
    12/13/23: Biden Tells Bibi He Must Change, IDF Runs Psyop On Israelis, Zelensky Begs For Aid In DC, Elon Goes To War With Unions, UAE Climate Conference Ignores Fossil Fuels, And Congress Battles Over Surveillance Legislation

    enDecember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Refreshing and Upgrading Different Aspects of Your LifeCheck out dd's discounts for home and wardrobe deals, trust The Economist for news analysis, support independent news coverage like Breaking Points, and prepare for tech and political updates.

      There are various ways to refresh and upgrade different aspects of your life. For your home and wardrobe, check out the deals at dd's discounts. For your news consumption, trust The Economist for reliable, expert analysis. If you enjoy independent news coverage like Breaking Points, consider supporting them through a subscription for exclusive perks. And in the tech world, be prepared for obsolete technologies being replaced, like coffee being overshadowed by lemonade. In politics, expect updates on Ukraine funding, Tesla's union battle, and the COP conference deal, as well as the ongoing fight over Section 702 of FISA.

    • Political coalition challenges mass surveillance, Gaza conflict creates tension between US and IsraelA political coalition pushes for limits on mass surveillance, while the US-Israel relationship faces tension due to the Gaza conflict, with President Biden expressing support for Israel while criticizing its leader.

      The current political dynamics in Washington involve a significant coalition between the progressive and freedom caucuses, aiming to challenge mass surveillance. Meanwhile, the ongoing conflict in Gaza has led to intense discussions between the US and Israel, with President Biden expressing strong support for Israel while also criticizing Prime Minister Netanyahu. These public statements, which contrast with Biden's private negotiations, have created a sense of discomfort and tension between the two administrations. The historical context of this relationship includes a long-standing debate within the Jewish community about the importance of Zionism and global justice. Biden's statements reflect his emphasis on the former, while some in the community advocate for the latter. The ongoing situation in Gaza serves as a backdrop to these complex political and ideological issues.

    • President Biden urges Netanyahu to support a Palestinian stateDespite Biden's call for a Palestinian state, Netanyahu rejects the idea and refuses to allow Palestinian Authority control in Gaza, citing security concerns and historical land commitment.

      During a recent fundraiser, President Biden expressed his concern about the current Israeli government's stance towards the Palestinian state issue. He urged Netanyahu to be more open to the idea of a Palestinian state, but at the same time, he reassured Israel that the US would continue to support it. Netanyahu responded by rejecting the idea of a Palestinian state and refusing to allow the Palestinian Authority to rule in Gaza. This response came amidst ongoing tensions and violence in the region, and the lack of consensus on a next step forward. The historical context of the Oslo process, which left the situation with Israeli settlers in the West Bank and little hope for a Palestinian state, was also mentioned. Netanyahu's communications minister echoed his stance, reaffirming Israel's commitment to its historical land and rejecting the idea of a Palestinian state. The security of the Jewish people was emphasized as a key concern. Overall, the situation highlights the complexities and challenges of finding a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    • Israeli government's stance hinders two-state solution and peaceful coexistenceThe Israeli government's claim to sovereignty over the entire region and opposition to a two-state solution contributes to a cycle of violence and extremism, while events in Yemen add to the challenges of achieving peace in the Middle East.

      The current political climate in Israel and the Middle East is increasingly moving away from the possibility of a two-state solution and peaceful coexistence. The Israeli government's stance of claiming sovereignty over the entire region from the river to the sea effectively denies Palestinians statehood and equal rights, which is a de facto form of apartheid. President Biden's warning to Israel about losing international support due to indiscriminate bombing adds to the surreal situation, as Netanyahu and his team have publicly stated their opposition to a two-state solution. The Israeli government's actions, such as assassinating moderate Palestinian leaders, have contributed to the lack of a peace partner, perpetuating the cycle of violence and extremism. In Yemen, the Houthis have escalated tensions by targeting tankers bound for Israel, and the US has attempted to sabotage a potential peace deal between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia and the UAE. These events underscore the significant shift from the Oslo Accords and the challenges to achieving a peaceful resolution in the Middle East.

    • The complex and contentious Israel-Palestine conflictThe humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens as civilians face tough choices and aid efforts are hindered. Urgent action is needed for a peaceful resolution prioritizing safety and well-being.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine remains complex and contentious, with significant disagreements between key players, including the US, over the end goal and the means to achieve it. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is deteriorating, with civilians facing the impossible choice between staying together to die or separating to survive. Aid efforts are hindered by the blockade, and the situation could soon reach a breaking point. The international community, including the US, must work towards a peaceful resolution that addresses the root causes of the conflict and prioritizes the safety and well-being of all people involved.

    • Raid on Gaza Hospital Adds Urgency for CeasefireA hospital raid in Gaza, resulting in deaths and injuries, highlights the need for a ceasefire and protection for civilians. The international community calls for humanitarian access to health facilities as the conflict continues to cause widespread suffering and thousands of deaths.

      The situation in Gaza continues to be a source of great concern due to ongoing violence and humanitarian crises. Reports of a raid on a hospital in Gaza, where there are critically ill patients and medical staff, have added to the urgency for a ceasefire and protection for civilians. The hospital, already functioning minimally due to shortages of essential supplies, was hit during a siege, resulting in deaths and injuries. Israeli troops have reportedly rounded up men from the hospital, leaving open the question of the fate of the remaining patients. The international community, including the UN, has called for a ceasefire and humanitarian access to health facilities. The conflict, which has been ongoing for over two months, has resulted in thousands of deaths and widespread suffering, making a ceasefire and negotiations to release hostages a priority. Despite this, there is disagreement over the plan, and some Israeli officials have threatened to resume hostilities if a ceasefire is not resumed. The UN voted for a ceasefire, but the United States and a few other countries opposed it. The United States' coalition of no-voting countries was small and did not include Ukraine, which had previously resisted pressure to send weapons to Ukraine in favor of supporting Israel. The situation is complex and emotionally charged, with both sides raising valid concerns and making difficult moral calculations.

    • Israeli government's tactics and BetterHelp's online therapy servicesThe Israeli government's use of divisive tactics raises concerns, while BetterHelp offers accessible online therapy services for individuals seeking mental relief.

      The Israeli government's actions, as reported in a Heretz article, in using graphic videos and racist language on Telegram to influence the Israeli public and instigate feelings of revenge, raises questions about the true intentions behind the Israeli leadership's ultimate goal of a safe and secure Israeli population. Meanwhile, BetterHelp offers an affordable and accessible solution for individuals seeking relief from their mental burdens through online therapy. BetterHelp allows users to connect with licensed therapists through text, phone, or video calls, offering a safe space to process and find potential solutions to their concerns. The Economist provides unlimited digital access to informative articles, podcasts, and newsletters, while Symbionica offers all-natural, effective supplements with no seed oils, fillers, or toxins.

    • Propaganda wars fuel conflict between Israel and HamasThe ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is complicated by propaganda wars and justifications, with the international community's response adding to the political tension, highlighting the need for clear communication and diplomacy to ensure safety and security.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas raises complex questions about safety and security, with both sides engaging in propaganda wars and relying on different justifications. The recent ceasefire did not make people feel safe, and the ongoing violence continues to fuel a propaganda war between Hamas and the IDF. The international community's response, including the UN vote, adds to the political tension between Israel and its allies, making it more challenging for leaders like Netanyahu to justify their actions. The use of propaganda and social media in the 21st century has made war and conflict more complex and overwhelming for people, especially when the information cannot always be trusted. The conflict highlights the need for clear communication, evidence, and diplomacy to ensure safety and security for all parties involved.

    • Belief in financial worth and demanding what you deserveHaving faith in your financial abilities is essential for reaching financial goals, and asserting your financial boundaries is part of that belief.

      Having a strong belief in one's financial worth and capabilities is crucial for achieving financial goals. This mindset involves demanding what you believe you deserve and declaring your financial thresholds for yourself. Meanwhile, in political news, there's a divide among Republicans regarding funding for Ukraine. House Speaker Mike Johnson has expressed concerns about the lack of a clear strategy and oversight for the funding, with some senators, including Mitch McConnell, advocating for continued support. This contrast in views has created tension within the Republican party, with about 10 senators aligning with Johnson's stance. Despite the disagreements, both Democrats and Republicans acknowledge the importance of helping Ukraine win the war.

    • Potential negotiations on immigration reform due to funding debateDespite the ongoing funding debate, a compromise on immigration reform is unlikely due to complex incentives and long-standing political positions.

      The ongoing funding debate between the White House and Republicans over Ukraine aid could potentially lead to negotiations on immigration reform, specifically the HR 2 bill. However, the lack of leverage for Republicans and the political incentives for both parties to maintain the status quo make a compromise unlikely. The HR 2 bill, which aims to reform the asylum system, could face opposition from both sides, with Democrats potentially pushing for more stringent immigration policies and Republicans concerned about the potential political gains from continued border chaos. The complex incentives and long-standing political positions on immigration make a resolution to this issue a challenging prospect.

    • Geopolitical conflicts and economic dynamics impacting Ukraine and TeslaThe Ukrainian conflict raises questions about DC politicians' commitment, Ukraine's military shortage, Russia's troop mobilization, contrasting levels of destruction, and Tesla's labor model clash with European unions.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine raises questions about the commitment of elite politicians in DC to the war compared to the Ukrainian people, as Ukraine faces a shortage of military-aged men and Russia continues to mobilize troops. The discussion also touched upon the potential implications of conscription of older men in Ukraine, and the stark contrast between the levels of death and destruction felt in Ukraine versus the United States. Furthermore, there's a clash between Tesla's non-union labor model and European unions, particularly in Sweden, which could impact the automotive industry. These issues highlight the complexities and consequences of geopolitical conflicts and economic dynamics.

    • Sweden's Labor Movement Faces Challenge from TeslaTesla's non-union business model clashes with Sweden's strong labor unions, potentially leading to a shift in Sweden's high unionization rates and labor market regulations.

      The labor movement in Sweden, with its strong industrial unions and lack of legally enforced minimum wage, is facing a significant challenge from Tesla, the world's most valued automaker. Tesla, with its non-union business model, has refused to negotiate with the Swedish Metal Workers Union, leading to strikes and solidarity actions from workers in other EU countries. The outcome of this conflict could have profound impacts, potentially signaling the end of Sweden's high unionization rates, sectoral bargaining, and few regulations if the unions lose, or setting a precedent for Tesla's non-union business model if the company prevails. The stakes are high for both parties, with Tesla's significant global influence and the Swedish labor market system at risk.

    • Benefits of Unionization for WorkersUnions push for higher wages, job security, and prevent arbitrary disciplinary actions, leading to higher salaries for non-union workers as well.

      Unions can be beneficial for workers in various ways, including pushing for higher wages and job security. Unionization puts pressure on employers to offer better compensation to prevent unionization, resulting in higher salaries for non-union workers as well. Unions also protect jobs and prevent arbitrary disciplinary actions. However, the success of unionization efforts depends on the labor market. In tight labor markets, workers may reach out to unions to organize, while in loose labor markets, unions may struggle to gain a foothold. The speaker also mentioned the ongoing debate about unionization in Sweden and its potential impact on capitalism. Additionally, the climate change conference, COP 28, is set to be held in Dubai, bringing together countries to agree on a path forward in addressing climate change.

    • Criticism of COP 28 draft agreement for favoring fossil fuelsThe COP 28 draft agreement faces criticism for failing to provide clear language on phasing out fossil fuels, lacking financing for countries to transition away, and continuing coal consumption, with some calling it a step backwards in the fight against climate change.

      The COP 28 climate conference is facing criticism for a draft agreement that is seen as favoring fossil fuel producing countries and industries, and failing to provide clear language on phasing out fossil fuels. Al Gore and environmentalists have expressed disappointment, stating that the agreement does not create a viable path toward reducing fossil fuel use and meeting the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Centigrade. The agreement has been criticized for its lack of financing for countries to transition away from fossil fuels and for allowing the continuation of coal consumption. The outcome, which some are calling the "UAE consensus," has been described as a step backwards in the fight against climate change. The debate around the role of fossil fuels in economic development and their impact on poorer countries in the global south is also a contentious issue. While some argue for wealth redistribution, others see the need for a balance between reducing fossil fuel consumption and allowing countries to modernize and grow their economies.

    • Fossil Fuel Crisis and COP 28: A Starting PointCOP 28 recognized the role of fossil fuels in the climate crisis but faces challenges from petrostates and financial interests, while debates continue on mass surveillance and data privacy reforms.

      The recent COP 28 climate conference marked an important milestone in recognizing the fossil fuel crisis at the heart of the climate crisis, but it is only a starting point. The influence of petrostates and their financial interests in the fossil fuel industry remain a significant barrier to meaningful action. The world now faces a critical question: whether to use state power to drive finance towards clean energy or to continue using COP as a shield while continuing to invest in fossil fuels. Additionally, mass surveillance and data privacy are under scrutiny, with debates ongoing about reforming 702 authorities and addressing the use of private companies to obtain information that would be illegal for the government to obtain directly. These issues highlight the need for bold action and transparency to address the complex challenges facing society.

    • Debate over FISA Section 702 reauthorizationOpposition pushes for more oversight and transparency in government surveillance, while intelligence community argues against it. Past abuses, like Carter Page's surveillance, fuel the debate. The Freedom Caucus is involved, and the stakes are high as FISA Section 702 expires on Dec 31st.

      The expiring FISA Section 702 has the intelligence community on edge due to past abuses and the potential for future misuse. The opposition, led by senators like Mike Lee and Rand Paul, is pushing for more oversight and transparency in government surveillance. The intelligence community argues that these measures would hinder their ability to protect Americans, but critics point to past instances of abuse, such as the surveillance of Carter Page during the Russia collusion investigation. The Freedom Caucus, with its negotiating power, has taken up this cause, and the debate over the reauthorization of these surveillance authorities continues. The stakes are high, as the FISA Section 702 is set to expire on December 31st. The debate highlights the ongoing tension between privacy and security, and the importance of oversight in preventing abuse of government power.

    • Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee Oppose NDAA's Extension of Spying AuthoritySenators Rand Paul and Mike Lee aim to reform NDAA's spying authority extension, potentially leading to negotiations and reforms, while the intelligence community pushes for indefinite extension.

      The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is facing opposition from senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee, who aim to reform the bill's extension of spying authority. Assuming the Senate passes the bill, it will move to the House, where a 2/3 vote is required to suspend the rules and pass the legislation. With only 146 members needed to block the NDAA, progressive caucus members like Pramila Jayapal and Warren Davidson are organizing opposition. If successful, negotiations would be required, potentially leading to reforms. The intelligence community, which benefits from the spying authority, is pushing back, with expiring authorizations being extended indefinitely. Mike Lee and Rand Paul are attempting to remove FISA 702 from the NDAA through a Senate rule, with 41 senators needed to support the motion. Despite claims of catastrophe if 702 expires, the intelligence community still has the authority if the bill does not pass, but faces serious trouble if proactive reform legislation is enacted.

    • Section 702 of FISA Amendments Act renewal is contentious in NDAA negotiationsThe renewal of Section 702 for surveillance on foreign targets outside US is a point of contention in NDAA negotiations. Freedom Caucus and some lawmakers want reforms, while intelligence community asks for one more year. Outcome could impact NDAA passage and potential government shutdown.

      The renewal of Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, a surveillance program that allows for the collection of data on foreign targets outside the U.S., is a contentious issue in the ongoing NDAA negotiations. The Freedom Caucus and some other lawmakers are pushing for reforms to this surveillance authority due to concerns over privacy and government overreach. The intelligence community, on the other hand, is asking for just one more year of this authority, arguing that they need it to protect national security. The outcome of this debate could impact the passage of the NDAA and potentially lead to a government shutdown. If you support surveillance authorities and trust the government, call your Congress representative to approve the NDAA without changes. If you're skeptical of government surveillance and want reforms, call to vote against the NDAA and demand negotiations. The intelligence community's track record of transparency and trustworthiness over the last decade raises questions about whether they deserve the benefit of the doubt.

    • Affordable family plans at Straight Talk starting from $25/month/line for 4 linesStraight Talk offers cost-effective family plans with discounted rates starting from $25/month/line for 4 lines on the Silver Unlimited plan, available at Walmart and online.

      Straight Talk offers affordable family plans starting from $25 per month per line for four lines. This deal can be found at Walmart and on the Straight Talk website. The discount applies to all four lines being subscribed to the Silver Unlimited plan. However, it's important to note that taxes and fees are additional costs. For those looking to manage their network, Straight Talk's website provides resources to help. Overall, Straight Talk's family plan offers a cost-effective solution for families seeking to save on their monthly cell phone bills.

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter.

    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Kelley Dickens, Vincent Ni, Tara Neill, Ben Adler, Lisa Thomson and Alice Woelfle. It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Destinee Adams and Kaity Kline. We get engineering support from Arthur Laurent and our technical director is Stacey Abbott. Our executive producer is Erika Aguilar.

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    Wealth, Gratitude, Letting Go & Divine Time

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    EP:9 S1 - Part 3

    Guest: Dr. Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee

    Tallessyn Zawn Grenfell-Lee, MDiv, PhD, is a climate ethicist. Formerly a molecular biologist, she offers training and consulting for sustainability leaders who want to boost your impact with the unshakeable leadership needed in our time.

    Learn more… https://climateresilienceleadership.c...


    visit: lightupwithshua.com Who is the founder & Owner of LightupwithShua Podcast and LUWS ACADEMY LLC ?

    I am a student of knowledge of multiple disciplines, a mentor, and an intercultural & Interfaith practitioner, who wants to help heal and solve problems by bringing awareness for conscious living and conscious parenting to people with flexible mindset.

    Currently hosting a weekly podcast on LightupwithShua podcast on conscious living and parenting. Additionally, actively conducting Self - Healing & Transformation Training Workshops in Pakistan and in the USA. For more information please inquire through email or phone. You can connect with me here: Shua@lightupwithshua.com

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    Copyright © 2017-2022 LUWS ACADEMY LLC & LightupwithShua Podcast All Rights Reserved Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseLightupwithShua This Channel is on Conscious Living and Conscious Parenting. The topic this year is Fasting and benefits of fasting. How Fasting can help you loose weight and get your health in order.

    Bridging the Gap Between Finance and Climate Change

    Bridging the Gap Between Finance and Climate Change

    In recent years, news headlines are frequently filled with announcements of financial institutions, funds, and corporations making hefty pledges to transform their portfolios to ensure that they stay in line with net-zero targets. Is this new wave of support for the energy transition motivated by making a quick buck or has there really been a change of opinion on the opportunities in which going net-zero really has to offer? How is the changing climate affecting investments? How are investors driving the transition? These are some of the key questions we look to answer in this episode. 

    The Energy Gang is delighted to be joined by two professionals who have spent the majority of their careers bridging the gap between finance and climate change. Our first guest, Shanu Mathew is the VP of Sustainable Investing and Net-Zero Research at Lazard Asset Management, one of the world's leading investment companies. Returning for another episode is Amy Myers Jaffe, the Managing Director of the Climate Policy Lab at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. 

    Ed Crooks and the rest of the gang discuss the importance of investors' positions in helping speed up the energy transition and how their work compares to recent government actions. Are organizations like the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures (TCFD) making up for the lack of political progress? Moving our focus, What are consumer-facing companies doing to address climate risk and sustainability? Are companies like Unilever an industry leader in sustainability reporting positive impacts? Lastly, the gang takes a look at the story of Indonesia moving its capital through a financial risk lens. How does climate change affect sovereign risk and municipal bonds? What is the answer in terms of financing climate adaptation and what is the government's role in this situation?

    The Energy Gang is brought to you by EPC Power.

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    439. Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

    439. Microplastics, Global Greening, & the Dangers of Radical Alarmism | Dr. Patrick Moore

    Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with industry consultant, science activist, and past president of Greenpeace Canada (1971 to 1986), Dr. Patrick Moore. They discuss his time in Greenpeace, the historic timeline of global ice ages and climate change, the clear lies being peddled to promote alarmism, and how the woke left manipulates science (and scientists) to promote a falsely perceived and politically incentivized future catastrophe.


    Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for more than 45 years. He is a co-founder of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International. As the leader of many campaigns Dr. Moore was a driving force shaping policy and direction for 15 years while Greenpeace became the world's largest environmental activist organization.


    In recent years, Dr. Moore has been focused on the promotion of sustainability and consensus building among competing concerns. He was a member of the British Columbia government-appointed Round Table on the Environment and Economy from 1990 - 1994. In 1990, Dr. Moore founded and chaired the BC Carbon Project, a group that worked to develop a common understanding of climate change.


    In 2021 Dr. Moore published "Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom" exposing the fake news and fake science around 11 claims of disaster including climate change, coral reefs, polar bears, plastic, nuclear energy, and more.



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    2024 tour details can be found here https://jordanbpeterson.com/events  


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    For Dr. Patrick Moore:


    On X https://twitter.com/ecosensenow?lang=en


    “Fake Invisible Catastrophes And Threats of Doom” (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Fake-Invisible-Catastrophes-Threats-Doom-ebook/dp/B08T6FFY6S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=fake+invisible+catastrophe&qid=1612915229&s=digital-text&sr=1-1