
    11/30/23: Henry Kissinger Dead At 100, AIPAC Lobbies WH Against Ceasefire, Elon Tells Advertisers Go F%%% Yourself, Mark Cuban 2024?, GM Humiliates Biden, CIA UFO Retrievals, Male Wages Plummet

    enNovember 30, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • US Cellular urges phone detox and Leesa promotes natural mattressesConsider taking a break from technology and investing in a natural mattress for improved well-being.

      US Cellular encourages us to put down our smartphones for five minutes to reevaluate our relationship with technology, while Leesa invites us to invest in a natural hybrid mattress for better sleep. Elsewhere, Breaking Points discusses recent news including Henry Kissinger's passing, Israel's ceasefire negotiations, Elon Musk's comments to advertisers, Mark Cuban's potential presidential run, and the United Auto Workers' massive organizing effort. Breaking Points also shared exciting data about their audience growth and appreciation for their listeners' support and sharing of the podcast.

    • Henry Kissinger's Controversial Role in International AffairsHenry Kissinger's realist approach to foreign policy led to significant human suffering in places like Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh, but also had profound impacts on global events.

      Henry Kissinger, a top US diplomat and advisor to multiple presidents, is being remembered for his controversial role in international affairs and the significant human suffering his policies caused. While some argue that his realist approach to foreign policy was effective in certain situations, others view him as a war criminal responsible for millions of deaths in places like Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bangladesh. The debate around Kissinger's legacy highlights the complexities and moral dilemmas inherent in foreign policy decision-making. Regardless of one's perspective, it is undeniable that Kissinger's influence on global events was profound and far-reaching.

    • Controversial figure Henry Kissinger's actions caused significant human suffering and loss of US credibilityHenry Kissinger's controversial actions, including prolonging the Vietnam War, expanding it into Cambodia, and supporting brutal military dictatorships, resulted in massive human suffering and loss of US credibility when promoting democracy and human rights

      Henry Kissinger, a prominent American diplomat, is considered by many to be a controversial figure due to his involvement in various conflicts and human rights violations throughout his career. He is known for prolonging the Vietnam War and expanding it into Cambodia, resulting in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of civilians. Kissinger also supported brutal military dictatorships, such as in Chile, and showed a high level of arrogance, believing the US could manipulate global events without regard for human life or consequences. His actions, including the Iraq War and support for authoritarian leaders, have led to a significant loss of US credibility when it comes to promoting democracy and human rights. Despite his controversial record, Kissinger was consistently feted by elites from both political parties. While some argue that other American foreign policy advisers have also committed atrocities, Kissinger's impact is particularly significant due to the scale of the deaths and human suffering caused by his actions. It's important to remember that the world can be messy, and difficult choices must be made, but the disregard for human rights and international law demonstrated by figures like Kissinger sets a dangerous precedent.

    • Insights from Henry Kissinger's BiographiesBiographies of Henry Kissinger offer valuable insights into his early years and foreign policy conversations during his time, despite ongoing debates about his controversial legacy. Israel's military is currently lobbying Congress for support amidst growing calls for a ceasefire and criticism of its conduct in the Gaza conflict.

      Despite the controversial legacy of Henry Kissinger, his biographies, particularly Niall Ferguson's, provide valuable insights into his early years and the foreign policy conversation during his time. However, it's important to note that there are differing perspectives on Kissinger's actions and impact. Meanwhile, in current events, the Israeli military is reportedly engaging in a full-court press PR blitz on Capitol Hill to counter growing calls for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict with Gaza. This comes as questions emerge about Israel's conduct in the war. These briefings, which have been exclusive to members of Congress, are aimed at maintaining bipartisan support for Israel, which has thus far received unconditional backing from the Biden administration.

    • Israel-Palestine conflict and US aidThe US House passed a resolution reaffirming Israel's right to exist, but the potential conditioning of aid and the debate over ceasefires add complexity to the Israel-Palestine conflict, affecting both countries' political landscapes.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the potential conditioning of US aid, is a topic of intense debate in Washington. At the same time, the release of hostages and growing public pressure in Israel for peace deals are adding complexity to the situation. Netanyahu, who is under pressure from his own coalition, met with APAC leadership in Jerusalem, emphasizing the importance of American public opinion and support for Israel. A recent resolution in the House reaffirming Israel's right to exist received near-unanimous support, with only a few dissenting votes. However, the resolution's equating of anti-Zionism with antisemitism has sparked criticism. The debate over ceasefires and potential conditioning of aid could significantly impact the outcome of the conflict and the political landscape in both Israel and the US.

    • AIPAC's influence on US-Israel relations and foreign aidAIPAC's influence on US politics, despite promoting foreign interests, raises concerns. Younger generations question blanket US support for Israel due to human rights concerns and shifting political landscape in Israel.

      The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) wields significant influence in American politics, particularly in relation to foreign aid and US-Israel relations. This was highlighted in a recent congressional vote on a resolution regarding foreign aid to Israel and the Palestinian territories. Critics argue that AIPAC's long-standing exemption from the Foreign Agent Registration Act, despite promoting the interests of a foreign nation, is a concern. The speaker also believes that the erosion of blanket support for Israel among younger generations and increasing human rights concerns in Israel could lead to a shift in US policy towards Israel in the future. Additionally, it was pointed out that Israel's political sphere has moved to the right, with some officials advocating for ethnic cleansing and genocide, which could further pressure the US to reconsider its relationship with Israel. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized that US support for Israel is crucial, but it depends on whether the US feels like using it or not.

    • US involvement in Israel-Hamas conflictThe US shapes the direction of the Israel-Hamas conflict through diplomacy and humanitarian aid, but its stance remains unclear as it supports Israel's right to defend itself while calling for an end to violence.

      The US is heavily involved in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, shaping the direction of the war through diplomatic efforts and pressuring Israel for humanitarian aid and a post-Hamas plan. The US stance is unclear, with Biden calling for an end to violence while continuing to support Israel's right to defend itself. The Qataris are optimistic about an extension of the truce, but the question remains what will happen when all hostages are released. Netanyahu faces domestic pressure to continue military operations in the south, and it remains to be seen if the US will use its leverage to change Israel's approach. Ultimately, without significant consequences for disregarding US calls for restraint, Israel may continue its military actions, fueled by public demand for revenge.

    • Narrow coalition leaves Netanyahu vulnerable to fringe figuresMainstream US senators now call for conditioning Israeli aid on adherence to humanitarian law, a shift from past radical views, and growing calls to apply Leahy Law to Israel due to scrutiny on civilian treatment during conflicts.

      The narrow coalition supporting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu leaves him vulnerable to the influence of fringe figures. This dynamic is reminiscent of American politics, where a narrow margin in Congress can give extremists significant leverage. Currently, mainstream Democratic senators, including Chris Van Hollen, Brian Schatz, Jack Reed, and Chris Murphy, are calling for conditioning aid to Israel based on adherence to international humanitarian law. This is a shift from the past when such views were considered radical. Additionally, there are growing calls to apply the Leahy Law, which prohibits providing weapons to foreign governments that commit human rights violations, to Israel. These developments reflect a changing political landscape and increased scrutiny on Israel's treatment of civilians during conflicts.

    • Israel-Gaza conflict faces pressure from various sourcesThe Israel-Gaza conflict is under pressure from grassroots protests, public outrage, US Congress, potential civilian casualties, and a hostage crisis, while companies offer financial solutions, theme park discounts, and all-natural supplements

      The ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza is facing increasing pressure from various sources, including grassroots protests, public outrage, and even the US Congress. The situation is further complicated by reports of potential civilian casualties and the ongoing hostage crisis. Israeli society is grappling with the complexities of military operations and the safety of hostages, as there is widespread sympathy for their plight. Meanwhile, companies like Gain Bridge continue to offer innovative financial solutions designed to empower women in their retirement years. Additionally, consumers can save on theme park tickets through Undercover Tourist and try all-natural supplements from Symbionica. However, the potential death of a young hostage and their family members, as claimed by Hamas, adds a troubling layer to the situation, with both sides awaiting confirmation or refutation of the report.

    • Gaza Ceasefire Extensions and Hostage ReleasesDespite temporary ceasefires and hostage releases, long-term peace in Gaza remains elusive due to complications from the hostage situation and geopolitical realities.

      The situation in Gaza remains volatile, with ongoing hostage releases and ceasefire extensions leading to uncertainty about the future. The temporary pauses in fighting are seen as potential stepping stones towards longer-term negotiations, but there are significant challenges to reaching a comprehensive agreement. The hostage situation, involving both civilians and soldiers, complicates matters, and the geopolitical realities of the conflict may limit the scope for a resolution. Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis continues, with civilians clustered in smaller areas and facing the possibility of increased brutality. Elsewhere, Elon Musk addressed advertisers who had pulled their support following his controversial tweets. He clarified his stance but did not express a desire for them to return, acknowledging the public perception of his actions as an apology tour.

    • Elon Musk's stance against advertisers could lead to Twitter's financial instabilityElon Musk's criticism of advertisers and inconsistent stance on free speech could potentially bankrupt Twitter due to its heavy reliance on ad revenue, but finding a successful subscription model or coexisting with advertisers may be key to survival.

      Elon Musk's stance against advertisers who pulled their campaigns from Twitter due to controversial statements made by Musk and other users on the platform could potentially lead to financial instability for the company, as nearly 90% of Twitter's revenue comes from advertising. Musk's antagonistic approach towards advertisers and his inconsistent stance on free speech may not be sustainable, especially when the subscription model, Twitter Blue, has not been successful in replacing advertising revenue. The boycott could result in a bankruptcy lawsuit, and Musk's comments about advertisers "killing the company" suggest he may have resigned himself to this outcome. However, it's important to note that Musk's criticism of advertisers is not entirely unfounded, as some organizations, such as Media Matters and the ADL, have been known to encourage boycotts and have questionable motives. Ultimately, Twitter's survival may depend on its ability to develop a more compelling subscription-based revenue model or find a way to coexist with advertisers while maintaining its commitment to free speech.

    • Elon Musk's Controversial Twitter Leads to Advertiser ExodusElon Musk's unconventional Twitter actions led to advertiser departures, leaving CEO Linda Yaccarino in a tough spot, while Musk remains focused on Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink.

      Elon Musk's unconventional approach to running Twitter, including his controversial statements, has led to a mass exodus of advertisers, causing potential financial instability for the platform. The CEO brought in to improve advertising relationships, Linda Yaccarino, has been left in a difficult position as Musk's actions undermine her efforts. Musk himself seems unphased by the situation and has even expressed that he may have regrets about buying Twitter. The platform's commitment to free speech and allowing users to make their own decisions has led to a diverse range of opinions and beliefs being expressed, some of which can be offensive or controversial. The challenge for Twitter is finding a balance between upholding free speech and maintaining advertiser relationships. Despite the turmoil, Musk remains focused on his other companies, Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink, which may ultimately prove to be his greatest legacy.

    • Elon Musk's Controversial Tweets and Mark Cuban's Decision to Leave Shark TankElon Musk's tweets have led to fines and controversy, while Mark Cuban leaves Shark Tank and sells the Dallas Mavericks, focusing on potential political aspirations. Gainbridge introduces a retirement solution tailored to women's needs, offering financial stability and security through a guaranteed lifetime income.

      Elon Musk's tweets have landed him in hot water before, most notably when he announced that Tesla was going private and was fined a significant amount by the FCC. Regarding a controversial tweet about Jewish communities, Musk acknowledged the truth in the statement, but it's not something he would likely endorse. Meanwhile, Mark Cuban, another billionaire, has made headlines with his decision to leave Shark Tank and sell a majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks. While some speculate he might run for president, Cuban's political views are not clearly defined. Gainbridge, on the other hand, offers a retirement solution tailored to women's unique needs, providing flexibility and security. In a world where people can outlive their savings, the parity flex annuity offers a guaranteed lifetime income, ensuring financial stability and empowerment.

    • Mark Cuban's Potential Presidential BidMark Cuban, known for his fame, charisma, and business success, could be a wildcard in the 2024 presidential race as a potential kingmaker or even a candidate himself.

      Mark Cuban, despite not being the first choice for some, could be a formidable contender in the 2024 presidential race due to his fame, charisma, and business success. Cuban's fame comes from his ownership of the Dallas Mavericks, his role on Shark Tank, and his successful prescription drug company. He is known for being well-spoken, engaging with the media, and having a libertarian-ish political stance. Cuban has denied any plans to run for president, but his name could still be a wildcard in a divided race. If no clear winner emerges in the electoral college, the House of Representatives could decide the election, making Cuban a potential kingmaker or even a candidate himself.

    • Uncertainty in US Elections and GM's Controversial DecisionThe US electoral process remains uncertain, echoing historical instances like the Corrupt Bargain of 1876. GM's sudden $10 billion stock buyback contradicts earlier claims, questioning their commitment to electric vehicles and workers, and challenging the Biden administration's electric car agenda.

      The electoral process in the US, though it has mechanisms to handle contingent elections, remains uncertain in its outcome. This was seen during the Corrupt Bargain of 1876, and potential parallels could be drawn to the current political climate. Meanwhile, GM's recent decision to spend $10 billion on a stock buyback, despite their earlier claims of financial strain due to labor costs, raises questions about their priorities and commitment to electric vehicles and their workforce. This move can be seen as a middle finger to the Biden administration, which has touted GM as a leader in the electric car revolution. The inconsistency in GM's actions highlights the need for transparency and accountability in corporate decision-making.

    • Automobile Industry: Labor Rights and Corporate Responsibility Shaping the FutureGM's focus on shareholder value, UAW's organizing efforts, and Tesla's potential unionization mark significant changes in the automobile industry, emphasizing the importance of labor rights and corporate responsibility.

      The automobile industry is experiencing significant changes on multiple fronts. GM's decision to increase dividends and buy back shares follows the trend of corporate prioritizing shareholder value over worker compensation. Simultaneously, the UAW is leading a historic organizing effort targeting over a hundred thousand workers at various automakers, including foreign manufacturers and Tesla. This comes after the UAW's successful strike against the big three auto manufacturers. The success of unionized workers at companies like Toyota and the potential gains from Tesla's Cybertruck have inspired workers at nonunion companies to unionize. This shift could lead to a renaissance in American car manufacturing if corporations prioritize workers and innovation over outsourcing and stock buybacks. Additionally, Elon Musk's comments about Tesla potentially becoming one of the top 10 car companies in the world, alongside nine Chinese companies, highlights the global competition in the industry. These developments underscore the importance of labor rights and corporate responsibility in shaping the future of the automobile industry.

    • Transparency in Government and BusinessFord prioritizes electric vehicles for market competitiveness while the Senate pushes for UFO transparency, both emphasizing the importance of accountability for the public's benefit.

      The shift towards electric vehicles is inevitable, and companies like Ford need to remain competitive in this growing market to retain market share and profits. At the same time, there is ongoing debate around transparency regarding UFOs and alleged government cover-ups. The Senate recently passed legislation requiring transparency from the government regarding UFO knowledge, but there have been efforts to kill this effort in the House of Representatives. Representative Tim Burchett, a proponent of transparency, has been denied access to classified information and faces opposition from influential colleagues. The outcome of this ongoing battle for UFO transparency remains uncertain. In both cases, it's essential to prioritize transparency and accountability for the benefit of the public.

    • Government Transparency and Controversial Intelligence LegislationThe lack of dialogue and potential cover-ups surrounding a controversial intelligence bill raises concerns, fueled by allegations of intelligence community influence and secretive programs with commercial applications. Transparency and accountability are crucial for maintaining public trust.

      The discussion revolves around a controversial piece of legislation related to government transparency regarding intelligence community activities. The speaker expresses concern over the lack of dialogue with representatives who are pushing for the bill, despite having objections. There are allegations of intelligence community influence and potential cover-ups. A report from the Daily Mail about an Office of Advanced Scientific Research (OASR) has fueled speculation, with its mysterious descriptions and denials from the intelligence community raising eyebrows. The speaker argues that the potential existence of a secretive program, especially one with commercial applications, warrants transparency. The history of government secrecy around other controversial topics, such as the JFK assassination, serves as a cautionary tale. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in government operations.

    • Transparency and the JFK assassination recordsThe JFK Assassination Records Collection Act ensures government transparency, leading to the release of previously withheld documents. Women are experiencing employment gains, while men face a decline, and college-educated individuals dominate employment growth.

      The discussion highlights the importance of transparency and the use of laws to secure additional information, specifically in relation to the JFK assassination. Researchers like Jefferson Morley have used the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act to request and obtain previously withheld documents. The act requires all government records related to the assassination to be made public by October 2017. The discussion also touches upon the current state of employment, particularly for women and men, with women experiencing significant employment gains and men facing a decline. The data suggests that the majority of employment gains in the modern US economy are being captured by the college educated elite, leading to a crisis for those without a college degree. The conversation underscores the importance of transparency and equality in various aspects of society.

    • Significant societal changes due to gender wage gap and educational attainmentWomen are outpacing men in education and earnings, leading to a cultural divide and potential demographic issues, with college education acting as a quasi-caste system and contributing to a growing crisis for non-college educated men and women.

      The gender wage gap and educational attainment are leading to significant societal changes. Women are outpacing men in education and earnings, particularly in high-income areas, leading to a cultural divide and potential demographic issues. College education acts as a quasi-caste system, influencing various aspects of life, including dating preferences. Women are increasingly dating older, financially successful men, contributing to a growing crisis for non-college educated men and women. This shift, which is largely ignored, is one of the most profound changes in US employment history and has profound implications for the future. It's crucial to acknowledge and address this issue, rather than dismissing it as an validation of toxic masculinity tropes.

    • Invest in a good night's sleep and affordable vacation experiencesConsider eco-friendly mattresses for better sleep and save on Disney tickets by buying at child prices

      It's important to prioritize good sleep and consider eco-friendly options. The new natural hybrid mattress from Leesa and West Elm, available at lisa.com/iheart, promises a better sleep experience with natural materials and a positive environmental impact. Meanwhile, if you're planning a trip to Walt Disney World, consider buying adult theme park tickets at child prices from Undercover Tourist to save money. This offer allows easy add-ons to official Disney apps for additional perks. Remember, investing in a good night's sleep and affordable vacation experiences can significantly enhance your overall well-being and enjoyment.

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    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Related Episodes

    Remembering Henry Kissinger; Israel-Hamas Truce Extended; Musk Curses Out Advertisers

    Remembering Henry Kissinger; Israel-Hamas Truce Extended; Musk Curses Out Advertisers

    On today's podcast:

    1) Henry Kissinger, the child refugee who rose to become US secretary of state and defined American foreign policy during the 1970s with his strategies to end the Vietnam War and contain communist countries, has died. He was 100.

    2) Israel and Hamas agreed to lengthen their truce for at least another day, allowing for the release of more hostages held by the militant group in Gaza.

    3) Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X, says the advertisers that have stopped spending on the platform due to his endorsement of an antisemitic post can “f——” themselves.


    Full transcript: 

    Good morning. I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Here are the stories we're following today. We begin with the passing of a man who defined foreign policy in the nineteen seventies and worked to shape it for decades. After Henry Kissinger has died, Bloomberg political contributor Rick Davis says Kissinger's influence was unmatched. It's quite a career that lasted my entire life. I would say that we've not seen much of the likes of him, somebody who has never been elected to office, but wielded as much power as any powerful president or prime minister in the world. Kissinger was credited with opening the door to China and achieving detente with the Soviet Union, but he courted controversy for supporting massive bombing campaigns in Vietnam and Cambodia. Bloomberg's Ian Marlow says Kissinger leaves a complicated legacy around the world, in Asia in the Middle East. Could be a polarizing figure, but I think that was in part because he embodied that sort of American power. He was one of the people at the center of American power, and over a long period of time when the US role in the world was also changing, and it is to some extent and end of an era, and that era continued right to the end. This past July. In fact, Henry Kissinger met with Chinese President Shi Jinping in Beijing to discuss US China relations. Henry Kissinger died yesterday at his home in Connecticut. He was one hundred years old, and Nathan we turn out to breaking developments in the Middle East, Israel and Hamas have agreed to extend their truce for at least another day. The two sides announced the extension just minutes before their ceasefire was due to end. Head of the announcement, Secretary of State Anthony BLNCN explained what he hopes to achieve during his visit to the region. We'll discuss with Israel how it can achieve its objective of ensuring that the terrorist attacks of October seventh never happen again, while sustaining an increasing amount of train assistance and minimizing further suffering and casualties among Palestine civilians and Secretary of State Blincoln is currently in Tel Aviv for his third visit since the attacks. He will also visit the West Bank, the visit comes as more captives were exchange yesterday evening, with ten hostages released by Hamas in exchange for thirty Palestinians held by Israel. And back here in the US, Karen House Speaker Mike Johnson says he has real reservations about expelling Congressman George Santos. We get that story from Bloomberg's At Baxter, the resolution says the vote needs to happen today, but Speaker Johnson says, for him, there are some real problems here. I personally have real reservations about doing this. I'm concerned about a president than may be set for that. So where everybody's working through that and we'll see how they vote. Sados will be the first expulsion without a conviction on charges. Johnson at one point yesterday said the vote would come Friday, but the resolution does say today, so we'll see how it works out. At Baxter Bloomberg Radio, All right, ed, Thanks well. Elon Musk is talking about the future of ex following and advertising boy and we get the latest from Bloomberg's John Tucker. John what the boycott is going to do mus says is kill the company, and who does he blame? Well, not himself, but the advertisers he herald in an expletive their way, saying they can go bleep themselves. Those advertisers include Walt Disney and Apple. Earlier this month, Musk agreed with a post that said Jewish people hold a dialectical hatred of white people. Well, that message has since drawn widespread criticism. On stage at the New York Times Deal Book conference, must did say the post was the worst and dumbest he's ever done. Mustourage people to judge him by his actions rather than his words. He brought up his electric car company, Tesla, saying he's done more for the environment than any human. I'm John Tucker, Bloomberg Radio. All right, John, thank you. Now, let's take a look at some stocks on the move this morning. Shares of Salesforce are up nearly nine percent. The San Francisco based software company gave a profit forecast for the current quarter. The top D analyst estamates Salesforce is benefiting from its cost cutting program. Meanwhile, Nathan Snowflake is up about eight and a half percent. The company gave a product sales outlook for the current quarter that beat expectations. That's fueling hope that revenue is stabilized after the software and maker experienced a dramatic slowdown in growth during the past year. Turning to the economy, differing views on inflation from two Federal Reserve Regional Bank presidents. Atlanta FED president Rafael Bostik says he's growing increasingly confident that inflation is firmly on a downward path. On the other hand, Richmond FED chief Thomas Barkins tell CNBC he's not yet convinced. There's no precision that anyone can point to at exactly what is the level of rates that exactly handles inflation and exactly the way you want to handle it, and so you're constantly trying to adjust on the flot. Both Thomas Barkin and Rafael Bostik will be voting members of the FOMC next year. Well. In corporate news, Nathan Online, a job search company, Indeed is canceling the monthly mental health days it introduced during the pandemic. Can we get this story from Bloomberg's Ellie Pellett. It joins a growing group of firms pairing back benefits they rushed to provide during the COVID nineteen crisis. Indeed initiated so called you Days in June of twenty twenty, giving all employees the same day off each month out of time when exhausted staff were taking fewer vacation days because of travel restrictions. Three years later, employees are once again booking time off at a similar rate to before the pandemic, so the company said quote. As a result, we have agreed that the global need for you days has passed. In New York, Charlie Pellett, Bloomberg Radio and Charlie, we just got inflation data from the Eurozone. It cooled more than expected. Consumer prices rose two point four percent from a year ago in November. That was down from two point nine percent the previous month and less than all estimates of economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Sorry, Nathan, Thanks, It's time now for a look at some of the other stories making news around the world. For that, we're joal by Bloomberg's Amy Morris Say good morning, Good morning, Karen Ultra. Conservatives in the House of Representatives have now softened their demands for deep spending cuts to domestic programs, heightening the odds that two parties can reach a spending agreement and avert of partial government shutdown in January. The shift came after the House failed to pass bills at the lower spending levels demanded by the House random Caucus. They've been pushing for one hundred twenty billion dollars in cuts. This softer stance gives House Speaker Johnson Moore a room to negotiate a bipartisan spending bill, as senators from both parties want to add fourteen billion dollars in spending by designating it an emergency not subject to that cap. As lawmakers consider an aid package to Israel, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is issuing a warning. Bloomberg's at Nancy Lyons has that part of the story. Senator Schumer, who is the highest ranking Jewish elected official in the country, spent forty five minutes on the Senate floor to crying the rise in anti Semitism at a level not seen in decades. The normalization and excusation of this rise and hate is the danger many Jewish people fear most. The Anti Defamation League says anti Semitic incidents of nearly quadrupled since the onset of the Israel Hamas War. Schumer says It's time for a clear throated denouncement of the hate in Washington, Nancy lyons Bloomberg Radio and that new poll shows the number of college students experiencing or witnessing anti semitism is also up this academic year. That poll by the Jewish led Anti Defamation League and Hillel International found that nearly three in four Jewish students and forty four percent of non Jewish students saw or experienced anti Jewish ideas since the start of the twenty three to twenty four school year. A very special holiday display. Now at sixteen hundred Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House South Lawn has an ice skating rink to celebrate the holidays. First Lady Jill Biden unveiled the rink with skating performances from figure skaters and Peanuts characters. What's more magical and wonderful and joyful then, you know, being on an ice rink in the South one of the White House. Who knew right A, Military, families, first responders, and other special invited guests can enjoy the White House skating rink in December. It will not be open to the public. Global News twenty four hours a day, and whenever you want it with Bloomberg News Now. I'm Amy Morrison. This is Bloomberg Karen right, Amy, Thank you well. We bring you news throughout the day right here on Bloomberg Radio. But now you can get the latest news on demand whenever you want it. Subscribe to Bloomberg News Now to get the latest headlines at the click of a button. Get informed on your schedule. You can listen and subscribe to Bloomberg News Now on the Bloomberg Business app, Bloomberg dot Com plus apples, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. Time now for the Bloomberg Sports Update. Here's John stash Hour John Daron upset in college basketball. They stormed the court in Fayetteville after Arkansas and opt off seventh rank Duke eighty to seventy five North Carolina ranked seventeen, put up sixty one points in the first half in Chapel Hill and beat tenth thrank Tennessee one hundred and ninety two. So they split fourteen games in the acc SEC Challenge over the previous two nights. They both won seven times. A couple of bad teams at the NBA's Eastern Conference, the Pistons the Wizards. They played the other night. Washington won, but the Wizards lost in Orlando, won thirty nine to one twenty. The Magic thirteen and five on the year. The Wizards are three and fifteen. The Pistons are two and seventeen. They bought fifteen games in a row. Blown out at home, Lakers won one thirty three to one oh seventy. Angelo Russell scored thirty five. Seahawks and Cowboys ticking off Week thirteen tonight in Dallas. They both played last Thursday. Cowboys won easily and Seattle lost to the forty nine Ers. These two teams are in second place in the NFC East and West. The teams that are in first place in those divisions the Eagles and forty nine Ers, and they play Sunday. That's the big game of Week thirteen. It's a rematch of last year's in at Championship. Joe Flacco now with the Cleveland Browns. They brought him in when the Shawn Watson went down. He's gone from third string QB to second and Dorian Thompson Robinson is in concussion protocol, so Flaco may start Sunday against the Rams. Patriots not saying anything official as usual for them, but it sounds like mac Jones goes to the bench. Bailey ZAPPI expected to start on Sunday. John stashed were Bloomberg Sports from coast to coast, from New York to San Francisco, Boston to Washington, DC, nationwide on Syrias exam the Bloomberg Business app in Bloomberg dot com. This is Bloomberg Daybreak. Good morning, I'm Nathan Hager. We want to reflect more on the life and legacy of Henry Kissinger, who died yesterday at his home in Connecticut at the age of one hundred. Kissinger was born in nineteen twenty three in the German state of Bavaria. He moved to the US in nineteen thirty eight to escape Nazi persecution. The son of a Jewish school teacher. At age nineteen, while a student at the City College of New York, Kissinger was drafted into the army in the US, serving as an interpreter during World War II, and after the war he helped round up Gestapo officers as a member of the nine hundred and seventieth Counter Intelligence Corps. Kissinger spoke earlier this year with Bloomberg's editor in chief John Micklethwaite, and said he saw the first hand impact of authoritarianism and totalitarianism in his youth. It was an experience which it's so elemental then it becomes part of you. Kissinger brought that experience back with him to the United States. He resumed his studies at Harvard University. His doctoral dissertation there focused on balances of power in nineteenth century Europe. As a tenured professor at Harvard, Kissinger honed of the conservative real politic worldview that would dominate his thinking on foreign policy for more than a half century. Kissinger also cultivated relationships with policymakers in Washington that led him to the White House in nineteen sixty nine as National Security Advisor to President Richard Nixon. Kissinger's secret trips to China in nineteen seventy one paved the way for arguably the greatest foreign policy achievement of the Nixon presidency. His own visit the following year. Knowing of President Nixon's express desire to visit the People's Republic of China, Premier Cho and lie On behalf of the government of the People's Republic of China has extended an invitation to President Nixon to visit China. The opening of China and an anti ballistic missile treaty hammered out with the Soviet Union achieved what would become known as Kissinger's triangular diplomacy, but his penchate for secrecy would lead to controversy. Kissinger was the first person to serve as both National Security Advisor and Secretary of State at the same time. That allowed Nixon to run foreign policy more or less directly from the White House. The president summed up his attitude in a taped conversation with Kissinger about the Christmas Day bombing in Vietnam in nineteen seventy two. Kissinger fed into that paranoia about enemies and the press by ordering wiretaps of reporters and White House aids looking for leaks. That expanded use of surveillance led to Nixon's resignation under the weight of Watergate, but the weight of one major foreign policy decision would cloud Kissinger's legacy for the rest of his long life. The Secret War in Cambodia. Kissinger orchestrated the operation that dropped more than one hundred thousand tons of bombs on North Vietnamese positions in the country. It helped lead to the rise of a genocidal Khmer Rouge regime after the war, but Kissinger would never stop defending his conduct in Vietnam, even against critics who labeled him a war criminal. Would say a better way At any one point, we didn't think so. I still don't think so. But I'm open into that argument. But what is meant by better that pragmatic approach to the world as it is rather than how policymakers might like it to be what informed Kissinger's view long after he left public office and sought to wield influence as a private citizen. At the age of eighty eight, Kissinger wrote the book on China, about the country he helped to bring back to the world stage. In a twenty twenty interview at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, Kissinger warned of the risks of confrontation between the world's two biggest economies. Let's say, at some basis for some cooperative action to wills, Bill Slide hid a catastrophe. Comfortable do will do a one And Henry Kissinger worked to head off that catastrophe. After reaching his hundredth birthday this year, when President Biden sent cabinet secretaries to Beijing to try to stabilize relations, the one US diplomat that Chinese President Shi Jinping met face to face this summer was the man who he called an old friend to China, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. And for more, we are joined from Singapore by Bloomberg News Managing editor Derek Wallbank. A mixed legacy, Derek, but an undeniable legacy at the same time. I think that's exactly right. An. I think you did a brilliant job setting this up and there when when we're talking about the reaction, especially out here, I think the the polarity of feedback has been striking today. You know, Kissinger was a sort of person that in some corners of the world was a lionized statesman, and some other corners in the world, uh, they considered him an absolute scoundrel. And and and there's not really a giant a mix of those right now, certainly through Asia hours and you're you're talking about somebody who in Singapore was was somebody that that foreign ministers would would make pilgrimage to his apartment in New York City. Every time that there was a UN General Assembly meeting China. You saw that you mentioned the reaction from Xi jianpingg He's Uh. Kissinger was described as an old friend of the Chinese people's there's a mournful reaction from from China at the same time. Uh. This is somebody who throughout parts of Southeast Asia, UH, particularly Cambodia, allows Vietnam, et cetera. You know, Indonesia, parts of team or less. It's like it is not held in anywhere the same sort of thing. It's a very polarizing person, but certainly somebody who had I think it is unanimous to say a titanic effect on the world in which he lived, no doubt, and to you put it into the context of where US China relations stand now. I think it'd gotten a little bit better since the low that we saw after the alleged spy balloon incident back in February. But talk a little bit more about the impact that Henry Kissinger tried to wield even up to the end, as President Biden was trying to put US China relations sort of back on the rails. I think one of the most notable things sitting here as as we closely have tracked the decline in relationships between the two superpowers, is how Henry Kissinger always seemed to be the one American who could get a meeting with anyone he wanted in China. I mean anybody he wanted. I saw in Chinese state media today retrospectives of here was Henry Kissinger visiting it this year, and then two years later, and then three years later, and etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Gotten down the line, he met with anybody he wanted, He met any time he wanted, and senior, senior Chinese folks would would go to him, would would want to talk to him to get a sense of where the things were in the United States, and vice versa. You know, he was a counselor to presidents of his party or not, people who agreed with him or not. He was seen as this respected voice that when he was in the room, people felt like they needed to listen to on both sides of this relationship, because as they say, he was so respected in China, and in these days you find somebody who who is you know, who is American, who has deeptised in the American state, who who is that respected in China is It's a very very small list, right, and Henry Kissingtram might have been right at the top of that list. Well, we think about the passing of a former Secretary of State who saw the world as it is. We have a current Secretary of State, Anthony Blincoln, who is back in a part of the world that is as restive as anywhere else in the Middle East. Let's talk a little bit about the latest that's happening in the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the influence the Secretary of State Blincoln is trying to have as this tenuous ceasefire continues. Yeah, and the thing that I think everybody's waiting for is to see how long this ceasefire will go. It was supposed to expire at seven am local time Thursday. It got extended for another day. I mean the announcement here just minutes before that ceasefire was due to end. There had been reports of small violations here and there of things. We have seen a steady drip drip of hostage releases. But it's a very very tenuous. I don't even want to use the word piece. It's a very it's a very tenuous pause. Let's go with pause, because a pause implies that the play button is back. It is also on the table that the restart could be coming soon. So I think that's the question. How much progress are we getting here? You do see the United States trying to play in here. I think I think the Biden administration is politically finding itself in a in a in a tough spot. They are trying to have some guardrails that they're trying to communicate to the Israelis. At the same time, you know, the the US is permissioning I if I can use that word, they're they're certainly you know, they're they're they're certainly Israel's biggest friend on the world stage. Right. So so that's a little bit of a difficult position that the Biden administration is trying to tread a little bit carefully. But they are trying to influence, uh, what's what's going on in that in that part of the world, and they have a lot of place to play. At the same time, you see countries like Egypt, countries like Cats are trying to you know, trying to influence Maybe they might be more simply sympathetic to other sides than the US administration might be, but all sort of trying to find and feel a way out of this so that it doesn't conflagrate more. All the while, also, it should be said, trying to keep nation states that are currently mostly on the side on the side. And I'm thinking here of countries like Iran to prevent this from escalating into something even more than it is right now. It's certainly a touch and go sort of thing right now. And I do as I say, I think, I think it carries some political risk. I mean, look, we're we're we're less than twelve months out from the US presidential election, and a lot of the people who are protesting in the streets in the United States are people who you would find in a normal Democratic coalition who are deeply upset with the president right now and vowing not to vote for him in any circumstance. Right that's a part, that's a group of people he needs to come out for him next year, and so it's a very very delicate ballot. This is Bloomberg Daybreak Today, your morning brief on the stories making news from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. Look for us on your podcast. Feed at six am Eastern each morning on Apple, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. You can also listen live each morning starting at five am Wall Street Time on Bloomberg eleven three to zero in New York, Bloomberg ninety nine to one in Washington, Bloomberg one oh sixty one in Boston, and Bloomberg ninety sixty in San Francisco. Our flagship New York station is also available on your Amazon Alexa devices. Just say Alexa Play Bloomberg eleven thirty plus. Listen coast to coast on the Bloomberg Business app, seriusxmb iHeartRadio app, and on Bloomberg dot Com. I'm Nathan Hager and I'm Karen Moscow. Join us again tomorrow morning for all the news you need to start your day right here on Bloomberg Daybreak

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    The Henry Kissinger GOAT War Criminal Debate | Dr. Stuart Fischbein

    The Henry Kissinger GOAT War Criminal Debate | Dr. Stuart Fischbein

    Michelle Wolf responds to the latest news including Elon Musk telling boycotting advertisers to go f**k themselves, France banning smoking at various outdoor locations, and Ronny Chieng and Michael Kosta join to discuss Henry Kissinger’s death. Ever wondered why childbirth is so expensive? It’s because like everything in America, healthcare is a business and hospitals look at the uterus like it's an ATM. Michelle Wolf tackles the U.S.’s birthing industrial complex in the latest “Long Story Short.” And Dr. Stuart Fischbein, a community-based practicing obstetrician and co-host of the Birthing Instincts podcast, discusses how hospital birthing practices can be counterintuitive to natural childbirth functions, both out of fear and out of financial interest, and Michelle Wolf shares her own experience doing a home birth.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    The Banality of Crazy

    The Banality of Crazy
    From Elon to Trump to Kanye, public decompensation is a part of our culture now. Plus, Georgia's inadequate investigation of the potential Trump-related conspiracy to copy election software, and the uncertainty of a verdict before Election Day. Ben Wittes and Anna Bower join Charlie Sykes for The Trump Trials.

    show notes:


    Episode 87 - Nov. 6th, 2022 - Votes & Updates

    Episode 87 - Nov. 6th, 2022 - Votes & Updates

    Episode 87 - Nov. 6th, 2022 - Votes & Updates 

    • - Violation Counter - Ceddy55 - 85 x Walt - 1 x DJ Intence - 9 
    • - Songs Of The Episode - DJ Shy x DJ Spaz “To Da Wall” 
    • - Voting & Election Day on Tuesday November 8th, 2022 
    • - RIP Aaron Carter 
    • - Disney Kids & Child Stars during the 90s 
    • - RIP Takeoff (from Migos aka Kirshnik Khari Ball) 
    • - Songs Of The Episode - Quavo x Takeoff “Hotel Lobby” 
    • - Songs Of The Episode - Swave “Hotel Lobby Freestyle” 
    • - Elon Musk Twitter 
    • - Kyrie Irving x Brooklyn Nets 
    • - Dan Snyder Update 
    • - Songs Of The Episode - MixedByKamillion “Gotta Move On From You” 
    • - MLB Champs “The Houston Astros” 
    • - Congrats to Dusty Baker 
    • - Wise Guy’s Corner - What should a healthy friendship look like? 
    • - Wise Guy’s Corner - If, you had gone to jail for a crime, what would have been the crime that the person committed from our POV? 
    • - @TariqNasheed x @Tezlynfigaro x @theconsciouslee 

    [Prospective dystopique] La stupéfiante histoire d'Elon Musk

    [Prospective dystopique] La stupéfiante histoire d'Elon Musk

    Dans cette épisode, les Eclaireurs du Numérique ont décidé de faire de la prospective dystopique sur, peut-être, le futur maître du monde : Elon Musk. Découvrez ce qu'est devenu cet homme, la société, et nous tous au passage en se projetant dans l'année 200X !

    Avec Bertrand Lenotre, Damien Douani et Fabrice Epelboin.

    Précision : toutes les informations sur lesquelles nous nous basons pour écrire cet épisode sont rigoureusement sourcées et réelles. Leur interprétation future relève de la fiction et de l'analyse prospective.