
    12/16/21: Free Assange, Pelosi Corruption, Twitter Censorship, Student Debt, Gen Z Activism, Punchbowl News, Greed Kills, Covid Mania, Taiwan Debate, and More!

    enDecember 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities for Growth and Staying InformedExplore opportunities for personal and professional growth with Purdue Global, Consumer Cellular, The Economist, and independent media like Breaking Points. Stay informed on issues like social media rules, student debt, and media corruption. Support causes like Julian Assange's freedom and the First Amendment.

      There are various opportunities for personal and professional growth, whether it's going back to school with Purdue Global, saving money on wireless service with Consumer Cellular, staying informed with The Economist, or supporting independent media like Breaking Points. Additionally, there are ongoing issues worth paying attention to, such as questionable rules on social media platforms, the impact of student debt, and corruption in the news media. Furthermore, there are also positive developments, like the way Gen Z is getting involved in the labor movement on TikTok. Lastly, there are important events and causes to support, such as the ongoing fight for Julian Assange's freedom and the threats it poses to the First Amendment.

    • Impact of Julian Assange case on press freedom and journalistic practicesThe Julian Assange case underscores the potential criminalization of journalistic practices and threatens press freedom, while Nancy Pelosi's comments on insider trading among congress members undermine public trust and create an uneven playing field in the free market system.

      The ongoing legal case against Julian Assange raises significant concerns for press freedom and the potential criminalization of journalistic practices. The Obama administration recognized this issue, as prosecuting Assange would require also targeting media outlets that publish classified information. This principle matters greatly for journalists, as it could impact their ability to expose information about those in power. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi's recent comments on insider trading among congress members highlight another form of corruption, where public servants use their positions for personal gain. Despite the widespread issue, Pelosi defended the practice, citing a free market economy. However, this attitude undermines the public trust and creates an uneven playing field, ultimately threatening the integrity of the free market system. It's crucial for everyone, especially journalists, to raise awareness and advocate for transparency and ethical conduct in public service.

    • Insider trading in Congress lacks bipartisan supportMany politicians prioritize personal gain over public trust, and intergenerational wealth perpetuates power and wealth at the expense of the majority, with some inherited fortunes accounting for a third of America's wealthiest individuals.

      While there are some politicians, like Blake Masters, who support banning insider trading in Congress, the reality is that it's far from a bipartisan issue and a majority support is lacking. The sad truth is that many politicians, regardless of party affiliation, prioritize their personal gain and ambition over public trust and good intentions. The issue of insider trading is not just limited to Congress, as even generations-old dynastic wealth in America has been sustained through tax avoidance schemes and rigged public policies. The ProPublica article "The Great Inheritors" exposes how families like the Mellons, Mars, and Scripps have passed down their fortunes for generations, often through tax avoidance schemes. This intergenerational wealth perpetuates the power and wealth of a few at the expense of the majority. The revelation that a third of the wealthiest Americans inherited their fortunes instead of earning them challenges the mythology of self-made elites and underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability in government and wealth accumulation.

    • Dynastic Wealth and the Wealth GapDynastic families, including those of Bezos, Musk, Waltons, Disney, and others, shield their wealth from taxation, contributing to the wealth gap and making it difficult for individuals to catch up, particularly for racial minorities.

      The wealth gap in the US is perpetuated by the vast fortunes of a few dynastic families, who pay very little in taxes and pass their wealth down to future generations. These families, including those of Bezos and Musk, but also the Waltons, Disney, and others, have created a system that allows them to shield the majority of their wealth from taxation, leaving working people paying higher taxes than them. This wealth persists and grows at a much faster rate than income, making it nearly impossible for individuals to catch up and contributing to the racial wealth gap. Despite public support for taxing these fortunes, lobbying efforts from the heirs of this wealth have prevented such measures from being implemented.

    • Social media platforms and governments impact public discourse and access to infoTwitter's new censorship policy contradicts CDC, raises concerns about misinfo and unelected officials shaping health narratives

      The actions of powerful entities, such as social media platforms and governments, can have a significant impact on public discourse and access to information, particularly in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, Twitter's new censorship policy penalizing users for claiming that vaccinated people can spread COVID-19 contradicts the CDC's previous guidance and scientific consensus. This inconsistency raises concerns about the potential for misinformation and the role of unelected officials in shaping public health narratives. It's crucial to recognize that these platforms and institutions wield significant influence and that their decisions can have far-reaching consequences.

    • Ineffective moderation and regulation of scientific informationThe current state of moderation and regulation of scientific information, particularly regarding COVID-19, is not effective and raises concerns about suppression of honest debate. Rapidly changing situation, potential impact of vaccines, outsized influence of certain individuals and groups, and inconsistent policies are major concerns.

      The current state of moderation and regulation of scientific information, particularly regarding COVID-19, is not effective and raises concerns about the suppression of honest debate. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the rapidly changing nature of the situation and the potential impact of vaccines on transmission and individual health. They also criticized the White House for influencing social media discourse and setting national policy based on what they perceive as the morally just position, rather than scientific evidence. The speaker also noted the outsized influence of certain individuals and groups on public health discussions and expressed concern about the potential for misinformation and the suppression of opposing viewpoints. Additionally, they mentioned the inconsistency of certain policies, such as mask mandates, and the abandonment of Biden's campaign promise to cancel student debt.

    • Biden administration's inaction on student loan debt forgivenessDespite campaign promise, Biden admin hasn't acted on student debt forgiveness, blaming Congress instead, raising doubts about commitment to following through on promises.

      The Biden administration, specifically Press Secretary Jen Psaki, has been dismissive about the promise made during the campaign to forgive or cancel up to $10,000 of student debt per person. Despite having the power to do so, they have not taken action and have instead pinned the blame on Congress for not sending a bill. This is a clear departure from what was promised and raises questions about the administration's commitment to following through on campaign promises. Additionally, the inconsistency in Biden's political stance on various issues further adds to the confusion and ineffectiveness. The administration's inability to take decisive action on this issue, despite it being within their power and having strong support from young voters, is a missed opportunity to address a significant burden for many Americans.

    • The student debt crisis: A false promise of higher educationThe prioritization of higher education as the only path to a decent life and increasing tuition costs have left many students with heavy debt and limited job opportunities, while universities and private debt collectors profit.

      The rising student debt crisis can be linked to the prioritization of higher education as the only path to a decent middle-class life, leading to a significant increase in tuition costs. This false promise has left many students with heavy debt and limited job opportunities upon graduation. The speaker also criticized the universities and private debt collectors for profiting off this situation. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the 2005 Higher Education Act, which was supported by Joe Biden, as a contributing factor to the issue. On a positive note, striking Kellogg's workers faced resistance from the public, with some using unconventional methods like flooding the company with fake job applications to disrupt their hiring process. This creative approach gained attention on social media platforms like TikTok and Reddit.

    • Younger Generation's Political and Social ActivismGen Z is using technology and creativity to influence politics and bring attention to issues, but there's a disconnect between their pro-union sentiments and understanding of labor. Bridging this gap and promoting labor education is crucial to build multiracial working class power, leading to potential changes in wages, equity, and organized labor.

      The younger generation, particularly Gen Z, is becoming more politically and socially active, using creative methods to influence political events and bring attention to important issues. This was evident in the use of technology to manipulate Trump campaign events and the growing interest in labor activism. However, there's a disconnect between younger people's pro-union sentiments and their understanding of the labor movement due to its marginalization in public life. It's crucial to bridge this gap and promote education about labor issues to build multiracial working class power. This shift could lead to significant changes in our society and economy, especially in terms of wages, equity, and organized labor. It's an exciting time to witness and be a part of this cultural shift.

    • Awareness of labor politics and worker power is on the riseYounger generations are increasingly interested in unionization and worker rights, while understanding the impact of corporate influence on the news landscape.

      The current generation, particularly those graduating from high school or college, are becoming more aware of labor politics and the power dynamics in the workplace due to their unique economic circumstances. This awareness is driving a renewed interest in unionization and worker power. Simultaneously, the interconnectedness of corporate power and DC media, as exemplified by Punchbowl News' recent event attended by major corporations and lobbyists, highlights the importance of understanding historical labor movements and the role of corporate influence in shaping the news landscape. These trends reflect significant shifts in the American economic and political landscape.

    • Blurring Lines Between Journalism and Corporate Sponsorship at Punchbowl NewsPunchbowl News, a media organization, raises concerns with its significant corporate sponsorship and potential conflicts of interest, as influential figures in DC are both sponsors and journalists.

      Punchbowl News, a media organization known for hosting events for reporters and sponsors, has blurred the lines between journalism and corporate sponsorship. The organization, which has influential figures in DC as sponsors, including Dan Snyder, the owner of the Washington Football Team, has a significant portion of its revenue coming from corporate ads. This raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and cooptation, as the same people who are doing the journalism are also engaging with their sponsors in personal ways. Unlike traditional media outlets, there seems to be no separation between the content and the advertising at Punchbowl News. This trend towards blatant corruption in media may become the norm as it is highly profitable for these organizations. It is important to note that the influence of these media figures in DC is significant, making them key players in shaping the news cycle and driving political discourse.

    • Power of money and information in news reportingDuring critical news events, a few outlets with financial resources and access to information hold significant power, potentially influencing reporting and dissemination. It's crucial to be transparent about sources and question potential biases. Human safety should always be prioritized over production and profits.

      Money and access to information hold significant power, often influencing the reporting and dissemination of critical news. This was evident during the Build Back Better negotiations, where a select few outlets held the majority of the information. However, it's crucial to be transparent about these sources and question potential biases. In the case of the recent tornadoes, many lives were lost due to human greed, with workers at the candle factory and Amazon distribution center being forced to work despite imminent danger. This tragic situation underscores the importance of prioritizing human safety over production and profits. The ongoing investigations into Amazon's actions serve as a reminder of the responsibility corporations have to their employees and the public.

    • Workers' lives undervalued in US despite tragediesWorkers' safety sacrificed for profit, essential workers put at risk during pandemic, change in priorities needed

      The lives of workers are undervalued in the US, as seen in the tragic death of Amazon driver Larry Verdon during a storm and the preventable tragedy at a candle factory. These workers were forced to choose between their safety and their jobs, and even legislation to protect them was blocked by industry groups. The system prioritizes profit over workers' lives, and the technical freedom to leave amounts to no real freedom when opportunities are limited. The pandemic highlighted this issue, with essential workers being put at risk while their bosses hid crucial information from them. It's important to remember that workers' lives matter, and they deserve the power to prioritize their safety in the workplace. The current system, which values profit over worker safety, is the real problem. The recent resurgence of COVID-19 cases and the resulting fear and panic only further emphasizes the need for a change in priorities.

    • COVID-19 Policies in Private Institutions: Unnecessary Restrictions and Individual FreedomsPrivate institutions are implementing strict COVID-19 policies disregarding individual circumstances and scientific evidence, perpetuating restrictions and impacting American cultural life and individual freedoms.

      Despite the ongoing presence of COVID-19 and its variants, the focus on eradication may not be necessary as current vaccines and therapeutics are effective in preventing hospitalizations and deaths. However, private institutions, including universities and corporations, are implementing strict COVID-19 policies with disregard for individual circumstances and scientific evidence, leading to a potential perpetuation of COVID-19 restrictions. This trend, driven by a bureaucratic mindset, has significant implications for American cultural life and individual freedoms. It is unclear how to address this issue, as these institutions are not accountable to the public. The speaker expresses frustration and a call for resistance against this unnecessary continuation of COVID-19 restrictions. Additionally, the show will feature a debate on US foreign policy regarding Taiwan between Patrick Porter and Elbridge Colby.

    • China's Aggression and the Threat to AsiaChina's dominance in Asia poses significant economic, security, and liberty threats. The US must defend Taiwan to prevent China's domination and protect regional stability.

      China's aggressive actions and desire for dominance in Asia pose a significant threat to the economic, security, and liberties of various countries, including the United States. The issue of Taiwan is crucial as it could determine whether China dominates Asia or not, and the US has a vital role in preventing this. The consequences of losing Taiwan could lead to a domino effect, with other countries in the region feeling compelled to make deals with China. The best course of action is for the US to focus on defending Taiwan while reducing its involvement in other parts of the world. China's bid for dominance is clear, and the risks include becoming a dominant state that suppresses dissent and forces Americans to censor themselves. However, the US has inadvertently made itself vulnerable to this threat through its reliance on China economically. The struggle against China's dominance requires action on both the military and geoeconomic fronts.

    • Strategic Importance of Taiwan and Risks of WarThe US must weigh potential costs and benefits of defending Taiwan, recognizing power dynamics and presenting a clear deterrent to China in the economically critical Asian region, where tensions with China extend beyond Taiwan.

      The strategic importance of Taiwan to the United States and the world at large is undeniable, but the risks of engaging in a war with China over Taiwan are significant. The consequences of failing to defend Taiwan could lead to far-reaching economic and geopolitical consequences, but the Chinese have shown a greater investment and commitment to Taiwan than the United States. The Asian region is expected to account for over 50% of global GDP, making it a critical economic consideration for the US. Furthermore, Taiwan is not the only region in Asia with tensions, as South Korea and Japan are also in close proximity to China. The Chinese have faced challenges in taking over Taiwan due to its clear military goal and the determination of the Taiwanese people to resist. Ultimately, the decision to defend Taiwan involves weighing the potential costs and benefits, recognizing the power dynamics at play, and presenting a clear and strong deterrent to China.

    • Defending Taiwan is about countering China's dominanceThe US has a strategic interest in defending Taiwan to counter China's dominance in the region, and helping other countries build up their military capabilities is crucial.

      The US has a strategic interest in defending Taiwan, but it's not solely for Taiwan's benefit. Instead, it's about the ability of Taiwan to contribute to the fight against China's dominance in the region. The speaker also emphasized the importance of counterbalancing China's bid for dominance and helping other countries in the region build up their military capabilities. However, it's crucial to consider where and when to take the risk of war. The speaker sees Taiwan as a singularly dangerous flashpoint and believes the US should take a proactive approach to countering China's dominance. The speaker also made an announcement about supporting the Warrior Met Coal Miners' strike fund during the holiday season.

    • Support striking miners and navigate the information ageCelebrate the holiday season by supporting striking miners and turning to trusted news sources for information.

      During the holiday season, it's important to not only celebrate but also give back. The discussion highlighted the struggles of the Warrior Met Coal striking miners, who have faced violence, court injunctions, and other challenges. To support them, consider becoming a premium member and visiting the provided link. Additionally, turning to trusted news sources like The Economist can help navigate the information age. Meanwhile, the podcast "Mind the Business, Small Business Success Stories" offers insights from entrepreneurs on turning ideas into successful businesses. Remember, the holiday season is a time for both celebration and giving back.

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    For more information about Julian Assange's court hearing and subsequent protest and how to participate, visit https://freeassange.org/




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    Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://utm.io/ueSXh


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    Stella Assange is a lawyer with a degree in law and politics from the SOAS University in London, an MSC in refugee law from Oxford, and a masters degree in public International law from Madrid. Her husband, Julian Assange, is somewhat infamous not only for founding Wikileaks, but for publishing classified government documents that lead to his unlawful imprisonment. Today, Stella leads the charge for his freedom and for the freedom of information.




    For Stella Assange:


    Twitter: @STELLAMORIS1


    For US/Canada: https://assangedefense.org/take-action/


    For UK viewers: https://dontextraditeassange.com/take-action/


    The Trial of Julian Assange: A Story of Persecution by Nils Melzer https://www.amazon.com/Trial-Julian-Assange-Story-Persecution/dp/1839766220/




    (0:00) Coming up

    (1:04) Intro

    (7:30) 750 thousand pages of trouble

    (15:14) Incautious journalism

    (24:32) Sexual misconduct allegations

    (38:37) The Ecuadorian embassy

    (47:26) The US enters the fold, fault 7

    (58:28) Has the US prosecution achieved their goals?

    (1:04:05) Moving the goal post, 17 charges

    (1:12:45) Why the battle cannot be waged in a US court

    (1:22:13) The constitutionality of the espionage act

    (1:27:50) What this means going forward

    (1:37:41) To stand one's ground



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    The Asian Giant Hornet

    The Asian Giant Hornet
    What's that sound? Sounds like an insect… like a fly, maybe? 蒼蠅? Or a mosquito, 蚊子? Or a… hornet!! 大黃蜂!! Argh! I hate hornets. They scare me. I have been stung by a hornet. 我被大黃蜂叮過。It really hurt! I don't want to experience that ever again! Do you know what the scariest kind of hornet is? 你知道最可怕的黃蜂是哪一種嗎? The Asian giant hornet. 那就是大虎頭蜂。 The Asian giant hornet is the largest kind of hornet in the entire world. 大虎頭蜂是全世界最大的黃蜂。 An Asian giant hornet nest was recently found in the U.S., and people quickly got rid of it. "Got rid of" 的意思就是把它除掉。 People were scared the hornets would hurt the local insects, like bees. And bees are very important! 蜜蜂很重要! They help make more flowers, and of course, they make delicious honey! Asian giant hornets can kill bees! 大虎頭蜂會殺死蜜蜂! They kill other kinds of hornets too! 其他種類的黃蜂也不放過! It is also very painful when an Asian giant hornet stings you. Thankfully, Asian giant hornets don't usually attack people. 還好大虎頭蜂不常攻擊人類。 Of all the insects, I am most afraid of hornets. What kind of insect are you afraid of? ________________________________ Vocabulary 大虎頭蜂有可能攻擊人類,最好避開。 1. Scare 害怕。 Are you scared of hornets? 你怕不怕黃蜂? Of course. But I'm most scared of spiders. 當然怕,不過我最怕蜘蛛。 2. Scary 讓人害怕的。 Spiders are not that scary. 蜘蛛沒那麼可怕。 They don't attack people. 牠們不會攻擊人。 You're wrong. They are very scary. 你錯了,牠們非常可怕。 3. Attack 攻擊。 Have you ever been attacked by spiders? 你曾經被蜘蛛攻擊過嗎? No, not really. 並沒有。 But they're so ugly! 但是牠們長得好醜! 4. Honey 蜂蜜。 Would you like some honey cake? 想要來一點蜂蜜蛋糕嗎? Oh yes, I love honey cake. 要,我喜歡蜂蜜蛋糕。 It's just delicious, isn't it? 很好吃,不是嗎? Let's read these useful words. scare 害怕 scary 讓人害怕的 honey 蜂蜜 attack 攻擊 ________________________________ Quiz 1. What kind of insect is this story about? a. Bees b. Hornets c. Mosquitoes 2. What does the Asian giant hornet do? a. Bite b. Sting c. Punch 3. What do these hornets do to other insects? a. They make friends with them b. They kill them c. They ignore them Answers 1. B 2. B 3. B

    Holic S2-8 The Taste of Home Cannot Be Compromised! 不管到哪都不能沒有香菇素蠔油跟鳳梨酥的台灣因仔!

    Holic S2-8 The Taste of Home Cannot Be Compromised! 不管到哪都不能沒有香菇素蠔油跟鳳梨酥的台灣因仔!
    雖然留學生們常常把"入境隨俗"四個字掛在嘴邊,但是總有一些家鄉味絕對不能妥協! 身在異鄉,難免會思念台灣的食物跟文化,Pin煮得一手好菜,可惜住家附近的亞洲超市沒有進貨從小吃習慣的那味醬油,所以堅持每次回台都要帶個幾瓶到美國或是開車幾個小時到別的城市去進貨! Anya忍痛割捨很多台灣零食,但唯獨"鳳梨酥"是絕對不可以拋棄的! 每每打包準備回美國,32吋行李箱有一半的空間都是滿滿鳳梨酥! 各位聽眾有什麼樣的故事跟想法嗎?歡迎在底下留言跟我們分享!還有別忘了母單姐妹花有Instagram囉!歡迎關注追蹤@mudan_sista 👉追蹤我們 Instagram→ tinyurl.com/w53ucp85 ---------------------------------------------— 📣在其他平台收聽我們 chitchatholic.me ---------------------------------------------— ☕請我們一杯咖啡 tinyurl.com/224aze8e ---------------------------------------------— 🎵音樂來源 tiny.one/1r8i9vm8 By. Count On Me - Connie Talbot