
    Podcast Summary

    • Chiropractor's Brave Speech Against Mask Mandate Goes ViralA chiropractor's truthful and factual speech against a mask mandate inspired millions, showcasing the importance of questioning the status quo and seeking out accurate information.

      Dr. Ben Tapper, a chiropractor from Omaha, Nebraska, gained national attention when he spoke out against a mask mandate at a city council meeting, despite facing persecution. His heartfelt and truthful speech went viral, reaching over three million views in 24 hours. Despite the backlash, Dr. Tapper remains committed to sharing facts and data, earning him a place among the "disinformation dozen." The audience was impressed by his bravery and determination to stand up for what he believes in, inspiring many to seek out real information and question the status quo.

    • Government Control and Vaccination AgendaSome view the current health crisis as an excuse for government overreach and mandatory vaccines, with a focus on past fear-mongering and financial incentives for pediatricians.

      The current global health situation is seen by some as an agenda for government control and mandatory vaccines, rooted in past parallels of fear-mongering and propaganda. This perspective, held by the speaker, argues that government overreach and eradication of personal freedoms have been a gradual process, with efforts to eliminate exemptions to vaccinations predating the current crisis. Pediatricians, driven by incentives, are believed to push vaccines more for financial gain than for the health of the children. The speaker encourages critical thinking and awareness of these underlying motivations.

    • Doctors' continuing education influenced by pharmaceutical companiesBe cautious of biased health information from professionals, question sources, and seek diverse information to make informed decisions.

      The information doctors receive for continuing education is often funded by pharmaceutical companies, potentially influencing the data presented. This can lead to doctors unknowingly sharing biased information with their patients. It's crucial for individuals to question the sources of information and not solely rely on a professional's credentials. The current censorship climate makes it challenging to access unbiased data, and the fear of being labeled as a conspiracy theorist or other negative labels deters many from questioning the narrative. Ultimately, it's essential to ask critical questions and seek out diverse sources of information to make informed decisions about health and wellbeing.

    • Question the Information You ReceiveQuestion information on controversial topics, observe the world, seek alternative perspectives, combine preventative measures with traditional treatments, and advocate for critical thinking and medical freedom.

      Individuals should question the information they receive from the media and healthcare professionals, especially when it comes to controversial topics like vaccines and health practices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of observing the world around us and seeking out alternative perspectives. He also highlights the issue of censorship and the potential for medical freedom to be restricted. The speaker encourages a holistic approach to health, combining preventative measures with traditional treatments when necessary. He also criticizes the over-reliance on pharmaceutical drugs in the US and the influence of big pharma on healthcare. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for critical thinking and a balanced approach to health and wellness.

    • Critics question authenticity of vaccination campaignSome people doubt the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, accusing those promoting them of manipulating data and having ulterior motives.

      The current vaccination campaign is being heavily promoted with the help of celebrities and influencers, but some people question its authenticity due to the perceived manipulation of data and potential conflicts of interest. They argue that if the vaccines were truly effective and safe, there wouldn't be a need for such extensive marketing efforts. Some critics point to historical manipulation of data regarding influenza deaths and question the reliability of official statistics. They also accuse certain figures, like Fauci and Gates, of having ulterior motives and call for their arrests. The distrust towards vaccines and those promoting them stems from a belief that there are hidden agendas and that the true facts are being obscured.

    • Standing up for beliefs amidst crisisDespite facing criticism, Merck's decision to abandon vaccine program and encourage natural immunity proved wise. Men need to stand up for rights and freedoms, understand legal implications of vaccine mandates, and use their voice and take action.

      During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, some companies and individuals chose to stand up for their beliefs and convictions, even if it meant facing criticism and backlash. Merck, for instance, abandoned its vaccine program and encouraged natural immunity, a decision that was initially met with hostility but eventually proven to be wise. The speaker, who has been advocating for truth and transparency throughout the crisis, commends those who have spoken out and taken action, despite facing adversity. He believes that men, in particular, need to stand up and fight for their rights and freedoms, whether it's at city council meetings, school boards, or in the workplace. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the potential legal implications of vaccine mandates and incentives, as these practices may violate medical rights and privacy. Overall, the speaker encourages everyone to use their voice and take action, as the consequences of inaction could impact future generations.

    • Speaker raises concerns about influenza data accuracy and mask mandatesThe speaker questions the accuracy of influenza death numbers and mask mandates, suggesting potential underreporting and increased bacterial infections, while criticizing manipulation of case and death numbers and faulty testing methods.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the accuracy and transparency of data related to influenza and the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically regarding influenza deaths and mask usage. They believe that influenza deaths have been underreported and mask mandates may lead to an increase in bacterial infections. The speaker also criticizes the manipulation of case and death numbers and the use of faulty testing methods. They encourage people to question the data presented in the news and be aware of the potential for false compliance with mask mandates.

    • Manipulation of COVID-19 ResponseThe speaker argues that the COVID-19 response has been manipulated, potentially for financial gain or to implement a one-world government, and encourages critical thinking and questioning of official information.

      The speaker believes the COVID-19 pandemic response has been manipulated and used to control people through fear, social pressure, and faulty data. They claim that a select group of powerful individuals colluded to create this perception, potentially for financial gain or to implement a one-world government. The speaker encourages critical thinking and warns against being labeled a conspiracy theorist or being gaslighted. They also share their personal experience in the medical field and feel unheard. The manipulation of terms like "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer" is also criticized as divisive. Overall, the speaker expresses a distrust in the official narrative and calls for individuals to question the information they are given.

    • Medical modeling depends on data integrityQuestion the validity of data used in medical modeling and be skeptical of information presented during times of crisis or pandemic.

      The reliability and accuracy of medical modeling and data, particularly during times of crisis or pandemic, depend on the integrity and unbiased nature of the information provided. Dr. Brent Matthews, a doctor met by the speaker during their time at J&J, emphasized this point by stating that medical modeling is only as good as the information it is given. The speaker also questioned the validity of COVID-19 death counts and the incentives behind the push for vaccines, pointing out the lack of significant increase in total deaths in 2020 compared to previous years. Furthermore, the speaker encouraged individuals to question the information presented to them and to stand up for their beliefs, even if it means something as simple as not wearing a mask in a store. The speaker's overall message was one of skepticism and the importance of critical thinking and personal responsibility.

    • Individual Empowerment and Resistance Against MandatesStand up for personal freedoms, challenge unjust mandates, and resist societal pressure to conform.

      Individuals should stand up for themselves and their freedoms, even in the face of societal pressure. The speaker expresses frustration with mandates, such as mask-wearing and vaccines, and believes that people like Dr. Fauci are corrupt and not acting in the best interests of the public. The speaker encourages people to challenge these mandates and not let fear or social pressure silence them. The speaker also shares a personal experience of standing up to a business that tried to enforce a mask mandate and encourages others to do the same. Overall, the speaker's message is one of individual empowerment and resistance against what they perceive as unjust mandates and corrupt authority figures.

    • The significance of wearing masks in crowded areasDespite concerns, wearing masks in crowded areas is crucial for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Misdiagnoses and fear-driven decisions in hospitals during the initial stages of the pandemic may have caused harm, but the importance of masks in preventing the virus's transmission cannot be overlooked.

      The importance of following health guidelines, such as wearing masks, cannot be understated. Witnessing a large crowd of masked individuals in a voting line, the speaker was shocked to find that only a few people around them were not wearing masks. A surprising incident involving an older woman passing out in line, while wearing a mask, further emphasized the significance of masks. However, there are concerns about the potential impact of masks on oxygen levels and some medical procedures during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as intubation, have been criticized for mistreating patients due to faulty testing and misdiagnosis. The speaker believes that many of these hospitalized patients may have had underlying health conditions and were not solely suffering from COVID-19. The fear and panic surrounding the virus led healthcare workers to make decisions based on what they believed was best for their patients, but in hindsight, some of these actions may have caused harm.

    • Isolation and loneliness in care facilities during COVID-19The pandemic's impact on human connection in care facilities has led to emotional distress and potential harm to mental and physical health. It's essential to prioritize well-being while addressing public health concerns.

      The COVID-19 pandemic and the response to it have led to widespread feelings of isolation and loneliness, particularly for those in nursing homes and other care facilities. These individuals have been denied the ability to see their loved ones, leading to significant emotional distress and potential harm to their mental and physical health. Furthermore, there is growing concern that those who choose not to get vaccinated may be stigmatized and treated as a danger to society. It is crucial that we recognize the importance of human connection and the potential consequences of denying it, and work to find solutions that prioritize the well-being of individuals while also addressing public health concerns.

    • Homeschooling: A Response to Vaccine Mandates and IndoctrinationHomeschooling allows for personalized learning and one-on-one instruction, addressing concerns over discrimination and loss of individual freedom in education. Parents can also consider hybrid approaches, combining homeschooling with traditional schooling.

      There is a growing trend towards homeschooling as a response to increasing vaccination mandates and what some perceive as indoctrination in traditional schools. The speaker expresses concern over the potential discrimination against unvaccinated students and the loss of individual freedom in education. They believe that homeschooling allows for more personalized learning and one-on-one instruction, and predict an increase in the number of homeschooling families. The speaker also suggests a possible solution for parents who feel overwhelmed by the prospect of homeschooling full-time: sending their children to a school for a few days a week while homeschooling the rest. They argue that the essential skills and values children need to learn can be effectively taught by their parents, and that society has been focusing too much on specialized knowledge at the expense of foundational skills.

    • Focusing on skin color differences is a distractionAddress income inequality and proper taxation of the wealthy for socioeconomic progress, engage younger generations for leadership, and address income inequality within one's own sphere.

      Focusing on skin color differences is a distraction from the real issues at hand, which is income inequality and the need for proper taxation of the wealthy. The speaker argues that allowing good-hearted entrepreneurs to run businesses and create jobs is the best way to reduce socioeconomic disparities, but the real problem lies with the disproportionate wealth and tax avoidance of a small number of extremely wealthy individuals. The speaker calls for greater leadership and engagement from younger generations to address these issues and improve the future for themselves and their families. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing income inequality within one's own home and daily actions.

    • Stand up for your beliefs and valuesIndividuals should take action and get involved in local politics to protect their freedoms and constitutional rights, rather than relying on others to do it for them.

      Individuals need to stand up for their beliefs and values, particularly regarding political issues, instead of relying on others to do it for them. The speaker expresses frustration with the current state of affairs, where some people are disregarding individual freedoms and constitutional rights for the perceived greater good. He believes that those who care about the country and its principles should get involved in local politics and elections to ensure that the right people are in power. He also criticizes those who contribute little to society but try to cancel others and impose their views on others. The speaker calls for people to wake up, take action, and not let the current situation continue. He also suggests that COVID-19 may have originated from the United States and was moved to China due to American sanctions, which could have been prevented with greater attention and awareness.

    • Understanding the attachment to safety measuresShow empathy towards those who continue to follow safety measures despite their no longer being necessary, as fear and uncertainty may be driving their behavior.

      People have become deeply attached to safety measures like masks and social distancing, even when they are no longer necessary. This attachment stems from fear and uncertainty, and it's important to show empathy towards those who continue to adhere strictly to these measures, even as others move on. The speaker shares a humorous story about his own experience with mask mandates at Starbucks and how he has interacted with an employee who was particularly strict about enforcing the rules. He also acknowledges that those who continue to wear masks may feel deeply scared and that it's important to understand their perspective. Additionally, the speaker expresses his commitment to showing up every day and doing his best, no matter what challenges arise.

    • Constant fear and stress weaken immune systemFear and stress triggered by propaganda and media can weaken immune system, promoting rest and healthy habits is key.

      The constant exposure to fear and stress through propaganda and media can significantly weaken the immune system by triggering the sympathetic nervous system response, which decreases immune function. This is not a deliberate attempt to make people sick, but rather a result of the chronic stress and fear. Instead of promoting rest and healthy habits to boost the immune system, people are often given things that worsen the situation, such as sugar and lack of sleep. It's important to recognize this and not let the fear of being different or negative feedback hold us back from standing up for what we believe in. The positive support and understanding from others far outweigh the negative. It's crucial to stay informed and firm in our beliefs, and not let shame and shaming tactics silence us.

    • Unity in the face of divisionFocus on individual freedom and unity to disrupt manipulation and division, respect each other's choices, fact-check, and remember we are the government.

      We need to focus on individual freedom and unity as a means of disrupting those in power who seek to divide us. The speaker expresses frustration with the media and those in power using fear and manipulation to create conflict and control the narrative. He encourages respecting each other's choices and coming together to stand up for what's right. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of fact-checking and not being swayed by unverified information. Ultimately, we must remember that we, the people, are the government and must work to prevent corruption and manipulation from those in power. The current climate is a scary time, but by staying informed and united, we can make a difference.

    • Disappointment with Election Results and CensorshipSpeaker expresses disappointment in election results, raises concerns about questionable support for figures like Joe Biden, acknowledges cancel culture on both sides, calls for more grace and understanding, and urges unity and love, warning against divisiveness and control by powerful figures.

      The current political and social climate is heavily influenced by censorship, manipulation, and division. The speaker expresses disappointment in the election results and believes that figures like Joe Biden have questionable support, as indicated by low attendance at events and manipulated social media metrics. The speaker also acknowledges the existence of cancel culture on both sides and calls for more grace and understanding. The speaker believes that communication tools have been engineered to perpetuate divisiveness and calls for a return to constructive conversation and debate. Ultimately, the speaker urges unity and love, warning against the dangers of division and control by powerful figures.

    • Recognizing and condemning hate speech and actions towards each otherIt's crucial to reject racism and hate speech, remembering most people agree on respect and decency, despite vocal groups and manipulation on social media.

      Despite our differences, it's crucial to recognize and condemn hate speech and actions towards each other. However, achieving this unity is challenging as not everyone shares the same beliefs or values. Social media and manipulation can make small vocal groups seem larger than they are, leading to a sense of empowerment and aggression. It's essential to remember that most people agree with the need for respect and decency towards one another. The current divisive climate resembles drilling holes in a shared boat, which can ultimately lead to the downfall of the entire country. It's important to acknowledge the existence of hate groups and individuals on both sides, and reject racism in all its forms, regardless of one's skin color.

    • Virtue signaling and performative outrage in liberal white demographicsGuilt-driven behavior stifles freedom of expression and humor, promoting a climate of hypocrisy and offensiveness towards differences.

      The current cultural climate is filled with what some perceive as excessive virtue signaling and performative outrage, particularly from certain liberal white demographics. This was discussed in relation to the removal of God from schools, the requirement of masks during religious ceremonies, and the perceived hypocrisy of vaccine clinics being held in closed churches. The speaker argues that this behavior stems from guilt and a desire to avoid offending certain middle-class white women on social media. The speaker expresses frustration with this trend, as it stifles freedom of expression and the ability to make light of differences through humor. The speaker advocates for embracing and laughing at our differences rather than being offended by them.

    • The Importance of Healthy Physical Interactions for Conflict ResolutionMen need to embrace their masculinity by taking a stand, providing for families, and looking out for communities, recognizing consequences for actions and learning from them, to fulfill their role in a functioning society, not promoting violence.

      Society has lost the value of resolving conflicts through healthy physical interactions, leading to a culture of litigation and arrested development. Men need to embrace their masculinity by taking a stand for what's right, providing for their families, and looking out for their communities, fulfilling their role in a functioning society. This is not about promoting violence, but recognizing the importance of consequences for actions and learning from them. The weakening of masculinity is a deliberate tactic to vacate men's roles in society, leaving a power vacuum that can be exploited.

    • Emphasizing our shared identity as AmericansFocus on unity, courageously seek truth, and protect inalienable rights against external threats.

      We need to focus on our shared identity as Americans and come together, rather than allowing external forces or internal divisions to weaken us. The speaker emphasizes that labels such as race, sexuality, or political beliefs should not be used to divide us, but rather, we should recognize our common obligations to society. He also warns of the potential danger of external forces, using the example of China, and encourages everyone to be proactive in seeking the truth and standing up for their inalienable rights. The speaker's message is one of unity, courage, and the importance of critical thinking in the face of potential threats to our freedom.

    • Uniting as Americans for a better futureFocus on unity, love for freedom, and working together to address concerns and improve society

      It's crucial for individuals to come together as Americans and recognize that we are at a pivotal moment in history where our freedoms are under threat. Instead of focusing on our differences and fighting each other, we need to unite and work towards finding common ground to solve issues. The current divisive climate only benefits those in power. It's essential to remember that we have the power to elect and choose our leaders, and we must use our voices to hold them accountable. The speaker encourages everyone to focus on their love for freedom, their fellow Americans, and the opportunities this country provides to create positive change. By working together, we can address concerns and improve our society.

    • Fighting for Freedom: Preserving Our LibertiesCurrent events are being used to take away freedoms globally, we must stay vigilant against communism, globalism, and economic manipulation, and proactively preserve our liberties.

      Freedom, though not guaranteed, is the most valuable thing we have and is currently under threat. The speaker warns of the dangers of communism, globalism, and the manipulation of the economy through actions like excessive money printing and control of institutions like the Federal Reserve. They believe that current events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the push for vaccines, are being used as smokescreens to take away our rights and freedoms on a global scale. The speaker urges people to wake up and fight back, as our freedoms are at stake and we cannot afford to sacrifice them for temporary security. Benjamin Franklin's quote about sacrificing freedom for security rings true, and the speaker encourages a proactive approach to preserving our liberties. This is a call to action against the encroachment of globalism on American soil and a reminder of the sacrifices made by past generations to protect our freedoms.

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    Find more from us on Bret’s website (https://bretweinstein.net) or Heather’s website (http://heatherheying.com).


    Become a member of the DarkHorse LiveStreams, and get access to an additional Q&A livestream every month. Join at Heather's Patreon.


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    Theme Music: Thank you to Martin Molin of Wintergatan for providing us the rights to use their excellent music.


    Q&A Link: https://youtube.com/live/tAD6TTT8tZM?feature=share

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Peak Prosperity (Chris Martenson): https://peakprosperity.com

    Infonomena (Bret Swanson): https://substack.com/profile/5570083-bret-swanson

    Let’s be clear (Joomi Kim): https://joomi.substack.com

    Do your own research (Alexandros Marinos): https://doyourownresearch.substack.com

    Project Veritas, Pfizer exec video: https://www.projectveritas.com/news/pfizer-executive-mutate-covid-via-directed-evolution-for-company-to-continue/

    Pfizer Responds to Research Claims: https://www.pfizer.com/news/announcements/pfizer-responds-research-claims

    Pfizer celebrates the hiring of their Global Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer: https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/ramcess_jean_louis_is_ready_to_build_on_pfizer_s_longtime_commitment_to_diversity_equity_and_inclusion

    (00:00) Welcome and cat's identities
    (06:15) Sponsors
    (16:00) Scott Adams
    (53:30) Project Veritas with Pfizer director
    (01:07:20) Pfizer's response
    (01:21:40) Second Veritas video
    (01:39:40) Omicron anomalies
    (01:48:33) Is this a trap?
    (01:53:10) Wrap up

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    Heather’s newsletter, Natural Selections (subscribe to get free weekly essays in your inbox): https://naturalselections.substack.com

    Our book, A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, is available everywhere books are sold, including from Amazon: https://a.co/d/dunx3at

    Check out our store! Epic tabby, digital book burning, saddle up the dire wolves, and more: https://darkhorsestore.org


    Mentioned in this episode:

    Suspension of Curiosity leads to Serious Adverse Events: https://open.substack.com/pub/naturalselections/p/suspension-of-curiosity-leads-to
    Matt Orfalea: Nobody is Safe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI3yU5Z2adI&t=28s

    MilkBar TV: pandemic of the unvaccinated: https://twitter.com/TheMilkBarTV/status/1761934974784246068
    Politico: “There’s a New Life-Saving Vaccine. Why Won’t People Take It?”: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/13/next-front-vaccine-wars-00141054

    New York Times: “Some Pregnant Women and Infants Received the Wrong R.S.V. Shots”: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/14/health/rsv-shots-pregnant-women-infants.html

    RSV according to the CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/rsv/public/child.html

    Welliver 2003. Review of epidemiology and clinical risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. The Journal of Pediatrics, 143(5): 112-117: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022347603005080

    Castilow et al 2007. Understanding respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine-enhanced disease. Immunologic Research, 39: 225-239: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s12026-007-0071-6.pdf

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    #003 - Supporter Stories

    #003 - Supporter Stories

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: For too long, the Covid Plandemic has been a faceless monolith, represented by the media mainly through charts, graphs and confusing numbers. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale and statistical jugglery was used to confuse, guide, and misinform. I have been moved by the messages from my paid supporters, who come from all walks of life and from across the globe. I have read some incredible emails, listened over the phone to amazing minds and beautiful souls, and most importantly I have learnt so much from them. I want to give a voice to these people. Everyone has a story worth telling, and I want to highlight this through this series of podcasts. In this episode, we have Karine talking about her experience in Germany, Neil in the UK and Wayne who has been vaccine injured. If you are one of my supporters and would like to feature in the supporter series, please get in touch. If I have failed to get back to you it's because I'm inundated with correspondence and am struggling to keep up. You have my permission to badger me. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad



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