
    #119 - Kelly Starrett - Getting Better At The Game Of Life

    enNovember 11, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Approaching health as an open-ended taskStarrett encourages a mindset of continuous improvement for health, fitness, and wellness, and his business, The Ready State, aims to help individuals take charge of their own mobility and readiness for life.

      According to Kelly Starrett, it's essential to approach our health, fitness, and wellness as an open-ended task where we constantly strive to improve rather than a game with clear winners and losers. He believes that treating our bodies as disconnected from our lifestyle is a mistake, and he's working to bridge that gap through his business, The Ready State. Previously known as MobilityWOD, the company's new focus is on helping people become "ready" for their daily lives by making mobility and self-care a natural part of their routine. Starrett emphasizes that people are more capable than we give them credit for and that traditional industries have not always recognized this. By changing their branding and approach, The Ready State aims to empower individuals to take charge of their own mobility and overall readiness for life.

    • A more beautiful approach to health and wellnessFocus on a holistic approach to health, including movement efficiency, nutrition, sleep, stress, and community support.

      The ready state is about playing a more beautiful game in our approach to health and wellness, rather than focusing on a rigid checklist of optimization. When we started our project a decade ago, our goal was to provide tools for people to improve their movement efficiency and feel better. Mobilizations are a means to restore position, and the principles of gymnastics, powerlifting, and Olympic lifting inform our movement cues. The first part of Supple Leopard focuses on movement efficiency and tying these principles into strength conditioning. However, the gym is not just a place to work on physical weaknesses, but also to address nutrition, sleep, stress, and be part of a supportive community. Our approach is holistic, recognizing the biopsychosocial model and keeping injured individuals engaged in our community.

    • Maintaining full access to your physiology through strength training and community supportStrength training and community support are essential for optimizing access to your physiology and fostering confidence and self-correction in a holistic fitness approach.

      Mobility work is not just about specific exercises, but rather about ensuring full access to your physiology as a human being. Strength and conditioning, including exercises like squatting and kettlebell swings, play a crucial role in maintaining and optimizing this access. The biopsychosocial model in a gym setting is essential as it provides a support structure and sense of community, which can help compensate for the loss of grand narratives in modern society. Training in a group setting allows for unconditional positive regard and tight feedback loops, fostering confidence and self-correction. Ultimately, focusing on the human connection and support system in fitness can lead to more effective and holistic training experiences.

    • The gym is more than physical gains, it's about mental and social growthRegular gym attendance fosters cognitive social feedback loops, exposes weaknesses and injuries, and provides a supportive community for mental and social growth

      The gym environment is not just about physical gains, but also about mental and social growth. The notion of recognizing and rewarding progress, no matter how small, builds cognitive social feedback loops that are essential for growth. The gym is the only place where it's safe to expose weaknesses and injuries, making it a diagnostic tool as much as a training stimulus. The Maitland model of physiotherapy emphasizes frequent follow-ups and feedback mechanisms, which we can apply to our gym community. Recognizing that pain is a normal human experience and not always indicative of injury is crucial. However, certain symptoms, such as fever, vomiting, or inability to perform daily tasks, require medical attention. Injuries that prevent one from fulfilling societal roles are also outside the gym's scope. The rest is part of the normal patina of injury and wear and tear that comes with an active lifestyle. The gym can serve as a safe space and even a form of self-medication for some, providing a supportive community that can help individuals stay away from drugs and other negative influences.

    • From bodybuilding to CrossFit: Finding a more enjoyable and sustainable approach to fitnessTransitioning from individual training to group workouts like CrossFit can lead to better performance, a more enjoyable experience, and a sustainable approach to fitness.

      The way we approach fitness and exercise can change as we age and become more aware of our mortality. The speaker shares her experience of transitioning from bodybuilding to CrossFit and how it led to better performance and a more enjoyable training experience. She also highlights how the community aspect of CrossFit and other group workouts can help break the unsustainable cycle of individual training with headphones and selfies. The speaker encourages everyone to consider the benefits of engaging in a training community and to look for better ways to improve their fitness journey. It takes time to recognize the importance of this shift, but it can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable approach to exercise.

    • Experience teamwork and connections through team sports and group trainingTeam sports and group training foster connections and improve human performance through shared experiences, advanced techniques, and a focus on high performance, nutrition, recovery, and community.

      Team sports and group training, like CrossFit, provide valuable experiences where individuals, regardless of size or capacity, can find a role and build connections. The evolution of these training methods, from limited resources to advanced techniques, has led to more effective human performance and sustainable practices. The core values of showing up, training, playing, and competing together, have remained constant, while the sophistication of the training has improved. The focus on high performance, nutrition, recovery, and connection has become a complete physical practice that addresses the gaps in people's lives and creates a sense of belonging.

    • Rethinking Fitness as a Long-Term InvestmentFocus on mobility, breathwork, and continuous learning for optimal health and performance throughout life. Incorporate new knowledge and techniques like blood flow restriction training to enhance fitness.

      As we continue to advance in medical technology and live longer lives, it's essential to prioritize physical and mental health throughout our entire lives. This means rethinking our approach to fitness and training as a long-term investment, focusing on mobility, breathwork, and continuous learning. Over the past decade, the fitness industry has seen significant advancements, such as the rise of blood flow restriction training and a greater emphasis on effective mobility practices. By continually refining our approach and incorporating new knowledge, we can optimize our health and performance for the long haul.

    • Revolutionizing health and well-being with KAATSU trainingKAATSU training empowers individuals to improve health and well-being by shifting roles for professionals and embracing a collaborative approach, with a focus on natural methods and accessible principles for everyone.

      KAATSU training, an old yet powerful tool, has revolutionized our understanding of pain and responsibility, enabling individuals to improve their health and well-being. This shift in roles for physios, medical professionals, coaches, and athletes has led to a more collaborative approach in solving health and fitness problems. The world is changing, with a renewed focus on food and natural methods, and the best minds in the industry embrace a test, retest, and share philosophy. The exchange of ideas and theories at the highest levels of sports and health is crucial for progress, and the ultimate goal is to make these principles accessible to everyone, starting from schools, for the betterment of public health. The coach's role is to help individuals become better movers, athletes, and people, and the best coaches and athletes embody this mindset, collaborating and sharing knowledge to make a positive impact.

    • Focus and Consistency are Key to SuccessTo achieve excellence, focus on your work and maintain consistency, rather than chasing trends or seeking validation through social media. Build something of value and communicate it effectively across different contexts.

      Focus and consistency are key to success and improvement, rather than trying to keep up with the latest trends or seeking validation through social media. Dr. Stuart McGill, for instance, prioritizes his work over social media presence. The industry being a small market with limited resources also highlights the importance of efficiency and effectiveness. Excellence, as Jay Z puts it, is about performing at a high level for a long time, not just being popular for a short period. It's important to understand the problems people are trying to solve and evaluate critically before passing judgment. Building something of value takes effort and time, and it's more effective to work towards improving systems and organizations from the top down. A good model is explanatory, predictive, and repeatable, and it's crucial to be able to communicate it across different contexts. The ease of criticizing on the internet should not deter us from striving for improvement and making a meaningful impact.

    • Explain and apply fundamental principles across populations and disciplinesEffective coaches understand human movement basics to enhance function and performance for diverse groups and fields, while staying updated on new knowledge.

      Effective coaching and understanding of human movement should be able to explain and apply fundamental principles and positions across various populations and disciplines. This approach ensures clarity, consistency, and scalability in improving human function and performance. Additionally, being open to new information and adapting to advancements in knowledge is crucial for continued progress in the field. The human body and brain's complex structure demand our attention, and focusing on enhancing our base position as a functional human being can lead to better output and longevity.

    • Our eating choices are personal and have evolved throughout historyExplore plant-based diets for potential energy, gut health, and weight loss benefits, but consider ethical and long-term health implications of vegetarian protein sources.

      The way we choose to eat is a personal choice akin to a religion. Throughout history, humans have consumed a variety of plant-based and animal-sourced foods, with the latter often including offal and whole animals. The quality of historical meat sources may have differed greatly from what we have today, and people have been eating more plants than meat for long periods. The shift towards processed vegetarian protein sources can lead to improvements in energy levels, gut health, and weight loss. However, it's crucial to consider ethical and long-term health implications, as vegetarian proteins can be handled similarly to carbohydrates by the body, potentially leading to inflammation and nutrient deficiencies. Ultimately, the key is to find a balanced diet that aligns with personal values and supports overall health.

    • Personalized approaches to nutrition and fitnessUnderstand individual differences and goals, experiment, and commit to ongoing learning and adjustment in nutrition and fitness.

      While there are fundamental principles to consider in areas like nutrition and fitness, individual differences and goals necessitate flexibility and experimentation. It's essential to recognize the unique aspects of one's body and dietary needs, as what works for one person may not work for another. The human genome is remarkably adaptable, but it's crucial to approach choices with discipline and long-term perspective. Additionally, be wary of the gap between causes and effects, as it's an area where misinformation and charlatans can thrive. Remember, the complexities of training, nutrition, and mindset require personalized solutions and a commitment to ongoing learning and adjustment.

    • The Importance of Vegetables and Fruits in Our DietsAim for 800 grams of vegetables and fruits daily as a base, regardless of dietary choices, for optimal health.

      There is no definitive answer to what the optimal diet is for everyone, as it depends on individual factors such as age, lifestyle, and ethical considerations. However, a common theme that emerged in the discussion is the importance of consuming enough vegetables and fruits daily. The speaker emphasized that everyone, regardless of their dietary choices, should aim for 800 grams of vegetables and fruits a day as a base. The conversation also touched on the challenges of measuring inputs and outputs, the role of immune traditions, and the importance of improving the caloric density and quality of one's diet. Ultimately, the focus should be on experimenting with different diets and finding what works best for each individual, rather than getting bogged down in tribal and emotive debates.

    • Fundamentals of a holistic and healthy lifePrioritize sleep, eat nutrient-dense food, engage in regular movement, find balance, and avoid harmful substances for improved health and well-being

      Leading a holistic and healthy life involves prioritizing certain fundamental principles. According to the discussion, these principles include getting enough high-quality sleep, consuming a nutrient-dense diet rich in vegetables, fruits, good grains, and healthy fats, and engaging in regular movement. It's important to note that everyone's needs and abilities may vary, and it's essential to find a balance that works best for you. Additionally, avoiding or limiting certain substances, such as alcohol, can help support these principles. By focusing on these foundational elements, individuals can improve their overall health and well-being.

    • Taking control of sobriety, sleep, nutrition, and stress management for better well-beingMaking conscious choices about sobriety, sleep, nutrition, and stress management can significantly improve overall well-being and performance. Experts like Kelly Starrett offer valuable insights for optimizing these areas.

      Taking control of certain aspects of your life, such as sobriety, sleep, nutrition, and stress management, can significantly improve your overall well-being and performance. Alcohol, while historically useful, may not be necessary in the same way it once was, and can negatively impact sleep, body composition, and mental acuity. By making conscious choices and testing the effects on your body and mind, you can determine what practices serve you best in your unique situation. The experts in the performance community, like Kelly Starrett, can provide valuable insights and recommendations for optimizing these areas. Ultimately, prioritizing self-care and seeking guidance from knowledgeable sources can help you achieve a better quality of life and unlock your full potential. To learn more and explore the approach of The Ready State, visit their website and follow them on Instagram.

    • Embracing Continuous Learning and AdaptabilityStay informed, be open-minded, and continuously adapt to new methods and ideas in personal and professional growth.

      While the core principles of learning and personal growth may remain the same, the application of those principles evolves over time. It's important to stay informed and adapt to new methods and ideas. The speakers emphasized the importance of continuous learning and the need to stay open-minded. They also mentioned upcoming projects, such as a new edition of Supple Leopard, and encouraged listeners to keep up with the latest developments. They emphasized that if the core principles aren't staying the same but the application is changing significantly, it might be a sign to reconsider the source of information. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying informed, being adaptable, and continuing to learn.

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    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 13, 2024

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

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    Freebies From Today’s Episode

    Get Emily Lark’s free Healthy Back Checklist by going to jjvirgin.com/healthyback.


    Main Points From Today’s Episode

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    2. Strength training is essential for every kind of pain we have. The stronger we are, the more support we have for our joints, our backs, everything.
    3. Mobility and flexibility are essential for healthy backs. The more malleable our disks are, the easier our backs can adjust.


    Episode Play-By-Play


    [0:04] One of the worst things folks can do is rest their backs.

    [4:27] Emily’s reason for exploring back pain

    [5:44] 80% of people have some experience with back pain.

    [6:06] One of the main reasons for people experiencing back pain

    [8:00] When we have back issues, our tendency is to stop moving, but that’s only making the problem worse.

    [8:40] The more flexible and more malleable our disks are, the easier our backs can adjust.

    [10:00] These are the two main things to focus on if you are having back pain.

    [10:30] Exercising to improve strength & mobility in the core, low back and pelvis

    [11:44] Exercising the core and the glutes creates strong muscles surrounding the pelvis, which helps muscles in the low back release.

    [13:15] Here’s a stretch for tight hips and glutes

    [17:15] Emily feels strength training is essential for every kind of pain we have. And that yoga is the perfect complement.

    [20:45] Healthy back checklist


    Challenge: 6 way mobility, 3 times a day. Record in your daily journal.

    Challenge: Get Emily’s Healthy Back Checklist at jjvirgin.com/healthyback


    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Back to Life - The Complete Healthy Back System

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