
    11/27/23: Hostages Released, Possible Ceasefire Extension, Massive Destruction In Gaza, Ukraine Official Says NATO Killed Peace, UFO Whistleblower Says We Aren't Alone, Fox News Falsely Claims Border Terrorist Attack, And US Officials Exposed On Israel Vs Ukraine Hypocrisy

    enNovember 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Saving Money and Making Informed DecisionsExplore savings opportunities with Consumer Cellular, Ross, and CarMax. Value transparency and trust in transactions. Stay informed with independent journalism through premium subscriptions and limited-time sales.

      Consumers have options to save money on various expenses, whether it's wireless service with Consumer Cellular or shopping at discounted prices at Ross. Another takeaway is the importance of transparency and trust in transactions, such as CarMax's car buying process with upfront pricing for every customer. Lastly, in the news realm, there's ongoing geopolitical tension with the potential for temporary ceasefires, as well as allegations of sexual assault against high-profile individuals and the repercussions of misinformation in media reporting. Consumers can support independent journalism through premium subscriptions and enjoy limited-time sales on merchandise. Overall, these topics highlight the significance of making informed decisions, saving money, and seeking trustworthy information.

    • Negotiating hostage release during Gaza ceasefireThe Gaza ceasefire is being used to locate and release over 50 hostages, including 40 women and children. Diplomatic efforts by the US are ongoing to extend the truce and ensure their safe return.

      The ongoing ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is being used as an opportunity to negotiate the release of hostages, with over 50 being the stated goal. Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani has revealed that more than 40 women and children are among those being held captive, and the truce could be extended if Hamas can use the pause to locate them. The US, under President Biden, has been heavily involved in diplomacy to facilitate the ceasefire and hostage release, with both sides expressing optimism about extending the pause. However, there are competing pressures on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to continue the military action versus bringing the hostages home safely, and the longer the conflict lasts, the greater the risk to their safety.

    • Israel-Palestinian Ceasefire: Different PerspectivesThe Israel-Palestinian ceasefire brings conflicting views, with some hoping for peace and others preparing for renewed fighting. Israel continues military actions, hindering diplomacy and causing civilian casualties.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian groups, including Hamas, is experiencing a temporary pause for diplomatic negotiations, but both sides have different perspectives on the purpose of this pause. While some argue that it could potentially bring an end to the conflict, others see it as a brief respite before intensifying the fighting. During this ceasefire, Israel has continued military actions against targets in Syria and the West Bank, leading to the death and injury of numerous Palestinians. The Israeli government's domestic political considerations appear to be driving its policies, which may hinder the pursuit of international peace and the release of hostages. The security failure surrounding the hostage situation is multifaceted, and many involved should consider resigning or facing potential prosecution for negligence. The situation highlights the complex and tense nature of the conflict, with long-term diplomatic solutions seemingly hindered by short-term political considerations.

    • Israeli PM Netanyahu's vulnerability amid Gaza hostage situationNetanyahu's handling of Gaza hostage situation could lead to his downfall due to Israeli public's focus on revenge and indifference to Palestinian lives, while international pressures and far-right factions' support keep him in power.

      The Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, is facing intense domestic political pressures due to the ongoing hostage situation in Gaza. His low approval rating and the likelihood of losing an election make him vulnerable, but his need to maintain power and the far-right factions' support keep him in office. The Israeli public's focus on revenge and minimal concern for Palestinian lives further complicate the situation. Netanyahu's handling of the crisis could potentially lead to his downfall, as the Israeli society's indifference to civilian casualties and intense pressure to resolve the hostage situation may open up a fissure if the situation is mishandled. The situation is complex, with both international and domestic pressures at play, and the outcome remains uncertain.

    • Exploring the world with Road Scholar and improving health with Symbionica and BetterHelpRoad Scholar offers educational travel experiences for adults, Symbionica provides natural supplements, and BetterHelp offers affordable online therapy. Amidst these, the ongoing conflict in Gaza results in unprecedented destruction and civilian casualties.

      Road Scholar offers authentic educational travel experiences for adults 50 and above to explore the world's people, landscapes, and cultures, with all details taken care of. Meanwhile, Symbionica provides all-natural supplements that actually work, free from seed oils, fillers, and toxins. Additionally, BetterHelp offers affordable online therapy as a safe space to process negative thoughts and experiences. On a more serious note, the discussion highlighted the devastating destruction and historic number of civilian deaths, particularly women and children, in the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This destruction surpasses the levels seen in modern wars, such as the invasion of Iraq and the conflict in Afghanistan. The situation in Gaza is unprecedented in terms of the scale and scope of civilian infrastructure attacks and civilian casualties.

    • Israel's contrasting approach to US in counter-terrorism campaignsIsrael's indiscriminate use of large bombs in populated areas contrasts with US's cautious approach, raising concerns about long-term strategy and human cost.

      While the US and its partners have prioritized minimizing civilian casualties in their counter-terrorism campaigns, especially in urban environments, Israel's approach has been more indiscriminate. During the battle of Ramadi, US forces called in only a few air strikes due to the risk to their troops and the potential for civilian casualties. In contrast, Israel has routinely dropped large bombs in densely populated areas. While some argue that this is necessary to defeat terrorists, critics question Israel's long-term strategy and the human cost of such an approach. The US experience in Vietnam, where a massive bombing campaign failed to defeat the enemy, serves as a cautionary tale. Ultimately, the question remains: what is Israel's end goal, and how will it achieve a sustainable peace in the region? The interview with Jocko Willink and Daryl Cooper highlights the importance of gaining the trust and support of the civilian population for any political project to succeed in the long term.

    • Israel-Hamas Conflict: Dire Consequences for Both SidesThe Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza has led to massive economic losses, social instability, and uncertainty over the political project being pursued by Israel. The potential consequences for both sides include ethnic cleansing or forced relocation, and the international community's response and the future of ceasefire negotiations remain uncertain.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has reached a critical point where a peaceful resolution seems unlikely, and the potential consequences for both sides are significant. The destruction of Gaza City and the call-up of Israeli reservists for military duty have led to massive economic losses and social instability. The political project being pursued by Israel is unclear, and the possibility of ethnic cleansing or forced relocation of Palestinians has been floated as a solution. The international community's response and the future of the ceasefire negotiations remain uncertain. The situation is dire, and the long-term implications for both Israelis and Palestinians are far-reaching and complex.

    • Gazan residents express despair and loss during ceasefireThe ongoing conflict in Gaza results in extensive destruction and devastation for Palestinian civilians, even during temporary ceasefires, leaving them to face the reality of their shattered lives, emphasizing the need for a peaceful solution to prevent further harm.

      The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in extensive destruction and devastation for Palestinian civilians, even during temporary ceasefires. A Haaretz report shares the perspectives of Gazan residents, who express feelings of despair and loss, as they come to terms with the destruction of their homes and the loss of loved ones. The ceasefire offers little relief, as people are left to face the reality of their shattered lives. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues, with the Israeli problem being with Hamas and the resistance, but the civilian population bears the brunt of the violence. The international community must recognize the urgency of finding a peaceful solution to prevent further harm and destruction.

    • Ukraine-Russia peace deal blocked by US and UKThe US and UK prevented Ukraine from signing a peace deal with Russia in 2022, leading to the ongoing war and devastating consequences for both countries.

      The decision not to sign the peace deal in 2022 between Ukraine and Russia, which could have potentially prevented or at least delayed the ongoing war, was driven by the US and the UK. High-level officials from Ukraine confirmed that these countries pressured them against signing the deal, which included neutrality and non-NATO membership enshrined in their constitution. The consequences of this decision have been disastrous, resulting in a humiliation for NATO and the West, and leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, and a fully mobilized Russian economy. It's important to reflect on this moment in history as we now have the benefit of hindsight, and recognize the potential for diplomacy and negotiation with adversaries, even in the face of uncertainty and domestic political instability.

    • Ukraine's situation after failed counter offensiveDespite Western support, Ukraine's situation worsened after failed counter offensive, with many lives lost and destruction. Long-term strategic position uncertain due to aging military and dwindling resources.

      The situation in Ukraine after their counter offensive has failed is much worse than it could have been, with many lives lost and destruction wrought for no clear gain. The lack of sufficient support from Western allies, who urged Ukraine to continue the war, leaves many questioning if more could have been done to prevent the current stalemate. The long-term strategic position of Ukraine, with fewer resources and manpower compared to Russia, was always uncertain. The ongoing conflict has highlighted the challenges Ukraine faces in maintaining their military, with reports of drafted soldiers and those with medical exemptions making up a significant portion of recruits. The strategic position of Ukraine, with an aging military and dwindling resources, raises questions about their ability to sustain the conflict in the long term.

    • U.S. actions towards Russia over Ukraine worsened the situationThe West's focus on degrading Russia's military capabilities and pushing for Ukraine's NATO membership provoked tensions, leading to a bloody conflict. Russia sees no incentive to negotiate as the U.S. has abandoned Ukraine, potentially resulting in a larger conflict.

      The U.S. and its allies' actions towards Russia over Ukraine have significantly worsened the situation, potentially leading to a devastating outcome. Instead of fostering peace and diplomacy, the West's focus on degrading Russia's military capabilities and pushing for Ukraine's NATO membership has provoked tensions, resulting in a bloody conflict. Russia, now stronger and more battle-hardened, sees no incentive to negotiate, as the U.S. has essentially abandoned Ukraine and prioritized its own interests. The consequences could be severe, with Ukraine in a worse position than ever and the potential for a larger conflict looming. It's a tragic reminder of the importance of diplomacy and the potential consequences of pursuing military solutions to political problems.

    • Protecting Trade and Commerce, Not DemocracyHistorically, US military actions have prioritized protecting trade and commerce over democracy and humanitarian causes, as seen in Ukraine and other conflicts. Honesty and consistency in actions and values are crucial for maintaining credibility on the world stage.

      Throughout history, military force and might have been primarily used to protect trade, commerce, and the American way of life, rather than democracy and humanitarian causes. This was highlighted during the Ukraine conflict, where the US's actions were seen as hypocritical and self-serving. The international community's response to the situation in Ukraine contrasted sharply with their stance on other conflicts, such as the one in Gaza, further eroding the US's credibility on the world stage. It's important to remember that the US's actions, or lack thereof, have real-world consequences and can leave lasting impacts on people's lives. The situation in Ukraine serves as a reminder of the importance of being honest and consistent in our actions and values, even if it may be uncomfortable or unpopular.

    • Two women filed sexual assault lawsuits against Sean Combs in the 1990sThe New York Adult Survivors Act of 2022 allows survivors of sexual assault to file civil suits with a one-year lookback period, leading to a surge of suits against alleged perpetrators, including Sean Combs.

      Between 1990 and 1991, two women filed lawsuits in New York's Supreme Court against Sean Combs, alleging sexual assault and abuse. One of the women, Joy Dickerson Neal, claimed Combs drugged and sexually assaulted her after a date, and also videotaped himself doing so. The other woman, whose identity is unknown, alleged that Combs and a friend forced her into having sex after a party and later physically assaulted her. Combs' lawyer dismissed these allegations as lies and an attempt to tarnish his reputation. In a separate case, Cassie reached a settlement with Combs over claims of physical and mental abuse that spanned over a decade. The New York Adult Survivors Act, signed into law in 2022, allows survivors of sexual assault to file civil suits with a one-year lookback period, regardless of the expired statute of limitations. This law has enabled a surge of civil suits against alleged perpetrators, including the E. Jean Carroll suit against Donald Trump. The burden of proof in a civil case is lower than in a criminal case, requiring only a preponderance of evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. The 3-year statute of limitations for civil suits for sexual misconduct in New York was extended to 20 years in 2019, but not retroactively, providing a one-year window for filing suits for past sexual assault allegations.

    • New York's Sexual Misconduct Law: Accountability or Perverse Incentives?The new law eliminates the statute of limitations for civil suits and allows for a one-year lookback period, leading to a surge in lawsuits against powerful individuals and institutions. While accountability is important, concerns exist about potential perverse incentives and false accusations.

      The new sexual misconduct law in New York, which eliminates the statute of limitations for civil suits and allows for a one-year lookback period, has led to a surge in lawsuits against powerful individuals and institutions. The speaker shares mixed feelings about the law, acknowledging the need for accountability but expressing concerns about potential perverse incentives and the possibility of false accusations. Notable figures such as Mayor Eric Adams, Andrew Cuomo, and Axl Rose have been named in lawsuits filed under this law. While some of these allegations are new, others have been previously reported. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of holding institutions accountable for enabling and covering up sexual misconduct. The implementation of the law has been complicated, with some questioning its motivations and potential impact on public figures.

    • Examining systems and institutions enabling misconductHarvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Eric Adams, and potential UFO cover-ups all highlight the importance of investigating systems and institutions that enable misconduct or conceal information.

      The focus on individual accusations against powerful figures, such as Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, is important, but it's equally significant to examine the systems and institutions that enable their alleged misconduct. The Weinstein Company and Hollywood, as well as Epstein's potential connections to foreign intelligence networks, are examples of this. The ongoing investigation into Eric Adams' potential corrupt ties to Turkey is another instance of this institutional-level issue. Furthermore, the new sexual misconduct law has led to over 25,000 lawsuits, some involving high-profile individuals, but also survivors of former Columbia University gynecologist Robert Hadden. In the realm of UFOs, the claims made by whistleblower Dave Grush on the Joe Rogan podcast suggest a massive cover-up surrounding UFOs, crash retrievals, and reverse engineering programs within the US government. These revelations challenge fundamental questions about humanity's place in the universe.

    • Debate over UAP and government cover-upsDespite ongoing debate, efforts to prevent UAP information release persist through legislation

      There is ongoing debate about the legitimacy of claims regarding unknown aerial phenomena (UAP) and potential government cover-ups. A recent interview on the Joe Rogan Experience featured a guest who claimed to have been under criminal investigation for uncovering information about advanced drone technology. While some believe the guest's story, others argue that the technological breakthroughs he describes lack historical precedent and would require extensive secret research and engineering. Regardless of the truth behind the guest's claims, there is evidence of efforts to prevent the release of information about UAP through legislation. For instance, the UAP Disclosure Act, which aimed to make UAP-related information publicly available, was blocked from being included in the National Defense Authorization Act. The debate around UAP and government transparency continues, with many questioning the motivations behind the secrecy and the validity of reported phenomena.

    • Debate over government transparency and DOD involvementPoliticians push back against transparency legislation, raising concerns about sensitive information disclosure. Rogan's claims about classified info lack concrete proof, but DOD involvement doesn't endorse the claims. Concerns about whistleblower access to classified info persist.

      There is ongoing debate regarding government transparency, specifically in relation to the Department of Defense and allegations of past events like the JFK assassination. Some politicians are pushing back against transparency legislation, raising concerns about disclosing sensitive information. Joe Rogan, a podcast host, has made controversial claims about classified information, but without concrete proof, many remain skeptical. Rogan went through a pre-publication review process, where the DOD can request certain information be redacted. While some information was deemed credible and urgent, Rogan was not cleared to discuss certain details. The secrecy around these matters can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that the DOD's involvement doesn't necessarily mean they endorse the claims. The lack of access to classified information for whistleblowers, even in secure facilities, is a concern, as elected representatives exist to investigate on behalf of the public.

    • Discussions on UAP transparency and potential cover-upsThe urgency to investigate UAP lies in potential benefits and global occurrences, despite debates over transparency and potential cover-ups.

      There are ongoing discussions about the transparency and legislation surrounding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), with some arguing for more disclosure and others suggesting it could be a global cover-up of secret government technology. The urgency to address this issue stems from potential benefits, such as commercial aviation applications, and the fact that incidents are not limited to the US. The repeated failures of the Pentagon's audits raise questions about where funds might be going. The Fox News incident serves as a reminder of the importance of factual reporting and the potential consequences of spreading false information. Overall, there is a strong argument for increased transparency and investigation into UAP, with no apparent downside.

    • Incorrect information during breaking newsReputable sources can report inaccurate information during breaking news. Fact-checking is crucial to avoid spreading unverified information, especially on sensitive topics. News outlets may prioritize being first over accuracy.

      During a breaking news situation, there can be incorrect information reported, even by reputable sources. In the case discussed, a reporter erroneously reported that a car incident on the US-Canada border was being investigated as a possible terrorist attack based on unverified information. Fox News was the only outlet to run with this claim, and they brought on experts to discuss the implications. However, it was later determined that there were no explosives in the vehicle and the crash was caused by reckless driving. The incident is a reminder of the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of spreading unverified information, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like terrorism. The reporter's attempt to explain her error was criticized for lacking accountability and transparency. The incident also highlights the incentives for news outlets to be the first to report, even if they end up being wrong.

    • Avoid sensationalizing unverified reportsNews orgs should prioritize accuracy, admit mistakes, and consumers should approach breaking news critically

      News organizations, including Fox News, should avoid sensationalizing unverified reports and instead prioritize accuracy and transparency. The discussion highlighted an instance where Fox News incorrectly reported that a car explosion in New York was caused by explosives, instead of acknowledging that the cause was unknown. This kind of reporting can have serious consequences, as it can influence public perception and potentially incite fear. It's crucial for news organizations to admit when they've made mistakes and correct them promptly and thoroughly. Additionally, it's important for consumers to be aware that breaking news reports may be speculative and incomplete, and to approach such coverage with a critical and discerning mindset.

    • Double standards in condemning war crimesThe international community and U.S. officials apply different standards when condemning war crimes, with more vocal condemnation of Russian actions compared to Israeli actions, despite similar civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure in Gaza.

      Double standards are being applied when it comes to condemning war crimes, with the international community and U.S. officials being more vocal about Russian atrocities compared to Israeli actions. During the discussion, it was noted that John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesperson, showed strong emotion when speaking about Russian war crimes but dismissed Israeli actions as collateral damage. Senators and administration officials who were quick to label Russian actions as war crimes have become more cautious when discussing Israeli actions. The inconsistency in condemning war crimes was highlighted with examples from Senator Ben Cardin and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. The situation in Gaza, with the large number of civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure, raises questions about Israel's adherence to the laws of war. However, when asked about this, Jake Sullivan and other officials have avoided making a definitive judgment, instead stating that it is a legal determination. The inconsistent application of international law and the lack of accountability for war crimes committed by U.S. allies is a concerning issue that warrants further discussion.

    • Unprecedented Humanitarian Crisis in GazaThe situation in Gaza is experiencing a severe humanitarian crisis with high death toll, massive destruction, and uninhabitable areas, surpassing major conflicts in recent history. Urgent international action is required to prevent further harm.

      The situation in Gaza, as described in the discussion, is currently experiencing a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportions in this century. The death toll, particularly among women and children, is rapidly approaching numbers seen in major US-led conflicts in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. The level of destruction and critical infrastructure damage has made large parts of Gaza uninhabitable. UN Relief Chief Martin Griffiths, who has extensive experience in humanitarian crises, has stated that he has never seen anything like this before. The scale of the atrocities is so significant that even The New York Times, a typical Israeli apologist outlet, has acknowledged it. The Biden administration is aware of the severity of the situation, and the international community must address it to prevent further harm.

    • Embracing Challenges in Complex Productions and Personal NeedsBetterHelp provides accessible online therapy, Cambridge addresses women's retirement needs with flexible options, and personal desires were emphasized in the discussion.

      Despite the challenges of managing complex productions, such as the one involving Israel and Palestine, the team remains committed to their work and appreciates the support from their audience. Mental health is an essential aspect of everyone's life, and BetterHelp offers accessible and affordable online therapy to help manage mental health challenges. Women's unique retirement needs are addressed by Cambridge's Parity Flex Annuity, providing flexible withdrawals and a guaranteed lifetime income benefit. The team also expressed their desire for a California playground with various attractions, showcasing the versatility and appeal of the state. Overall, the importance of mental health support, women's retirement planning, and personal desires were emphasized in the discussion.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    187. The Left and Israel

    187. The Left and Israel
    Has Keir Starmer caused lasting damage to his leadership over his stance on Israel-Gaza? What will Biden be saying behind the scenes to other world leaders? Can the UK become a world leader in AI? 🌏 Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ https://nordvpn.com/restispolitics It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✅ TRIP Plus: Become a member of The Rest Is Politics Plus to support the podcast, receive our exclusive newsletter, enjoy ad-free listening to both TRIP and Leading, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, join our Discord chatroom, and receive early access to live show tickets and Question Time episodes. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics. Instagram: @restispolitics Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Email: restispolitics@gmail.com Producers: Dom Johnson + Nicole Maslen Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Israel-Hamas hostage deal, explained

    The Israel-Hamas hostage deal, explained

    It’s been nearly seven weeks since 240 Israeli hostages were seized in a terrorist attack by Hamas. The attack was followed by intense retaliatory bombings of the Gaza strip by the Israeli army and thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Finally, a deal for the release of some hostages has been brokered between Hamas and Israel, and a four-day ceasefire in Gaza may begin on Friday. So what has been happening behind the scenes to bring the deal about? And what does this pivotal moment mean for the future of the conflict?

    This podcast was brought to you thanks to the support of readers of The Times and The Sunday Times. Subscribe today: thetimes.co.uk/storiesofourtimes. 

    Guest: Catherine Philp, World Affairs Editor, The Times.

    Host: Luke Jones.

    Email us: storiesofourtimes@thetimes.co.uk

    Clips: Fox News, Sky News.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    How far will Israel go in response to Hamas terrorism?

    How far will Israel go in response to Hamas terrorism?

    Keir Starmer was asked live on LBC how far he'd be prepared to see Israel go in response to Hamas.

    Would he support a blockade? A siege of Gaza? And that's where the questions get tough. Israel has the world's sympathies right now - but no one wants to see this escalated into an existential middle east war. Who is prepared to say so?

    And later, we talk about the new BBC drama about Jimmy Savile and "hiding in plain sight" with Meirion Jones, the journalist who first tried to tell the world Jimmy Savile was a monster.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

    Planning Producer: Alex Barnett

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Producers: Rory Symon & Charlie Clinton

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents".