
    11/21/23: Hezbollah Strikes Israel, Biden Admin Erupts Over 'Genocide Joe', Israel Jails Journalists, Cardi B Unloads On Biden Wars, Argentina Elects Wild New President, Cenk Uygur On Biden Brain Glitch, And Thanksgiving Politics

    enNovember 21, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable alternatives for wireless service, shopping, and carsConsumer Cellular offers cheaper wireless plans with same coverage, Ross discounts save up to 60% on shopping, and CarMax ensures quality cars with upfront pricing

      Consumers have options to save money on wireless service and shopping, without compromising quality. Consumer Cellular offers the same reliable coverage as leading carriers at a lower cost, and Ross provides discounts of up to 60% off department store prices. In the automobile market, CarMax ensures peace of mind with certified quality cars and upfront pricing. Meanwhile, Breaking Points, a podcast, prepares to provide exclusive content for premium subscribers during the Thanksgiving holiday. Tensions in Israel and Gaza escalated with Hezbollah's cross-border attack on an Israeli military site, increasing the risk of a wider regional war. These developments and more, including Cardi B's political views and Argentina's new president, will be covered in the upcoming podcast episodes.

    • Middle East Conflicts Pose Significant Risks of EscalationAdvanced weapon systems by Hezbollah, potential captivity of Israeli or American nationals, and attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria pose significant risks of escalation in the Middle East, impacting international security and maritime safety.

      The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, specifically between Israel and Hezbollah in Gaza, as well as the Houthis in Yemen, continue to pose significant risks of escalation and impact international security. The use of advanced weapon systems by Hezbollah marks a new escalation, and the potential for captivity of Israeli or American nationals could lead to further escalation. Additionally, attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria have increased, leading to frustration within the defense department over the lack of a clear strategy for deterrence. These conflicts are interconnected and pose a fragile ecosystem with potential consequences for international maritime security. The situation is touch and go every day, and the risk of unintended escalation is ever-present.

    • Conflict in Middle East poses risk of US involvementAmerican concern grows as conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Israel escalate, increasing potential for US service members to be directly involved and unintended escalation.

      The ongoing conflict between various groups in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Israel poses a significant risk of escalation, with the potential for American service members to be directly involved. Recent attacks on US bases in both Yemen and Syria, as well as intercepted weapons headed towards Israel, have raised concerns that a wider war could be on the horizon. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's rhetoric of fighting a war on America's behalf has added to these fears, as it implies a loss of control over the situation. Polling shows that Americans across the political spectrum are concerned about the US getting drawn deeper into this conflict, and the longer it continues, the greater the risk of unintended escalation. It's important to keep an eye on this situation, as the stakes are high for all parties involved.

    • Geopolitical tensions with far-reaching implicationsInaction in geopolitical conflicts could lead to wider conflicts and human rights abuses. Adhere to international laws and diplomacy, not military interventions, for resolving complex issues.

      The ongoing geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, as well as Israel and Palestine, have significant implications that extend beyond their respective borders. The speakers in this discussion warn that inaction could lead to wider conflicts and potential human rights abuses. This echoes the lessons learned from past conflicts, such as the Iraq War and the Global War on Terror. However, the speakers also caution against attempting to solve complex issues through large-scale military interventions. Instead, they advocate for adherence to international laws and diplomatic solutions. The discussion also touches on the importance of standing up for international rules-based order and holding all countries accountable for their actions. Ultimately, it's crucial to approach these conflicts with a nuanced understanding of the complexities involved and to prioritize diplomacy and adherence to international laws over military intervention.

    • Consistency in using terms like genocide and war crimesThe Biden administration should apply terms like genocide and war crimes consistently, regardless of the party involved, as the situation in Gaza meets the criteria and requires international action.

      The use of terms like genocide and war crimes should be applied appropriately and consistently, regardless of the party involved. The Biden administration has previously used these terms when it came to Russia's actions in Ukraine, but there is a need for consistency when it comes to Israel and Hamas. The discussion around the use of these terms can get complex, but it's important to remember that genocide, as defined by the Geneva Conventions, involves intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, and conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction. The situation in Gaza meets these criteria, with the Israeli government expressing genocidal intent and imposing conditions of life that are calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the Palestinian people. It's essential for the international community to use these terms consistently to maintain the integrity of the international rules-based order.

    • Israeli officials downplay civilian deaths in Gaza, implying they're fair game due to Hamas tiesIsraeli officials' statements that most Gazan deaths were terrorists, ignoring UN's 70% civilian estimate, justifies targeting civilians and aid workers, fueling controversy over civilian casualties

      Israeli government officials, including supposed moderates, have made statements that most people killed in Gaza were terrorists, implying that civilians, including women, children, and babies, are fair game due to their supposed affiliation with Hamas. This perspective ignores the UN's estimation that roughly 70% of all deaths were civilians. The inconsistency in these arguments, along with accusations that UN aid workers and organizations like the World Health Organization are complicit with Hamas, further justifies the targeting of civilians and aid workers in the conflict. These statements contribute to the ongoing debate over the number of civilian casualties and the legitimacy of military actions in Gaza.

    • Israel's goal should be Hamas system collapse, not just fighter deathsIsraeli officials propose accelerating Hamas's downfall through system collapse, sparking controversy due to potential humanitarian consequences and allegations of international complicity

      During the discussion, Giora Island expressed a controversial perspective that for Israel to win the ongoing conflict with Hamas more swiftly and at a lower cost, a system collapse on the Hamas side should be the goal, rather than just killing more Hamas fighters. This perspective was met with criticism due to the potential humanitarian consequences, including severe epidemics in Gaza. Israel's Finance Minister publicly endorsed this view, and there have been allegations of complicity between Israel and international organizations like the World Health Organization and the UN in Gaza. The Geneva Conventions emphasize the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure during war, but the application of these rules has been inconsistent. While Israel claims to uphold international rules, comments from Israeli officials raise questions about potential war crimes. The civilian death toll and destruction of hospitals, schools, and refugee camps are raising concerns about the unfolding situation.

    • US credibility eroded on global stageThe US must acknowledge past mistakes to regain credibility and effectively engage in diplomacy, particularly in the Middle East where inconsistent stances on issues like Palestine and Israel fuel frustration and contribute to the growth of terrorist groups.

      The United States' credibility on the global stage has been significantly eroded, particularly in regards to issues of war crimes, humanitarianism, and international rules. This loss of credibility, combined with the persistent insistence on maintaining that credibility, fuels frustration and continues to contribute to the proliferation of terrorist groups in the Middle East. The US, despite having the moral high ground in some areas, cannot ignore the mistakes made in the past and must acknowledge them in order to regain credibility and effectively engage in diplomacy. The ongoing situation in Palestine and Israel is a prime example of this issue, where the US's stance is seen as inconsistent and damaging to the cause of peace.

    • Reporting from conflict zones: Challenges for Western mediaWestern media outlets face ethical dilemmas and potential consequences when reporting from conflict zones like Gaza, where there's support for opposing sides and taking a stance can have repercussions.

      The complexities of reporting from conflict zones, such as Gaza, pose significant challenges for Western media outlets. In the case of NBC, a journalist's social media posts were perceived as supporting Hamas, leading to her arrest. Meanwhile, the LA Times barred its staff from covering the conflict if they signed a letter critical of Israel's military operations. These incidents raise questions about media ethics and impartiality. The New Yorker had previously published a Palestinian poet, Musaab Abu Toha, who was later detained in Gaza. The situation highlights the difficulties Western media outlets face in independently reporting from Gaza, where there is support for Hamas, and the potential consequences of taking a stance. The LA Times incident, in particular, challenges the notion of neutrality in journalism and raises questions about the role of media in shaping public discourse.

    • Arrest of Journalist and Censorship in Gaza Raises Concerns for Press FreedomThe arrest and silencing of journalists covering the conflict in Gaza hampers our understanding of the human impact and complexities of the situation, and undermines the importance of independent journalism.

      The arrest of a journalist for a social media post and the subsequent censorship of reporters covering the ongoing conflict in Gaza raises serious concerns about freedom of the press and the importance of independent journalism. The United States, as a significant funder of Israel's military, also has a vested interest in the situation. The use of terms like "ethnic cleansing" to describe the displacement of Palestinians is not an exaggeration, as documented by organizations like EuroMed Monitor. The detention and silencing of journalists, including those with deep knowledge of the region, hinders our understanding of the human impact of the conflict and the complexity of the issues at hand. The hypocrisy of Western media outlets, who have previously advocated for press freedom, is alarming as they remain largely silent on these developments. The voices and perspectives of individuals like Mossab Abu Tohah, who provide valuable insights into the experiences of those affected by the conflict, must not be silenced.

    • Amplifying Silenced VoicesRecognize the value of diverse perspectives and advocate for policies that support essential services and community well-being.

      The world is filled with diverse voices and perspectives, some of which are being silenced or overlooked. This was highlighted in the discussion about the detained journalist from Syria, as well as in Cardi B's passionate Instagram rant about social spending and war funding. In the case of the journalist, it's important to recognize the value of his unique perspective and the potential loss when it's silenced. With Cardi B, her frustration underscores the need for prioritizing essential services and addressing societal issues, rather than focusing on wars and military spending. These discussions serve as reminders of the importance of listening to and amplifying diverse voices, and advocating for policies that support the well-being of communities.

    • Cardi B criticizes government spending prioritiesCardi B expressed frustration over budget cuts for essential services while acknowledging large military spending and foreign aid

      Cardi B, in her recent comments, expressed frustration towards the government's prioritization of funding for wars and military aid over essential services and infrastructure within the city and country. She specifically mentioned the significant budget cuts in New York City for schools, libraries, police safety, and sanitation, while also acknowledging the large amounts of money being spent on foreign aid and wars. Cardi B's concerns reflect a growing sentiment among people who feel that their tax dollars are not being used effectively to address basic needs and improve the quality of life for citizens. Additionally, she expressed admiration for historical political figures like FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt, showcasing her political engagement and intelligence.

    • New York City's Budget Struggles with Migrant CostsDespite popular belief, sheltering migrants isn't the main cause of NYC budget cuts. Instead, reductions have hit areas like schools, sanitation, and police.

      The cost of New York City's response to the influx of migrants, primarily from Venezuela, is a significant challenge for the city's budget. However, the numbers suggest that the cost of sheltering migrants is not the primary driver of budget cuts. Instead, cuts have been made to areas like schools, sanitation, and the police budget. The migrant issue is a complex one, with many seeking sanctuary in cities like New York due to their welcoming reputation. However, the lack of a sensible immigration policy from Washington D.C. has put pressure on cities to deal with the issue alone. Additionally, the economic instability in countries like Venezuela, caused in part by US sanctions, has forced people to leave and seek asylum. The backlog of asylum cases can take years to be heard, leading to a strain on resources. A solution would be to increase the number of immigration judges to clear the backlog and ensure a reasonable processing time for asylum seekers. Ultimately, the issue of migrants and the associated costs is a complex one that requires a multi-faceted approach.

    • U.S. immigration system issues and Argentina's new president-electThe U.S. immigration system's inefficiencies and uncertainty impact Haitian migrants, while Argentina's new president-elect's election reflects a backlash against the cultural Left and calls for effective governance and policy changes.

      The current immigration system in the United States is broken and causing problems at various levels. The speaker shares his experience of encountering Haitian migrants with uncertain asylum hearings and work permits, indicating the long wait times and uncertainty in the system. He emphasizes that this is a downstream effect of Washington D.C.'s poorly managed systems and decades of failed policies in America and Central America. Meanwhile, in Argentina, a new president-elect, Javier Milet, has taken office with controversial views, advocating for deregulation and libertarian ideologies. While some see him as an anarcho-capitalist, others view him as a dorm room libertarian with textured anti-cultural leftist tendencies. Regardless of labels, his election reflects a backlash against the cultural Left in Argentina. The immigration issue in the U.S. and the election of Milet in Argentina are connected in that they both highlight the need for effective governance and policy changes to address complex societal issues.

    • Argentina's Instability Paves Way for Anti-Establishment Politician Javier MileiAmerican libertarian networks have influenced the rise of anti-establishment politician Javier Milei in Argentina, who gained popularity through his entertaining personality and frustration of younger generations with the status quo, but it's uncertain if he can bring about significant change in a country resistant to reforms.

      Argentina's long-term economic instability, marked by high inflation and a broken political system, has set the stage for the rise of unconventional politicians like Javier Milei. Milei, an economist with a controversial reputation, has gained popularity through his anti-establishment stance and charisma, despite lacking a solid political party or parliamentary support. His success can be attributed in part to the influence of American libertarian networks, which have funded think tanks and boosted the careers of like-minded individuals in Latin America. Milei's appeal lies in his entertaining personality and his ability to tap into the frustration of younger generations with the status quo. However, the question remains whether he will be able to enact meaningful change in a country with a history of resistance to reform efforts.

    • Desperate young Argentinians seek change through controversial candidatesDuring political instability and economic decay, young people in Argentina and beyond turn to unconventional leaders, even if they don't fully agree with their views, to bring about change. This can result in violence and unrest if the leaders' actions conflict with various groups' expectations and interests.

      That during times of political instability and economic decay, desperate young people in Argentina are willing to take a chance on a controversial candidate, even if they don't agree with all of his views, as a means of seeking change. This dynamic, which can be compared to the Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump election in the United States, can lead to significant violence and unrest if the candidate's actions clash with the expectations and interests of various groups. The libertarian network, Atlas, is a driving force behind this international movement, as seen in the rise of leaders like Bolsonaro and the Argentine candidate discussed in the article. This trend, while specific to Argentina, may also be indicative of broader political shifts in South and Central America and beyond. The libertarian ideology, which rejects borders and governments, can lead to unexpected and potentially disruptive outcomes.

    • Discussing Biden's polling and potential Democratic alternativesCenk Uygur expressed concerns about Biden's standing in the polls and urged the Democratic Party to consider alternative candidates to strengthen their chances against Trump.

      During the discussion, Cenk Uygur expressed his concern about Joe Biden's current standing in the polls and his ability to win the upcoming presidential election. He pointed out Biden's low favorability rating and the significant loss of support from key demographics, including Latinos. Uygur urged the Democratic Party to consider other candidates, emphasizing the importance of choosing a strong contender to challenge Donald Trump. Additionally, various products and services were showcased, including Ryan's upcoming book "The Squad, AOC, and the Hope of a Political Revolution," CarMax's car buying platform, and educational travel adventures with Road Scholar. Lastly, Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty skin care line was introduced, offering a complete system designed for all ages, skin tones, and types.

    • Younger voters' shifting political views pose a challenge for Joe BidenYounger voters are increasingly skeptical of traditional political messaging and prefer to fact-check and research issues online, leading to low approval ratings for Joe Biden among this demographic.

      The current political landscape, particularly regarding younger voters and their views on certain issues, is shifting dramatically and poses a significant challenge for Democratic candidates like Joe Biden. Cenk Uygur, a prominent online influencer and media personality, argues that Biden's stance on issues like Israel and student debt relief, among others, is out of touch with younger generations. Uygur emphasizes that these voters are increasingly skeptical of traditional media and political messaging, preferring to fact-check and research issues online. As a result, Biden's approval ratings among younger voters have plummeted, making it highly unlikely for him to win the upcoming election. Polling data from NBC News supports this argument, with a majority of Democrats and a significant portion of all voters disapproving of Biden's Israel policy and opposing US aid to Israel. While some may argue that voters will eventually rally behind Biden, Uygur contends that this trend is a persistent one and that a more progressive and energetic candidate would be more effective in appealing to younger voters.

    • Biden's poor approval ratings make a comeback unlikelyDespite incumbency benefits, Biden's low approval and loss of key voter groups make a comeback unlikely, complicating Democrats' chances in the election

      Joe Biden's low approval ratings and prolonged time in the thirties make a comeback highly unlikely. His current standing is much worse than President Obama's when he dipped into the same range, and Biden has shown no signs of improvement. The loss of Michigan, a critical swing state, due to Arab and Muslim voters' disapproval, further complicates the Democrats' chances of winning the election. Additionally, incumbency, which typically benefits a candidate due to name recognition and donor money, is now a disadvantage for a presidential candidate, as seen with President Trump's ability to manipulate gas prices to his advantage. These factors combined make it highly unlikely for Biden to win the election.

    • Speaker challenges Joe Biden's poll lead, claims manipulationSpeaker criticizes Biden for inconsistent stance on wars, lack of action on student debt, marijuana, and paid family leave. He positions himself as an outsider fighting for younger voters' issues.

      The speaker believes there is manipulation in the polls to favor Joe Biden and that he, despite being a naturalized citizen, is making progress in getting on ballots and gaining support from voters. He emphasizes his alignment with Democratic values and his determination to fight for issues important to younger voters, such as student debt relief, legalized marijuana, and paid family leave. The speaker also criticizes Biden for his inconsistent stance on funding for wars and his lack of action on these issues. He portrays himself as an outsider not beholden to donor money and corrupt politicians.

    • Limited debate opportunities hinder democratic processThe lack of debate opportunities for lesser-known Democratic contenders hinders the democratic process and informed decision making for voters, perpetuating the belief that established candidates are the only viable options.

      The current political climate calls for a strong and viable Democratic candidate to challenge the incumbent, and the lack of debate opportunities for lesser-known contenders like Cenk Uygur, Marianne Williamson, and Dean Phillips hinders the democratic process and the ability for voters to make informed decisions. The media's focus on established candidates and the DNC's lack of debates perpetuates the belief that the current presumptive nominee is the only viable option, despite polling numbers and past election results indicating otherwise. The call to action is for these candidates to come together and engage in debates, forums, and town halls to showcase their ideas and compete in a democratic process that allows for a strong primary and ultimately, a stronger candidate to challenge the current administration.

    • Avoiding Political Discussions at Family GatheringsSix in ten Americans prefer to avoid political discussions during Thanksgiving. Balance and respect are crucial when discussing politics. Stay informed, open-minded, and practice empathy.

      Politics can be a contentious topic, especially during family gatherings like Thanksgiving. According to a poll, six in ten Americans prefer to avoid political discussions during the holiday. While some people enjoy engaging in political debates, others find it irritating when politics are forced upon them. It's essential to find a balance and approach these conversations with empathy and respect for differing perspectives. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of being informed and open-minded, as well as the benefits of travel and self-care. The speakers also expressed their support for various causes and encouraged listeners to stay informed and get involved. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of respectful dialogue, empathy, and staying informed.

    • Political debates during holidays: challenging but worthwhileApproach conversations with respect and openness, listen actively, and maintain family relationships

      Engaging in political debates with family during holidays can be a challenging experience. Some people prefer to avoid these conversations altogether due to potential conflict, while others believe that these conversations can lead to meaningful dialogue and understanding. The key is to approach these conversations with respect and openness, recognizing that they may not change anyone's mind but can still lead to deeper connections. As Pashna Hage Real noted, it's important to listen actively and allow others to express their perspectives before sharing your own. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that the way we communicate our views may vary depending on the context and audience. Overall, the goal should be to maintain family relationships while also engaging in respectful and productive political discussions.

    • A valuable opportunity for open and respectful conversations during ThanksgivingThanksgiving can lead to new perspectives and learning through respectful political discussions, prioritizing family over politics.

      While the Thanksgiving holiday setting can be nerve-wracking when it comes to answering the question "what do you do?" especially when it comes to politics, it can also be a valuable opportunity for open and respectful conversations. Some people may trust your opinion and seek your guidance. Engaging in such discussions can lead to new perspectives and learning, making Thanksgiving a helpful platform for meaningful dialogue, as long as it's not forced and family is prioritized over politics. BetterHelp, a sponsor of the show, offers online therapy on your schedule, making mental health support accessible and affordable for everyone. Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity, designed for women's unique retirement needs, provides a guaranteed lifetime income benefit, ensuring retirement income you can't outlive. For more content, check out the upcoming interviews with Norm Finkelstein and Jocko on the podcast.

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    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    4 - Ireland: Culture & Diplomacy - Chris Green

    4 - Ireland: Culture & Diplomacy - Chris Green

    Chris Green is the Second Secretary and Consul at the Embassy of Ireland in Japan. He has served in Japan for two years, and works on general consular matters as well as issues concerning agriculture & food, energy and environment, and sports.

    Questions for Chris Green

    • What is a typical work day for a diplomat?
    • How does it feel to represent your country?
    • Have you ever felt nervous or afraid because of the pressure of representing Ireland?
    • Is being a diplomat all about attending fancy parties and meeting important people?
    • What has surprised you about how Japanese people see Ireland?
    • Ireland will play Japan in the Rugby World Cup 2019. Who do you want to win?
    • What point in Irish history would be the most exciting to be a diplomat?
    • What advice do you have for someone in JH or HS who might be thinking about a career in diplomacy?


    ** Watch his presentation by clicking here! **
