/21: Biden's Media Meetings, War Crimes, Iran Nuclear Deal, CBP Spying, and More!

    Krystal and Saagar talk about the Biden administration's meetings with reporters, Pentagon covering up war crimes, re-entry into the Iran nuclear deal, Customs & Border Protection spying on people, and more!

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    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-points-with-krystal-and-saagar/id1570045623 

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    A diary of war: Three months in Gaza

    A diary of war: Three months in Gaza

    Palestinian journalist Amal Helles has been reporting for The Times and The Sunday Times from Gaza since the Hamas attacks on Israel, and the beginning of the conflict in October. Foreign journalists aren't allowed unaccompanied into the territory, where she lives with her husband and two small children. So we’ve been talking to her via WhatsApp voice notes about life amid food shortages, bombing and evacuation.

    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: thetimes.co.uk/storiesofourtimes

    Guest: Amal Helles, journalist, The Times and The Sunday Times.

    Host: Olivia Case.

    Clips: France 24, Inside Edition, BBC, WSL, NBC, The Guardian, ABC, Al Jazeera, CBS, CTV, TRT World, ABC, WION, 13News Now, 13WMAZ, Channel 4, AP, PBS, The National, Reuters, DW News, Middle East Eye, Democracy Now, MSNBC.

    Get in touch: storiesofourtimes@thetimes.co.uk

    Find out more about our bonus series for Times subscribers: 'Inside the newsroom'

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