
    11/26/23: Ryan Reveals Secrets Of 'The Squad', Trump Winning Swing Voters, Australian Unions For Palestine, Dark Side Of McKinsey Consulting, UAW Wrap Up

    enNovember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Save, Stay Informed, and Engage: Tips for the SeasonUpdate your home and wardrobe at discounts, join affordable family plans, buy tickets at child prices, support independent journalism, and read 'The Squad' for insights on political groups' influence.

      There are various ways to refresh and save money this season, whether it's updating your home and wardrobe at dd's discounts, joining Straight Talk Wireless for affordable family plans, or buying adult theme park tickets at child prices with Undercover Tourist. Additionally, the upcoming 2024 election is an important time for independent coverage and support from premium subs. Lastly, Ryan Grim's new book, "The Squad," sheds light on the critical role of political groups in shaping the Democratic caucus and the challenges faced by new representatives like AOC. Overall, it's essential to take advantage of opportunities to save, stay informed, and engage with important issues.

    • Media Perception and Opposition Formed the Squad's IdentityThe Squad, initially reluctant to define themselves, became leaders through media perception and opposition, pushing for change within the Democratic Party on issues like Israel and primaries.

      The Squad, a group of progressive Democratic congresswomen, defined themselves through media perception and opposition, rather than a self-proclaimed identity. Initially denying the existence of the Squad, they were forced into a cohesive group due to attacks from both Pelosi and Trump. While they didn't always act in unison, they have shown unity in their criticism of the Biden administration's approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict. The attacks and pressure they faced on issues like Israel and their primaries hardened their stances, making them unexpected leaders on these topics. Despite their initial reluctance, they have used their collective voice to push for change and challenge the status quo within the Democratic Party.

    • Progressive Democrats face pressure on Israel-Palestine issueDespite intense pressure, progressive Democrats like Jamaal Bowman and Summer Lee refuse to compromise their values on issues like Israel-Palestine, drawing inspiration from the Freedom Caucus' use of leverage and staying committed to their multiracial working class agenda.

      Progressive Democratic representatives, such as Jamaal Bowman and Summer Lee, are facing intense pressure from powerful interest groups like APAC and DMFI on issues like Israel-Palestine, despite their strong convictions and support from their base. These representatives have been forced to take a stance on these issues, and their experiences have shown them that they cannot compromise their values. The Freedom Caucus has also been a point of comparison for the Squad, as they too have used their numbers to push for their agenda. However, the Squad is still figuring out how best to use their leverage and build on their power. Despite the significant resources being spent against them, they are determined to stand firm on their progressive multiracial working class agenda. The book, which I'm almost finished with, provides a fascinating look into the inner workings of Congress and the challenges these representatives face in representing their constituents and standing up for their beliefs. I'm looking forward to discussing it further at the Politics and Prose event on November 27th.

    • Planning, Budgeting, and Cost-Saving Tips for a Walt Disney World VacationConsider purchasing adult theme park tickets at child prices, utilize natural supplements, prioritize proper ventilation, and effectively plan and budget for a Walt Disney World vacation to maximize savings and enjoyment.

      This discussion highlights the importance of planning and budgeting for a Walt Disney World vacation, as well as taking advantage of cost-saving opportunities. Ryan shared a tip about purchasing adult theme park tickets at child prices from undercover tourists or authorized sellers, and linking them to the official Walt Disney World apps for added conveniences like Genie Plus and Lightning Lane upgrades. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the benefits of using natural supplements from Symbionica, which are all natural, free of fillers, seed oils, and toxins, and offer noticeable results. Lastly, the importance of proper ventilation in indoor spaces was emphasized, with the Easy Breathe Ventilation System being a solution for removing stagnant air and improving indoor air quality. James Johnson from JL Partners also joined the conversation to share insights from focus groups in Georgia, where people who disapproved of both Trump and Biden were found to be undecided or on the fence about their voting intentions. The key finding was that nonwhite voters, like Gabriel from Tinillin, Georgia, were moving away from Biden and the Democrats due to perceived left-wing parts of their agenda and feelings of political persecution towards Trump. These fault lines could potentially influence the outcome of future elections in swing counties like Baldwin and Washington in Georgia.

    • Navigating the complex political landscape in Georgia and other swing statesVoters' engagement and allegiances in the 2024 election are uncertain, with some disillusioned with Trump but still identifying as Republicans, others considering third-party or write-in candidates, and some motivated by the tight election margins. Media diets and resonating narratives may also impact voter decisions.

      The political landscape in Georgia and potentially other swing states is complex and nuanced. While some voters, particularly those who are more Democratic and African American, may feel less engaged in politics due to a perceived lack of drama compared to the Trump years, others are still looking for alternatives to both Biden and Trump. Many voters, like Nicholas, are disillusioned with Trump due to events like January 6th but still identify as Republicans and prefer Republican or conservative ideas in governance. Some voters, like Frank, are considering third-party or write-in candidates due to dissatisfaction with both major parties. The awareness of the tight margin in Georgia elections also motivates some voters to avoid wasting their vote on a third-party candidate. The changing media diets and the narratives that resonate with voters, particularly among double disapprovers, may also play a significant role in the 2024 election. Overall, the political climate is uncertain, and both parties will need to carefully navigate the shifting allegiances and priorities of voters.

    • The importance of authentic communication and viral clips in politicsTrust in media is low, authentic communication and viral clips matter, abortion is important but not decisive, lack of enthusiasm for some candidates, fear of Trump drives political landscape

      The media landscape has shifted dramatically, leading to a loss of trust among voters and a desire for authentic, direct communication from politicians. This has given rise to the importance of viral clips and personal feelings towards candidates. Abortion remains an important issue, particularly for motivating Democratic voters, but it may not be the deciding factor in presidential elections. Additionally, there is a lack of enthusiasm for certain candidates, with Joe Biden and Joe Manchin not generating significant support among disengaged Democrats. Ultimately, fear of Trump and his extremist politics continues to shape the political landscape.

    • Grassroots activism and dealsPeople are taking action to bring change, from protesting conflicts to finding deals on tickets and supplements. Proper ventilation is also essential for healthy indoor air.

      Ordinary people are taking matters into their own hands to bring about change and challenge injustices, as seen in the actions of Trade Unionists for Palestine in Australia. They are disrupting businesses and demanding a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, showing that grassroots activism can have a significant impact. Additionally, there are deals to be had, such as buying adult theme park tickets at child prices through Undercover Tourist, and investing in effective, all-natural supplements from Symbionica. Lastly, ensuring proper ventilation in homes, especially with the increased time spent indoors, is crucial for maintaining healthy indoor air quality with products like the Easy Breathe Ventilation System.

    • Workers' rights and fair wages intersect with Palestinian rights in AustraliaAustralian workers in the education sector, particularly those with a large Palestinian population, find solidarity in their shared struggles for fair wages, decent working conditions, and Palestinian rights.

      For workers in Australia, particularly those in the education sector, the struggle for workers' rights and fair wages intersects with the fight for Palestinian rights. Working in a sector with a large Palestinian population and witnessing their suffering firsthand, these workers find solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Additionally, they face similar challenges, such as low wages, long hours, and a cost of living crisis. The intersectionality of these issues leads to growing support for the Palestinian cause among Australian workers. The education sector, which heavily relies on visa workers, pays them minimal wages despite their important role in society. This exploitation, coupled with the frustration of their own living conditions, creates a sense of solidarity and international unity among workers. Ultimately, the struggles of workers in Australia and Palestine are interconnected, and the workers' activism in both causes is inspired by their shared experiences and the desire for justice and fairness.

    • Unions taking a stand for PalestineRegular people through unions are making a difference in Palestine conflict, starting from a Melbourne protest, inspiring more to join in solidarity.

      Regular people, including trade union members, are taking a stand against the ongoing conflict in Palestine, despite the mainstream media portraying them as professional activists or agitators. The Trade Unions for Palestine was organically formed through unions coming together to take action, starting with a protest at a port in Melbourne, Australia, where they stopped an Israeli truck from being unloaded. The group's formation came from frustrated unionists who felt their leadership was not doing enough, leading to an open letter that gained support from various unions. The actions taken by these unions serve as a reminder that individuals have the power to make a difference, and the movement continues to grow as more people join in solidarity with Palestinians.

    • Australian Unions Support Palestinian Rights with Collective ActionAustralian unions and community groups join forces to organize rallies, protests, and road occupations for Palestinian rights. Despite risks, people come together to create a space for understanding and push for change.

      Unions in Australia are forming coalitions and taking collective action to support Palestinian rights. This includes organizing rallies, protests, and even occupying roads to bring attention to the cause. These actions are not only being driven by union members but also by community groups, leading to a growing movement of people standing up against injustice. The response from authorities has been unclear, but the momentum of this grassroots movement continues to gain traction. This is part of a larger global trend, with similar actions taking place in the United States and other parts of the world. Despite the challenges and risks, including hate crimes and repression, people are coming together to demand change and challenge the dominant narratives. The power of this collective action lies in its ability to create a space for grief and understanding, bringing people together in solidarity and pushing for liberation.

    • Understanding the Parallels Between Palestine and Australia's HistoryUnions can foster open conversations about the ongoing conflict in Palestine and its parallels to Australia's history, while recognizing the role unions have played in amplifying marginalized voices and the power of unity in effecting change.

      The ongoing conflict in historic Palestine is resonating strongly with people, particularly those in Australia, who see parallels between the colonization in their own country and the situation there. This has led to increased awareness and activism, as well as frustration with the partial representation of the truth in media and propaganda. As union leaders, it's important for us to have open conversations with our members about these issues and the role unions have played historically in raising up marginalized voices. The future is uncertain, but regular people have the power to make a difference. It's essential to understand that the ongoing situation in historic Palestine is wrong and should not be allowed to continue. We all have a role to play in stopping it, and the labor movement's strength lies in unity and fighting for a better life for all working people.

    • Joining a union and staying informed are crucial during times of unrestDuring times of social and political unrest, join a union, stay informed, and take action to build a global movement for peace and justice.

      During times of social and political unrest, it's crucial for individuals to come together, organize, and educate themselves to create a stronger, more united front. April and Seb, members of Trade Unionists for Palestine, emphasized the importance of joining a union and staying informed to combat disinformation and protect workers' rights. They urged viewers to get involved, organize, and build a global movement to fight for peace and justice. As April put it, "We are stronger together." This message is particularly relevant now as people face increasing pressure for expressing their viewpoints, and unions provide a resilient structure for engaging and protecting workers. So, join your union, stay informed, and take action – the power to create change lies in our collective efforts.

    • Consulting firms add value but raise ethical concernsConsulting offers access to top minds and policy makers, but ethical concerns include high fees and potential impact on economic inequality. Aspiring consultants must consider the human side of businesses and the industry's impact on employees.

      While consulting firms like McKinsey may provide valuable insights and solutions to businesses, their exorbitant fees and potential contribution to economic inequality raise ethical concerns. Students aspiring to work in consulting recognize the value added but also acknowledge the need for consultants to understand the human side of businesses and consider the impact on employees. Regarding CEO pay, opinions vary, but it's important to note that a significant portion of compensation is tied to stock performance, benefiting shareholders. Ultimately, the decision to work in consulting rests on individual values and career goals, with the understanding that the industry offers access to top minds and policy makers.

    • Speaking out against unethical practices in businessCorporations prioritize economic security over diversity of thought, making it challenging for students and workers to advocate for transparency and ethical business practices. However, it's crucial to continue advocating for change and supporting organizations that promote ethical business practices.

      Transparency and value judgment are important in business, but there are significant barriers to speaking out about unethical practices, particularly for students with large debts and the fear of losing their jobs. Corporations prioritize economic security over diversity of thought, leading to the acceptance of questionable business practices. The speaker also highlights the historic 6-week strike at General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis, where workers stood up for their rights and eventually ratified new contracts. Despite the challenges, it's essential to continue advocating for transparency and ethical business practices. The speaker encourages listeners to support their work and visit specific websites for discounts on theme park tickets, supplements, and ventilation systems.

    • New UAW contracts bring significant gains for workersUAW secured wage increases, cost of living adjustments, annual bonuses for retirees, and commitments to electric vehicle jobs in recent deals. Retirees receive annual bonuses for first time in 15 years, totaling over $1.25 billion.

      The recent UAW contracts at Ford, Stellantis, and GM resulted in significant gains for workers, with approximately 66% of the workforce at Ford and Stellantis approving the deals, while only 55% of GM workers voted in favor. The new contracts include wage increases, cost of living adjustments, annual bonuses for retirees, and commitments to bring thousands of electric vehicle and battery jobs under the union's national agreements. Additionally, retirees will receive annual bonuses for the first time in 15 years, totaling over $1.25 billion in benefits. However, not all demands were met, such as the fight for a 32-hour workweek and reinstating defined benefit pensions for post-2007 hires. Despite not winning on all fronts, UAW President Rory Gamble acknowledged the monumental victory, marking a turning point for the labor movement after decades of concessions, layoffs, and plant closures. The UAW's gains have already led to wage increases from non-union auto companies and an influx of inquiries from non-union workers looking to unionize.

    • UAW Strike: A New Way Forward for the Labor MovementThe UAW strike resulted in record gains, reinstated COLA, and shorter paths to full-time employment, demonstrating the power of solidarity and informed rank-and-file membership in winning life-changing wage increases.

      The UAW strike, which ended in a ratified contract, marked a significant moment for the labor movement in the US. The strike was about more than just public demands and transparency; it was about a new way forward for the UAW. With record gains, reinstated COLA, and shorter paths to full-time employment, the union demonstrated the power of solidarity and informed rank-and-file membership. The strategy, which was met with skepticism, proved successful, resulting in the largest contract in the last 20 years. This historic moment showed that when unionized workers stand together and fight for their rights, they can win record contracts. The shift towards transparency and member involvement has led to increased excitement and engagement among the UAW membership. The strike's success serves as a reminder that collective action and informed leadership can lead to life-changing wage increases for workers.

    • UAW Strike: A Victory for Workers and Their CommunitiesThe UAW strike resulted in fair wages, a stronger voice in business decisions, and the revival of shuttered plants, benefiting both workers and their local communities.

      The recent UAW strike was a significant moment for auto workers, as it led to gains in fair living wages, a greater say in business decisions, and the revitalization of shuttered plants. A notable example is the Belvidere Assembly Plant in Illinois, which is now set to reopen and build new vehicles and a battery plant, benefiting the local community and preventing the potential devastation that plant closures have caused in the past. For the strikers themselves, moments of camaraderie and support stood out, such as the welcoming reception at Wentzville 2250, where union siblings offered assistance and a sense of belonging to families traveling from afar to show solidarity. These experiences highlight the deep bonds and sense of community among UAW members, even among strangers from different locales.

    • UAW Strike: A Bond of Union SolidarityThe UAW strike showcased the deep sense of union bond and solidarity among members, as they formed picket lines, received support from other unions and the community, and supported other workers' struggles.

      Key takeaway from the UAW strike is the deep sense of union bond and solidarity among members. This was evident during chaotic times, such as the first day of the strike when the union hall was at capacity and support poured in from other labor unions and the local community. Strikers formed picket lines, bonded with each other, and received support from various businesses. For the speaker, witnessing this unity firsthand, especially as someone who had covered the strike from afar, was a significant and beautiful moment of solidarity. The connection between workers' struggles was also highlighted, as UAW members supported other strikes and struggles happening at the time. Overall, the UAW strike demonstrated the power of union unity and solidarity in the face of adversity.

    • UAW Strike: A Seismic Shift in Labor and PoliticsThe UAW strike led to new leadership, some plants under master agreement, and a call for unionizing non-unionized auto workers for better wages, pensions, and healthcare.

      The UAW strike in 2019 marked a significant shift in the labor movement and politics of the United States, as workers felt dissatisfied and betrayed by their unions and companies. However, the election of new leadership under Sean Fane brought hope and led to some EV plants being brought under the master agreement. Regarding the ratification votes, the results signify democracy in action, with the majority ruling, and dissent being important. The strike brought people together, but not everyone trusts the new leadership yet due to past corruption scandals. The UAW needs to focus on unionizing non-unionized auto workers, such as those at Toyota, Subaru, Honda, and Hyundai, to regain power and fight for better wages, defined pensions, and retiree health care. Overall, the strike was a seismic shift that requires time and effort to fully reap its benefits.

    • A historic moment for the labor movement with unexpected close resultsThe UAW's recent strike marked a historic moment, despite not having every worker participate, and the labor movement faces a long journey ahead with the potential to make a significant impact for current and future generations.

      The recent UAW contract fight was a historic moment for the labor movement, with unexpectedly close results despite high expectations for victory. Factors contributing to the outcome included opposition to retirement health care and pension changes, as well as a strong push for work-life balance. The intense involvement and interest in the union's demands led to increased support from nonunion workers and a potential increase in membership. The fight also changed attitudes towards the campaign across the country. The labor movement faces a long journey ahead, requiring continued organization and energy, but it's an exciting time with the potential to make a significant impact for current and future generations. The UAW's recent strike at all three major automakers, despite not having every worker participate, marked a historic moment in the union's history. It's crucial to understand the broader context of the auto industry's deindustrialization and the shift towards nonunion jobs in the sector. Listen to past interviews for a deeper understanding of this complex issue.

    • UAW Strike: More Than Just a Labor DisputeWorkers are reclaiming power from companies, seeking fairer deals and a voice in business decisions. Unity and organization are key to addressing economic inequality.

      The ongoing UAW strike at the big 3 automakers is more than just a labor dispute. It's a response to decades of workers giving up more for less, while companies and shareholders reap record profits. The UAW's recent success in reclaiming concessions made during the financial crisis and gaining a say in business decisions marks a shift in power dynamics. Looking ahead, the labor movement's future lies in workers organizing themselves, forming committees, and reaching out to unions to unionize. The strike strategy, which had companies competing against each other for better offers, showcased their vulnerability and exposed their usual tactic of dividing workers. The key to fixing the rigged economy is for the working class to take the initiative, unite, and organize.

    • Unite against corporations harming workers and the environmentWorkers and activists should join forces, advocate for change, and prioritize people and planet over profits.

      Workers and environmental activists need to unite and fight for international solidarity against corporations and ruling classes that contribute to climate change and fund wars at the expense of social issues like student debt and universal healthcare. The global economy requires a global response, and individuals should get involved by joining unions and advocating for change. As an environmental activist, it's crucial to recognize that workers' rights and environmental issues are interconnected. The American Petroleum Institute, a powerful lobbying organization supporting big oil, is an example of an entity that contributes to both environmental degradation and worker exploitation. Ultimately, we must prioritize the well-being of people and the planet over corporate profits.

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