
    Podcast Summary

    • Stories of resilience and impactFrom overcoming paralysis to inspiring change through business and personal growth, these stories highlight the power of determination, self-care, and making a difference.

      No matter the circumstances, having a positive attitude and determination can lead to remarkable outcomes. Ed Jackson, a former professional rugby player, faced the impossible when he broke his neck and was left paralyzed. Despite doctors' grim prognosis, Ed's determination and intensive rehabilitation led him to summit mountains within a year of his operation. Today, he continues to inspire others through his new book, charity, and public speaking engagements. Meanwhile, in the realm of comfort and design, Bomba and Burrow offer their customers soft, high-quality products while making a difference. Bomba donates an item for every purchase, and Burrow's outdoor furniture is built to withstand the elements. In the kitchen, Dr. Rosedale emphasizes the importance of food and lifestyle as medicine. Through his podcast, he shares insights from experts and his own experiences to help listeners live healthier, happier lives. Overall, these stories remind us of the power of resilience, the importance of self-care, and the impact we can make on others' lives through our actions and choices.

    • Parental support shaped interviewee's sports careerDespite physical limitations and setbacks, interviewee's passion for rugby and supportive parents led to a successful career. Psychological support was not readily available, but interviewee's mental resilience helped him cope with pressures and setbacks.

      Passion and support from loved ones played a significant role in the interviewee's successful sports career, despite physical limitations and setbacks. The interviewee's parents, though not particularly sporty themselves, were supportive of his passion for rugby. The interviewee was competitive but not overly so, and was able to manage the emotional ups and downs of a sports career. Psychological support was not readily available during his career, but he was able to move on from setbacks relatively quickly. The interviewee's experiences reflect the challenges and mental resilience required for athletes, particularly in rugby, to cope with the pressures and setbacks of their careers.

    • Unexpected positive outcomes from changeChange can lead to unexpected positive outcomes, but also unforeseen challenges. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and being resilient can help navigate both.

      Change, even if it appears negative or scary at first, can lead to unexpected positive outcomes. The speaker's experience of being forced to move for rugby reasons and ending up thriving in a new team and advancing his career is a prime example. However, change can also bring unforeseen challenges. The speaker's accident, which occurred during a family barbecue and resulted in a serious spinal cord injury, was a harsh reminder of this. Despite the initial shock and difficulty, the speaker was fortunate to have supportive people around him and receive timely medical attention. This experience taught him to appreciate the unexpected twists and turns that life can bring.

    • Finding positivity and growth through adversityEven in the face of life-threatening experiences, maintaining a positive perspective and finding ways to turn negatives into positives can lead to personal growth and making a difference in others' lives.

      Even in the face of a life-threatening experience, maintaining a positive perspective and finding ways to turn a negative situation into a positive one can lead to personal growth and making a difference in the lives of others. The speaker, who survived three instances of losing output after a spinal cord injury, shares how they found solace in the calm demeanor of their father during the crisis and how they were able to heal and turn their experience into a source of inspiration and charity work. Despite the traumatic nature of the event, the speaker's love for swimming and resilient personality helped them to return to the pool and find meaning in their experience. The speaker's ability to recount the story without emotional attachment and even seeing it as a "good day" showcases their strength and unique perspective on life.

    • Water: A source of freedom and recovery for the speakerWater brought freedom and recovery to the speaker despite initial injury caused by pool bottom. Positive attitude, determination, and medical support aided his recovery.

      Water, despite the risks, has become a source of freedom and recovery for the speaker after his spinal cord injury. However, the injury itself was not caused by the water but by the pool's bottom. The speaker's experience at the hospital was filled with uncertainty and challenges, including difficulty breathing, mindfulness practices, and loss of privacy. Despite these hardships, the speaker's positive attitude and determination helped him get through the initial stages of his recovery. The support of medical professionals, especially during the operation, also played a crucial role in his survival.

    • Maintaining a positive attitude can lead to unexpected progress after a devastating diagnosisEven with a grim prognosis, refusing to give up and focusing on regaining independence can lead to small signs of improvement and ultimately, a renewed sense of hope and determination for a full recovery

      Even in the face of a devastating diagnosis, maintaining a positive attitude and refusing to give up can lead to unexpected progress. The speaker, who suffered a severe spinal cord injury, was initially told he had little chance of walking again. However, after receiving this news, he shifted his mindset and focused on regaining independence. Within just a few days, he began to experience small signs of improvement, such as a wiggling toe. This renewed sense of hope and determination fueled his recovery, which was aided by the support of his loved ones and medical professionals. The experience served as a reminder that perspective is key and that even in the darkest moments, there is always the potential for growth and progress.

    • The power of the mind in physical recoveryMindset plays a significant role in physical recovery. Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and positive thinking can lead to better outcomes.

      The mind plays a crucial role in physical recovery. The speaker's own experience of recovering from a severe spinal cord injury involved a massive team effort, both physically and mentally. He went from having no movement at all to being able to move his toe, a significant progression. This progression was just as much a mental achievement as a physical one. The speaker didn't have any background in mindfulness, meditation, or philosophy before his injury, but he found himself practicing these techniques out of necessity. He noticed that when he was in a positive headspace, his body reacted positively, and he recovered better. These realizations have stayed with him and he uses them daily to improve his life. The speaker's book is a story of his recovery and the mental processes he went through, but it also provides tangible practices like mindfulness that can benefit everyone in their everyday lives. The speaker was in intensive care for two weeks and then moved to a local hospital to wait for a bed to open up at a specialist spinal unit. At this point, he was still flat on his back and had some movement in his toes and fingers, but it was just the beginning of his long recovery journey.

    • The power of belief and support in long-term injury recoveryBelief in ability to recover and supportive individuals can make a significant difference in long-term injury recovery. Creative approaches and family involvement can aid limited resources in NHS.

      The right mindset and the support of dedicated individuals can make a significant difference in the recovery process, especially in the case of long-term rehabilitation from life-changing injuries. Pete, a neurophysiotherapist who went against the protocols to help the speaker stand up earlier than planned, played a crucial role in the speaker's journey. Pete's belief in the speaker's ability to recover, despite his doubts, and his approach to managing the speaker emotionally, helped him progress from being flat on his back to standing before being admitted to Salisbury Spinal Unit. The speaker's recovery was further aided by Pete's willingness to involve his family and friends in his rehabilitation, providing him with additional input. Although resources were limited in the NHS, Pete's determination and creativity allowed the speaker to receive the necessary support to help him recover and regain his independence.

    • Overcoming unexpected challenges with positivity and gratitudeRecognize that life's challenges are beyond our control, focus on progress and improvements, adopt a mindset of luck and positivity, set personal goals, and remain determined for a non-linear journey towards healing and growth.

      Life can throw unexpected challenges at anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. These challenges, such as spinal cord injuries, can happen in various ways and are often beyond our control. It's essential to recognize that there's no blame to be placed when these events occur. Instead, focusing on the progress and improvements, no matter how small, can help shift perspective and foster a sense of gratitude. By adopting a mindset of luck and positivity, one can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and turn a seemingly grim situation into one filled with hope. Setting personal goals and challenges can also provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment during the recovery process. Ultimately, the journey towards healing and growth is not a linear one, but with determination, support, and a positive attitude, progress can be made, and the impossible can become possible.

    • Belief and support in recoveryBelieving in the possibility of progress can significantly impact the recovery process. Support from others can provide hope and motivation to push through adversity.

      Mental support and belief in one's ability to recover are crucial elements in overcoming adversity. Ed, a former rugby player, shared his experience of being told he would never walk again and how the support of others helped him push through and recover further than he thought possible. He emphasized that everyone can only recover to the scope of their injury, but believing in the possibility of progress can significantly impact the recovery process. Ed's climb up Snowdon on the one-year anniversary of his injury served as a powerful message of hope and resilience to others facing similar challenges. He started a charity to bring people together and share their stories, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment. Despite the medical community's caution against giving false hope, Ed believes that motivating patients to strive for their goals, even if they seem impossible, can lead to remarkable outcomes.

    • Rebelling for the right reasons in healthcareReframing negative experiences and practicing stoicism can lead to personal growth and a more peaceful, spiritual outlook on life in healthcare settings.

      Having a rebellious mindset, for the right reasons, can lead to significant impact in healthcare settings. The structures and guidelines are essential, but they need to be flexible to accommodate individual patients' unique needs. Reframing negative experiences into positive ones, as a result of the accident, can lead to a life filled with appreciation and gratitude. Stoicism, a philosophy that teaches the importance of controlling one's response to external events, was particularly helpful during the recovery process. It helped the speaker understand that they cannot control what happens to them but can only control their response. This mindset shift led to a more peaceful and spiritual outlook on life, resulting in personal growth and development.

    • Unexpected sources of personal growthNature, spirituality, and unconventional practices can lead to new discoveries about oneself, allowing for personal growth and recovery.

      Personal growth and recovery can come from unexpected places, including nature, spirituality, and unconventional practices like moving meditation. These practices can help clear the mind and lead to new discoveries about oneself. The speaker's own experience of transforming from a rugby player to a more open-minded and spiritual person illustrates this idea. Society's expectations and pressures can limit one's sense of self, but when those limitations are removed, new opportunities for growth and authenticity can emerge. The science behind these practices, such as neuroplasticity and manifestation, adds validity to their effectiveness. It's important to remember that personal growth is a journey, and it's not about having a single purpose or identity, but rather about being open to new experiences and possibilities.

    • The power of change and exploring new interestsEmbrace change to discover new passions and grow personally, despite past experiences or current roles. A strong support system can help provide encouragement during uncertain times.

      Our past experiences and choices can significantly shape our present identities, but it's essential not to limit ourselves based on these definitions. People often carry on in careers or paths that may not bring them happiness due to fear of change. However, even a small shift could lead to a completely different and potentially more fulfilling life. This idea is particularly relevant to professional athletes, who face unique pressures and may feel trapped in their roles. It's crucial for individuals to remember that they have the power to explore new interests and hobbies, even if they're not directly related to their current profession. Embracing change, no matter how daunting, can lead to personal growth and a more balanced, enjoyable life. Additionally, having a strong support system, like a family or a network of friends, can help provide perspective and encouragement during times of uncertainty.

    • Embrace positivity and resilienceFocusing on gratitude and using stoic philosophy can help manage emotions and find the good in challenging situations, leading to better outcomes.

      Positivity and resilience are powerful tools that can have a ripple effect on ourselves and those around us. It's natural to experience negative emotions, but learning to put them into perspective and focus on the positive can lead to better outcomes. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicing gratitude and using stoic philosophy to help manage emotions and find the good in challenging situations. Even in isolation or difficult circumstances, there is always an opportunity to make a difference and find something to be grateful for. The speaker's own experiences, from climbing mountains to working on a book and broadcasting at the Olympics, demonstrate the power of staying positive and finding opportunities for growth and contribution, even in the face of adversity.

    • Embracing Challenges and Supporting OthersFocus on the process, stay true to core values, embrace challenges, and provide support to others for a fulfilling life.

      Life presents us with various challenges, and it's essential to embrace them, whether they are as terrifying as facing a live TV audience or as personal as dealing with mental health issues. The speaker's experience of using outdoor challenges and a supportive network to aid his own recovery inspired him to establish a charity that offers similar opportunities to others. Despite the lack of financial reward, his passion for the cause keeps him motivated. Society often places pressure on having a clear 5-year plan, but the speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the process and staying true to core values. He commends the recognition of the need for peer-to-peer support and community in the recovery process, which is often overlooked. Overall, the speaker's journey illustrates the power of following one's passions, embracing challenges, and providing support to others.

    • Documenting experiences provides psychological benefits and builds communityExpressing emotions, practicing gratitude, and connecting with peers through sharing experiences can lead to healing and personal growth.

      Documenting and sharing experiences, especially during challenging times, can provide immense psychological benefits. This was evident in the speaker's personal experience of documenting his day-to-day life in the hospital, which not only helped him but also inspired him to connect with others going through similar experiences. This peer support, coming from people who had been through it themselves, made a significant difference. The speaker also discovered a love for writing during this process, which led to the creation of a book. The importance of expressing emotions, practicing gratitude, and building a community through sharing experiences cannot be overstated. The power of peer-to-peer networks, both online and offline, is a valuable tool for healing and overcoming isolation.

    • Mindfulness practices and living with gratitudeIncorporating journaling, meditation, exercise, and living with gratitude can significantly improve overall well-being and appreciation for life.

      Incorporating mindfulness practices into our daily lives, such as journaling, meditation, and exercise, can significantly improve our overall well-being and appreciation for life. Ed's story, as shared in his book "Lucky," serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living with gratitude and embracing the ups and downs of life. This Mother's Day, let's give back to the moms who have given us so much by ordering thoughtful gifts from 1-800-Flowers, and consider investing in high-quality, softening-over-time organic cotton sheets from Boll and Branch for a better night's sleep. Remember, life is a canvas, and painting it with appreciation is a priceless investment.

    Recent Episodes from The Doctor's Kitchen Podcast

    #254 Taste Testing Green Powder Supplements with Dr Rupy Aujla

    #254 Taste Testing Green Powder Supplements with Dr Rupy Aujla

    Green powders are everywhere and I’m often asked whether people should invest in getting a green powder to consume every day. And as somebody who drinks a green powder in the mornings, this was a great opportunity for me to do a dive into whether my habit is evidence based!

    This is a special episode that you can also find on YouTube here, where I’m not only reviewing the evidence behind specific brands of green powders, but also taste testing them as well!

    I give my honest opinion on AG, Huel, Thorne, Axe, Hux and more.

    If you want to watch my reactions, you can head over to YouTube. It's worth a watch!


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    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    BONUS: Habits to Relieve Hayfever, Seasonal Allergies and why we need to avoid taking antihistamines regularly with Dr Rupy Aujla

    With more of us suffering with seasonal allergies, myself included, we need better strategies to prevent the symptoms without relying on medications. The reason why is because there may be potential side effects with antihistamines that people pop every single day for months on end.

    On today's episode I dive into preventive measures to mitigate our use of these products & keep them for when we really need them. I also touch on the potential harms of commonly used, over the counter medications to make you more aware of the issues and how to avoid potential side effects and longer term impacts on your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Snacksize 25: PCOS and Anti-inflammatory diets

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about an anti-inflammatory diet  for PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal who is a Senior Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Author and Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician in the UK with over 35 years of clinical experience in women’s health. 

    Nitu describes the epidemic of PCOS and how more women need to be aware of the symptoms and to be proactive about diagnosis as well as the lifestyle practices that can help symptoms and better manage the condition. Find the full episode on episode #195 Fix your PCOS with Dr Nitu Bajekal. 

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    #253 Sensational Spices and Healing Herbs and with Simon Mills

    I love chatting with Simon Mills, he has a wonderful breadth of knowledge across the huge spectrum of different herbs and spices. And he can talk eloquently and sensitively about them, in a manner respectful of both the traditional beliefs and uses of them, as well as the science that may or may not support their claims.

    Today we talk about the use of spices and what extra benefits they may be adding to our diets beyond simply “antioxidants”.

    We talk about bitters and tonics and why they may work.

    We explore how spices may impact our gut microbiota and potentially influence their health benefits.

    Rosemary and sage on the brain, ginger for colds and how traditional antiseptics worked.

    Simon Mills is a University of Cambridge graduate in medical sciences who has been a herbal practitioner in Exeter UK since 1977. He has been a complementary health pioneer from the inception of the term in 1979, and later in the fields of integrated health, selfcare and social prescription. He is now focusing on education through the public websites herbalreality.com and for professionals working with co-author Prof Kerry Bone at millsandboneacademy.com

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Snacksize 24: South Asian Menopause Experiences

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how a woman of south asian origin bravely dealt and shared her experiences of menopause.

    Chef Romy Gill MBE, is a dear friend, and not only shares her culinary wisdom,  her energy and passion for food on episode #220, but also her voice for women of colour and the stigma that still surrounds the menopause.

    We talk about her lived experience of the menopause, how changing her training from mostly running based to include strength training completely shifted her weight.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    #252 Why you need to eat these 4 foods every day

    If I had to name 4 foods to get in your meals most days to support your gut, heart, brain and reduce your risk of disease…what would they be?

    To me, they are my daily BBGS - Beans, berries, greens and seeds.

    Todays podcast is a deep dive into the observational and interventional studies looking at these powerful additions to our diet. 

    You’ll get to know the doses, and how to consume them everyday and hopefully this is a nudge in the right direction for you and your family members to look after your health.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Snacksize 23: Dealing with ADHD

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about how neurodiversity can affect people in different ways.

    Dr Miguel Toribio-Mateas is the Neurodiversity Lead of the Primary Care & Community Neurology Society and he supports youth mental health programmes at the London-based Body & Soul charity.

    In the full episode, we do a deep dive into the science of food and neurodiversity (spanning a spectrum of disorders), the interaction with drugs and we also talk about Miguel’s personal experience in more depth.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    #251 Problem Periods with Dr Anita Mitra

    Dr Anita Mitra is back on the podcast today. She’s an NHS doctor working in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, with experience in both clinical medicine and research. She completed her PhD on the vaginal microbiome in cervical precancer and the reproductive complications of treatment for cervical precancer.

    She’s author of the fantastic book, “Gynae Geek”, and her new book “Dealing with Problem Periods” in which she details what normal and abnormal looks like and the various conditions that cause problems.

    On todays discussion we talk about what exactly normal means for periods and how to personalise this to your own cycle. What her current day job entails in her gynaecology cancer speciality, as well as the reason why problem periods can arise and the investigations she recommends. We also have a frank discussion about why it’s important to monitor periods and how to track them.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Snacksize 22: A day in the life of a Brain Surgeon

    Today’s snacksize Doctor’s Kitchen podcast is about the day to day life of a neurosurgeon. I think it’s quite easy to forget about just how traumatic it can be for frontline doctors to deal with the daily reality of death and how to maintain a sane, let alone positive, outlook.

    I sat down with medical Dr Sheri Dewan on episode #204 to talk about her strategies for coping and I wonder if this inspires you to think about how you might take onboard some of these ideas in your week?

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. Start your 14-day free trial here.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    #250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know

    #250 Health Statistics Everyone Should Know

    Today I’m talking about statistics to do with food and health that everyone should know.

    How much it costs us every year, where it sits on the list of the biggest contributors to ill health and death globally, what the impact of good food actually is and how bad people are currently eating according to current guidelines.

    I don’t think many people appreciate these numbers. I get a lot of glossed looks whenever I talk about the impact of poor food on health outcomes, particularly with certain medical professionals. It’s often seen as an inevitability and the nonchalant nature in which we address the foundations of ill health is seen within these statistics. We all need to do better.

    There is huge potential for improved health if we simply encourage and empower people to eat well everyday and that will have a knock on effect on productivity, wealth, happiness, relationships and so on. I don’t present this idea as a panacea, but just a huge tool in our aspiration for improving wellbeing.

    🎬 Watch the podcast on YouTube here

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    🌐 View full show notes, including guest details, on our website

    *The Doctor's Kitchen App gives you access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 14 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

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    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think, and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Related Episodes

    The Strength to Endure: Dave Dravecky

    The Strength to Endure: Dave Dravecky

    At Olympic Stadium in Montreal, in his second start after coming back from cancer surgery (that involved removing 50% of his deltoid muscle), Giants southpaw pitcher, Dave Dravecky suffers a broken arm. Dave collapses to the ground and clutches his left arm in severe pain after throwing a wild pitch to Tim Raines. This will be his final pitch. In 1991, he went on to have his arm, shoulder and the left side of his collarbone amputated in order to spare his life from the spread of cancer. In enduring the amputation and the loss of his childhood dream, Dave was to discover his real purpose in life. 

    In this episode, Dave shares how losing his arm and the dream of baseball became a platform to share hope with the suffering around the world. Tune in for what is a candid and inspiring story of vulnerability, discovery and faith when a man lets go of what he thought his life would be, to discover who he really is.


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    If you're interested in working with Kristin as an Executive coach, visit her website, https://www.kristintaylorconsulting.com/

    Be sure to check out EIQ Media Group's latest podcast series, The Mentor Files. Join host Monica Royer, Founder and CEO of Monica + Andy as she chats with leaders across the fields of entrepreneurship, parenthood, health, lifestyle, and more. This season, we're digging deeper than ever before to learn the story behind their stories. SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts.

    #361 BITESIZE | How to Rewrite Your Own Life Story | John McAvoy

    #361 BITESIZE | How to Rewrite Your Own Life Story | John McAvoy

    CAUTION: This episode contains themes of an adult nature.

    Is there a change you’d like to make in your life? Something you’re desperate to overcome, but can’t see how? Or a goal you’re scared to aim for, because it feels too far off?

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my weekly podcast for your mind, body, and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 210 of the podcast with endurance athlete and author, the inspirational John McAvoy.


    John was born into a notorious crime family and served 10 years in prison for armed robbery.


    Since then, he has achieved incredible self-transformation and, in this clip, John shares why we all have the power to rewrite our own life story.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/210

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    How to Reinvent Yourself (in 2023)

    How to Reinvent Yourself (in 2023)
    We’ve come to the end of another year, and it’s a good time to take stock and consider how we’d like to grow and change during our next trip around the sun. In this episode, Forrest and Dr. Rick focus on what supports us and what holds us back from reinventing ourselves and becoming all we wish to be. They talk about how they’d like to change over the next year, different approaches to new year’s resolutions, do a little digging around in Forrest’s psyche, and highlight a few practical things we can do to support our growth.  New Course From Rick! Learn the lessons of a lifetime in the new and improved Foundations of Wellbeing 2.0 program. This yearlong, online program teaches you how to grow the 12 key inner strengths that lead to lasting wellbeing during difficult times. Our New Year’s sale is going on now, and you can use the code BeingWell25 to get an additional 25% off the purchase price.Watch the Episode: Prefer watching video? You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 1:55: Different frameworks around goals and intentions 6:15: Forrest’s goal: more freedom, less constraint 8:50: Integrating the mundane and the profound 11:35: What supports us in changing? What constrains us? 13:35: Mentors, and other sources of encouragement 22:00: Reverting to old patterns when returning to old environments 28:00: Self-acceptance makes change possible 29:45: “Trim tabs” and other forms of psychological leverage 35:30: Diligence, effort, and consistency 37:50: Addressing deficits and reassuring yourself 40:30: Relaxing around inevitability 41:40: Embracing the joy of possibility and change 46:35: Recap Sponsors: Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month! Want to sleep better? Try the Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices