
    11/25/23: Norm Finkelstein GOES OFF: Israel, Hillary, Human Shields & Ben Shapiro

    enNovember 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unique solutions for specific challenges and meaningful conversationsConsider unique solutions for personal challenges and engage in meaningful conversations to improve financial futures, sleep quality, and understanding of complex issues.

      There are solutions designed to address unique challenges, such as women's retirement needs with the parity flex annuity from Gainbridge, or improving sleep quality with the natural hybrid mattress from West Elm. Another takeaway is the importance of critical conversations and seeking knowledge, as demonstrated by the discussion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict between the host and scholar Norman Finkelstein. Finkelstein, who grew up with survivors of the Holocaust, was drawn to the conflict due to his personal experiences and a desire for justice. Companies like US Cellular encourage us to disconnect and reevaluate our relationship with technology, while Leesa's natural hybrid mattress offers a more sustainable sleep solution. By considering these offerings and engaging in meaningful conversations, we can work towards better financial futures, improved sleep, and a deeper understanding of complex issues.

    • Feeling like an outsider despite exceptional educationGrowing up in a lower middle class neighborhood with exceptional education but feeling like an outsider due to parents' politics and lack of understanding of their experiences led accidental involvement in Israel-Palestine conflict, debunking a hoax, and commitment to truth and facts for over 40 years.

      The speaker grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood with an exceptional education, but felt like an outsider due to his parents' eccentric politics and his inability to fully understand their experiences as survivors of the Nazi holocaust. A traumatizing experience in his childhood was not being bar mitzvahded, which further solidified his outsider status. His involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict was accidental, but led him to become a prominent scholar and activist in the field. He became known for debunking a national bestseller on the conflict, which he proved to be a hoax. Despite facing criticism and challenges, his commitment to truth and facts has driven him to continue his work on the conflict for over 40 years.

    • Palestinian Elections of 2006: Hamas' Surprising VictoryThe 2006 Palestinian elections resulted in Hamas' unexpected win, leading to US and EU economic sanctions. Hamas' promises of reform and perceived less corruption compared to the Palestinian Authority contributed to their victory.

      The 2006 Palestinian elections, where Hamas unexpectedly won, marked a turning point in the Israel-Gaza conflict. The United States and EU responded with economic sanctions after the election, despite Jimmy Carter's declaration of its fairness. Hamas' victory came as a result of promises of reform, particularly in the areas of social, political, and economic change. At the time, Hamas was seen as less corrupt than the Palestinian Authority. The election outcome was not what the US wanted, leading to harsh economic measures against Gaza. This event set the stage for the ongoing conflict and the current situation.

    • Life in Gaza: An Open-Air Prison for 2 Million PeopleGaza's 2 million residents, mostly children, face unemployment, humanitarian aid reliance, and hopelessness due to Israel's blockade, creating a desperate situation leading to violent resistance.

      Gaza, a densely populated area roughly the size of Los Angeles Airport, is home to over 2 million people, many of whom are refugees or descendants of refugees. The population is overwhelmingly made up of children, with 70% of those killed in recent conflicts being children and women. Since 2007, Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza, effectively making it an open-air prison where the majority of the population is unemployed and reliant on humanitarian aid. The situation has led to a sense of hopelessness and desperation among the young population, leading some to resort to violent resistance against Israeli occupation. Israel's actions in Gaza have been described as creating an open-air prison or a concentration camp. The ongoing conflict and blockade have left the people of Gaza with little hope for the future.

    • Israeli actions in Gaza result in immense suffering and loss of lifeThousands of lives lost, homes destroyed in Gaza, condemn suffering but acknowledge complexities and root causes of conflict

      The situation in Gaza has resulted in immense suffering and loss of life, particularly among children. Israel's actions, described as "mowing the lawn," have resulted in devastating consequences, including the deaths of thousands of people and the destruction of countless homes. It's essential to understand the historical context and condemn the loss of innocent lives, but not at the expense of acknowledging the complexities and root causes of the conflict. Meanwhile, unrelated topics were also discussed in the podcast, such as US Cellular's campaign to encourage people to put down their phones and BetterHelp's promotion of affordable online therapy.

    • Understanding moral dilemmas in conflictMoral dilemmas in conflict are complex and require deep understanding of context and emotions, not simple answers or thresholds.

      The complexities of moral and ethical dilemmas, especially in the context of conflict and resistance movements, are not easily resolved with simple answers or thresholds. The speaker, in response to a question about the number of Israeli civilians lost in a conflict and at what point it would be considered unjustifiable, drew a parallel to the moral dilemmas faced by abolitionists during the Nat Turner rebellion. The speaker acknowledged the atrocities but refused to condemn those responsible, emphasizing the importance of understanding the context and the daily suffering experienced by the oppressed. The speaker's position may seem contradictory, but they believe it's a difficult moral question to resolve and that their unique perspective comes from a deep understanding of the situation and the emotions involved.

    • Understanding the Israel-Palestine conflict requires considering historical contextTo truly grasp the Israel-Palestine conflict, it's essential to address root causes like the Gaza blockade and acknowledge long-term crimes against humanity, not just focus on specific atrocities.

      The complex history of the Israel-Palestine conflict cannot be understood by focusing only on specific atrocities or events, but requires considering the larger context of ongoing issues and historical actions. The speaker emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict, such as the blockade of Gaza, which is considered a war crime under international humanitarian law. They also criticized the selective condemnation of atrocities and called for acknowledgment and action against longer-term crimes against humanity. The speaker referenced the arguments of Hillary Clinton, who has opposed ceasefires in the conflict, and emphasized the need to consider the full history of the conflict to understand the current situation.

    • Israel and Palestine: Misconceptions and RealityThe international community, not Palestinians, rejected peace deals for a Palestinian state based on pre-1967 borders for 23 years. Israel had no legal claim to occupied territories and didn't make required concessions based on international law.

      The assessment made by the speaker that Palestinians rejected peace deals and could have had a state for 23 years if Yasser Arafat hadn't walked away, is not accurate. The international community, including the Palestinians, had agreed on the pre-1967 borders for a Palestinian state, but Israel rejected it. Israel also had no legal title to East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza acquired during the 1967 war. The Palestinians were willing to make concessions on borders, Jerusalem, settlements, and refugees based on international law, but none of these concessions were required from Israel. In the year 2000, both sides accepted the Clinton parameters with reservations, but President Clinton's account of this in his memoir was false. The Palestinians had accepted terms for resolving the conflict that were developed and ratified by the international community, while Israel did not make equivalent concessions based on international law.

    • Palestinian Leadership's Missed Opportunities for PeaceThe Palestinian leadership failed to effectively utilize nonviolent resistance during key moments in the conflict, leading to violent responses from Israel and missed opportunities for peace.

      The resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as outlined in United Nations General Assembly resolutions, is a globally recognized framework anchored in international law. However, the record shows that Palestinian leadership, specifically the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and later the Palestinian Authority, did not maximize opportunities to force Israel to negotiate. This is evident in the suppression of nonviolent civil resistance during the First Intifada, where Israel responded with brutal force, including mass torture of detainees. More recently, during Hamas' nonviolent civil resistance in 2018, Israel targeted civilians, including children, medics, journalists, and people with disabilities. Despite these actions, both Palestinian groups attempted nonviolent resistance, which were met with violence.

    • The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Complex History and Controversial SolutionsUnderstanding and empathy are key to finding a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which requires commitment to international law.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex issue with deeply rooted historical and political dimensions. While both sides have their goals and methods, the international community has consistently called for a settlement based on international law. Nonviolence has been attempted, but met with brutal force. Meanwhile, in a different context, US Cellular encourages us to put down our phones and live in the moment. Meanwhile, Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty advocates for feeling confident and beautiful at any age. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it's important to acknowledge the trauma and history of the Holocaust, but it's also crucial to avoid justifying genocide or extermination. The best argument for Israel's actions is that they believe they have the right to break the law due to their unique historical context. However, this argument is controversial and not universally accepted. Ultimately, finding a peaceful and just solution to this conflict requires understanding, empathy, and a commitment to international law.

    • Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Ethical and legal dilemmasThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict involves complex ethical and legal issues, with criticisms of Israel's actions and debates over historical justifications. Humanitarian crises have resulted, and listeners must consider all perspectives to make informed judgments.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict raises complex ethical and legal questions regarding international law and historical context. Israel's actions, such as legalizing torture, hostage taking, and house demolitions, have been criticized as egregious violations. Supporters argue that Israel's history during World War 2 justifies these actions. However, opponents argue that the law is the law, and nobody is above it. The conflict has resulted in significant humanitarian crises, such as the destruction of entire communities like Beit Hanoun in Gaza, forcing people to leave their homes with nowhere to go. The use of the Holocaust as a justification for modern actions is a contentious issue, with some arguing that the comparison is exaggerated and others seeing it as a valid historical reference. Ultimately, listeners must make their own judgments based on the information presented.

    • Israel's actions in Gaza exceeding international toleranceIsrael's disproportionate actions, including targeting hospitals and killing children, surpass those seen in other conflict zones, testing international tolerance and causing significant damage to Gaza civilization

      The disproportionate attention Israel receives for its actions is not due to antisemitism, but rather the result of the severity and disproportionate nature of the crimes Israel is committing in real time. Abba Eban's famous quote, "there's no business like shoa business," holds true today as Israel's actions, such as targeting hospitals and killing a large number of children, far surpass those seen in other conflict zones. The targeting of hospitals, like Al Shifa, is a new threshold of barbarism and a deliberate attempt to destroy what remains of civilian infrastructure in Gaza. Israel's actions are not only probing the limits of international tolerance but also dealing a lethal blow to Gaza civilization. The claims of a Hamas command center beneath Al Shifa Hospital were found to be false, yet the damage had already been done. The international community must hold Israel accountable for its actions and recognize the gravity of the situation.

    • Skepticism over Israel's claim of discovering Hamas command center in Gaza tunnelDespite IDF's military capabilities, skepticism surrounds Israel's claim of a Hamas command center in a Gaza tunnel due to inconsistencies, past allegations, and doubts about its significance

      The claims of a Hamas command and control center being discovered in a tunnel during Israel's military operations in Gaza have been met with skepticism due to inconsistencies and past allegations. The media's credulity towards such claims, along with Israel's inability to deactivate supposed booby traps, has led to scrutiny and comparisons to fictional command centers. The size of the supposed tunnel, only 55 meters long, also raises doubts about its significance. The speaker suggests that the IDF, known for its military prowess, should be able to handle the task of entering and securing such areas. The repetition of similar claims and tactics over the years has led to a perception of exaggeration and manipulation.

    • Israeli Military Tactics and Human Shields in ConflictsIsraeli military's use of human shields in conflicts is a contentious issue, with evidence of both Hamas and Israel engaging in the practice, but the extent of Hamas' use should be scrutinized

      The Israeli military's tactics during conflicts with Arab armies, including those in Gaza, have been a subject of controversy. The use of human shields is a contentious issue, with allegations against both Hamas and Israel. Human shielding refers to the forcible conscription of civilians to shield combatants or military sites. According to international law, it's essential for parties in a conflict to take all feasible precautions to protect civilians when fighting in civilian areas. The evidence on Hamas' use of human shields is minimal, but there have been documented instances of Israel using Palestinian civilians as human shields. The focus should be on the extent of Hamas' use of human shields, as Israel's use of the practice is not disputed.

    • Universal Themes of Freedom and ResistanceThe pursuit of freedom and resistance against oppression are universal themes. While some may view resistance as negative, it's a natural response to oppression and a fundamental human right.

      The desire for freedom and resistance against oppression are universal themes, as illustrated in discussions about US Cellular encouraging people to disconnect, Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty message, and the Hamas official's comments on the ongoing conflict in Gaza. While some may view resistance as shocking or sinister, it is a natural response to oppression, as seen in historical examples like slave revolts in the United States. The pursuit of freedom, even if it means making sacrifices, is a fundamental human right and a hallmark of civilizations. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a ceasefire alone is not a sustainable solution if the underlying issues, such as the existence of a concentration camp in Gaza, are not addressed. A more comprehensive approach is required to bring about lasting peace and justice for all parties involved.

    • Immediate action needed for peace in Gaza, but long-term solution based on international lawUrgent action required for ceasefire, end to blockade, and ethnic cleansing in West Bank. Long-term peace depends on international law, not personal ties or ancestry. Address lies and manipulation of facts by those in power.

      The current situation in Gaza requires immediate action, including a ceasefire, an end to the blockade, and a stop to ethnic cleansing in the West Bank. However, a sustainable peace can only be achieved through a settlement based on international law. It's not about personal ties or ancestry, but about what's true and just. In the current moment, it's not necessary to master every fact to make a judgment, especially when it comes to denying basic necessities to children. The real problem is the lies and manipulation of facts by those in power. Ignorance is understandable, but intentional deceit is not excusable.

    • The dangers of spreading lies, especially during times of conflictBe aware of the information you consume and share, and hold those who spread falsehoods accountable, especially during times of conflict.

      The dissemination of ignorant and false information, particularly by those with power and influence, is a significant problem. The speaker recalls her mother's experience during the Holocaust and applies the same judgment to those who spread lies, especially during times of conflict, such as the ongoing situation in Gaza. She calls out figures like Ben Shapiro for their shameless and preposterous lies, and criticizes them for their cowardice in refusing to engage in debate. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accuracy and truth, and encourages everyone to be aware of the information they consume and share. She also recommends Norman Finkelstein's book "Gaza and Inquest Into Its Martyrdom" for those interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the situation.

    • Empowering Women: Financial Security and Digital WellnessGameBridge promotes financial security for women through retirement income solutions, while US Cellular advocates for digital wellness by encouraging mindful phone usage.

      Both GameBridge and US Cellular are focusing on important aspects of modern life: financial security for women and digital wellness, respectively. GameBridge is dedicated to helping women secure a financially stable future by providing retirement income solutions. Their message is clear: saving for retirement is crucial, and it's essential to start as early as possible. You can learn more about their Parityflex product, including current rates and disclosures, on their website at gainbridge.io/parityflex. On the other hand, US Cellular encourages us to reevaluate our relationship with our smartphones. With the constant distractions they present, especially in social settings, it's essential to put them down occasionally. By doing so, we may discover new connections and experiences. For more information on US Cellular's campaign to promote digital wellness, visit uscellular.com/builtforus. Both companies offer valuable insights and solutions to enhance our lives. GameBridge emphasizes the importance of saving for retirement, while US Cellular encourages us to be more mindful of our phone usage. By focusing on these aspects, we can work towards a better future, both financially and personally.

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    How far will Israel go in response to Hamas terrorism?

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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

    Planning Producer: Alex Barnett

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Producers: Rory Symon & Charlie Clinton

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    Dancing Among The Corpses

    Dancing Among The Corpses

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    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

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