
    #113 - Nvidia’s 10k GPU, Toolformer, AI alignment, John Oliver

    enMarch 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Recent advancements in AI and powerful GPUs fuel large-scale AI projectsThe combination of recent advancements in AI, mainstream awareness, investment, and powerful GPUs has led to a significant increase in large-scale AI projects and infrastructure spending

      The recent advancements in AI, particularly in language models like ChatGPT and GPT-3, have accelerated the field due to their ease of use and the opportunities they provide for building new applications. The increasing mainstream awareness and investment in AI, coupled with the availability of powerful GPUs like the NVIDIA A100, have led to significant financial commitments to large-scale AI projects. For instance, Stability AI, a company known for its image generating models, has gone from using 32 A100 GPUs last year to over 5,400 this year, representing a substantial increase in investment. Overall, the combination of these factors has created a strategic importance for large-scale AI infrastructure and spending.

    • Nvidia's shift from general-purpose GPUs to specialized hardware for AINvidia's success from GPUs for AI training led to a shift towards more specialized hardware, with the next generation Hopper H100 being a prime example.

      The technology landscape is rapidly evolving, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and computing hardware. This is evident in the case of Nvidia, which has seen significant growth due to the increasing demand for GPUs specifically designed for training transformer models. Nvidia's CEO, Jensen Huang, had to reassess the company's goals in light of this unexpected surge in demand. The next generation Hopper H100 is a prime example of this trend, as it is specifically designed for transformers. This marks a shift from general-purpose GPUs to more specialized hardware. Meanwhile, in the legal industry, AI is making its presence felt through tools like Harvey, which is being used by companies like Dellen and Ovaries. The adoption of AI in law has been rapid, with thousands of workers now using it to answer questions, draft documents, and write messages. However, this trend raises questions about the role of human interns and the potential risks associated with outsourcing certain tasks to AI. Companies are addressing these concerns through careful risk management programs and fine-tuning the AI models for specific use cases. Overall, these developments highlight the importance of staying informed about technological advancements and their potential impact on various industries. Whether it's in computing hardware or legal services, the integration of AI is reshaping the way we work and do business.

    • Impact of AI on Law and RoboticsAI's ability to summarize legal documents and draft agreements could reduce the need for lawyers, while robotics companies face challenges due to language model hype, leading to budget cuts and layoffs.

      The advancements in large language models and AI technology are causing significant shifts in various industries, including law and robotics. The potential for AI to summarize legal documents and make human agreements easier to draft and abide by could reduce the need for lawyers, although this might not be welcomed by law firms. On the other hand, robotics companies like Vicarious are facing challenges due to the hype surrounding large language models, leading to budget cuts and layoffs. Google's Everyday Robots division, which focused on creating useful office robots, was recently shut down. These developments highlight the ongoing evolution of technology and the impact it has on various industries and workforces.

    • Google, Amazon, and Spotify integrate language models into their productsTech giants Google, Amazon, and Spotify are incorporating language models into their offerings, enhancing their products and services, and signaling a major shift in product development.

      Companies are increasingly exploring the use of AI and language models to enhance their products and services, even if the implementation may not be overtly advanced. Google's recent acquisition of a language model company, despite its high employee count and eventual absorption into Google Research, underscores the importance of AI research and development for the tech giant. Amazon's collaboration with Hugging Face, a startup known for hosting AI models, could signify a distribution play and a push towards generative AI. Meanwhile, Spotify's introduction of an AI-powered DJ may not be using advanced language models, but it represents the growing trend of integrating AI into consumer products. The flexibility and adaptability of language models allow companies to easily tweak and improve their offerings, making it a valuable investment despite the potential lack of initial wow factor. Additionally, the ease with which companies can incorporate language models into their products may lead to less wasted resources as ideas can be quickly adjusted with minimal effort. Overall, the integration of language models into various industries marks a significant shift in product development, offering endless possibilities for innovation.

    • Learning new tools autonomously with large language modelsResearch introduces 'tool former' technique for language models to learn API usage autonomously, expanding capabilities. Potential uses range from malicious to beneficial.

      A recent research paper introduces a technique for large language models to learn and use new tools autonomously, expanding the scope of their capabilities. This technique, known as "tool former," involves providing a template and examples of API usage to the model, which then learns to predict the correct API call based on given data. The potential applications of this technology are vast, from malicious uses like writing phishing emails to beneficial uses like a general-purpose tool understanding model. The limitation of this method is that it can only be applied to APIs with simple text input and output. The paper is an exciting demonstration of collecting data for API usage without human intervention. The trend of enabling language models to teach themselves or perform tasks autonomously is gaining popularity, as it allows for quick and cheap testing of ideas. The next topic to discuss is reinforcement learning and agents that go beyond language processing.

    • DeepMind researchers demonstrate efficient learning for embodied agentsDeepMind researchers show agents can learn new tasks using a large set of tasks and a transformer model, aggregating observations without weight changes, mimicking human learning.

      DeepMind researchers have made strides in reinforcement learning for embodied agents through their Human Time-Scale Adaptation and Open-Ended Taskspace paper. They demonstrated that agents can learn new tasks efficiently by aggregating observations after a few trials, without changing weights, using a large set of possible tasks and a transformer model. This is reminiscent of how humans learn, with a pre-training phase followed by contextual learning. However, a major challenge remains in having agents learn from trial and error and interacting with the world to accomplish goals, unlike current language models. The RT1 Robotics Transformer paper also highlights the importance of large datasets and models for effective performance in embodied agents. The field of embodied agents, which involves moving from language to modalities, still faces challenges, particularly in enabling agents to learn from trial and error and adapt to new situations without extensive pre-training.

    • Exploring larger models, more data, and smaller sizes in AI researchMeta's LLAMA release demonstrates the importance of optimizing model size, data availability, and processing power for better AI performance and accessibility. Human context windows vs AI systems and new techniques for machine learning confidence quantification are other significant developments.

      The field of AI research is continually pushing the boundaries of model size, data availability, and processing power. Meta's release of LLAMA (Large Language Model Meta AI) showcases this trend, as it competes with larger models like Chinchilla and Palm while being trained on ten times more data and having a smaller parameter size. This development highlights the importance of optimizing these factors for better performance and accessibility. Another intriguing aspect of the discussion was the comparison of human context windows to AI systems. While there's no definitive answer, researchers are exploring how the brain's structure might provide insights into expanding AI context windows or creating additional memory. The MIT researchers' new technique for enabling machine learning to quantify its confidence in predictions is another significant development. This innovation could lead to more accurate and reliable AI systems, ultimately improving their ability to make informed decisions and learn from their mistakes. Moreover, the open-source nature of LLAMA allows researchers and developers to study, build upon, and even misuse this technology. It's an exciting time for AI research, with constant advancements and breakthroughs shaping the future of this rapidly evolving field.

    • AI Advancements in Uncertainty Quantification, Long-Term Reef Monitoring, and Drug DiscoveryAI is revolutionizing various fields by providing more accurate and cost-effective solutions, including uncertainty quantification, long-term reef monitoring, and drug discovery. It's crucial to remember that uncertainty is only as good as the base model, and AI is helping to combat opioid addiction by discovering new compounds to block specific receptors.

      Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are leading to new solutions in various fields, including uncertainty quantification, long-term reef monitoring, and drug discovery. These developments are significant because they address real-world challenges and offer more accurate and cost-effective approaches. One intriguing area of research is uncertainty quantification, which involves producing confidence scores from AI models. This is crucial for determining when to trust the model's predictions and when not to, especially when dealing with out-of-distribution data. However, it's essential to remember that uncertainty is only as good as the base model. Another application of AI is in long-term reef monitoring, which is now possible through tools like Delta Maps. This technology assesses the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems and helps conservationists prioritize preservation efforts. In the realm of drug discovery, AI is being used to explore potential compounds that can block specific receptors, such as the copper opioid receptor, to help combat opioid addiction. This is a significant development given the high number of annual opioid overdose deaths in the US. These advancements demonstrate the potential of AI to address complex, high-dimensionality, and high-data volume problems that humans struggle to parse. OpenAI, in its recent position paper, outlines its vision for the future of AI and its role in shaping the technology's development.

    • The debate on whether we have one shot to create a safe AGI or if we can iterate and test our systemsOpenAI advocates for an iterative approach to AGI development, emphasizing the importance of transparency, public consultation, and safety progress for unlocking full potential value.

      The field of AI safety is currently grappling with the question of whether we will have one shot to create an artificial general intelligence (AGI) that is safe and beneficial for humanity, or if we will be able to iterate and test our systems to gradually shape and align them. OpenAI, a leading AI research organization, falls on the side of the iterative approach, and they are actively publishing their systems and engaging with policy makers to ensure transparency and understanding. Another key point raised in the discussion is that the concepts of AI capabilities and safety are intertwined, and that progress in safety is essential for unlocking the full potential value of AI systems. Additionally, there was a call for greater scrutiny and public consultation for efforts to build AGI and major decisions related to its development. While OpenAI may not be actively lobbying for regulation, they recognize the importance of the right regulation to ensure the safe and beneficial development of AGI. Overall, the discussion highlights the ongoing debate and importance of addressing the challenges of AI safety as we continue to advance in this field.

    • AI's National Security Risks: A Growing ConcernGovernments must establish structures and expertise to monitor and mitigate AI risks as significant attacks could cause global harm imminently.

      The emergence of advanced AI systems, like ChatGPT, is leading to increased concerns about their potential risks, particularly in the realm of national security. The fact that leading AI labs, such as OpenAI, are acknowledging these risks is helping to normalize the conversation and push for more scrutiny and preparation. Governments need to establish structures and expertise to monitor and mitigate these risks, as AI is a dual-use technology that can be used for both good and evil purposes. The expectation is that significant AI-augmented attacks could cause global harm in the near future, making it crucial for governments to be proactive. Canada, for instance, already has an AI strategy, but it may be necessary to establish dedicated divisions or teams to keep up with the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

    • Collaboration and Understanding in AI Safety, Alignment, and EthicsThe importance of fostering dialogue and cooperation among AI stakeholders to ensure alignment of AI behavior with human values, address bias and discrimination, and navigate existential risks.

      There is a need for greater collaboration and understanding between different communities in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly those focused on AI safety, alignment, and ethics. The discussion highlighted that there are various perspectives and definitions within these communities, leading to potential misunderstandings and a finite public energy issue. It was suggested that AI ethics and safety, although different in focus, should converge as the long-term goal is ensuring the alignment of AI behavior. Furthermore, the importance of addressing AI safety and existential risk was emphasized, with the need for clearer language and a more unified approach from governments. The article from an AI research scientist also pointed to the importance of addressing bias and discrimination in present-day AI systems, which is a part of AI ethics, and ensuring their alignment with human values as they become more intelligent. Overall, the conversation underscored the significance of fostering dialogue and cooperation among various AI stakeholders to navigate the complexities and challenges of this rapidly evolving technology.

    • AI's Impact on Security and RomanceAI is revolutionizing security with sophisticated phishing attacks and romance with virtual relationships, raising ethical and societal concerns. In law enforcement, AI creates aged-up images for accurate predictions.

      Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is rapidly advancing and transforming various aspects of our lives, from security to romance. In the realm of security, AI is being used more effectively by hackers to carry out sophisticated phishing attacks, making it crucial for organizations to adapt and strengthen their defenses. On the other hand, in the realm of romance, AI human relationships are becoming increasingly common, with some people developing strong emotional connections to virtual characters. This trend is expected to continue as AI technology becomes more advanced, leading to new ethical and societal challenges. Another application of AI is in law enforcement, where it's being used to help create aged-up images of suspects, offering more accurate predictions compared to traditional sketch artists. Overall, it's essential to stay informed and aware of the latest AI developments and their potential implications.

    • John Oliver's Segment on AGI Brings Important Conversations to a Larger AudienceThe mainstream attention to AGI highlights its potential impact and the importance of thoughtful and informed dialogue around its use.

      The discussion around Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is no longer confined to research communities, but has entered the mainstream. This was highlighted during John Oliver's segment on AI last week, where he touched upon topics such as bias, ethics, regulations, and the relevance of models like ChatGPT. The segment received widespread enjoyment and engagement, reflecting the growing interest and awareness around AGI. This shift is significant as it brings important conversations to a larger audience and increases the accountability around the development and implementation of AGI technology. If you haven't seen the John Oliver segment, it's available on YouTube and offers valuable insights into the current state and potential implications of AGI. The increasing mainstream attention to AGI is a testament to its potential impact and the need for thoughtful and informed dialogue around its use.

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    You can find it on Amazon in the UK, Canada, and the US — here are the links:

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    (00:00) Intro / Banter (04:35) Episode Preview (06:00) Russia's Sberbank releases ChatGPT rival GigaChat + Hugging Face releases its own version of ChatGPT + Stability AI launches StableLM, an open source ChatGPT alternative (14:30) Stack Overflow joins Reddit and Twitter in charging AI companies for training data + Inside the secret list of websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound smart (24:45) Big Tech is racing to claim its share of the generative AI market (27:42) Microsoft Building Its Own AI Chip on TSMC's 5nm Process (30:45) Snapchat’s getting review-bombed after pinning its new AI chatbot to the top of users’ feeds (33:30) Create generative AI video-to-video right from your phone with Runway’s iOS app (35:50) Align your Latents: High-Resolution Video Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models (40:30) Autonomous Agents & Agent Simulations (46:13) Scaling Transformer to 1M tokens and beyond with RMT (49:05) Meet MiniGPT-4: An Open-Source AI Model That Performs Complex Vision-Language Tasks Like GPT-4 (50:50) Visual Instruction Tuning (52:25) AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head (54:05) Performance of ChatGPT on the US Fundamentals of Engineering Exam: Comprehensive Assessment of Proficiency and Potential Implications for Professional Environmental Engineering Practice (58:20) ChatGPT is still no match for humans when it comes to accounting (01:01:13) Large Language Models Are Human-Level Prompt Engineers (01:05:00) RedPajama, a project to create leading open-source models, starts by reproducing LLaMA training dataset of over 1.2 trillion tokens (01:05:55) Do Embodied Agents Dream of Pixelated Sheep: Embodied Decision Making using Language Guided World Modelling (01:08:45) Fundamental Limitations of Alignment in Large Language Models (01:11:35) Harnessing the Power of LLMs in Practice: A Survey on ChatGPT and Beyond (01:15:40) Tool Learning with Foundation Models (01:17:20) With AI Watermarking, Creators Strike Back (01:22:02) EU lawmakers pass draft of AI Act, includes copyright rules for generative AI (01:26:44) How can we build human values into AI? (01:32:20) How prompt injection can hijack autonomous AI agents like Auto-GPT (01:34:30) AI Simply Needs a Kill Switch (01:39:35) Anthropic calls for $15 million in funding to boost the government’s AI risk assessment work (01:41:48) ‘AI isn’t a threat’ – Boris Eldagsen, whose fake photo duped the Sony judges, hits back (01:45:20) AI Art Sites Censor Prompts About Abortion (01:48:15) Outro

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