
    110: My wedding hookup was with THE GROOM??? ft. Toby Watkins

    enMay 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Making Informed Choices: Wedding Planning and Self-CareConsider customizing a unique engagement ring online at Blue Nile or seeking professional help for weight loss through telehealth services like PlushCare. Prioritize self-care during wedding planning for stress relief.

      When it comes to important decisions like buying an engagement ring or seeking professional help for weight loss, it's essential to make informed choices. For the former, consider customizing a unique ring online at Blue Nile using the convenience of shopping from home. For the latter, explore telehealth services like PlushCare, which offers weight loss consultations and prescriptions for FDA-approved medications, as well as acceptance of most insurance plans. However, always remember that while we may offer advice, it's crucial to seek professional help when needed. In the midst of wedding preparations, remember that time is of the essence, and prioritizing self-care through facials, hair appointments, and even weight loss efforts can help alleviate stress.

    • Moving and Building: A Double Dose of StressMoving and building a new house at the same time adds significant stress, but staying positive and focusing on upcoming events can help keep motivation high.

      Moving house and building a new one at the same time is incredibly stressful. The speaker had been trying to move in for two months and was looking forward to having her own space again. She was excited about an upcoming tournament and dinner, and was coordinating outfits with her friends. Despite the stress, she was looking forward to the wedding and the anticipation of the big day. Building a new house adds an extra layer of complexity to the already stressful process of moving. Despite the challenges, the speaker was staying positive and looking forward to the end result. The excitement and anticipation of the upcoming events were helping to keep her motivated during this difficult time.

    • Friends reflect on relationships and wedding excitementThey discuss the upcoming wedding, share experiences, debate wine tastes, and emphasize the importance of communication and understanding in relationships.

      The discussion revolves around the upcoming wedding of Sophie and her husband, as well as the friends' reflections on their own relationships and shared experiences. They also engage in a playful debate about wine, discussing its taste and vintage. Another theme that emerges is the importance of communication and understanding in a relationship, as they discuss their morning routines and habits. The friends express excitement for the wedding and the debrief that will follow, while also acknowledging the challenges and complexities of relationships. They also make lighthearted comments about various topics, such as fake tan and morning rituals. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of connection, communication, and shared experiences in friendships and romantic relationships.

    • Experience of having opposite-gender best friendsValuing and maintaining strong friendships, regardless of gender, is essential for personal growth and happiness.

      Having a close friendship with a person of the opposite gender can be a sweet and helpful experience. The speaker shares her personal experience of having male best friends and the role she plays as their "gay best friend" who helps them with tasks like applying fake tan. She also mentions the importance of being open and communicative in friendships, sharing stories of discovering hidden information late in relationships. The speaker values these friendships deeply and sees them as an essential part of her life. However, she acknowledges the need to maintain and strengthen connections with female friends as well. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of strong and supportive friendships and the role they play in our lives.

    • Expressing Love and Unexpected OutcomesStay true to oneself and communicate openly in love, pay attention to actions and behaviors in relationships, and have open and honest conversations about expectations and feelings.

      Expressing feelings of love can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. The speaker shared an experience of confessing his feelings to a girl who had a older boyfriend, only to be dismissed as her "baby brother." Despite this setback, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and continuing to pursue meaningful connections. Moving on to the first dilemma, a listener expressed confusion about a new relationship. They've been on several dates, and the person they're seeing has been very attentive and invested. However, they've noticed some inconsistencies, such as changing a profile picture and going on a trip without mentioning it. The listener is unsure if they've misread the situation or if they're getting too attached too quickly. From the speaker's perspective, it's important to communicate openly and honestly about expectations and feelings in a relationship. It's also crucial to pay attention to actions and behaviors that don't align with what's being said. The listener was advised to have a conversation with their partner about their concerns and intentions, and to trust their instincts. In conclusion, expressing feelings of love can be nerve-wracking, but it's important to stay true to oneself and communicate openly. In relationships, it's essential to pay attention to actions and behaviors and to have open and honest conversations about expectations and feelings.

    • Addressing Relationship Uncertainty with Humor and HonestyApproach relationship conversations with humor and honesty to prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Address contradictory actions and decide whether to continue the relationship or move on.

      When you're unsure about the status of your relationship, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner. However, the conversation should be approached in a tactful and light-hearted manner. If you've noticed contradictory actions from your partner, it's essential to address the situation. You can start with a joke to break the ice and then move on to a more serious conversation. Ultimately, you have to decide whether to continue the relationship or move on. Remember, it's better to know the truth than to remain in uncertainty. Communication is key to understanding where you both stand and can help prevent potential hurt feelings or misunderstandings.

    • Unexpected encounters at weddings can lead to infidelitySupport friends but consider potential consequences, trust is crucial in relationships, infidelity can have far-reaching consequences.

      Infidelity can occur unexpectedly and cause significant emotional turmoil. My friend attended a wedding as a plus one after her recent breakup and met someone in the hotel bar. They spent the night together, and the next day, she discovered that he was the groom. The situation left her feeling shocked and betrayed. While it's important to support friends in difficult times, it's also crucial to consider the potential consequences of getting involved. In this case, it might be best for the friend to encourage open communication between the couple, but ultimately, the decision to disclose the information rests with her. This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder that trust is essential in relationships and that infidelity can have far-reaching consequences.

    • Navigating the loss of a toxic friendship in your twentiesTake time for self-care and personal growth activities, trust the process, and allow yourself to evolve naturally in the journey of self-discovery after a toxic friendship ends.

      Navigating the loss of a toxic friendship and finding oneself in one's twenties can be a challenging process. It's natural to feel a sense of identity crisis when a significant relationship ends, especially when that relationship was a deeply intertwined one. However, it's important to remember that time and self-care can help in the journey of self-discovery. Engaging in activities that bring about personal growth and joy, such as taking oneself on dates or joining a sports team or art class, can be effective ways to reconnect with oneself. It's also essential not to put too much pressure on oneself to define one's identity immediately. Trusting the process and allowing oneself to evolve naturally can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling sense of self.

    • Acknowledging the end of relationships takes courage and self-loveEnding relationships, be it romantic or platonic, takes courage and self-love. Time heals, and eventually, the pain will fade. Self-care, such as weight loss journeys with telemedicine or wearing comfortable essentials, can aid in the healing process.

      Breakups and the end of friendships can leave you feeling emotionally detached over time. This is especially true for deep, emotionally charged friendships where a significant part of the connection revolves around discussing the other person's problems. While it may be less explicit in male friendships, the end of a friendship can still feel like a loss, just as it does in romantic relationships. However, acknowledging and addressing the end of a relationship, whether romantic or platonic, takes courage and self-love. It's important to remember that time is a healer, and eventually, the pain will fade. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the comfort and importance of self-care, whether it's through weight loss journeys with the help of telemedicine or wearing absurdly comfortable essentials from Bombas.

    • Stories of embarrassing first date mishapsBe aware of your body, prepare for unexpected situations, wipe thoroughly, communicate openly, and stay calm during first dates.

      First dates can be nerve-wracking and unexpected experiences. One woman shared her story of going on a second date, feeling nervous, and unknowingly soiling herself during intimacy on the host's fresh linen sheets. She was mortified and embarrassed, leading to an awkward and uncomfortable end to the night. Another friend of a friend had a similar experience, leaving a skid mark on a date's sheets. These stories highlight the importance of being aware of one's body and being prepared for unexpected situations. It's essential to wipe thoroughly after using the bathroom, especially before intimate moments, and carry wipes or tissues for added convenience. While these incidents may be embarrassing, they serve as reminders that everyone makes mistakes and that communication and honesty can help alleviate some of the awkwardness. Additionally, the stories demonstrate the power of nerves and how they can impact our actions and experiences. It's crucial to try and stay calm and focused during first dates, as nerves can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. Overall, these stories serve as a reminder to be prepared, communicate openly, and not to take ourselves too seriously in the world of dating.

    • Experiencing Prolonged Constipation: A Discomforting ExperienceEven healthy foods can cause digestive issues, and everyone's body reacts differently. Listen to your body, take care of yourself, and remember that discomfort is temporary. Practical tips: consider short-term health insurance plans and use stamps.com for mailing and shipping needs.

      Experiencing prolonged periods of constipation can lead to intense discomfort and unease. The speaker describes the sensation as feeling like they haven't eaten in a while, with a numbness and squeaking sensation. The inability to pass gas for 12 hours can make one feel like a balloon, leading to a sense of floating and discomfort. The cause of this issue was attributed to eating healthy foods like bean sprouts and broccoli, which the body was having a hard time digesting. The experience was described as all-encompassing, with even small scents in the room triggering intense reactions. Despite the unpleasant experience, the speaker still appreciated the delicious Rhine wine they had consumed, giving it an 8 out of 10 rating. This experience serves as a reminder that even healthy foods can cause digestive issues, and that everyone's body reacts differently to various foods. It's important to listen to your body and take care of yourself, especially during times of discomfort. Additionally, the speaker shared some practical tips, such as the availability of short-term health insurance plans and the convenience of using stamps.com for mailing and shipping needs.

    Recent Episodes from Wednesdays

    42. They're not friends, but he likes her photos: Red flag?!

    42. They're not friends, but he likes her photos: Red flag?!

    This week, Melissa and Sophie tackle a sticky situation for one of our Tinies: her boyfriend has been liking another girl's photos on Instagram. Is it cheating? Could it be a red flag, or just a harmless like? They've also got all you Tinies a handy checklist on what to look for if you suspect your boyfriend might be cheating (with consent, of course).

    Plus, it's a sizzling "Hot Rodents Summer"—Jamie vs. Toby. Are they rats or frogs? AND, the girls discover an unexpected fan! Find out who Wednesday's secret admirer and celeb Tiny is!

    The girls are loving your silly girl summer stories so if you have one or a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJuly 09, 2024

    41. Three cousins, one HUGE secret… Our messiest story yet!!!!

    41. Three cousins, one HUGE secret… Our messiest story yet!!!!

    Melissa and Sophie are back from their friend's wedding, ready to dive into all things bridesmaids as wedding season kicks off! They’ll be sharing top tips on keeping your hairstyle flawless in the heat and hacks to prevent makeup from melting in the sun 🥵

    This week, we have an incredibly JUICY dilemma that’s a real family affair. Our Tiny is caught in the middle of a huge family scandal: one of her cousins slept with another cousin’s fiancé before the wedding, and now the two are married. Should Tiny spill the secret and risk breaking up the newlyweds, or keep it to herself?

    The girls are loving your silly girl summer stories so if you have one or a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJuly 02, 2024

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    40. My boyfriend was found on Grindr: Does that make him a cheat?!

    Heyy Tinies,

    Melissa and Sophie are back from their friend's wedding and ready to dive into all things bridesmaids as wedding season kicks off. They share tips on choosing bridesmaids' dresses and keeping makeup from melting in the sun. Plus, it's Euros season and the return of the WAGs —discover which famous footballer their close friend used to date! 👀

    On the dilemma front, one Tiny is in a tizzy as her boyfriend is on Grindr. What should she do? Sophie and Melissa discuss this tricky situation, balancing supporting him vs. looking out for herself.

    Summer is finally here, and the sun is out! The girls share their silly summer stories, from Melissa's adventures in Magaluf to Sophie's antics in Marbella. But more importantly, they want to hear about your summer adventures....

    Have a silly summer story or a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 25, 2024

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK: Welcome to The Follow-Up

    SPECIAL 24H SNEAK PEAK:  Welcome to The Follow-Up


    Hey Tinies,

    We've been SO excited to finally bring out our subscription channel 'Wednesdays: The Follow-Up' that we wanted to give all Wednesdays listeners a special taste of our very first episode so you can see what we're getting up to!

    As one of our V.I.Ts (Very Important Tinies), each fortnight Thursday you'll receive an exclusive bonus episode like this, and of course you'll get your regular dose of 'Wednesdays' COMPLETELY ad-free.

    In The Follow-Up, we dive even further into the dilemmas, and fill you in on the follow-up sent in from our Tinies. We also want to give you extra special curated advice + recommendations on all things beauty, lifestyle, holidays... you name it, we're here to help!

    In this episode, we go back to Episode 26 'My boyfriend had SIX secret girlfriends' and buckle your seatbelts because the follow-up is JUICY!!!!

    We love you!!!

    Sophie and Melissa x

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 20, 2024

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    39. BIG family drama!! My sister’s new fiancee has a secret other girlfriend

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    Sophie and Melissa have a BIG debrief on their weekends from partying in Ibiza to how TikTok ruining their fave spots!

    As for the dilemma's it's a juicy week, Sophie and Melissa decide if it's a just a bad joke or a bad boyfriend as one Tiny's boyfriend offer to get her a b**b job, some BIG family drama from a sister’s new fiancé who has a secret other girlfriend, and hear about a story from a Tiny who moved to Australia for her boyfriend, and then I found out he was a CHEAT...

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk



    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 18, 2024

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    38. I’ve been having an AFFAIR with my BESTFRIEND’S BOYFRIEND!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Heyyy Tinies, 

    This week Melissa and Sophie are catching up on their fave TV shows…including all things BRIDGERTON. 

    Also what is the optimum size for a boy’s hands and feet?! The girls really deep dive into what they like and don’t like…

    AND we have one of our most SHOCKING dilemma’s yet…even Melissa and Sophie can’t believe this one! A Tiny has written in confessing she has cheated with her best friends boyfriend… what advice will Sophie and Melissa give? Tell the friend or keep it a secret? 

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 11, 2024

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    37. Will my selfish sister ruin MY dream wedding?!

    Want More? Check out our new subscription: ad free, bonus eps and ALL the goss wednesdays.supercast.com/

    Tinies, Melissa is back!!!!!

    And her and Sophie are wasting no times in getting into your dilemmas on this week's ep.

    They're tackling a potential real-life 'Bride Wars' situation. Two sisters getting married in the same year, and ONE is being a bit of a drama queen, and one dream wedding is at stake...

    The girls are also getting to grips with a boyfriend who could potentially be covering up his cheating tracks, and giving their advice to one Tiny whose seven-year relationships looks to be on the rocks.

    Got a dilemma, any personal advice for another Tiny, or a follow up to a dilemma? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enJune 04, 2024

    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    36. His Deliveroo driver turned out to be the girl he was CHEATING on me with…

    We've got an amazing special guest today, the one, the only, Ruby Adler is coming to help with your dilemmas!

    Ruby, aka Tim, gives an insight into 'Made In Chelsea' going to Australia, and why she's considering making a move Down Under...

    On the dilemma front, Sophie and Ruby decide whether fighting for a seven year-long relationship is worth it, give their top tips for where to find certain types of London boys, and hear about a story from one Tiny whose "Deliveroo driver" turned out to be a girl he CHEATED on her with...

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 28, 2024

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    35. My ex is CHEATING on his pregnant wife, should I tell her?!

    Melissa is still on holiday, but we've got a guest you Tinies adore! Georgia Habboo is back, joining Sophie to share everything as she prepares to be a mum.

    She opens up about her fertility struggles and her journey through pregnancy, which we really hope with help some Tinies listening 💖

    We also have some SHOCKING dilemma's this week! Sophie and Georgia offer some top tier advice as they have a proper sister catch up this episode!

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    AD: Text-to-switch to Sky Mobile, simply text PAC to 65075 to join https://www.sky.com/shop/mobile/why-sky-mobile?dcmp=snt-in-ig-weds

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 21, 2024

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    34. I HATE my boyfriend’s haircut ft. Sophie’s Hair Stylist, Willis Galbraith

    Melissa is off holiday but don’t worry Tinies we have an extra special guest to keep Sophie company! Sophie's got a fab stand-in—her hair stylist Willis Galbraith! Willis tells his journey of how he got into the world of hair, through to becoming Sophie's hair stylist and gives some of his advice to your dilemmas.

    As well as learning how to get Sophie's ICONIC blowout over on our TikTok, Willis answers all your burning hair questions from saving bleached locks to his fave hair care products. 

    Got a dilemma or any personal advice for another Tiny? You can send us a voice note or message using the link here.

    Instagram / TikTok / YouTube: @wednesdayspodcast

    Email: wednesdays@jampotproductions.co.uk


    Producer & Editor: @ben_johns

    Assistant Producer: @gurlinaheer_

    Exec: @jemimarathbone

    Videographer: @jamierg99

    Video editor: @jakeji.p

    Social Media: @thechampagency

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    enMay 14, 2024

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    ep 6: "Sorry not sorry" & other sh*t you should actually be sorry for

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    (2:05) Deanna talks about apologizing for something she posted on Instagram that upset some followers. She also talks about the importance of dropping our ego, acknowledging when we inadvertently screw up on social media and how to fix it. (5:15) Frances & Deanna "nerd out" a bit and talk about Dialectical Behavior Therapy techniques in managing relationships during disagreements.

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    On this episode, we hear about: -       A wife unsure of how to move forward after her husband cheated with an escort -       A woman who doesn’t agree with her husband on their will -       A man wondering how to help his ex for the sake of their daughter Next Steps   📞 Ask John a question! Leave a voicemail at 844.693.3291 or click here: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/shows/the-dr-john-delony-show/ask-a-question 📚 Building a Non-Anxious Life: https://bit.ly/3EL5ubR 📝 Anxiety Test: https://bit.ly/460QXUp 📚 Own Your Past, Change Your Future: https://bit.ly/47q7Skm ❓ Questions for Humans Conversation Cards: https://bit.ly/472lIKd 💭 John's Free Guided Meditation: https://bit.ly/3MAGpEV ❤️ Money & Marriage Event: http://ramseysolutions.com/getaway   Offers From Today's Sponsors   -       10% off your first month of therapy at BetterHelp: https://bit.ly/3seoBCe  -       3 free months of Hallow:  https://www.hallow.com/delony  -       25% off Thorne orders: https://www.thorne.com/u/delony -       Save up to $250 on the Eight Sleep Pod: https://eightsleep.com/delony  -       15% off your Apollo Neuro order: https://apolloneuro.com/pages/delony-lp?utm_source=delony&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=lander -       Save 20% on Organifi orders: https://www.organifishop.com/pages/delony   Listen to More From Ramsey Network   🎙️ The Ramsey Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership   These platforms contain content, including information provided by guests, that is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. The content is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional medical, counseling, therapeutic, financial, legal, or other advice. The Lampo Group, LLC d/b/a Ramsey Solutions as well as its affiliates and subsidiaries (including their respective employees, agents and representatives) make no representations or warranties concerning the content and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning the content including any treatment or action taken by any person following the information offered or provided within or through this show. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified professional expert and specialist. If you are having a health or mental health emergency, please call 9-1-1 immediately.    Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy https://www.ramseysolutions.com/company/policies/privacy-policy   X (@johndelony) Instagram (@johndelony) Facebook (facebook.com/johndelony/)

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    1. The one question to ask ourselves if we want to know if our love is really reaching our people. 2. How Glennon’s dearest friend Liz Gilbert taught her that a relaxed woman is the new revolution. 3. Abby offers tips for bonus parents—and why she says earning her kids’ love has been the most rewarding part in her entire life. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Jonathan is a specialist in addiction and mental health. Jonathan speaks frankly and honestly about his own negative life experience of his parent’s divorce, addiction and the impact on his own marriage. This is an insightful, powerful and with humour episode talking about resulting trauma on all levels from the divorce experience.

    Jonathan now provides a unique approach to helping people overcome their addictions and mental health by delivering a comprehensive assessment, treatment and recovery experience. Jonathan is the Commercial Director of Sanctum Healthcare in Cheshire that offers a discreet approach to delivering 1-2-1 client centred service’s which span alcohol, substance, ADHD, anxiety, stress and burnout, emotional eating and gambling addictions.

    You can reach Jonathan through je@sanctumhealthcare.co.uk

    IG @jonathan_edgeley_sanctum
    LinkedIn: Jonathan Edgeley
    Website: sanctumhealthcare.co.uk