
    115-Your Mom's House with Christina Pazsitzky and Tom Segura

    enOctober 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Tom and Christina add more shows due to high demandTom Segura and Christina add extra shows in Toronto, Austin, Hollywood, Portland, Seattle, Richmond, and Sacramento due to fan demand. Fans can purchase tickets on Tom Segura's website or through the Your Mom's House podcast.

      Tom Segura and Christina have added an extra show in Toronto for this weekend due to high demand. The show will be at High on Trees Underground Comedy Club on Saturday at 4:20 PM. They will also be performing in Austin, Texas, at Cap City Comedy Club from May 8-11, and in Hollywood at the Improv on May 15. In Portland, they have added a second show on May 18 at the Fun House, and will be in Seattle on May 19. They will also be in Richmond, Virginia, from May 23-26. Tom mentioned adding a last-minute show in Sacramento, California, at Tommy T's, and they will be in Cleveland, Ohio, on May 9 and 12. Fans can get tickets for all shows on Tom Segura's website or through the Your Mom's House podcast. Tom shared that he doesn't watch porn because he has had a lot of sexual experiences and is usually tired. They joked about using the phrase "dumping clips" as a euphemism for ejaculating.

    • Exploring the human side of gigolos'Gigolos' on Showtime humanizes adult entertainers, challenging stereotypes and offering raw, real sex and emotional connections.

      The show "Gigolos" on Showtime offers a unique blend of comedy and raw, real sex that humanizes the performers, making it a standout in premium television. The discussion highlights the authenticity of the sex scenes and the unexpected emotional connections formed between the viewers and the performers. The performers, despite their profession, are seen as kind and intelligent individuals, challenging the stereotypes often associated with the adult entertainment industry. The humanizing effect of meeting these performers in person and learning about their personal lives makes it difficult to separate their on-screen persona from their real identity. This complex dynamic adds depth to the viewing experience and sets "Gigolos" apart from typical pornography.

    • Appreciation for performers' dedication and excellenceSpeakers value performers' craft, with sources ranging from friends to free giveaways, and an unexpected fetish for glasses in pornography adds to the complexity of individuals' experiences.

      Despite the differences in perspective between the speakers regarding the consumption of pornography, they both agree on the appreciation for the performers' dedication and excellence in their craft. The speakers' interactions reveal various sources of their pornography collection, ranging from friends to free giveaways. The unique fetish for glasses in pornography, as represented by the title "Specs Appeal," was an unexpected discovery for one speaker. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of individuals' experiences with pornography.

    • Prank Gone Wrong: False Advertising of Adult ContentWhile humor and pranks can be entertaining, they should not compromise someone's dignity or trust in a relationship.

      The discussion revolves around a prank gone wrong involving false advertising of adult content. The comedians, in a joking manner, discussed the idea of one comedian hiding adult content in another's luggage, intending for customs officials to find it. However, the other comedian expressed discomfort and anger at the thought of being humiliated in such a way, emphasizing the importance of trust and respect in a romantic relationship. The conversation then shifted to various topics, including DoorDash promotions and Hims ED treatments. Ultimately, the takeaway is that while humor and pranks can be entertaining, they should not come at the expense of someone's dignity or trust.

    • Exploring a Connection Despite Different BackgroundsPeople can build relationships based on shared experiences and mutual understanding, even in unconventional circumstances.

      Despite their different backgrounds in the adult entertainment industry, Brace and Hyapatia share a strong connection due to their shared experiences and mutual understanding. Brace, who has had numerous sexual encounters throughout his life, finds himself insecure about Hyapatia's past in porn, but ultimately, they are able to connect and build a relationship based on their shared experiences and attraction. The clip showcases their natural chemistry and compatibility, as they both have been through similar experiences and have a lot in common. The two are a perfect match, and Brace's insecurities about Hyapatia's past are put aside as they focus on their physical connection. The discussion also highlights the idea that people can find common ground and form relationships despite their differences, even in unconventional circumstances.

    • Preferences for Attraction and RelationshipsPeople have unique preferences for attraction and relationships, with some finding certain behaviors or traits appealing while others do not. Authenticity is key in building meaningful connections.

      People have different preferences when it comes to attraction and relationships. During a conversation about a TV show, the speakers discussed their opinions on various characters and their attraction to them. Some found Brace, a character, particularly appealing, while others did not. The speakers acknowledged that not all women appreciate Brace's advances, but most do. They also shared their personal preferences and dislikes when it comes to potential partners. Some found certain behaviors or physical traits unattractive, while others found them endearing. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexity and diversity of individual preferences and the importance of authenticity in relationships.

    • Discovering Surprising Savings by Reassessing Habits and NeedsReevaluating habits and needs can lead to unexpected savings, like switching to a more affordable wireless plan or making healthier choices on a cruise ship. Be mindful of expenses and prioritize needs to make the most of your budget.

      Just like discovering a more affordable wireless plan can bring clarity and savings, reassessing habits and needs can lead to surprising discoveries and potential cost savings. For instance, switching to Mint Mobile's unlimited wireless plan for $15 a month can result in significant savings for new customers on their first 3-month plan. Similarly, observing health habits on a cruise ship can reveal the importance of addressing health care costs and making healthier choices. Another example is the specificity of Starbucks orders, which can be a source of amusement and a reminder to appreciate the little things, even if it means waiting in line for a dollar 7 coffee from McDonald's or 711, which some consider the second-best coffee in the world. Overall, these examples highlight the value of being mindful of expenses, prioritizing needs, and embracing the unexpected discoveries that come with reassessing habits.

    • Speaker's coffee and physical appearance preferencesThe speaker ranks McDonald's as his top choice for coffee, prefers natural looks, and dislikes excessive plastic surgery and makeup. He has been on 35 cruises and finds an average attractiveness score of 3.8 for the crew, and prefers full bush.

      The speaker has strong preferences when it comes to coffee and physical appearance. According to him, McDonald's takes the top spot for coffee, followed by 711 and then Dunkin' Donuts. Starbucks comes in fourth place. Regarding physical appearance, he prefers natural looks and is not a fan of plastic surgery or excessive makeup. He has been on 35 cruises, and the one he mentioned had an average attractiveness score of 3.8 for the crew. He is a fan of the natural look and finds fake breasts and noses unappealing. He also expressed his preference for full bush, stating that he is from the "Full Bush generation." These revelations provide insight into the speaker's unique perspectives on coffee and physical appearance.

    • Father's Preferences and HabitsDuring a conversation, the speaker learned about his father's preference for women with full bush and surprising weight loss discipline on a cruise, but also discovered an old habit of not washing hands after using the restroom.

      During a conversation with his father, the speaker discovered some interesting preferences and habits. The father expressed his preference for women with full bush, mentioning that Asians typically don't have a lot of body hair or cleavage due to genetic factors. The speaker also shared that his father had surprising discipline during a 10-day cruise, only gaining a small amount of weight and washing his hands after using the bathroom. Despite his age, the father demonstrated a willingness to adopt new and healthy habits. However, the conversation also revealed that the father did not always wash his hands after using the restroom before this cruise.

    • A Father's Quirks and PreferencesThe speaker shares amusing stories about her father's unique preferences and reveals insights into generational differences, particularly regarding personal grooming.

      The discussion revealed some unexpected quirks and preferences of the speaker's father, as well as some interesting insights into generational differences. The father's love for TGI Fridays and his appreciation for natural body parts, including women's bush and boobs, were among the topics discussed. The speaker also shared her amusement at the father's preference for a full bush and his potential as a gigolo. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of body maintenance and the speaker's relief that she doesn't have to deal with certain issues that her mother faces. The discussion also highlighted the generational divide on personal grooming and the speaker's realization that her father's generation may have different attitudes towards it. Overall, the conversation provided an entertaining and insightful look into the speaker's relationship with her father and the unique perspectives that come with generational differences.

    • Historical Preferences for Female Body HairIndividual preferences for female pubic hair continue to evolve, from natural to shaved or waxed, with personal comfort being the primary factor.

      The preference for female body hair, particularly in the pubic area, has significantly changed throughout history. From full bush in the past to shaving and waxing in more recent times, individual preferences continue to evolve. Some people, like the speaker's father, still prefer a natural look, while others prefer a smooth, bald appearance. The methods used to achieve these looks, such as shaving and waxing, have varying levels of pain and discomfort associated with them. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and comfort. The speaker shares her own experiences and opinions on the matter, expressing her discomfort with waxing but her acceptance of her partner's choices. The conversation also touches on other topics, including the older generation's beliefs and hot dogs.

    • Balancing FIFO's Happiness and Behavioral ChallengesAdjusting our approach to help FIFO become more disciplined while ensuring his happiness through outdoor activities and setting boundaries.

      Indulging in multiple hot dogs and beers can lead to uncomfortable physical side effects, but the enjoyment is worth it in the moment. Meanwhile, dealing with our furry friend FIFO, we've noticed a change in his behavior towards other dogs. Last week, he cowered at them, but this week, he's become more aggressive. We're trying to address both issues – his aggression and separation anxiety – and believe he's making progress. However, as a shelter dog who was once sick, FIFO has been treated more like a sick child than a healthy dog. To help him become more disciplined, we might need to adjust our approach and provide more structure, like outdoor activities and setting boundaries. Ultimately, it's a balancing act between ensuring FIFO's happiness and addressing his behavioral challenges.

    • Discussing a sick pet and music for comfortCaring for a sick pet requires patience and considering comfort sources like music can enhance the experience.

      Caring for a sick pet can be challenging and requires patience. The speaker in this conversation was discussing her experience with a sick dog and shared her concerns about neutering him while he was recovering from an illness. She also recommended listening to the album "Midnight Marauders" by A Tribe Called Quest, expressing her admiration for the group and considering it one of the best hip hop albums of all time. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's past experiences and references to hip hop music. Overall, the conversation demonstrated the importance of taking care of pets and enjoying music as sources of comfort and entertainment.

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    America's Favorite Pig Rachel Feinstein | Your Mom's House Ep. 766
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    Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really sweet birthday shoutout for a TMY Studios staff member and immediately change the vibe with some very cool opening clips. They next discuss the trend of tattooed freckles and fake straight white teeth, before debating a question that has swept the internet, "man or bear?" Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Chris Distefano who has been doing some moving around New York recently and is still traumatized from his guest spot on YMH Live all those years back. Chris has some thoughts on straight farts, self-acceptance, and saving lives. Chris Distefano also may or may not have a little crush on an actor from the Netflix show Baby Reindeer. All that plus some TikToks! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 765 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Happy Juneteenth! (From Some Whites) | Your Mom's House Ep. 764
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM What's up, CHOMOS?!? Happy Juneteenth to all who observe. This week Tommy Bunz and Christine From Mom's House are riding solo and have got a lot of wild things to cover! They open the show with an irritable felon trying to ace a job interview. The Main Mommies next review some arson allegations of a TLC member, check out a "you know what I'm sayin" compilation from a past episode of The Danny Brown Show featuring the Insane Clown Posse, and get a hands-on (nose-on?) take of how bad the stench of women's prisons can get. We are also treated to a crazy Christina hotel story, stories of her hot head stepdad, another legendary Top Dog anecdote, the pitfalls of gender studies in foreign countries, an appreciation of public shaming, plus some more booger emails, some TikToks, and much more. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 764 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    No Bull w/ Johnny Pemberton | Your Mom's House Ep. 763
    SPONSORS: - Visit https://coorslight.com/summermusic to see how Coors Light can amplify your summer. - Download DoorDash and use code YMH24 to get 25% off up to $15 value when you spend $35 or more on drinks through DoorDash. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool opening clip of a vintage smut film featuring a very forward bus driver. Christina continues her investigations into Tom's digestive deviations and they read some follow up emails regarding a past clip of an Indian military ball bag exam and adults who eat boogers. Tom also gets a special shoutout from his neighbor Ted Cruz. Johnny Pemberton joins the Main Mommies fresh off the hype from his role in Amazon's adaptation of "Fallout". Tom, Christina, and Johnny discuss Pasadena, leaving notes on people's cars, HOA's, Disney adults, shits & giggles, and sharp minds. They also check out some horrible or hilarious clips, some TikToks curated by Christina, and an update from a guy who crashed his flying machine. I love you. https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 763 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762

    Pooping on the Tires Set w/Shane Gillis & Matt McCusker | Your Mom's House Ep. 762
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/momshouse What's up, chomos?!? Tim and Kristin are back and open the show being serenaded by classic cool guy, Bill Tapley aka The Third Eagle. They check in on what he's been up to lately before truly opening the show with a clip from a bad guess on "Wheel of Fortune". Christina also gets to the bottom of some mysterious things going on with Tom's bottom. The Main Mommies are next joined by a couple of white guys named Matt McCusker and Shane Gillis, who you may know from Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast, Tires, and a few other neat things. Tom and Christina welcome them to the show some incredibly thoughtful gifts, before they get into a conversation about teachers, hippies, Bridgerton, and blowing up toilets on the set of "Tires". Matt and Shane next meet the Double Soul Shaman and get a double dose of clips via Christina's Curations and some choice Horrible or Hilarious selections. They also check out some back adjustments, fat girl pride, and celebrity farts. Enjoy! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 762 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    The Shart Heard Round The World | Your Mom's House Ep. 761
    SPONSORS: - Download the Doordash app and use promo code YMH24 - Get 20% Off + Free Shipping, with the code YMH at https://Manscaped.com - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Upgrade your wardrobe and get up to 25% OFF @trueclassic at https://trueclassictees.com/YMH Here's the deal man, we are back once again with Tommy Bunz and Chistine from Mom's House riding solo! Tom's got some dental updates that you'll be able to hear for yourself and opens the show with a clip of a very giving lover. Before Christina gets too grossed out, Tom offers her the spotlight to share a shart story for the ages. The Main Mommies next talk about a recent trip to Italy and review some of the most fattening treats for all the Disney Adults out there. Tom also receives a very kind uplifting video message about a certain body part that's sure to warm the heart. We also dive into the comments section of an IG influencer nicknamed Baby Head, watch some clips of people making huge mistakes, and discuss the topic of "adult recess". TA TA THERE! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 761 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Raised by a MILF w/ Nick Thune | Your Mom's House Ep. 760
    SPONSORS: - Go to https://www.squarespace.com/MOM to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM Pull your jeans all the way up over your head because Tom Segura and Christina P are back for another week of Your Mom's House Podcast! We start off with a really cool guy with a really cool chicken joke before get into some benefits of how bad Christina's memory is. Tom and Christina also talk about overhearing confrontations from much more volatile marriages and show some video clips of their cool bathroom. Then, we welcome our guest, comedian Nick Thune who is currently touring with fellow comedian Nate Bargatze and he's looking quite fashionable these days. Nick and the Main Mommies talk about pop music, bread, parenting, accents, sitcom acting, Apatow comedies, hot moms, and things kids do that are just super annoying! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 760 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759

    Happy Birthday Tom Segura! | Your Mom's House Ep. 759
    SPONSORS: - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM - Download the Gametime app, create an account, and use code YMH for $20 off your first purchase (terms apply). https://Gametime.co - Head to https://policygenius.com/YMH to get your free life insurance quotes and see how much you could save. What’s up, chomos?! We open the show with a real banger of a track and because Tommy Bunz celebrated a birthday a little while ago, this week we’re going to get around and celebrate it! The YMH producers gathered a team of special well wishers and put together a birthday shoutout for Tom to watch including the likes of RPC, The King, Gene & Nick Simmons, and even Ernie Hudson just to name a few. Other fun stuff covered in this episode include, choosing a life partner, women’s prisons, #FartWalk, swearing in other languages, and we also found a dating site for Disney adults! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 759 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758

    Coming Up In May w/ Harland Williams | Your Mom's House Ep. 758
    SPONSORS: - Download DoorDash and get 25% off your next alcohol order of $35 or more, up to $15 off max value. For eligible users only. Terms apply. For eligible users only. Terms apply. Must be 21+ to order alcohol. Drink responsibly. Delivery and promotions available only in select markets. - Get Coors Light delivered straight to your door with Instacart by going to https://coorslight.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://Shopify.com/momshouse Put down Grandpa's cough medicine, it's a new episode of Your Mom's House with Tim and Kirsten! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P open the show by being serenaded by Gary Busey. They go off on some gross food video clips, before following up on an underdog story that happened because of some knucklehead soccer players in Thailand. They also do some accent work and look up the meanings behind some English words with French origins. Comedian and podcaster Harland Williams joins the Main Mommies and his hair is looking great! He's got a new movie coming out and he shares some fun stories from his very first movie role in "Dumb and Dumber". They also talk about the new plus size section at Target, "Terminator 2", aging, Naked Martin, and some natural health benefits from the Double Soul Shaman. And just to butter him up, Harland also reacts to some classic Horrible or Hilarious clips! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 758 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757

    The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ian Fidance | Your Mom's House Ep. 757
    SPONSORS: - Get up to 60% off your subscription at https://Babbel.com/YMH - Don’t miss out on all the action this week at DraftKings! Download the DraftKings app today! Sign-up using https://dkng.co/mom or through my promo code MOM. Hi Mommies! This week, Tom Segura and Christina P have some new music tastes to talk about before opening the show with a guy who has a size question for all the ladies out there. They then show a video clip of their fully customized bathroom. This is the kinda guy ya gettin. Tom also plays a snippet from an old YMH episode where he predicts how his nose would turn out as an older man and then plays a clip of an old man senator having fun with some old timey words. Comedian and podcaster Ian Fidance joins the Main Mommies and he recently dropped a new comedy special "Wild, Happy & Free" which led to him filling out his childhood fantasy of being a ghostbuster and filming at the firehouse from the movie. Ian debates Tim and Kristin about his bisexuality, specifically the male kind, and determine if it's cap. They check-in with the Double Soul Shaman, check out Christina's new footwear choices, and play a quick would you rather, before getting into some of Christina's infamous TikTok curations. Are bi dudes cap? Chime in below! https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Your Mom’s House Ep. 757 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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