
    117 - Authentication with Aviad Mizrachi

    en-usAugust 10, 2021

    About this Episode

    Brief Summary:

    Authentication has become a necessity in a digital world that’s ever-increasing in complexity. What can you do to arm yourself against the constant threat of data breaches and hacks? In this episode Jason sits down with Aviad Mizrachi, CTO and Co-Founder of Frontegg, to give us valuable insight into how Authentication works, and how these help you become more defensible against attacks.

    This episode touches on the following key topics and ideas:

    00:00:24 Introduction

    00:01:10 Introducing Aviad Mizrachi

    00:04:36 The login

    00:06:32 The many intricacies of Authentication

    00:10:25 How are passwords sent to servers?

    00:11:26 Query param

    00:16:59 Multi-factor authorization (MFA)

    00:20:11 Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP)

    00:28:05 Single Sign-on (SSO) Cross-site scripting

    00:33:38 Ad: SignalWire, a next-gen video collaboration platform

    00:35:03 Session tokens

    00:36:36 Cross-site scripting (XSS)

    00:39:24 JSON web tokens (JWTs)

    00:41:24 Difference between session token and refresh token

    00:49:33 More about Frontegg, Aviad’s company

    00:54:14 SQL injection attack

    00:56:11 Auditing and audit logs

    00:59:42 Authentication in mobile apps

    01:00:50 Frontegg hiring and intern opportunities

    01:05:22 Frontegg product offerings

    Resources mentioned in this episode:



    Our sponsor for this episode is SignalWire


    You can reach Aviad on:

    LinkedIn | GitHub

    If you’ve enjoyed this episode, you can listen to more on Programming Throwdown’s website: https://www.programmingthrowdown.com/

    Reach out to us via email: programmingthrowdown@gmail.com

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    Tool of the Show

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      • Open source
      • Focused on 2-D but now many 3-D features
      • Great development environment
    • AI Hero
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    Patreon Plug https://www.patreon.com/programmingthrowdown?ty=h

    Tool of the Show

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    • Jason:
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        • Unity, Godot, Unreal
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    - pganalyze: https://pganalyze.com/

    - Weekly series "5mins of Postgres": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDV_1Dz2Ixgl1nT_3DUZVFw

    - How Postgres chooses which index to use: https://pganalyze.com/blog/how-postgres-chooses-index

    - CMU databases courses: https://db.cs.cmu.edu/courses/

    - Postgres community: https://www.postgresql.org/community/

    As well as social links:

    - Mastodon: https://hachyderm.io/@lukas

    - Twitter/X: @pganalyze, @LukasFittl

    - GitHub: @pganalyze, @lfittl

    - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lfittl/ , https://www.linkedin.com/company/pganalyze/

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    • Twitter: @harperdbio, @kriszyp
    • Github: @HarperDB, @kriszyp

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    Tool of the Show

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      • Fibonacci numbers
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        • Graph Search
      • Spatial partitioning
    • Pitfalls
      • Stack size
    • How to solve problems with recursion
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      • (2) Build the recursive step
      • (3) Look for ways the recursion will not terminate and fix
      • (4) (rest are optional) Remove global contexts
      • (5) Add memoization
      • (6) Build solutions incrementally

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