
    11/4/21: Election Day Takeaways, Media Meltdown, SALT Tax, Barstool Conservatism, Worker Demands, and More!

    enNovember 04, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Virginia's political landscape shifts towards RepublicansEvery county in Virginia saw an increase in Republican votes, economy and jobs were top issues, and Glenn Youngkin's win underscores the importance of economic concerns in future elections.

      The political landscape in Virginia, and potentially the country as a whole, has shifted significantly towards the Republican Party. Every county in Virginia saw an increase in Republican votes in the 2021 elections, according to the graph presented. The economy and jobs were identified as the most important issues for Virginia voters, with only 6% of campaign dollars in October being spent on COVID-related messaging. These trends were highlighted during the election of Glenn Youngkin as governor, who was able to increase his margin with all voters, not just specific demographics. These macro political shifts underscore the importance of economic issues in voters' decisions and the potential impact on future elections.

    • Americans expressing dissatisfaction with country's state through electionsDissatisfaction with economy, COVID-19, and Biden's low approval ratings led to election swings in Virginia, New Jersey, and Long Island. Trump districts became more Trump-leaning, Biden districts shifted right, and Youngkin won by appealing to both suburban voters and the Trump base.

      The recent election results in Virginia and other areas, such as New Jersey and Long Island, can be attributed to a broad dissatisfaction with the current state of the country, particularly regarding the economy and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. President Biden's low approval ratings, which are among the worst on record, have contributed to this sentiment. The ongoing debates about critical race theory in education and political bills, such as Build Back Better, while important, do not address the underlying issues causing this dissatisfaction. The country is not running smoothly, and Americans are expressing their rejection of the status quo through elections that have seen swings from one end to the other since 2008. The data from Virginia's election shows that Trump districts became more Trump-leaning, while Biden districts shifted even further to the right. Glenn Youngkin's victory was achieved by winning over both the suburban vote and the Trump base, similar to a Mitt Romney-style coalition.

    • Shifts in voter demographics and coalitions in Virginia gubernatorial electionWhite women with college degrees swung towards Youngkin, while those without degrees voted for him more than Trump. Youngkin maintained the rural advantage for Republicans. The election was not solely about culture war issues but a reflection of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Dems may hold suburban vote but lose rural areas in midterms.

      Key takeaway from the Virginia gubernatorial election is the significant shift in voter demographics and coalitions. White women with college degrees, who previously supported Biden over Trump, swung towards Youngkin. However, white women without degrees voted more for Youngkin than they did for Trump. Youngkin also maintained the rural advantage for the Republican party without Trump on the ballot. This election was not a clear-cut case of a culture war issue, but rather a reflection of deep dissatisfaction with the status quo. The lack of a clear, unifying narrative or political talent to address major issues has contributed to these shifts in voter behavior. The midterm elections are expected to show similar trends, with the Democratic Party holding on to their suburban vote but losing ground in rural areas.

    • Virginia Election Results: Youngkin's Surprising Win and Republican House GainRepublican Glenn Youngkin won Virginia's gubernatorial election, surprising pollsters and Democrats. Youngkin's success was due to economic and education issues, effective commercials, and a lackluster Democratic campaign. The election resulted in a unique Republican coalition in Virginia, and Trump's absence from the election could impact his 2022 role.

      The 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election resulted in a surprising 50-seat gain for Republicans in the House, with Glenn Youngkin winning a majority of Latino votes. Youngkin's success was attributed to a combination of economic and education issues, while the Democratic campaign, centered on abortion and Trump, failed to resonate with voters. Youngkin's effective commercials on grocery taxes and potential repeal helped him connect with voters. The election's outcome has produced a unique coalition in Virginia, with Republicans now controlling the governance. Trump's absence from the election could be a test for his role in 2022, as he is expected to be more present but may not be as effective as before due to social media bans. The media, particularly MSNBC, was in a state of chaos during the election night.

    • Misplaced focus on divisive issues in Virginia electionDemocrats should prioritize addressing economic concerns in swing districts instead of divisive topics like critical race theory to win voter support.

      The focus on certain issues like critical race theory and the Capitol insurrection as driving factors for the Republican victory in the Virginia gubernatorial election may be misguided. Nicole Wallace and other commentators have emphasized these issues extensively, but exit polls show that the economy remained the top concern for voters. It's crucial for Democrats to address the economic issues that resonate with voters in swing districts, rather than solely focusing on divisive topics. Additionally, the media's fixation on these issues may not be effective in reaching centrist or center-left voters who were skeptical of critical race theory but still voted for Biden. Instead, Democrats could benefit from presenting a clear economic message and addressing voters' concerns in a more constructive manner.

    • Understanding the Complexity of the Critical Race Theory DebateIt's crucial to engage in open and respectful dialogue about critical race theory, acknowledging concerns beyond racism, and understanding the diversity of opinions within the electorate.

      The ongoing debate around critical race theory and its connection to the Republican Party is a complex issue that goes beyond simple labels of racism or political disagreement. Many center-left Democrats acknowledge the concerns raised by some Republicans about the way critical race theory is being taught, but they do not agree with the extreme views being presented. However, the ongoing discourse on MSNBC and other liberal media outlets often fails to acknowledge this nuance and instead portrays all opposition to critical race theory as rooted in racism. This approach risks alienating voters and fueling the very divisions it aims to address. It's essential to understand that people's concerns are not solely about race but also about feeling disenfranchised and losing control over what their children are being taught. Instead of condescending to voters, it's crucial to engage in open and respectful dialogue. As the Virginia gubernatorial election showed, the outcome was much closer than expected, with many voters who had previously supported Biden switching to the Republican candidate. It's important to remember that voters are not monolithic and that there is a diversity of opinions and motivations within the electorate. Instead of labeling all opposition as racist or dangerous, it's crucial to listen, understand, and respond with empathy and respect.

    • 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election: Local issues overshadowed by national politicsDespite the focus on January 6th, local issues drove voters to choose Glenn Youngkin over Terry McAuliffe. Trump's influence on the GOP remains debated.

      The 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election was a normal campaign that saw voters go for Glenn Youngkin, a private equity executive, instead of Terry McAuliffe. The discussion highlighted how the nationalization of politics, particularly the focus on January 6th, hinders politicians from addressing local issues. MSNBC's Jason Johnson's advice for Democrats to focus more on January 6th was criticized. The exit polls showed that Trump's favorability in Virginia was lower than Youngkin's and McAuliffe's, indicating that his presence may not have helped the GOP. Trump himself claimed credit for Youngkin's win, branding it a "MAGA victory," but it's unclear whether this was a repudiation or affirmation of Trump. The debate over the significance of Trump's role in the GOP's future continues.

    • The Role of Republican Primary System in Virginia Gubernatorial ElectionThe primary system design, including ranked choice voting, influenced the nomination of Glenn Youngkin as the Virginia gubernatorial candidate, showing the potential impact on the type of candidates produced for statewide elections. Authenticity and addressing concerns can resonate with the base, rather than imitating a specific style.

      The Republican primary system, specifically the use of ranked choice voting in conventions, played a significant role in the nomination of Glenn Youngkin as the Virginia gubernatorial candidate. Youngkin, who is perceived as more moderate compared to other Republican candidates, might have lost in an open primary system dominated by Trumpist-style candidates. This example highlights the potential impact of the primary system design on the production of candidates capable of winning statewide elections. The base, as a set of people with certain interests, is not owned by any single figure, including Trump. Glenn Youngkin's success demonstrates that engaging with issues important to the base doesn't require imitating Trump's style or mannerisms. Instead, candidates can appeal to the base through authenticity and addressing their concerns.

    • Shifting Away from Trump-style PoliticsRepublicans are moving away from Trump's divisive policies, but his influence remains strong in the GOP, creating uncertainty for the future of the party.

      The political landscape is shifting away from Trump-style politics, despite his continued influence within the Republican Party. Candidates like Glenn Youngkin in Virginia are winning elections without relying on Trump's immigration policies or MAGA hats. The SALT deduction, a tax deduction for state and local taxes, is an example of a policy that disproportionately benefited the wealthy, particularly in high-tax states. This deduction was repealed in the 2017 tax cut, seen as a punishment of blue states. Trump's influence in the 2024 primary is undeniable, but there is a lack of political talent among other potential candidates who can challenge him. The Republican Party may be stuck in a cycle of Trump-dominated elections, followed by weak performances in the midterms and potential redux of the 2020 election. The future of the party remains uncertain, and the coming decade could be a total wash.

    • SALT tax deduction in reconciliation bill despite oppositionDespite opposition from progressives, the SALT tax deduction, which could cost around $500 billion, is being included in the Democratic reconciliation bill, raising criticism about prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy over other initiatives.

      The SALT tax deduction, which allows taxpayers to deduct state and local taxes from their federal taxable income, is being brought back in the reconciliation bill despite opposition from some Democrats, including progressives, who argue it would primarily benefit wealthy individuals. The deduction, which was capped under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, is estimated to cost around $500 billion, making it the largest spending provision in the bill. While some Democrats, like Senator Bernie Sanders, have expressed opposition to the tax cut for billionaires, it appears that the deduction will be included in the final legislative package. This move has sparked criticism that the Democratic Party is prioritizing tax cuts for the wealthy over other key initiatives, such as education and climate provisions.

    • Divide between upper middle class and progressive DemocratsWhile progressives push for policies like paid sick leave and prescription drug pricing reform, upper middle class Democrats advocate for tax cuts for high earners. Political power dynamics come into play, with moderates holding sway due to their voting numbers, making it challenging for progressives to prevent tax cuts for high earners in the bill.

      The ongoing negotiations around the Democratic party's social welfare bill have revealed a significant divide between upper middle class Democrats and progressive Democrats. While the former group is pushing for tax cuts for high earners, the latter group is advocating for policies like paid sick leave and prescription drug pricing reform. The conversation also highlighted the political power dynamics at play, with moderates like Rep. Josh Gottheimer holding significant sway due to their voting numbers. The progressive Democrats, despite their vocal opposition, have not been able to prevent the inclusion of tax cuts for high earners in the bill. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the challenge progressive Democrats face in holding firm on their priorities and the importance of building a strong political coalition to push for their agenda.

    • Progressives' threats during negotiationsHonesty and consistency in political threats matter, as shown by the contrasting actions of Senators Manchin and Sanders. The FEC's decision on foreign donations in US elections is a concern, potentially leading to foreign influence on state-level decisions.

      Progressives' hard-line stances during the Build Back Better Act negotiations may have been perceived as empty threats, leading to a misallocation of political resources and rhetoric. The honesty and consistency of their threats are crucial, as shown by the contrasting actions of Senators like Joe Manchin and Bernie Sanders. In the foreign money in elections context, the FEC's decision to allow foreign donors to finance US ballot committees is a significant concern, potentially leading to foreign influence on state-level referendums and regulations. It is essential for both parties to maintain the integrity of elections and uphold the principle of American democracy.

    • Countering foreign interference in electionsBipartisan legislation is necessary to close loopholes allowing foreign nationals to influence state and local laws, restoring faith in the electoral process.

      Addressing foreign interference in elections is crucial for maintaining institutional trust. The ongoing issue of foreign nationals influencing state and local laws through funding raises concerns for both Democrats and Republicans. To counter this, endorsement and passage of bipartisan legislation, such as the one proposed by Marco Rubio and Kirsten Gillibrand, are necessary steps. This legislation aims to close the loophole allowing foreign nationals to bankroll efforts to reshape state and local laws. The Biden administration and all political parties should prioritize this legislation to restore faith in the electoral process. The ongoing debate over foreign interference is not just an issue for one party or the other, but a matter of national importance. It's essential to recognize the potential consequences of foreign involvement in domestic affairs and take action to prevent it.

    • The New Culture War: Defending Normal PeopleThe culture war has evolved, focusing on pushing back against political correctness and perceived elitism, rather than traditional social issues. Voters want normalcy and are tired of COVID restrictions and chaos.

      The culture war has evolved, and the recent elections in Virginia and New Jersey highlight this shift. The new culture war is less about traditional social issues like guns, abortion, and gay marriage, and more about pushing back against political correctness and perceived elitism. The electorate is sick of COVID restrictions and chaos, and they want normalcy. This trend, which some call "barstool conservatism," may not align perfectly with traditional fiscal conservatism, but it resonates with many voters. It's important to understand the nuances of this new culture war and not view it as a referendum on social conservatism as it was previously understood. Instead, it's about defending normal people against ideologues and elites. While this may create tensions within the Republican party, it's a trend that's here to stay. The media and national discourse need to adapt to this new reality and stop focusing on outdated cultural issues.

    • Joe Biden's Normalcy and the Need to Restore TrustJoe Biden's perceived normalcy helped him win the 2020 election, but his grand policies have not succeeded due to a lack of mandate and trust in institutions. The Democratic Party should focus on restoring trust rather than new legislation to address the concerns of the electorate.

      Normalcy, however elusive or seemingly insignificant, is a powerful force in politics. Joe Biden's victory in 2020 can be attributed to his perceived normalcy compared to his opponent. However, his attempts to implement grand, FDR-style policies have not been successful due to the lack of a governing mandate and the eroding trust in institutions. The Democratic Party, being the party of institutions, needs to focus on restoring trust rather than pushing for new legislation. The current political landscape shows a lack of faith in the capitalistic system and institutions at both the national and local levels. Therefore, Joe Biden's next three years should be dedicated to this endeavor. It's essential for politicians to understand the concerns of the electorate and address them in a meaningful way, as FDR did during the Great Depression.

    • Challenges for Biden's policy changes amid midterms and political climateOrin Cass suggests unions could focus on workplace issues and maintain political neutrality for success

      President Biden's ambitious plans for significant policy changes may face challenges due to the upcoming midterm elections and the current political climate. Orin Cass of American Compass emphasized that a reset or default mode could be necessary for Biden to achieve any success, rather than attempting to be a new FDR. Additionally, Orin presented findings from a survey of American workers regarding their attitudes towards unions. Workers expressed a preference for unions focusing solely on workplace issues rather than politics. The challenge lies in unions' historical role in engaging in politics to advocate for workplace regulations. To be less political but still effective, unions could refocus on their original purpose of representing workers in the workplace and leverage their relationships with the state for employment regulation while maintaining their political neutrality.

    • Workers seeking power and representation feel disenfranchised by current labor systemThe labor market needs a shift towards equal bargaining power and exploring alternative models for workers' demands, leading to a more equitable labor market

      There's a growing desire among workers for collective representation and bargaining power, yet many feel disenfranchised by the current labor system that often presents a binary choice between union representation and no representation at all. The ongoing labor strikes and the "Great Resignation" phenomenon underscore the importance of worker power and representation. However, the traditional labor model, which heavily focuses on supporting Democratic politicians, is perceived as outdated and ineffective in addressing workers' needs. To truly empower workers, there needs to be a shift towards promoting equal bargaining power for both workers and employers, and exploring alternative models that cater to workers' demands for training, benefits, and a voice in the workplace. This approach can lead to a more equitable labor market, benefiting workers regardless of political ideologies.

    • Workers with more power in labor market lead to better outcomesHistorically, labor market issues led to the creation of organized labor. Today, constructive discussions about building institutions and structures to give workers a voice and representation are necessary for better outcomes.

      When workers have more power in the labor market, they tend to receive better outcomes. This is because employers, depending on their situation, may either have numerous options and offer worse conditions or struggle to find workers and be forced to treat them better. The lack of collective representation for workers can lead to a breakdown in the labor market, as seen historically during times of strife and violence. The creation of organized labor during the Great Depression was a response to such issues. Today, the market alone cannot solve the problems facing workers, and constructive discussions about building institutions and structures to give workers a voice and representation are necessary. Enlightened employers recognize that this could benefit them as well. For more insights, check out American Compass at americancompass.org and on Twitter. Don't forget to support the Realiant podcast for in-depth discussions. And remember, mental health support is crucial for everyone; consider checking out BetterHelp for online therapy.

    • Exploring California and the World with Rhodes ScholarCalifornia offers diverse landscapes and activities for adults aged 50+, while Rhodes Scholar enables active learning and discovery in over 100 countries and the US.

      California and educational travel with Rhodes Scholar offer unique experiences that go beyond passive tourism. The California dream includes a variety of landscapes and activities, from wine country and surfing to Redwood Forests and ski slopes. For adults aged 50 and above, Rhodes Scholar provides opportunities to explore over 100 countries and the United States, with every day filled with active learning and new discoveries. Instead of just visiting, travelers become engaged participants in their journeys. To learn more about California's diverse offerings and Rhodes Scholar's educational adventures, check out visitcalifornia.com and roads scholar.org.

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    The “American Dream”. Is It Still Attainable?


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    David Leonhardt

    • Senior Writer, The New York Times
    • Writer of the NYT flagship daily newsletter The Morning
    • Author of the forthcoming book, Ours Was the Shining Future

    Alissa Quart

    Town Square with Ernie Manouse is a gathering space for the community to come together and discuss the day’s most important and pressing issues.

    We also offer a free podcast here, on iTunes, and other apps

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