
    11/9/21: Biden Flop, Elon Musk, Travis Scott, Buttigieg Doc, IDW University, Heating Prices, Woke Racism, Russiagate with Glenn Greenwald, and More!

    enNovember 09, 2021
    What do US Cellular and AutoZone encourage consumers to do?
    How are Elon Musk's taxes affected by stock options?
    What percentage of Americans oppose Biden and Trump running again?
    What is the 'buy, borrow, die' tax strategy?
    What issues do rising heating bills indicate for American households?

    Podcast Summary

    • Companies and media outlets encourage reevaluation of prioritiesCompanies like US Cellular and AutoZone promote disconnecting from devices, while media outlets like Breaking Points urge support for reducing polarization. Polls show dissatisfaction with current political leaders, indicating a need for new viable candidates.

      Companies like US Cellular and AutoZone are encouraging consumers to disconnect from their devices and focus on other priorities, while also offering cost-effective alternatives. For instance, US Cellular invites us to put down our phones for five minutes and explore what we might find, while Consumer Cellular offers affordable wireless service. Meanwhile, AutoZone provides a free fix finder service and recommends local shops for more complex issues. At the same time, independent media outlets like Breaking Points are urging viewers to support their mission of reducing polarization and corruption in media. The USA Today/Suffolk University poll reveals that a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the performance of both Biden and Trump, indicating a need for new political options. Nearly two-thirds of Americans don't want Biden to run for re-election, and a similar percentage of Republicans don't want Trump to run again. This highlights the need for a healthy democracy with more viable candidates that resonate with a broader range of voters. Overall, these messages encourage us to reevaluate our priorities and seek out more cost-effective and meaningful solutions.

    • Biden's approval ratings dip due to economy concernsMajority of Americans feel Biden isn't addressing pressing issues, particularly the economy, leading to declining approval ratings

      President Biden's approval ratings have taken a hit, particularly among independents and those concerned with the economy. Democrats continue to support him, but a significant number of voters feel he's not focused on the issues that matter most to them. The lack of visible action and communication from the White House has left many feeling disappointed, despite the country's improvement from the worst of the pandemic and economic crisis. The CNN poll reveals that a majority of Americans believe Biden is not paying sufficient attention to the nation's most pressing issues, with a staggering 72% of those prioritizing the economy expressing this sentiment. As COVID-19 moves to the back burner in electoral politics, the economy has become the primary concern for voters, and Biden's handling of it is a significant factor in his declining approval ratings.

    • President Biden's Approval Rating Drops Amid Economic ConcernsAmericans are concerned about economic disruption and rising expenses, leading to a drop in Biden's approval rating. To win back support, Democrats need to address immediate concerns and deliver on popular agenda items.

      President Biden's approval rating has significantly dropped since April, with 36% strong disapproval in November. The economic disruption and rising expenses are causing concerns for Americans, and they feel that the president lacks a plan to return to normal. The midterm elections could result in devastating outcomes for Democrats, as 70% of Americans believe things are not going well. Democrats have talked about popular issues, but they need to deliver on them to make a difference in people's lives. Biden's focus on process in Washington, D.C., instead of addressing near-term problems, has led to a loss of popularity. Matt Stoller's "deliverism" theory suggests that addressing immediate concerns is crucial, along with discussing and delivering on popular agenda items. The White House's theory of politics seems to be centered around the pandemic, but a more comprehensive approach is needed to address the various challenges Americans are facing.

    • Global supply chain issues and economic dissatisfaction not solely due to pandemicPresident urged to take decisive action, address underlying issues, and restore national purpose. Elon Musk's stock sales driven by $15B tax bill.

      The current challenges the United States is facing, such as the supply chain issues and economic dissatisfaction, cannot be solely attributed to the pandemic. Instead, they are a result of the global supply chain falling apart over the last 18 months. The president, in this context, is urged to take decisive action by issuing executive orders and focusing on long-term solutions. Additionally, the lack of a clear vision from the White House for the country's future is criticized, with calls for a more visionary leader who can address the underlying issues and restore the nation's sense of purpose. Another topic discussed is Elon Musk's stock sales, which are revealed to be driven by a massive $15 billion tax bill, shedding light on the financial complexities faced by the ultra-wealthy.

    • Elon Musk's Complex Tax SituationElon Musk's income comes mainly from stock awards and Tesla's share price appreciation, leading to substantial tax bills. Democrats considered changing tax rules but did not include it in their bill.

      Elon Musk, one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, derives most of his income from stock awards and the appreciation of Tesla's share price. When these stock options expire, he must pay substantial income taxes on the gains, totaling approximately $15 billion based on his 2012 stock option grant. This complex tax system, which includes federal and state taxes, highlights the unique tax situations of the ultra-wealthy. Additionally, Musk's proposed sale of 10% of his Tesla stock, as per a Twitter poll, could result in a significant tax liability. This intricate tax structure, known as the "buy, borrow, die" strategy, allows the wealthy to avoid taxes on appreciated assets until death, when their heirs receive a "step up" in basis. Democrats had the opportunity to change these rules but ultimately did not include it in their reconciliation bill.

    • The Current Tax System Favors the WealthyThe unfair tax system disproportionately burdens the majority while the wealthy evade taxes, leading to societal distrust. Potential solutions include taxing loans as income for the ultra-wealthy.

      The current tax system favors the wealthy, with some paying little to no taxes, while the majority of people carry the burden. Elon Musk's recent Twitter poll about selling Tesla stocks to pay taxes was seen as a farce, highlighting the absurdity of the situation. A potential solution could be taxing loans as income for those borrowing against their assets to avoid income tax. This would ensure that some tax is paid and target the ultra-wealthy. The unequal and unfair tax system contributes to a breakdown of trust in society, as the richest among us seem to evade taxes and accountability. A more equitable tax code is necessary, not just to fund specific bills, but as an end in itself. The federal government, as the issuer of the global reserve currency, has the ability to print money and adjust the tax system accordingly.

    • Concerns over Travis Scott's role in Astroworld tragedyDespite warnings, Travis Scott continued performing at Astroworld, leading to 8 deaths and hundreds of injuries. The incident underscores the importance of addressing public safety concerns and holding performers accountable.

      The Astroworld tragedy in Houston, where 8 people were killed and hundreds were injured, has raised serious concerns about the role of performer Travis Scott in encouraging dangerous behavior at his concerts. The Houston Police Chief had expressed concerns about public safety to Scott before the event due to his history of inciting rage and overcrowding. Despite these concerns, Scott continued to perform, even as people were being resuscitated and ambulances moved through the crowd. The police department's lack of preparedness and resources also contributed to the disaster. The incident has resulted in lawsuits against Scott and others involved, and serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing public safety concerns and holding performers accountable for their actions. The tragedy is the worst concert disaster since 1979 and underscores the need for thorough planning and consideration of potential risks to ensure the safety of concertgoers.

    • Tragedy at Astroworld: Lives Lost and Questions RaisedA tragic event at Travis Scott's Astroworld concert resulted in injuries and fatalities. Questions about artist's past actions and potential negligence have emerged, while conspiracy theories circulate online. The focus should be on the real people affected and the need for a thorough investigation.

      The Astroworld tragedy was a devastating event where fans, many of whom were young, were injured or lost their lives while trying to enjoy a concert by Travis Scott. The incident was made even more heartbreaking as some attendees reportedly received little help from security, while some VIPs, including Kylie Jenner and her family, were reportedly able to leave the scene safely. The incident has raised concerns about the artist's past actions, including encouraging fans to storm barricades and deleting a tweet about letting "wild ones" in. Some conspiracy theories have emerged online, suggesting that the event was a satanic or Illuminati ritual based on the imagery used in promotion and at the event. However, the most important thing to remember is that real people were affected by this tragedy, and a thorough investigation is needed to determine the full extent of Travis Scott's involvement and responsibility.

    • Authenticity matters for public figures, especially during crisesPublic figures must be authentic and connect with their followers, even if it means sharing unguarded moments. Lack of authenticity can hinder their ability to build deep connections with voters.

      Public figures, even those who present a polished and impersonal persona, have a responsibility to be authentic and connect with their followers, especially during times of crisis. The upcoming Pete Buttigieg documentary highlights this issue, as it reveals that despite his campaign's highly produced image, there were few unguarded moments with the candidate. His husband, Chasten, expressed frustration with Pete's inability to be open and authentic, and moments like Pete's lack of response when Chasten suggested bringing their struggles with having children into the campaign narrative, illustrate the tightly controlled nature of his campaign. Ultimately, this lack of authenticity may have hindered Pete's ability to connect with voters on a deeper level.

    • Navigating Politics and AuthenticityPoliticians may need to present a carefully crafted image, potentially sacrificing authenticity, while navigating the complexities of politics. The new University of Austin aims to uphold free thought and speech, but its success remains uncertain.

      The quest for power in politics can require individuals to present a carefully crafted image, even if it means sacrificing authenticity. Mayor Pete Buttigieg's experiences in the documentary "The Mayor of South Bend" highlight this issue, as he struggled to connect emotionally with voters and came across as inauthentic or rehearsed. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of free thought and free speech, with the announcement of a new university, University of Austin, aiming to uphold these values. However, it's important to note that not all individuals involved in the project hold the same ideology, and it remains to be seen how successful the university will be in achieving its goals. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complexities and challenges of navigating the political landscape while staying true to oneself.

    • Censorship is a complex issue with a long history on both sidesBoth left and right engage in censorship, and the issue requires a nuanced approach, focusing on areas where censorship can have the most destructive effects, such as hard sciences and engineering, and ensuring equal access to education for all.

      The issue of censorship and cancel culture is not confined to one ideology or another. While it's important to acknowledge the concerns about censorship coming from the left, such as the BDS laws and the banning of certain books and courses, it's equally important to recognize that the right has a longer history of engaging in censorship. The problem of censorship is complex and multifaceted, and it requires a serious and nuanced approach. The idea of a Free Speech University is a noble one, but it may not be the most effective solution to the problem. Instead, we should focus on building an environment that values free speech and open dialogue in the areas where it matters most, such as the hard sciences, engineering, and other fields where censorship can have the most destructive effects. Ultimately, the issue of censorship is not just about free speech, but also about class and access to education. It's important to remember that not everyone had the opportunity to go to college in the past, and we need to ensure that everyone has equal access to education and opportunities for growth.

    • Societal issues in colleges and the promise of a new unaccredited universityClass system and ideological agendas fuel self-censorship and lack of free speech in colleges. A new unaccredited university may overpromise and underdeliver, while increasing heating bills due to globalization and ineptitude could financially strain many families.

      The ongoing societal issues, such as self-censorship and lack of free speech in colleges, are indicative of a larger problem rooted in a class system and ideological agendas. The recent initiative to create an unaccredited university with grandiose promises to save America may be setting itself up for overpromising and under delivering. It's important to be upfront about one's ideologies and agendas, rather than presenting oneself as a neutral arbiter. Meanwhile, the increasing heating bills for American households due to globalization and ineptitude at the highest echelons of society could lead to significant financial strain for many families, especially those in rural areas relying on heating oil and propane.

    • Propane Price Increase: A Winter Crisis for Six Million American HouseholdsPropane prices have doubled, causing a potential 100% increase in heating costs for rural Americans and a minimum 30% increase for the average consumer during winter. Urgent action is needed to provide relief.

      The price of propane has nearly doubled since last year, causing significant concern for the approaching winter months. Propane is a primary heating source for six million American households, and the current price increase of 50% is a major concern. The depletion of the stockpile, due in part to increased usage in industries like restaurants, will result in rural Americans facing a potential 100% increase in heating costs if the winter is cold. The energy department estimates a minimum of 30% increase for the average consumer. The administration's response has been criticized as insufficient, with calls for the strategic petroleum reserve and home heating oil reserve to be tapped to provide relief. Additionally, the exportation of natural gas should be halted to prioritize American consumption. The measures proposed can be implemented by the President without congressional approval. The ongoing crisis in heating costs is a matter of life or death for some, and urgent action is needed. The failure of Democrats to address this issue effectively has been a topic of criticism, with some pundits making inflammatory and divisive claims about voter motivations. However, the focus should be on finding practical solutions to ease the burden on American households.

    • Avoid Essentializing Voters Based on Race or EducationThe Democratic Party's labeling of certain voter segments is offensive and unsupported by data. Voters' decisions are influenced by a complex set of factors, not solely by their race or education level.

      It's important to avoid essentializing entire groups of people based on their race or education level. The Democratic Party's focus on labeling certain segments of the population as the cause of their failures is not only offensive but also unsupported by data. White working-class voters cannot be reduced to being solely motivated by racism or gun ownership. The 2020 racial justice protests and the 2021 elections in Virginia and New Jersey demonstrate that voters were more concerned with economic issues and school closures than critical race theory. It's crucial to recognize that voters' decisions are influenced by a complex set of factors and not solely by their race or education level. The judgmental and condescending attitude towards certain groups can be a turnoff for voters and further widen the political divide.

    • The Steele dossier, a major piece of evidence in the Russiagate scandal, has been exposed as a fraud.The Steele dossier, a key piece of evidence in the Russiagate scandal, has been debunked, raising questions about media coverage and the role they played in perpetuating the Russia gate narrative.

      The Steele dossier, a key piece of evidence in the Russiagate scandal, has been exposed as a fraud. This is significant because the dossier played a major role in fueling the Russia gate narrative that dominated media coverage for years, leading to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and numerous investigations. The latest development in this saga is the indictment of Igor Danchenko, a main source for the dossier, for lying about his sources. This revelation has led some to question the credibility of the media's coverage of the Russia gate story and the role they played in perpetuating it. Consultant Tima Acun believes that objectivity, urgency, and binary thinking can be characteristics of white supremacy culture and advises progressive organizations to rid themselves of these tendencies. Meanwhile, Democrats are being urged to reflect on their relationship with the white working class and rural America, rather than blaming them for their shifting allegiances.

    • Concerns over Russian interference and Trump campaignThe speakers express concern over the similarities between the Russian interference claims and the McCarthy era, the lack of evidence, and the potential damage to trust in media reporting with any hint of intelligence connections. They urge maintaining a critical perspective and avoiding blind faith in authorities.

      The discussion revolves around the skepticism towards the claims made during the 2016 U.S. presidential election regarding Russian interference and the role of the Trump campaign. The speakers express concern over the similarities to the McCarthy era, the lack of evidence presented, and the fusion of the media and national security state. They emphasize the importance of learning from past experiences, such as the Iraq war, and the potential damage to trust in media reporting with any hint of intelligence connections. Despite promises to be more skeptical and evidence-driven after the Iraq war debacle, the speakers feel that history is repeating itself with the handling of the Steele dossier. They urge the importance of maintaining a critical perspective and avoiding the psychological dynamic of placing faith in authorities due to perceived existential threats.

    • Media's biased coverage of Trump during 2016 electionMedia's closed ecosystem during the 2016 election allowed biased coverage of Trump without accountability, undermining trust and potentially spreading misinformation.

      During the 2016 election, major media outlets made significant errors in their coverage of Donald Trump, portraying him as an existential threat. However, unlike after the Iraq War when media had to acknowledge their mistakes, today's media ecosystem is more polarized, with a majority of outlets catering to Democrats. This closed ecosystem allows these outlets to continue their narrative without accountability, as their audience may not even realize the fraudulent nature of the narrative or may view it as a positive effort to stop Trump. This lack of reckoning for past errors is dangerous as it undermines trust in media and can perpetuate misinformation.

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    This week we’re sharing a special episode from our friends at The Lever. This is an excerpt from the first episode of their new investigative series Master Plan, which was recently named a must-listen by The Guardian and Apple Podcasts.

    In each episode of Master Plan, The Lever’s David Sirota and his team of journalists expose the secret scheme that legalized corruption for the wealthy. With the help of never-before-reported documents, they look back at where this plot began, how it is accelerating in the 2024 election - and how it can be stopped. 

    In this epic tale, you’ll learn things you never knew about icons like President Richard Nixon, Fox News founder Roger Ailes, and Supreme Court justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito. You’ll learn how their master plan to legalize corruption affects you and your family - and undermines American democracy today. 

    Listen now to the full first episodes of Master Plan (https://link.chtbl.com/sIXXlFys?sid=BreakingPoints), and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to their Premium feed to hear episodes early and exclusive bonus content. 

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump pollster dire warning, Jon Stewart flames DNC blocking Palestinian speaker, RFK endorses Trump, Israel bombs Lebanon, Telegram founder detained, Boeing failure leaves astronauts stranded in space. 


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    Relaunch of Patriotic Millionaires University, Voter Attitudes on GOP Tax Scam

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    Leslie is joined by Morris Pearl, Chair of the Patriotic Millionaires, a group of hundreds of high-net-worth Americans who are committed to making all Americans better off by building a more prosperous, stable, and inclusive nation. The group focuses on promoting public policy solutions that encourage political equality, guarantee a sustaining wage for working Americans, and ensure that millionaires, billionaires, and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

    Leslie and Morris discuss his organization's relaunch of 'Patriotic Millionaires University,' also known as PMU.  They created PMU as a one-stop-shop for polling, policy, and communication insights on the GOP tax scam. It was a winning message in 2018 and has never been more important or more effective with 2020 right around the corner.

    Correspondingly, the Tax section of PMU has been improved with updated polling and new social media resources. Their new polling shows that as yet another return to the thoroughly-debunked theory of trickle-down economics, voters know the tax scam was never meant to help them.

    Although they’ve added new resources to reflect new information from the last year, the central messaging has remained the same. The bottom line is this: the 2017 GOP tax scam continues to harm our economy and hold our country back, giving massive tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and multinational corporations at the great expense of American workers. In PMU, they make this case in a compelling format designed to keep candidates’ strategy a step ahead of the curve.

    Keep an eye out for additional announcements as 2020 approaches. They are building out PMU to include their other first principles (a Living Wage and Political Equality). Those components will be up and running soon, complete with more facts, studies, and arguments to take on an economy rigged for the rich and powerful. By giving candidates the resources they need to talk about and run on these issues, they hope to put them not just at the center of the campaign strategy for candidates, but also their legislative agenda once they’re in office.

    Since there has never been a more important time to be involved in the political process, they’ve also updated Patriotic Millionaires University for Citizens.
    This grassroots-focused sister site to PMU is built to help all participants in our democracy fight inequality and build a more prosperous country for everyone.
    You can find Patriotic Millionaires University (PMU) on the web at pmuniversity.org.The website for the Patriotic Millionaires is www.PatrioticMillionaires.org, their Instagram handle is @PatrioticMillionaires, and their Twitter handle is @PatrioticMills. Morris Pearl's Twitter handle is @Morris_Pearl.

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    Yvette Carnell is founder of BreakingBrown.com.
    Before embarking on a career in new media, she served as a Congressional aide on Capitol Hill.


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    8/30 audio